A Blossoming Flower (Falling Petals)

Chapter 91: The Hystory of Magic.

"Magic is a study noble children are taught around the ages of 7 to 8. While those below the status of an earl are taught at the age of 10. At those ages a child will be taken to have their potential measured. However, the type of magic one is affiliated with is not displayed.

Now tell me, how do we discover ones affiliation to which magic type?"

A girl with a platinum blond hair raises her hand after Gabriel asks this question. He nods for her to answer.

"By the appearance of a person. An example being, someone with a bluish hair color will have a water based magic abilities and those with a reddish color will have magic based on fire."

"Correct. But that doesn't mean that someone who doesn't have a certain magic color cannot learn that magic. They just cannot learn it as quick as they would with their compatible magic and they will not be able to go to a higher tier in that area of magic.

Example can be the someone has the color of red and no other color, but they can learn water spells, but only around 10x slower than that when they learn any fire spells. As well as they can never surpass low tier with their mastering of the water element. The best they can get to is creating water to quench their thirst so they wouldn't need to look for any water source out in the wild."

"Then what if someone has the affiliation with more than one magic type?"

Adeline raised her hand and asked this question the moment her father allowed her to speak.

She decided to take the classes with Sakura to gain more of an understanding of what she'll learn in a few months away.

"Good question. From what we know of the use of magic. If one has more than one affiliation to a type of magic, then they can learn that magic at a quicker pace as well.

However, there is a bit of difference in the pace of learning. For example, Someone can have the comparability to that of fire and strengthening magic. Their appearance display those color of magic. However maybe their growth in fire magic would be higher than their growth in Strengthening magic.

There may even be a bottleneck. Maybe their fire capacity will reach mid-tier 5th stage and their strengthening magic will reach only mid-tier first stage."


"Now that. My dear child is because of the favors of the gods."

"The gods?"


Hearing this, Sakura frowns at the mention of the gods but quickly hid her expression.

"Now the gods have come together and flourished the life in our world. In the beginning, the mother of this universe had many children and each one created their own worlds.

Some may not have magic because the gods have decided to not interfere too much in their world and let it flourish on it's own while in others, the gods have decided to bestow their favor in the mortals beings they have created and have their abilities manifest of those humans.

And that is where magic comes in. Each world has energy that is released by nature that is the purest creation of mother universe.

That is called mana. Only those who are considered demi-gods or such are born with it without needing any type of blessing. However, beings like us or even the elves are considered mortal creatures who are below the demi-gods. They aren't formed with magic. Only by the whim of a god do they gain the abilities to use magic."

"So the gods go to each child in the womb and decide if they should bestow them with their magic affiliation? Wow~! They must have the patience to check on each new born."

Hearing what Adeline said Gabriel chuckles and lightly shakes his head.

"No my dear. In a way a god will have a connection with the mortal creatures it its world. So all the gods will sense a new soul being created or even reincarnated again after going through the cycle of death. They will have a small glimpse of who their parents are affiliated with and when they find which god bestowed their blessing to the child then that god will just bestow their blessing to the child."

"So something done at a whim.."

"What was that Sakura?"

"Nothing~ just that they put a lot in their creation. The gods are really amazing."

"Hahaha aren't they?"

"Now their are exceptions to this. A child can be born through a mother who has wind magic and a father who has water magic yet have none of those traits. Rather, they may have the grace bestowed by the goddess of life. Which can be either the magic abilities of healing, or purification."


"Yes. Gods are mystical beings who are above our understanding, so when a child is born with a color different from both parents, then they will tested to see if their was no mistake of the child belonging to other people, or the topic of..."

Thinking about how to explain the crime of adultery to children, Gabriel stops and contemplates if he should add this but then was dumbstruck by what Sakura says.

"The topic of?... oh! Cheating!"


"Yeah! Cheating is when someone loves another person while being engaged or married to someone else."

"What! That's horrible!"

"I know. That's why they have to check if the baby belongs to the father because the mother may have loved someone else and had the child with that person."

"Oh~! But how are babies formed?"



Sakura went quiet from the question and Gabriel still didn't open his mouth after hearing their conversation. He knew this question would come up if he spoke of infidelity so that's why he didn't want to bring it up.

'... I forgot, sex education are taught by the noble ladies who train a noble child in etiquette and social skills. Not by the parents or nannies. So right now we have no etiquette teacher yet because our parents aren't planning us to be displayed to the noble blue bloods until we reach a certain age where their words won't be able to influence us... and even if we did get any Nobel ladies to teach us, they would teach us at the age of 14 of such things, and pathetically ask the child to understand men cheat, as long as he returns home to you then who cares if he has one or two mistresses..'


"Your highness. I have heard of your inexcusable behavior in recent times. To harm your sister out of jealousy, that is what a noble lady should not do."

"Apologize Madam Foranza, but I believe you should understand I had done no such awful things that those around me speak of."

"Ho! Now you speak back to your teacher! It seems you had become more wild after not being taught by me for a while."

"No Madam Foranza, I am just defending myself from false charges done against me."

"Humph! Do not think I do not see his your eyes turned cold when I mentioned your sister. I see you have grown to be a jealous black hearted woman."


"See, you can not deny that you dislike your sister and are jealous of her."

"Madam, I had done nothing wrong to Rose, however I will not lie I do dislike her. All the things I had heard and seen, which women won't grow angry to know their fiancé is in a close relationship with another women, and not that of just a friend anymore."

"Tsk tsk! You had become quite simpleminded after not being taught for so long. I had thought I told you how to deal with that type of situation."

"... I can not accept the thought of my husband having mistresses behind my back madam."

"Learn to accept it! All noble men would have one or two side women to play with, but remember you are the official wife and the child you bare will have the noble title of heir. There is no reason to grow dull in rage over him being with another women. As long as he returns home to you, who cares of his infidelity."

"I care! It is my future husband that I wish to be with as a couple with no impurity mixed into it! I do not want to share my husband with another women and would like to grow old knowing he'll still love only me. I do not want such a cold relationship where I watch him display love to another women while being with me."

"Then you are childish! Look at your father! They said he was madly in love with your mother, yet of course he would grow tired of a women who only lays sleeping, so he went with Her highness Rose's mother and had another child. Bit he still devotes himself to your mother as a proper husband. So it is fine if they have some fun here and there. Beside, you should be thankful it is your sister who caught the interest of your fiancé. You do not have to worry about bastard children out of the royal family. If she did give birth to a child for him, just adopt it as your own."

"How can you say those things!! Get out! Just get out!!"

"How can you be so rude to your tea-!"




'... yeah, its better to teach Adeline now that infidelity is bad.'

"Babies are made by someone loving another person very much. So if they have a baby together, it displays their deep love. However, if a women or man loves another person out of their marriage or behind their fiancée’s back, then it shows that they do not love their partner anymore and creates a new family with someone else. So it is very bad when something like that happens."

"Oh, that's horrible!"

"Isn't it?"

"Yeah! If my future partner has a baby with someone else, then I'll kill him!"

"Yes ye- wait what?"

"And I'll find a new love after mourning."

"Wait Adeline go back for a sec."

"Then papa, they check to see if the wife cheated and stuff like that. What happens when they know it is the couple’s child ."

"... then that child will be nurtured with care and safely because it is most likely that the baby will grow to the height of high-tier in magic power."


'Maybe it is better to just forget what I just heard.'

"But why is it likely for that child to reach that height in power?"

Sakura just sighed tiredly and asks that question to seem as if she didn't know the answer to begin with.

"A good question to ask Sakura. The reason for it is because a god will not go out of it's way to bless a child between people who don't have their blessing, but if they did, that means they feel a connection to the child and would bestow it with a higher level of favor than other people. So the child would have the capacity to be a high-tier mage."

"Oh~ Then. Why does it matter to receive such things as a high level of blessing from a god?"

"Well done to understand the important aspect of how magic works. Like I said, us mortal beings are just a soul given life in our mother wombs. A blank nothing of a thing. However, when a god checks to see the souls of the child and sees it. It depends of what level of blessing the god grants the soul to know how high their tier of magic power will be.

If a god just passed by to see the birth and find nothing of interest or are in a bad mood, then the newborn will just have a blessing to the level of lower-tier or mid-tier first stage. But if a god had stayed longer that just a few seconds to contemplate the blessing or are in a bot of a good mood, then maybe the tier will be mid-tier to high-tier first stage.

However, it they display great interest in the birth and took a liking to the child, then they will bestow a high level of blessing to the baby and the mana of nature will flow even more naturally for the child and could even lead them to reach great heights in high-tier stages.

So whichever blessing a god bestows on a person will display how much magic energy that person will be able to accumulate."


Sakura unknowingly displayed her disinterested in the topic and allowed Adeline to just ask away more questions. While Adeline distracts her father, Sakura glances up at the sky.

'I'm curious. I display little to none of the god of deaths colors, yet the magic that is accumulating inside me isn't that of spatial nor earth, but that of dark magic. Why does it appear that the god of death seems to favor me more that any other mortal out there, for me to be able to accumulate so much energy without even trying to... what does the god of death want with me?"

A few moments later, the class ended with no issue, and they went on their way to do their homework of what their learned today.

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