A New Jedi in an Old Republic

Chapter 23: 23 - Dark Sidious Deals in Traps

Jedi Archives

Mace found Kyle in the Archives, staring at a computer screen. Although he was easy enough to pinpoint in the force, it was still polite for him to approach the Knight-Errant in person. "Katarn," he greeted the extra-Temple Jedi politely. "I have been a given a request for you you from the Chancelloe's Office and the High Council."

"Hey," Kyle said as she slid back form his reading – which Mace could see was laws and regulations about how the Jedi and the Republic interacted – and started to stretch. "What's up? Please don't tell me they're going to offer me a commission."

"No," Mace would have rejected that before it even got to Katarn. "Rather, Chancellor Palpatine wishes to meet with you in person." He watched, curious, as Katarn reacted poorly to the mention of Palpatine's name. It was subtle, but to one such as him, it was obvious. "He has heard of your meeting with Senator Amidala of Naboo, and now wishes to confer with you regarding the same subject."

Kyle thought hard about this turn of events even as he jumped to various end-games. "I'm not much for politics," he said carefully, though he suspected the Jedi Grand Master behind him didn't believe him. "You sure this is more than a meet-and-greet for public relations."

Mace nodded. "I believe that the Chancellor's request is genuine. If you can convince him as you have the good Senator, we may be able to stem the harsher critics of the Jedi in the Senate."

That wasn't Kyle's concern at all. He was worried about being in the same room as a Force-be-damned Sith Lord. "That's a bit out of my depth. Would you be willing to come along?"

Though Mace saw through the thin ploy to the offer for what it was, he could understand Katarn's hesitance in this. "I think I shall," he agreed, taking the opportunity to work more closely with the Knight-Errant. "Although I would suggest that when the time comes, you wear the formal robes." He gestured with a small smile at Kyle's current outfit. "Your usual humble dress would not be fitting in the environment of the Chancellor. One must be mindful of ones surroundings."

Inwardly, he appreciated Katarn's slight grimace at the requirement. It helped ease his mind that the Knight-Errant wasn't some form of perfect Jedi, at home in any situation.

Raven's Claw, Jedi Temple

"Jan? JAN!" Kyle yelled out as he ran up the loading ramp onto their ship. "Problem!" He slammed the button to close the ship up behind him as he advanced on the cockpit where he knew Jan was still working on things.

"Kyle?" She pulled herself out from under the console with a worried face. "What's happening?"

"This is bad," Kyle repeated. "Palpatine wants to talk with me."

It took a moment before Jan connected Palpatine's name to everything evil with the Empire. "Oh, no. Do you think he knows?"

"I was only told he wants to talk to me because of my gift for words," Kyle shook his head as he helped her stand up. "Master Windu is coming with me, but this is... I'm going to a meeting with Darth Sidious."

Jan reached out to offer a relaxing hand on Kyle's arm. "Alright, Kyle, I've put some thought into this."

"That's good, because my plans involving him involve a Lightsaber, lots of lightning and maybe a few shots with my pistol."

"Kyle," Jan sighed, "this is not the Darth you're talking to. This is the Chancellor. In his office, I presume?"

"I think so," Kyle admitted. "I wasn't told. Just that he asked the Council to arrange a meeting with me to talk." He considered assassinating Sidious there, but things just weren't falling into place where the details were concerned. "Let's walk this through."

"You walk into his office. Master Windu is beside you, and the guards are left outside." Jan breezed into one of the training and preparation techniques the NRI taught their agents. Envisioning the plan as they wanted it to go, but having someone on the outside throw in complications.

Kyle could see that. "How did he hide from the Jedi the fact that he was a Sith? I got to feel him out."

"There's nothing there," Jan pointed out. "You know he taught Mara Jade that ability to hide ones presence in the Force, and he was better than her."

He didn't like where that was going. "I can't kill him in public without irrefutable proof. Windu being there is bad."

"Or is it good?"

"What do you mean?" Kyle wondered what would stop him from picking that fight.

"Well, he can't do much to you either if Master Windu is there too." Jan pointed this out as she saw how poor Kyle was fretting over something she thought was easy. "So here's the thing. You don't pick a fight with him. He's smart enough that he's not going to do that either, and you have the advantage of knowing who and what he is."

"And he doesn't. This isn't a final fight," Kyle admitted to himself. "It's recon."

"Pretty much," Jan agreed. "You not panicking any more?"

"Well, I still am," Kyle said with a sorry grin. "Sorry about that. Just my encounters with those who take the title of Darth tend to be, well, short and pointed." His grin became more honest with the pun. "I'm still going armed of course."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Jan said. "Now, anything else?"

"Can't I just enjoy your company?" Kyle said flirtatiously.

Jan punched him in the shoulder. "KYLE!"

Jedi Temple

"Master Paradus!" Obi-wan greeted the Jedi in charge of the Droids with appropriate deference. "How are you this day?"

"Doing well, Master Kenobi." The small Jedi spoke firmly and with some pride. "I had your Padawan working with me for some time recently."

"He did mention it, in case I needed him. I hope all went well?"

"It did, Kenobi." The Aleena said as he matched the human's stride and direction. "Although his head isn't into droids. I'll have to recommend that the next time he decides to rebuild something fragile that he do it to something that flies."

Obi-wan laughed. "I'm pretty sure he's been banned from some of his larger tasks there as well."

"I can see that. But I have more to say, Master Kenobi." Kazdan's voice became more serious. "There is something bothering your apprentice. It comes and goes, but all I can do is see it and let you know."

Obi-wan thought about that. "He's always been moody in some degree. Do you have any idea what is causing it this time?"

"No," Kazdan shook his head. "I do not. But I am letting you know to be on the watch with him. There are dark days ahead, and we must keep our heads about us."

"That we do," Obi-wan thanked the other Master. "I will talk with Anakin as soon as I can. May the Force be with you."

"And with you."


Deep Space

Grevious enjoyed being called monstrous. It helped create an aura of fear around him that Dooku approved of, that he was some sort of implacable weapon in the hands of the Coalition. As his fleet approached the next targeted world, a mining planet whose resources would be better served feeding the war machine at his command, he reached out with one metallic hand and grasped the distant world.

He was having fun, and he wished the war would never end.

Republic Intelligence, Secure Briefing Room


Issard and Mon Mothma agreed that the plan was as good as it was going to get with out actually putting it into practice. "I wish we could have agreed to put it on a populated world," Issard said as he put his thumb print to the mutli-layered deception.

"But they would simply be targets once the Separatists attack," Mothma countered with her winning argument. The head of Intelligence was warming up to her, and if she had to admit to herself, she could see why her future incarnation had taken to running the NRI. Of course, if all went according to plan, there would be no need for a New Republic at all. The sheer audacity that Ors and Katarn had made her wonder what sort of organization they worked for so many decades into the future.

"Once we have our first leak plugged," Issard closed the file and prepared it for transport to his meeting with the Chancellor, "we should be able to begin a more complete check of our people and find more of them."

"That is assuming that they take the bait," Mothma observed. "But I suppose that is why the new factory isn't a deception."

"And you're sure that your people can provide their end of the bargain?"

"Absolutley," she replied with a hard edge to her voice that seemed to come far to naturally. "We only need to worry about the forces that the enemy throws at it."

"Our intelligence shows that they only have one major fleet element at the moment," Issard said. He didn't tell the Senator, in case the leak was on her end, that the space around the planet being used for a trap was going to be mined with command and proximity detonators controlled by an asset on the ground. "But with that out of the way, I have to present this to the Chancellor." He stood and offered a hand to the Senator.

Mon Mothma took it. "I will let my people know," she nodded her head in response. "Here is hoping it works," she said anxiously. "Everything else I've done has been more passive in nature."

Issard smiled. "You'll get the hang of it sooner, rather than later. Just don't get arrogant with any successes you might have."

Raven's Claw

Jan put down the com line from the Senator, performing breathing exercises to help calm herself down. Their plan was a go, and she needed to tell Kyle after his meeting with the good Sith Lord. A little bit of good news after something as stressful as that would do wonders for him.

Office of the Chancellor

It was early evening when the two Jedi entered the office. It was Kyle's first time in the room, and he kept pace with Windu, who was far more at home in these surroundings.

His first thought was to wonder how in the name of the Force did they miss all the Sith iconography? And the crimson color that adorned every surface from the carpets to the walls to Palpatine himself was so over the top that he had to conclude that the senses of the Jedi who had come in before were simply overloaded.

From the Chancellor and Dark Lord himself, Kyle felt nothing. Though he did not attempt to force more information out of his senses, feeling that Windu and Sidious would feel it. He wanted to keep his hand close for now.

"Chancellor!" Mace greeted the leader of the Republic as he stood up from behind his desk, some last minute paperwork being put aside for the meeting, "how are you this evening?"

"Good, Master Windu!" Palpatine came around the desk and smiled at the two Jedi. "This must be Master Katarn, whom I have heard so little about." He reached the two Jedi, an honest smile on his face. "It was so kind of you to come so soon!"

Kyle took the Chancellor's hand and to his shock, found it quite frail. Like he could give it a good squeeze and shatter the bones in it. But he refrained. He had to play this entire encounter out like he was ignorant of his true nature.

"Well, when the Chancellor calls, who am I to argue?" Kyle replied with the same self-confident smirk that had served him well in the past.

"Shall we sit?" Palpatine offered, indicating the two seats opposite his at the table that backed onto the large windows looking out over the cityscape. "I don't want you to stand on attention. Shall I order refreshments?"

"That won't be necessary," Windu said. "We had supper before we came. No need to disturb your schedule even further."

"Ah, I understand." The three of them took seats, Kyle carefully hiding the bulge of his blaster under his robes. As a Jedi, he was expected to have a lightsabre, which he didn't display openly either, but didn't hide it. "So, I must confess confusion," Palpatine looked to Kyle. "You are a Jedi who is not a Jedi?"

"That's not quite true," Kyle replied. He could tell the canny politician was testing the waters, and this wasn't just because of the nature of the Sith. "Rather most people think of the Jedi as a unified whole, coming and going from their Temple here on Coruscant at the bidding of the Senate and Republic."

Palpatine indicated he should keep going, and Kyle took it. "Rather, I and others are from sects of the Jedi who for one reason or another, have taken our leave of the Temple Jedi." He kept his phrasing to indicate that the Coruscanti Jedi were still the 'primary' Jedi, which was true. From a certain point of view.

"Interesting. This is the first I've heard of this. Master Windu?"

"He is correct," Mace replied. "An organization as large as the Jedi cannot stay a unified whole for all its history. There have been minor schisms in the past, but they have never been hostile. And in time, these other groups rejoin the Jedi, bringing with them the experience and wisdom of their separation."

"And what does your sect represent?" Palapatine asked of Kyle directly.

"We think the Jedi should take a more grounded approach to helping the people of the Galaxy," Kyle said, channeling Luke's own philosophies into the conversation. "We should be doctors and pilots, engineers and soldiers. Not just diplomats who meditate in a Temple until they are called upon."

Mace hid these revelations well, enough that neither of the others in the room detected his surprise at Kyle's candid response.

"Interesting," Palpatine mused. "I do hope that this doesn't mean that people will feel unease if they think that the Jedi are hiding among them?"

"Oh, no!" Kyle replied. "We never hide that. But we approach people not as Jedi, but as people who also happen to be Jedi. It's a distinction that works." He shrugged. "I've been a farmer, a soldier and a mercenary. I can do those things without sacrificing what it means to be Jedi, and I don't let any one part of my history conquer all others. And the people we help respect that enough that they don't talk about us as Jedi, but as what we helped them as."

Palpatine looked impressed, and Kyle suspected that Sidious was already planning how to respond to the information that Kyle fed him. A glance at Windu, and he was thankful that the Grand Master was hiding his reactions well, pretending that this was nothing new.

"And it was because of these life experiences that you returned to the Jedi with the advent of this most regrettable war?" Palpatine asked to finish off this line of questioning.

"Pretty much," Kyle said. "I've said it before, I'll say it here, and I'll say it again; the Jedi of Coruscant are not ready to lead this war. They don't have the skills, and depending on the Force to guide their actions in the middle of a confusing and chaotic mess that combat becomes will just lead to as many failures as it does successes."

"Interesting," Palpatine noted. "Does this mean that more of your fellows will be joining us?"

Kyle shook his head, ready to feed the Sith Lord's paranoia a little more. "No. For the most part, we don't do obvious things like that. We'll help, but as partisans, as guides, as people who help then move on once they are no longer needed."

"Sounds wonderful, but with these hostilities, would not revealing themselves be better to organize?"

"No," Kyle objected. "By staying subtle, they can cross into Separatist worlds and work there."

"They are already in action..." Palpatine looked thoughtful, then serious. "I cannot approve of such actions unless they are sanctioned by the Republic!"

"That's not possible," Kyle said. "I don't command them. In many ways, they are people who are taking the initiative and fighting where they can."

"What Katarn is trying to say," Windu jumped in before things could get out of hand, "is that even without the direction of the Republic or the Jedi, that there will be isolated incidents where people will fight." He didn't glare at Kyle, but there would be words later.

But Palpatine didn't like that. "What of the citizens?"

"It's their choice to fight," Kyle said. "In an ideal Galaxy, we could just sit down and talk things out with the Separatists and the Sith, but that is not to be."

"I'm sorry," Palpatine asked, confused while Mace froze. "Sith? Where have I heard that name before?"

Kyle felt he was probably over playing his hand here, but wanted to see how far he could push Sidious. "Well, you know how the Republic has the Jedi, right?"

Palpatine nodded.

"Well, it seems that the Separatists have their own version of the Jedi. They call themselves the Sith after an ancient group of Jedi who died out about a thousand years ago," Kyle lied through his teeth with all the unassailable force of speaking the truth, yet being deceptive at the same time. "Their leader, Count Dooku, has taken the name of 'Darth Tyrannus' to enforce this charade, that they are the historical enemies of the Jedi returned to life."

Palpatine didn't know what to think of that. "To what possible end...?"

"Easy," Kyle said, feeding Sidious more and more. "The Sith serve the Coalition as the Jedi do. Think about it – they are building themselves a version of the Republic out there, one just for them." He let the others consider that.

"I take it then that you have plans?"

"Of course," Kyle said, letting the smile return to his face. "But I can't tell you anything in order to keep operational security."

"Quite curious," Palaptine admitted. "Surely there is something you can speak that will allow me to assuage the fears of our Senators who feel that the Jedi would be acting against the interests of the Republic by performing these missions."

Kyle saw a chance to evoke a direct response from Palpatine. "There is one thing. It seems that there is a second leader of the Sith whose real name is currently unknown. But I have been reliably informed that another Force-user by the name of 'Darth Sidious' is cooperating with Dooku."

Private Chambers of Count Dooku


"What is thy bidding, my Master?" the Count knelt before the hologram of Darth Sidious.

"There are spies among you!" The robed figure hissed, the force cackling about him in rage. "Find them, and dispose of them! I have a task for which they are suited – a trap being laid by the Republic needs to be sprung." Sidious wanted to choke the life from Dooku's body for his failures in letting the Sith be blindsided by this grassroots movement, but refrained for there was no one to replace him. Yet.

Dooku knew that there would be Republic Spies in his camp, just as he had some in the Republic. It was inevitable, but he did not counter his Master when doing so could prove hazardous to his health. "I understand, Master." He also knew that he would need results soon, given the reaction of his Master.

"One more thing, Darth Tyrannus," Sidious spoke harshly, "Find what you can on a Jedi named Kyle Katarn. He is a thorn in our side that will need to be removed sooner or later."

"As you wish, my Master." Dooku bowed again, already knowing that assassinating a Jedi would do wonders to secure Ventress' loyalty. "I have an agent who can perform that task once the word is given."

"Not yet. I must know all there is to know of him first. Then he shall be slain!"

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