A Blossoming Flower (Falling Petals)

Chapter 105: Distaste.

"Wh's the child with yer?"

The dwarf monarch was the first to speak when noticing Sakura in Seraph's arms.

This was a meeting that was hastily summoned after the omen like phenomenon that has occurred over their skies. The empires and smaller kingdoms in all the continents have sent messages to the monarchs ruling each continent of the peculiarity of the sky turning dark as the night before being covered by clouds.

They believe it is some type of "end to come" situation. Each leader has bought some time calming the claims and situation, however they themselves are worried of what is occurring and all decide to do a meeting between themselves to see if anyone knows the cause before they end up jumping to conclusions.

"I do not believe this meeting is one a child should be brought to."

Adrik was usually the nonchalant one, however he frowned at the act of bringing Sakura to an emergency meeting of such a scale, even if they had learned of her abilities.

He would have preferred she was not given any more pressure than what she has already been given.

"It's best if you send her back to her chambers. Rather, why are you here Seraph? Where is Mihkael? This is a meeting where all leaders of each continent should be here."

"He is unwell at the moment."

Seraph did not want to worry them too much, and he wanted to get the main point because like Sakura said; Right now is the best moment to bring up the message Mihkael received while the heavenly realm is distracted.

"What do you mean by unwell Seraph? How bad is it that he can't make it to this meeting."

"Does it have something to do with what is occurring? Will it affect us all?!"

Alyona's voice held a tone of worry and a hint of fear. Seraph shakes his head but Sakura was the one who spoke.

"He was receiving an oracle. A message from a specific god who informed us a way to change the worst outcome to occur."

They looked down at Sakura who was held by Seraph in his arms.

"An oracle!?"

Rostam was the one who spoke, startled by what he heard. Sakura nods and continues.

"You already seem to know about what I have been experiencing the last few years. He experienced it for the past few days with no moment of rest. But because of it, one of the messages of the god of death was passed to us."

Adrik did a moment of prayer because the god of darkness and death is their main deity.

"... a message was given that the goddess of light and life has given a blessing to the bastard child of my father. A blessing that seems to give anyone who holds the goddess in sometype of belief a favorable impression of that child. An example is if she had done any wrong, in the eyes of the believer, she would seem innocent or misunderstood. As if no wrong has been done."


They knew her father had a child out of wedlock because of an unfortunate incident, however they did not expect she would bring it up naturally like this. Or that the goddess has given a blessing that can control the emotions of those who hold the god in any belief. It is a frightening thing to learn that even that can be done by the gods.

"Are we even safe to speak of such things? The gods see everything and hear all."

Adrik held a frown in his face while he glanced up, his voice holding a light whisper. The answer he received was a smile from Sakura and her looking up in a humorous way; could even say the look was borderline disrespectful. Before Adrik or anyone can warn her of it she spoke up.

"They do not have the time to be distracted with us. The gods are having a small squabble up there. Of course, to us it almost feels like the end of the world."

Her gaze while looking up held a pondering indifferent, yet they can see hints of distaste when she speaks of the Gods.

"... they may be having a deep discussion up there. But you can never be too sure that one is not looking at Sakura. You need to be more careful with the way you speak."

The one who spoke was Rostam, the father of Phelan. Her gaze moves down to look at him. It was an unimpressed look that spoke volume of her belief in the gods. Something they had never expected to see. Even Seraph and Ariel noticed the change in her when she speaks of the Gods.

"Or what? They would kill me? Hah..."

She sneered but quickly shook her head when noticing what she was doing.

'Now isn't the time or place to act this way. They all in some way still have their respectable Gods that they worship. Can't show too much of my dislike of their gods.'


"I know. I'll be careful."

Sighing, she continues the main discussion.

"Right now is the perfect opportunity to speak of the main issue. While the goddess of light and life is distracted we can speak of how to dodge the main issue of the future. The corruption and the power it will hold."

Everyone fully focused on her, deciding not to interrupt her when hearing of the discussion heading to that area.

"I've seen many ends, many things that have different paths but to the same end. Sometimes I believe my death would rescue the world from corruption. However, if so, why do the gods still reveal so many possibilities? What do they want me to do with such information if I'm supposed to die young?"

Seraph held her tighter when he heard her words. Everyone's expression hardens when hearing a seven year old speak of such things, with a calmness they do not think a regular adult would have about their upcoming doom.

"And why is the main focus of mine and Rose?"


"The bastard."


"She would be the purification mage that would be the savior of our lands. The only one purification mage who would reach high tier in their magic after 500 years and would end all this conflict that wil-could occur. Yet why am I the one seeing all this while being the unloved princess, the discarded princess who was forgotten the moment this child was brought back?"


"Don't say anything yet. We can discuss that another time, let's just focus on these points."

Sakura can see the pity and pain in their eyes when she brings this up in such a nonchalant way.

"Could it be that my death was a bad outcome? After my death: did the world really get saved from the purification mage magic? It should be since I was one of the main weapons of the corruption leader. Defeating him after my death would have been a walk in the park. So why are the gods so worried about me living? Why did the god of darkness and death have a messenger send such information of the goddess of lights beloved child? Why would the gods believe that's relevant to saving this land? Or better yet cause a rift in the godly realm just so this message can be sent?"

"... because the blessing caused many ripples to cascade around us. Because even if we were given such an advanced purification mage. Your downfall is enough to go against that benefit. But why...? And why does it seem that the goddess of light holds something against you? That even though they know this blessing has caused much misunderstanding and heartache to you. They still do not want to take back that blessing? Why?"

Adrik was frowning the longer he spoke and he began to question the whole thing as well. Why did they go such a roundabout way to inform them of all this? Understandable if they sent messages to prophets they have chosen, yet Sakura was just an ordinary child, a princess yes. But one who's life shouldn't be such a strong existence to the heavenly realm.

Sakura understood what he was getting at. However she remained quiet because she knew that this whole thing was lies intertwined in other lies that held only tidbits of truth. Her existence shouldn't mean so much to this world, however she knows that everything that happens has to revolve around the heroine and the villainess who gets between her and her man of choice. All other entertainment is added to the game and the setting.

But she will not say that, she would just put a perplexed face too and shake her head while lying between her teeth.

"I don't know either. The gods are the ones who rule over us mortals, they have their own rules. So maybe they have no choice but to do all this. Only time can tell, really. For now however, we have to use this Intel we received to our advantage. We can't let the goddess of light control us and muddle our thinking and cause us to make foolish decisions."

"That is true. We should stop trying to understand the way the gods think, they are in a different realm than us mortals."

"What we need to do now is lose that belief in the light goddess. With that belief gone. Then her blessing will have no effect on us. However we can not spread this around."

"Why? You'd be safe if such infirmat'n get' spread?"

"Because we can not have the goddess be aware we know of this blessing. The god of darkness made an effort to give this information to us behind their back. Darkness knows the light goddess does not like to play fair. Always doing what it likes because it knows its position is high in the realm of the gods. Yet still in equal terms to that of the god of darkness so it did not notice what message was sent to us. And we should keep it that way by not spreading anymore what is needed. Let us not waste what was given to us. Any useless actions can ruin any advantage we have. "

Her speech held a rationality that reads more into the whole situation rather than the small benefits.

"Seeing as the gods are finally trying to make themselves useful we really shouldn't do anything that can sabotage our advantage in the situation."


Her eyes moved to the tense and heavy voice that called to her. She meets the eyes of Keir who held a message of warning.

"This the' sec'nd tim' yer speak'ng of the' gods in th't tone. Bett'r stop bef'r ye hurt yor'slf."

Normally when hearing that Sakura would back down and apologize. However she just looks at Keir. Her eyes grew a dark tone.

"What would they do? Kill me? Hah..! Sure. Let them do it. Then all they worked hard would go down and become nothing!"

She sneered when she spoke the last word.

"How about stop worrying about the gods' egos and their little pride and focus on the bigger picture."



She turns to Seraph and her mood plummets even more.

"In your eyes I must seem like a disrespectful and spoiled brat. But after dying a few times. You can understand how one would feel a bit tired, can't ya?"

She shrugs her shoulders in a mocking tone. And then glances away from them.

"And do you really wish to continue this conversation when it seems the quarrel up there has been resolved?"

They all looked out of their own windows from their locations and could see the sky clearing. The looming darkness of night disappears to that of day as if it was always like so.

"Well then. I believe that the most important things have been discussed. So this meeting should meet its end. No?"

A smile replaced the sneering and she appeared as if no issue occurred.

"Yeh... i's done fi'r now."

Keir's tone was solemn and his eyes displayed sadness and a hit of disappointment.

Sakura wondered if that disappointment was toward her or someone else. However she did not seem to care. She rather keeps a bit of petty insolence when thinking of the new information of the goddess blessing that was bestowed upon the bastard brat.

The communication crystals dimmed down and Sakura was already focusing out of everything to think more of what needed to be done.


Hearing her name being called out behind her, she forgot where she was and sighed when turning herself around. She was staring up at her uncle who's lap she was using as a seat and waited to hear what he had to say now.

"Yes, High Minister Seraph?"


He narrowed her eyes when hearing her tone and looked deeply into her eyes, trying to read what she hides. But he said nothing for a few moments and just sighs, lifting his hand and calmly rubs her head.

Sakura wasn't expecting that and looked up in surprise.

"You should head to have lunch soon. It seems time has gone past us quickly. I'll visit Mihkael to report how the meeting went."

"I should-"

"No. Just rest Sakura. Even if you have lived different lives in your dreams. You still need to remember your body and mind is still that of a seven year old, you should not let those future possibilities interfere in your present... Just go and rest."

He stands up and gives a wistful smile, turning away he calls out to Ariel. He spoke with him for a moment and leaves the room. Sakura decided to just give a wave of goodbye and watch how Ariel turns to her with his usual charming and pleasant smile.

"Well our dear princess. Ready to head out?"

He kneels on one knee and reaches his arms out. Giving her the chance to walk to him, not how he usually does by scooping her up and carrying her.

She smiled back and walked toward him. And reaches out, hugging his neck she leans into his shoulder and acts as a spoiled child. Wanting to just forget for a moment that she wasn't just a regular child. That the fate of her survival depends on her next actions. She just wants a moment of peace. And Ariel gave her that moment by not asking questions or saying anything about her attitude and the way she appeared just moments ago.

He lifts her up and carries her. The motion was smooth and effortless and he walked easily out of the room toward the dining area. Him just lightly humming a light toon. Causing her to close her eyes, relishing in this moment. Because she doesn't know how many such moments she can get. Because she knows, any moment can get out of hand, out of her grasp and anything can happen that would derail everything to the point she won't be able to fix it.

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