A New Jedi in an Old Republic

Chapter 17: 17 - The Green Jedi Set Out to Make Some Friends

Guest Chambers, JediTemple

"Alright everyone, can Ihave your attention?" Nejaa stood up by the door to the guestquarters of the Corellian Jedi, waving a dataslate in his hand. Oncehe was sure that those of his people who were still here were lookingat him, he lowered his hand.

"Thank you. Now, ourboss – and Kyle uses that term loosely" that got a laugh frompeople, including the nearby Katarn. "Thinks that we should belooking to bolster our numbers. Now, there are a few sects or groupsof Jedi or other Force users out in the Galaxy that maybe haven'theard of what's going on. Therefore, I'll be assigning pairs of youall to go out and talk to them, to see if they are willing to helpthe Republic."

"Now," he said aftertaking a moment to breathe, "I want to stress this. A lot ofpeople we're going to be talking to have had bad dealings with theCoruscanti Jedi in the past. They may hold grudges still. I wanteach of you who goes out to talk to them to emphasize that they arebeing asked to aid the Republic, and that working with theTemple Jedi of Coruscant is an unavoidable downside." He lookedover at Kyle, who nodded.

Standing tall, Kyle raisedhis voice as he had many times when teaching. It was his 'LISTEN!'voice. "I have four groups that I think we can recruit without toomuch trouble. The first are the Iron Knights of Dweem. They'resomething of a special case, so whomever Nejaa assigns to them, comesee me for extra instructions. The Altisian Jedi have a Praxeum Shipnamed the Chu'unthor that they use, however, they also have aresidence on Bespin, so you may want to start looking for them there. The Grey Paladins and their sister sect, the Teepo Knights are agroup of Knights who eschew the use of Lightsabers in general, so tryto be a little open minded when you find them. Lastly, the Jal Sheywill be hard to track down as they like living low and off the beatenpath. I'm not expecting success from any of you. All I can ask isthat you try."

With that out of the way,assignments were handed out and soon the room was down to less thanhalf its initial occupancy.

Nejaa sat down on a couchand Kyle did the same across from him. "There's one other group Ididn't mention. They will be a difficult case, one that I want tohandle personally."

This piqued Halcyon'sinterest. "Oh?"

"They call themselvesthe Jensaarai. It's a ... well..." Kyle paused, not certain howhe wanted to say this before going straight to the heart of theissue. "Their name is a Sith word, meaning followers of thehidden truth, or words to that effect. They integrate the DarkSide into their teachings."

Nejaa could see how thatcould be a problem. "And because you're familiar with the DarkSide, you think you can talk to them on their own terms."

"Exactly!" Kyle wasglad that the Corellian could see what he meant to say. "But I'mnot ready to go there yet, there's a lot of things that need myattention."

"I see," Nejaa said. "Well, when you're ready, take me with you." He offered,interested both in meeting this strange new group, as well as inseeing Kyle take a more direct hand in things. But Kyle's reactionwas... strained in his view. Like he had a bad feeling about it. "But it doesn't have to be now," he admitted.

"Yea, I think that's agood idea. Don't want to bite off more than we can deal with rightnow." Kyle flopped back in his seat, staring at the ceiling. "Somany things going on, I can't help but feel I've missed something."

"Trust the Force, Kyle." Nejaa said gently. "It will guide you."

"That's what I'm afraidof," Kyle muttered in response.

Raven's Claw

Jan kept an ear open forthe two Jedi that Kyle said were coming her way. She wasn'tcompletely certain this was a good idea, but from what she rememberedof the old Republic, having a Jedi vouch for you was almost as goodas any form of currency.

She looked down at theDEMP weapon on her bench, resting her hands as she examined it forany further marks she would need to scrub. It wasn't the first timeshe had to strip a weapon like this, but on the other side of things,she wasn't the best at it either.

She also didn't likedeceiving Kyle like she had. Her work in the NRI did leave her withsome acknowledgement of Time Travel, but not in the sense that thetwo of them had experience with. In their circles, that case wasshort hand for the possibility that you have absolute and correctknowledge of a future event, but no proof of it that you canuse. When people ask how you come by such information the answer was'Time Travel', and they moved on to what they would actually do.

And now she was living it. It was surreal, really. And doing something was better thandoing nothing.

"Ors?" A young voicecame from the lowered ramp, and Jan leaned back, glad for thedistraction from her thoughts.

"That's me! Kyle sendyou?"

"Yes, he did. Permission to come aboard?"

At least they werepolite," she admitted to herself. You couldn't go wrong with that. "And you are?"

The two humans with greenrobes stepped into the small walkway that ran the length of the ship. "We are Shoja," the brown haired woman said, "and this is myfellow Apprentice, Maris." The blond boy bowed. "We were sentbecause we had some aptitude with machines to aid you."

"Well, come in." Janinvited them to sit down. "Sorry there's not a lot of room."

"We can manage," Marissaid as he stayed standing. "I am wondering why we are herethough."

"Because Kyle thinks Icould use an extra pair of hands," Jan replied instantly. "Sorry. Didn't meant to be mean, or anything like that. Just stressed."

Shoja nodded inunderstanding. "Perhaps you can tell us what we're doing then, andwe can see how we can help?"

"Sure," Jan admittedthat maybe having a sounding board would help. She had seen too manyplans implode because they hadn't been vetted by someone outside theoperation. Heck, she and Kyle had caused their fair share of them aswell. She picked up the DEMP and handed it to the two CorellianJedi, each of whom took it and examined it. "This is a DirectedElectro Magnetic Pulse weapon," she explained. "Essentially aman-portable short range Ion weapon."

"Heavy," Shojacommented as she lifted the gun and aimed down the top of it out theopen rear of the ship. "Who makes it?"

"That's part of theproblem, no one currently does. Kyle picked it up from an asteroidbase a few years ago where they were planning a planetary assault." That was certainly a way to describe Admiral Fayar's plan. Shestill thought Kyle was exaggerating when he said he started the fightagainst the Admiral and his respeced Dark Trooper armor with 'Yourshields are down'.

Then again, it was Kyle. "Kyle kinda blew the place up on his way out, and brought that withhim."

Maris took the weapon. "Knight Katarn does that sort of thing?"

Jan laughed. "More thaneither of us would care to admit."

"What does that have todo with us?"

"Well," Jan said,moving on to explain her plans. "With the Confederacy utilizingdroids as their primary military arm, a weapon like this in massproduction would be a good boon to the Clones."

"I can imagine. Howeffective is it?"

Against unshielded B1s? Now that she had a chance to examine the head that Kyle collected forher, she was amazed that it operated at all. "Very," she assuredthem. "Obviously I'm not going to fire it off inside my ship."

"Of course," Marissaid, having examined the weapon to his satisfaction. "What do youplan to do with this?"

"I have a contact in theSenate," Jan said as she took the weapon back. "I want to gothere with you two as Jedi to help make things go smoother, and fromthere convince her to find someone to put the gun into production." She held up a dataslate. "I have plans for it right here, thoughsome components would be considered to be a black box."

"Really?" Shoja asked.

"Yes. Not to say thatit can't be taken apart and studied extensively to reverse engineerit, but for immediate production, I've already prepared schematics toallow for people to build new ones without a full understanding ofthe whole design."

"Interesting," Shojareplied, though she felt she was a little over her head here. Butshe would rise to the challenge, else her Master would bedisappointed in her. "But what does that have to do with us?"

"Ah," Jan grinned. "That's where things get interesting. I think it's safe to saythat there are CIS spies in the Senate. They catch wind of a newweapon like this, and naturally they will report it."

"You intend to use thisas a trap?" Maris concluded.

"More than that," Janexpanded on her idea. "The ability of the weapon is real. Andthat means not only will we have a chance to track spies based ontheir reports, but we can disseminate misleading information as towho and where the testing and construction is taking place."

"And knowing where theCIS responds will show you were the leaks are?"

"Exactly!" Janproclaimed. "Now, either of you have any suggestions or comments?"

Jedi Temple

Mace Windu enjoyed takingwalks through the Temple. It allowed him to stay connected with thegeneral population of Jedi, as well as enjoying the sensation of theForce as it flowed through the grand Temple.

And it gave him time tothink. The Senate was on the verge of calling for the Jedi to leadthe Grand Army of the Replublic, the one created by the deceasedMaster Sifo. The mystery of what the Master had been doing at thetime was one the Council wanted to investigate, but all theirinformation was potentially compromised, especially after theknowledge that Kamino, where the Army was being constructed, had beenremoved from the Jedi Archives.

A familiar sensation inthe Force edged into his awareness, and Mace raised his eyes to castabout for Knight-Errant Katarn. He saw him across on the other sideof the open room, talking with a pair of Green Jedi from Corellia. Curious as to what he was talking about, Mace changed his directionto walk to a bridge that led from one side of the room to the other.

As he approached, the twoGreen Jedi bowed to Katarn and left, leaving the strange Jedi alonefor a moment.

"Katarn, a moment?" Hecalled out, hoping to forestall the unfamiliar Jedi from leaving.

Kyle spun around andspotted Windu instantly. "Master Windu. A pleasure." He didn'tbow, but offered a hand to shake, which the resigned Grand Mastertook. "What can I do for you?"

"I saw you speaking withthe Corellian Jedi a moment ago, and was wondering how you weredoing?" He didn't ask directly what Katarn was planning, but leftit open for him to volunteer the information.

Which he did. "Oh, Iwas briefing them on some other Jedi sects I know of, doing a bit ofrecruiting and all that."

Windu was impressedslightly. Katarn had taken to his duties well. "Whom are youinterested in?" There were some groups who were in the Temple'sbad graces and didn't want to set foot on Coruscant if he had any sayin the matter.

"Those two," Kylegestured at were the two Green Jedi had vanished, "are being sentto Dweem to see if the Iron Knights are willing to assist."

Windu recalled somethingabout them being dismissed from the Temple when he was a youngling,but little more than that. "I am not familiar with them. Who arethey?"

Kyle looked around for amoment before explaining the basic history of the Iron Knights. Windu heard him out, troubled by what he was saying, but not showingit. "I will speak with Master Yoda about this, as he would havebeen on the Council at the time, not I." A chance atreconciliation should be taken, even though the situation could havebeen better. "How did you hear about them?"

His answer was evasive. "When you've done what I've done, you hear more about the people ofthe Galaxy than staying in the Temple all your life. If people don'tthink you're a Jedi, they say things that you wouldn't hearotherwise."

The implication thatpeople would hide things from their protectors like that disturbedWindu deeply, and he resolved to meditate on it when he could. "Youargued that the Council should turn down the Senate's request to leadthe Army. Can you elaborate on that?" Now that he had Katarnalone, perhaps he could take this moment to get more information outof him.

Kyle knew he was trapped,and the only way out was through Windu. "Short answer is what Isaid earlier, there's no Jedi with the experience to lead an Army. Not now, at least."

"And what would yousuggest?"

"Find someone who can!"Kyle pointed upwards, to the stars. "Hire a Mandalorian if youhave to!"

"You think a planet ofPacifists could produce a General?" Windu found the idea amusing,but on second thought, if Katarn was implying that a pacifist was abetter leader than the Jedi, he was either being extremely insultingor was playing at something deeper.

Kyle, for his part shotback the only thing that came to mind. "Since when were theMandolorians, pacifists?"

"For a man who has trodthe Galaxy, you miss out on the obvious." Windu refused to shakehis head in disappointment.

"The Mando's I've methave all be the Warrior-type," Kyle defended himself and hisposition. "I'm willing to accept the existence of pacifisticMandalorians if you're willing to accept that there are violent onesas well."

"Very well," Maceagreed, seeing where Katarn was coming from. Although he would neverapprove of a Jedi with such a... mercenary background, he recognizedthat the situation warranted it. And that meant listening, even whenthe message and messenger were not what he wanted. "I shall. Doyou have any suggestions?"

"Fett," Kyle said. IfBobba was any indication, then his father was just as good. "Findhim, and talk to him for advice. If he can't train you, then he knowsomeone who will."

"He was killed onGeonosis," Windu replied. "He bought time for Dooku to escape,and I killed him."

Kyle was stunned. "What? Really?" He cursed himself, with the name of the only mercenaryhe knew in this time period gone. "I can look into it. Get you aname. I'll try to find someone loyal to the Republic first though,"he said, cutting off the Master's objection before it could beformed.

"It would not look goodfor the Jedi to be seen hiring Mercenaries," Windu warned. "Wehave our public perception to maintain."

"Live with it," Kylesaid flatly, causing Windu to take pause. "How do you think peoplewill react when the Jedi start leading, then start screwing upbecause they don't know what they're doing?"

There was a cold logicthere, one that was impervious to Windu's attempts to figure out howto go around it, or through it. "We cannot abandon the Republiceither."

"I'm not saying that,"Kyle reiterated, annoyed that he was treading old ground. "I'msure you'll find good leadership within the Order, but don't expectmiracles.

Mace could already seeSkywalker in a fighter, knowing his attachment to mechanical vehicleslike that. The Chosen One though, fighting in such a thing? TheForce would not let him fail....

"The Council mustdeliberate," Windu spoke. "Your opinion will be noted and heard,though you may have to make your case in person."

Kyle didn't like that onebit. "Again? You'd think the Council would be tired of me byknow."

"Oh," Mace smiled alittle, "we have experience in dealing with wild Jedi."

Meditation Gardens

Obi-wan found Anakinamongst the trees and gentle noises of the gardens. "HelloAnakin."

"Master." Anakin wassitting, eyes closed and made no move to change from his position. Obi-wan settled down beside him and took in their surroundings. "I've talked to the Council about Katarn, and they've decided tomake him a Knight-Errant."

"So I've heard," theyoung man replied, his arms bare, revealing the cyberneticreplacement. "Good for him."

"Indeed. Though I amnot quite sure what the Council was thinking in that regard. How isthe hand?"

"Feeling better,Master."

"That too is good tohear." Obi-wan was glad that his apprentice was recovering. "Whattroubles you?"

"Nothing, Master." Anakin said without believing it, and knowing that even if he tried,Obi-wan would call him on it.

"I don't believe that,"said Kenobi, doing just that.

Anakin was silent for afew minutes, and Obi-wan gave him all the time to think that heneeded. Eventually, he raised a simple question. "Master, is whatwe are taught the right thing?"

That was not what Obi-wanwas expecting. "What do you mean, Anakin?"

"I have been thinking,Master. We are the Jedi, yet Count Dooku calls himself a Sith, andleads the Separatists." He narrowed his brow in concentration. "Yet while we are taught the Sith are evil, followers of the DarkSide, and I agree with that assessment from my encounter, otherthings trouble me."

Obi-wan was at once gladthat Anakin was talking to him about this, rather than letting itsimmer. On the other, be wasn't sure if he could answer hisquestions and concerns. "Go on."

"Katarn is a Jedi who isnot a Jedi as we know it. His sect have different views than theTemple's. And today many Jedi from Corellia arrived. I was curious,and looked in the Archives about them, given that they insisted onthat designation, and I discovered that the Green Jedi follow adifferent path than us.

They allowed marriage forstarters, and his heart lunged for the chance to be with Padmeopenly, rather than hiding their marriage. "If it was as simple asthe Light Side and the Dark Side of the Force being represented bythe Jedi and the Sith, I would have no concerns Master. Yet when Ilook around us now, I see many different ways to approach the Light. Are we in the right, Master?"

Obi-wan groaned inwardly. Such an awkward question! "Anakin, there is a reason why theseother Jedi sects leave the Temple." He struggled to find a way toput into words what he felt and knew. "One could say that theseother Jedi wander away from us because they are explorers in theForce, and when they return to the Temple with their knowledge, wecan learn from them and their journey."

Anakin didn't seemconvinced. "Perhaps, Master. But I cannot help but worry. Andwonder."

"Oh, Anakin. Thinkingabout what-might-have-beens is not the Jedi way. In the end, it isjust as simple as you want it to be. The Jedi serve the Force, whilethe Sith are consumed by the Dark Side, and we are Jedi."


Count Dooku bowed beforehis Master. "I report, my Master."

"Speak!" the hologramof Sidious commanded. "What have your agents discovered?"

"They have failed us,Master." Dooku wasn't about to take the blame for anything. "Theyfound that the source of the Disturbance in the Force was a worldcalled Ruusan, but the nature of the thing prevented them fromlocating it exactly. They know the rough location for now, and Ihave ordered them to return, as I did not want to commit our Acolytesto a long-term project while the situation with the Republic is stillfluid."

"I sense they didfind something."

"Yes, my Master. Thedisturbance has attracted other Force users to it, and one of themwas thick in the Dark Side. Her name is Assaj Ventress, and I willbe evaluating her for the Acolytes soon."

"Good, good." Sidiouswas pleased that there were more Dark Jedi at his command, but stilldispleased that they could not secure this event in the Force. "Whatof Ruusan?"

"I have ordered theconstruction of a CIS listening post on the second moon of Ruusan,"Dooku said. "It will allow us cover for our operations in thesector, and act as a base for further exploration as needed."

"Your prudence in thismatter makes up for your failures, Apprentice." Sidious snarled,reminding the kneeling human that such things were barely tolerated. "Now, the Republic is still organizing their Clone Army, and theJedi have been chosen to lead them, as I have foreseen. Once I knowtheir deployments, we can begin to exterminate them. What ofGrevious?"

"The General isperforming strategic planning," Dooku said. "From Malastare hewill strike along the Inner Rim to disrupt shipping and to test histactics."

"Acceptable," the SithMaster agreed, noting to place one of the first Republic Armies inthe way of the deadly cyborg to give them their own trial by fire. "We will speak again," he said and cut the connection.

In the following silence,Dooku wondered what his Master intended to do with the font of powerthat had emerged from Ruusan, should anyone ever get to it. And ashe was Sith, he also wondered what he would do with that samestrength.

Office of Senator MonMothma, Coruscant

The Senator cleared sometime when the message from her future subordinate came through. Shehad something that would be of great use to the Republic, and fromthe tone, it was something that was related to her origin.

At the agreed upon time,Jan Ors and two Jedi were shown in, the woman carrying a large bagover her shoulder. "Sorry for the abrupt request, Senator." Janhad briefed the two Jedi on the way over about what to expect, that afew things wouldn't be said aloud for the benefit of the cameras andother recording devices in the room.

"Ah, Jan! So good tosee you." Mon Mothma took in the two Jedi with her. "Is MasterKatarn not with you?"

"He has othercommitments this day, Senator." The female Jedi bowed. "I amShoja, and this is Maris. We are assisting Miss Ors for the moment."

"Welcome, Masters Jedi. What can I do for you?"

Jan rolled the bag off hershoulder and set it down on the chair in front of her. "This,"she said as she pulled the DEMP from the bag, "is going to help youwin the war."

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