Chapter 137: Chapter 137: Explaining The Past While Looking Towards The Future!: Enter Ichigo Kurosaki, The Substitute Soul Reaper!
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Yes viewers...two chapters in a single day...I know, crazy right?...But anyways viewers as usual, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Date: October 17, 1994
Okay, so Angel Bluebell along with everyone else, had just witnessed the absolute ferocity of the fire magic that the girl with the long red hair possessed. And interestingly enough, she was about to learn, the magic that she, Umi, and the other girl possessed, were actually not that far from their own.
And what I mean by this is...
"Are you serious right now, you almost killed Bluebell with that spell of yours!" The voice of Angel Salvia now proceeded to say to the girl with the long red hair in response.
But before things got anymore out of hand...
"Salvia it's okay, I'm fine. Thank you very much for your concern, but I can tell from her, that both she, Umi, and the other girl, still have a lot to learn with mastering the magic that the three of them now wield," I now heard Angel Bluebell now proceed to say back to Angel Salvia in response with. Which I noticed that she had said, while she proceeded to briefly turn to Angel Salvia, while proceeding to smile at her, with both of her eyes closed.
Which thankfully, seemed to do the trick. As I then notice Angel Salvia, then proceed to simply just wind up nodding back to Angel Bluebell in response. Which she did, in order to indicate that she understood.
"Good, now then is anyone willing to help the three of them with further mastering their magic? Sakura, Zachary, how about you?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask, while I then noticed, that she had then proceeded, to turn her attention back to everyone else. To which she then proceeded to ask Sakura and Zachary, about whether or not they would be willing to teach the three new magic knights, on how to use their magic more effectively.
And thankfully, yet not surprisingly...
"Sure Bluebell, we would both be happy to..." Zachary had proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response. Only for Li, to then proceed to cut him off mid sentence.
"Hold on a moment Zachary, we're not even sure still that we can trust the three of them," Li now proceeded to interject back to Zachary with in response.
But thankfully...
"Well Li, do you happen to have a better idea then Bluebell does? Because if you do, then I am all ears," Zachary now proceeded to say back to Li in response. Which not surprisingly, was then met by Li then proceeding to just simply look back at Zachary, with a now small eyed and weary looking expression on his face.
Which pretty much all but clued me, Angel Bluebell and him in, on the fact that his answer, was in fact no.
"Okay, so if there are no objections to this, then I would say..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Only once again, for someone to now proceed to cut her off mid statement.
"Hold on, you and I were still talking! Don't just pretend to think that I am not still here!" Uryu now proceeded to once again speak up to Angel Bluebell in response with. And once again, the tickmark from before, was now once again present, on one side of his face.
"Not at all Uryu, I was just getting quite bored with having to argue with you over what was basically clear nonsense. You don't have a problem with that do you?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While I took notice of the fact, that Angel Bluebell had then proceeded to look at him, with the sort of cold looking expression, that would even make one Captain Unohana proud. Which sent even a chill down my back as well.
And as for the reason as to why...
"Okay, wasn't exactly expecting Angel be able to make an expression like that...Almost makes me remember the look that the dorm supervisor at Tokiwadai gave me, Misaka, and Kuroko, back in just the 2nd episode chapter of this fanfic...Which by the way viewers...for those of you didn't know, is the Aphrodisiac chapter of this particular fanfic...But anyway viewers...let us now get back to the current chapter, as well as the current situation at hand okay?" I proceeded to think to myself.
Which as usual, during me having this thought, I had briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my attention slightly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.
But getting back to the current situation. And sure enough with regard to Uryu's very predictable response...
"Nope, not at all..." Uryu now proceeded to quickly say back to Angel Bluebell in response. With an expression now present on his face, that all but clued me and her in on the fact, that he pretty much understood not to try and interrupt Angel Bluebell again.
"Good..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which during this very same thought, and as usual. I then took notice, that she had turned both her eyesight and attention, slightly and briefly to the right of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.
But then...
"Bluebell, on your left!" The voice of one Renji Abarai now proceeded to call out to her with.
And, like last time, when she proceeded to turn slightly to her left. Bluebell was then greeted, by the onrushing form, of yet another ball of bright white light.
"Oh come on...not again! This is now beginning to get quite old..." I now proceed to think to myself, which was then quickly followed, by the light then proceeding to expand quickly outwards, and then once again blind all of us.
And, once the light had died down, I was then met with the clear fact, that we had all now been deposited into what appeared to be a street of a town of sorts.
But then...
"Who are you guys? And why are you all dressed up? Rukia, is that you? And Renji as well? Nice to see the both of you again!" A very chipper sounding female voice now proceeded to call out to all of us.
And upon me, as well as Angel Bluebell, then proceeding to turn towards the source of the female voice. We were both then greeted, by the form of a somewhat buxom girl, with long orange colored hair. And though I didn't know who she was at the current moment, Angel Bluebell however did.
Which as usual, while I had briefly taken a moment, to look over at Angel Bluebell. I then noticed, that she had now once again, briefly turned her eyesight, as well as her attention, slightly and briefly to the right of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.
"And that viewers...Oh right, Keiko here again sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So now viewers, this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry we will be jumping right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...See you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.
October 11, 2022
Okay, so things regarding our hopping from one anime dimension canon timeline to another? Well that had now taken a somewhat disastrous turn. As we had all just wound up, in the Bleach anime canon timeline.
"But viewers, if I may interject with you all for a moment...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here again...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I know that you're all more then likely having the same currently lingering question...'But Bluebell, why were you and everyone else of The Four Aces Alliance trying so desperately to avoid a couple different anime or media related timelines?'...Well viewers, let me put it to you into more simpler terms...As the Bleach anime timeline, due to its several dangerous events...classifies it as a timeline that one would like to avoid if possible...others that are not it are including, but not limited to...the timelines that are related to a...*ahem*...big brand cartoon mouse of a certain name that I dare not mention...others include...any harem related anime...such as, but not limited to...Highschool DxD...Heaven's Lost Property...Sekirei...Infinite get the gist...right viewers?...And also...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to further explain her reasoning, only for someone to now proceed to cut her off again mid statement*"
"Hey, who are you, and what are you all doing here? Wait, Rukia? Is that you? Renji, you're here as well?..." A somewhat confused sounding male voice now proceeded to speak up with.
And with her now proceeding to emit a very audible sigh from her lips, Bluebell then proceeded to turn her attention towards the source of the male voice. And sure enough...
"Yes Ichigo, they're here, you're not imagining things. Now if you'll excuse me..." Bluebell now proceeded to say, only for Ichigo to once again proceed to cut her off again mid sentence.
"Wait a sec, you can see them? Just how on earth is that possible?!" Ichigo now proceeded to respond back to Bluebell with. Which not surprisingly, had now caused Bluebell's left eye to start twitching.
And as a way to try and relieve some of her currently quite rapidly building stress...
"Rukia, would you care to help me in explaining to him, exactly why all of us can see you, Renji, and everyone else? Because I..." Angel Blueblel now proceeded to try and tell Rukia. Only once again, she was then cut off again mid statement. But thankfully, it was then that the person who had now interrupted Bluebell this time, had now proceeded to help clear the confusion, that one Ichigo Kurosaki was currently experiencing.
"We can all see them, due to the fact that we like you, aren't entirely human," Super Sailor Pluto now proceeded to speak up with, as a helpful means to clear the confusion that Ichigo was currently experiencing.
"Okay, and you are who exactly?" Ichigo now proceeded to ask Super Sailor Pluto in response. Which he had proceeded to ask Super Sailor Pluto, while still sounding quite confused.
And upon realizing the currently lingering issue, Angel Bluebell now proceeded to finally try and speak up, as a means to try and explain to Ichigo, exactly who we were. As since trying to explain it to him in the normal sense, would wind up with all of us being here for several hours.
And so, with this in mind Bluebell proceeded to quickly explain things to Ichigo. And what I mean by this is...
"Nearly a millennia ago, there was once a kingdom known as the Silver Millennium. The kingdom was ruled by Queen Serenity and her court, made up of the rulers of the other planets. Everything was peaceful until an ancient evil emerged, reducing the once plentiful kingdom to ruble and ashes. That is when Queen Serenity used the last of her strength to send the princess, and her court to the future to be reborn as well as sealing the evil. Now with them being reborn, the ancient evil broke free from the seal and began a search for the Silver Crystal. With the enemy rising once again, the Mau guardians began to search for the rest of their allies. Sailor Venus was the first to be found by her guardian, Artemis. Sailor Moon was next, and over time, they were able to find each other. Sailor Moon however, was the Hime, that they had been looking for the whole time but... unfortunately, she had only awakened as Princess Serenity when Prince Endymion, the one that she had fallen in love with during the Silver Millennium, protected her from an enemy attack. With him in enemy hands, they used him as a means to get to both her and the Crystal, it succeeded, but they were able to defeat them in the end..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to explain.
And she had wound up using the very same long winded explanation that Usagi herself had told to her and the rest of the Love Angels, back when they all had first met each other for the first time. Back on April 5, 1999. In what eventually would wind up helping to spawn the catalyst, that would wind up leading to all of this that was to follow.
And as for the rest of the explanation...
"There are three realms that exist, the Angels, the Humans, and the devils. All three realms once existed in harmony, but then the Devils began to revolt and invaded the Angels under Raindevila's command who was after the Saint Something Four. Both sides fought with equal strength until an devil named Uragano entered the fray. Aphrodite, Queen of the Angels, sent out her sister, me and Momoko's mother, Celeste with three other warriors also named Angel Salvia, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily, but during a fight with the devils, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily were blasted away from the battle to somewhere unknown. Our mother and Angel Salvia fought against Uragano, but when Celeste and Uragano blasted each other, they both fell from the Angel World and into the Human world. My mother lost her memory, that's when she met my dad and was given the name Sakura. He brought her to the hospital and visited her everyday, eventually, after my mom recovered, my father proposed to her. But one year before Momoko was born they had and raised another daughter, who they named Shinko, who mysteriously disappeared, mom's memory returned, meaning she had to return to the Angel World," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to follow up with saying.
And like before, she had used the same very long winded explanation, that Momoko had used to explain their history to the Senshi, also back on April 5, 1999.
And once she had finally finished explaining everything. Angel Bluebell then proceeded to look back at both Orihime and Ichigo. And as for Ichigo, well she could currently tell from his current expression, that he was having a sort of tough time believing everything that Bluebell had just said to him regarding her explanation.
But as for Orihime...
"Wow, that sounded so wonderful! It sounded like you all really went through some very tough times!" Orihime had now proceeded to say in response to both of Angel Bluebells pretty long winded explanations. And she had said this while clapping her hands, as though she had put on some sort of stunning stage performance.
And as for her response to this...
"Uh...t-thank you?" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say back to Orihime in response. While her eyes, currently now had confused like looking swirls in place of her normal eyes. To pretty much explain the clear and obvious fact, as well as help clue in to the viewers, that she was currently a little bit dazed and confused at the current moment. Since she wasn't really expecting Orihime, to respond in the chipper sort of way that she had just done.
And as for my overall thoughts regarding this...
"Okay, so what the actual heck just happened?!...I wasn't expecting Orihime to act as though Bluebell just put on a big stage performance...Is that how she always tended to act in the Bleach anime canon timeline?...Because...that might actually need to take a bit of getting used to a bit more then it took for me to get used to Kuroko's personality...Oh, and by the way viewers...that believe it or not..isn't going to take very long for me to do at all, if you were all at all wondering about that being an issue for me or not...Oh, and this also now marks the end of this particular chapter...Consider it a sort of reprieve from the usual action packed chapters in these three fanfics...But don't worry we will be getting back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?" I proceeded to think to myself.
Which as usual, while I had been having this very same thought, I had briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly and briefly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.