Chapter 23: Chapter 23
I yawned out of boredom as I waited at the Train Station for the others to arrive, sitting on a bench and stretching my legs out as I waited for the others to arrive.
After informing Levy that I was going on a mission with Erza that seemed very urgent- which she accepted and told me to come back safely- I headed to my usual training area and began to train myself under intense gravity. It helped further my understanding of Gravity Magic, while also being good for training.
It was just a shame Healing Magic was considered Lost Magic… Hm… Maybe during some filler episodes, I could visit Crocus and see if I could find a book on Copy Magic? Wendy's Sky Dragon Slaying Magic… No, her Healing Magic would be very useful. I knew there must be a book on Sky God Slaying Magic somewhere in the world too, given Sherry would use it in seven years.
I really needed Healing Magic.
I rotated my arms and stared at the screen in front of my face.
Flugel Bloodline (Innate) (Evolving)
Still evolving, even though a couple of days had passed… I hadn't noticed any differences, but the sight of my bloodline evolving still felt me with a feeling of foreboding…
"Oh, you're here early," Mira spoke up, turning my head away from the screen to look at her.
… God. Just looking at her again, I couldn't help but marvel at how the anime just… It didn't do justice to how genuinely gorgeous Mirajane Strauss truly was.
She was clad in a pair of tight black shorts that clung to her hips with thigh high black boots. She wore a purple corset that showed off an ample amount of cleavage with purple sleeves running from her wrist to her biceps, a choker around her neck snugly completing the look. Her hair was still done up in her usual front ponytail, it allowed one to see the entirety of her face at just how stunning she actually was.
"Hey, don't stare too hard," she smiled teasingly as she playfully cupped my cheek. "It will cost you~"
I gulped and couldn't help but stutter as my face turned red… I was trying to get better at not blushing so much, but this was the flirting of a woman who had looks on par with a goddess of love! Of course, I was gonna blush and stutter like a schoolgirl in front of something like this!
She laughed and pulled her hand away. "I'll need to tell Levy that you have the hot for me," she teased once again.
"I- I- I…" I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and counting to ten before I opened them. "I… Think… Everyone has a crush on you," I said slowly and deliberately, trying not to stutter again.
She giggled and took a seat beside me. "I don't think we've ever properly talked before now," she told me. "I'm Mirajane, but everyone just calls me Mira…" She paused. "There was this one guy who called me Jane for a bit, I kind of liked it and decided to only let people I date call me Jane."
"I'm Ash," I told her, taking a few more moments to recover from her teasing. "As you probably remember, I Joined the guild six months ago."
"Right after the S-Class Trials," she nodded. "You sure gave everyone a scare with how you just walked in, wings and halo out," she chuckled at the memory. "The look on Macao's face when you told him it was his time, and you'd come to take him away was priceless."
I couldn't stop myself from chuckling as the memory filled my mind… Even though it had only been six months since that incident, it felt as though it were so long ago… "Well, he shouldn't have messed with me by continuing to call me an angel," I told her. "Do you know how nervous I was when I walked into the guild for the first time, and everyone just stopped to look at me?"
"How could I not?" She grinned. "You were hiding it pretty well, but I could tell you were so flustered… You were so cute when Erza spoke to you for the first time you and had a mini-fanboy moment right there. I almost wanted to walk up to you to see how you'd react, but Lisanna gave me a look that told me to be nice."
"Remind me to thank her for that," I told her. "If you'd talked to me, I think I would have run out of the guild in pure nervousness and embarrassment and not come back until I heard you'd left town."
"Oh?" She smirked and leaned over to me, pressing her breasts together with her arms. "Are you saying that I'm prettier than Erza then, Ash?" She purred out my name as if it were a delicate treat.
I felt my cheeks burn as I glanced down at her chest before I looked away, making her laugh as she backed off… Joke was on here, I had a perfect memory, so those tits were now firmly secured in my wank bank.
"I'm not answering that question," I told her.
"Aww, and why not?" She smirked.
"I've found that clichés in books are disturbingly true in reality," I told her. "If I answer that question, then Erza is going to magically end up walking over and happen to have heard both the question and my answer, which will make my friendship with her a bit weird for awhile regardless of what I say… Second is because I know if I answer, you can and will use my answer against me in the future, regardless on if I answer yes or no."
She clicked her tongue. "Damn, you've got me figured out, don't you?"
"You teased me too much for our first proper talk, how could I not figure you out?"
She just laughed again.
"So," she spoke once she calmed down. "What do you think this mission is about? I know Erza, and Erza really prefers to go on missions by herself. So…"
"Whatever it is, it must be something even she's not confident in facing," I told Mira. "So, we should be vigilant."
"Yes, we should be vigilant," Erza spoke as she approached us both from behind, making us look back. She was still a little early, wearing her usual armour, and carrying a bag on her back.
"… Why don't you put that bag in your Re-Quip space?" I asked her.
She paused… And then promptly did just that. "That's a good question, and I'll need to remember that in the future."
"You want to explain about the mission now?" Mira asked, her tone becoming just the slightest bit more aggressive.
"Once we're on the train," Erza's voice was firm, eyes narrowing at Mira.
The Demon just clicked her teeth and looked away.
Finally, after we waited a bit longer, the rest of the group arrived- Gray, Nozomi, and Lucy.
"You are… A newcomer?" Erza asked.
"Um, yes," Lucy nodded, a bit embarrassed and skittish. "Er, Mavis said it would be good for me to come to get some practical experienced with a team that's more secure…"
"I see…" Erza gave a nod. "Well then, since we're all here, let's get moving."
"Wait," Nozomi said. "I have a condition for going on this mission."
"Oh?" Erza raised an eye.
"I want a fight," she said firmly. "Once this mission is done and dusted, we're going to fight. I'm not the same as I was last time we fought, Erza! I'm going to prove it to you!"
The red heads lips quirked in a slight smile. "Alright, it's a deal," she nodded.
"Alright!" Nozomi fist pumped eagerly.
With that decided, all of us got on the train and piled into a booth… As soon as the train started moving, Nozomi immediately slumped down, turning green and holding her stomach. "Ohh… I don't feel so good…"
"Not again," Gray groaned, looking uncomfortable.
"Nozomi still has her motion sickness, does she?" Erza sighed. "She should really try and find a way to overcome it."
"That's really easy for you to say, Tin Can," Mira rolled her eyes, though she did edge away from Nozomi a bit.
"Alright, enough of that," I said quickly before it could devolve into an argument, turning to Nozomi. "Sorry about this, take a small nap."
Using Letter Magic, I pushed the word into Nozomi, who's eyes slowly closed, and she slumped down on the table, passing out for the moment.
"Good job," Gray nodded in approval.
"Indeed," Erza frowned. "Though I'd rather she be awake to listen to my explanation."
"It's Nozomi," Mira said drily. "Do you think she'd remember anything anyway?"
"Now, now, that's not giving her enough credit," Erza chided Mira.
I clapped my hands together, drawing attention to myself. "Enough," I said sternly, making Erza and Mira look away from one another in a huff.
"Um… Is there a problem with Erza and Mira?" Lucy asked, given she actually was a good friend to Mira and the other Strauss siblings.
"The two have supposedly been rivals ever since Mira joined the guild," I explained to Lucy. "They fight a lot as a result, though they'll have each other's back in a pinch, as all guild mates should."
"I see…" She blinked and looked at everyone. "Come to think of it, I don't know what magic you, Erza, and Gray all use…"
"Oh, I use Re-Quip Magic," Erza said simply. "I just swap my armour and weapons out for others as needed, it's nothing terribly special. I think Gray's magic is much more beautiful."
"It is?" Gray tilted his head before he held his fist in his palm, focusing his magic for a moment before he lifted his fist, revealing the Fairy Tail emblem made out of ice.
"Wow, so pretty!" Lucy's eyes lit up.
"It's Ice-Make Magic," Gray explained. "I mold things out of ice, nothing special."
"Ah!" Lucy's eyes lit up as she looked at him. "Ice…" She turned to Nozomi. "Flame…" She grinned teasingly. "No wonder you and Nozomi don't get along."
"That has nothing to do with it," Gray murmured, glancing away.
"That just leaves…" Lucy turned her eyes to me. The others did as well… It was fair enough; I didn't really interact with too many others. I got along well enough with everyone, but I was an introvert and wasn't really the kind of person to go out of my way and explain my magic to others unless I was asked.
Plus, I'd only been with the guild for six months. It was no surprise the others didn't know, or they might have heard it and just forgot.
"Well, as everyone here knows, the magic I'm best known for in the Guild is Time based magic," I told Lucy, making the others nod. "I'm usually in charge of repairing damage to the guild in case of particularly bad fights. I also keep damage on my jobs to a minimum as a result."
"That sounds so useful!" Lucy exclaimed. "Lucky… I wish I had that magic…"
I chuckled. "For combat, I also have my Dragon Slaying Magic, just like Nozomi."
"Dragon Slayer!?" Lucy's eyes lit up. "That's amazing!"
"Hah, I knew flame brain was lying about a Dragon teaching her," Gray smirked, as if he'd proven something.
"Gray, do you really think Nozomi learned magic from a book?" I asked him drily.
His smirk faded and he looked considerate. "… Shit, you got me there."
"Dragon Slayer…" Mira raised an eye. "What Element?"
"Star," I told her. "I also supplement my Dragon Slaying Magic with other magic. I'm particularly proud of my Eye Magic, which I call God's Eye. It's a support magic to help out in fights and for tracking. Beyond those… I know a spell for each of the four basic element-" since that was a requirement for Abyss Break- "and I know some other non-combative magics, and some Letter Magic since you saw me use that on Nozomi, but nothing beyond that."
"That's amazing," Lucy stared in shock. "You know so many magics!"
"It's nothing special, I just read a lot," I smiled.
"Anyway," Gray looked at Erza, "you wanna explain what's going on? You don't ask for help on missions very much."
"Yes… Let me explain," she nodded at Gray's words. "I was on my way back from work, when I stopped by a bar in Onibus, where mages gather. Some folks there gathered my attention…"
And from there, she explained a situation at the bar where a bunch of people were being particularly noisy, mentioning how they found something called 'Lullaby' and how it was sealed, and they couldn't break it. Then, one of the group members said that he'd figured out how to break the seal, and to tell someone called Erigor that he would come back with 'Lullaby' in three days.
"Lullaby…?" Gray murmured.
"This Lullaby, is it some kind of sleep spell?" Lucy asked.
"I don't know," Erza admitted, "but since it was sealed, it almost certainly contains some powerful magic."
"I know what it is," I cut into the conversation.
They all looked at me sharply.
"You do?" Mira looked interested.
"Please explain," Erza urged me.
I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "I actually spoke about this with Mavis a few days ago," I told Erza. "On mine and Levy's job, we came across Eisenwald- a Dark Guild- staked out near a town looking for something. Once Levy dealt with all the members, I interrogated one of them and learned that they were looking for Lullaby, but it at least wasn't near the town."
"Eisenwald…" Erza murmured and nodded, seeing that my words matched up with what she remembered about Erigor later on.
"Lullaby isn't an object, not entirely," I told them, "it's a demon from the book of Zeref that takes the form of a flute. It's said that any who hear its song will die. That's why it's called Lullaby… Because it will put you to sleep- forever."
"F- F- Forever…?" Lucy stuttered as the others looked more serious.
"However, it's power isn't so absolute as in the stories," I continued. "I spoke about it with Mavis after the mission, who said she'd talk about it with the Master. She explained that while Lullaby is dangerous to normal people and weaker mages, for those with enough magic power it can be resisted and fought against. She told me it was essentially the weakest of the demons recorded in the Book of Zeref."
"I see," Erza nodded slowly, while Mira had an excited grin on her face.
"I also already know their plan," I told them, "it's the guild master conference that Master is currently at. They want revenge on the legal guilds, their plan is to take the flute and play it at the conference to kill the guild masters present there… They'll be in for a nasty surprise if they try it though."
"Indeed," Erza's lips quirked in an amused smile as we all got off and climbed off the train together. "Still, we can't leave such magic in Eisenwald's hands. They might decide to 'test it out' on innocent people."
"We're still doing this mission then?" I hummed. "What's the plan?"
"It's simple," Erza nodded. "We'll storm Eisenwald and stop their plans."
Mira chuckled, "Now I see why you asked for help. Even if it's you, clearing out an A-Rank Assassination Guild isn't easy. So, you want help to make sure it's done thoroughly with minimal risk to our lives, that right?"
"Exactly," Erza nodded to Mira's assessment.
"Ugh… Why did I come?" Lucy whined quietly as she walked with us before she noticed something. "Hey, we have a problem!"
"What is it?" Erza asked.
"Nozomi… She's not here! We left her on the train!"
All of our eyes widened, even mine…
I had completely forgotten about Nozomi as I explained what was going on, and I knew that was going to happen, but I still left her!
Looked like it was time to chase down that train…