A New Jedi in an Old Republic

Chapter 26: 26 - The Jedi and Sith Discuss their Differences (Part 1)


Hidden Weapons Facility

Delta had set up a small command post near the entrance to the underground factory. In the room they had set aside for themselves, they were joined by Jan, Kyle and Mace. Kyle, respectful of the Clone Troopers, stood a bit back, away from any equipment. Mace stood beside him, taking his lead from the more experienced Jedi while Jan stood shoulder to shoulder with the four identical soldiers of the Republic.

"We've got the upper levels rigged," Scorch reported to her, eager to show off his skills to any who would listen. "One through 5 all have Detonation charges placed at key intersections and support beams. With the right signals, we can seal off the entire complex from the surface within 15 seconds."

Jan nodded, "I approve. You do good work, soldier."

Scorch stood a little bit straighter, earning a reproachful glance from Boss. "Yes Ma'am!"

Mace leaned over to whisper in Kyle's ear. "Would it not be better to leave a single escape route? Cutting the invaders off will only make them desperate."

"Droids," Kyle pointed out, "would have the patience to dig, where organics – sorry, non-Jedi organics would not."

Mace thought about that. By entombing the enemy here, they could delay their escape, make plans to capture them, or otherwise act to prevent them from bringing harm to others inside this prison. "And food?"

"Jan?" Kyle raised his voice. "Windu wants to know about supplies."

It was Boss who replied. "General Windu, supplies are laid in for the factory workers to survive for six months with no resupply or recycling."

"Impressive work for such a short period of time," Windu observed.

"The locals," Jan said, "were kind enough to donate this old survival bunker to be refurbished to the needs of the Republic. Most of the infrastructure was already in place."

Windu tried to remember what had happened in Garamost's history that would require an underground weapons bunker, but nothing came to mind. Setting aside the irrelevant question for later, he returned to watching as the Intelligence Agent briefed the Clones.

"First line of defense will be Kyle," Jan said with all the casual certainty that came from knowing Kyle. "He will move to intercept and deal with the first intruders. If needed," she looked up at the four clones around her, "then you four will be assigned to deal with additional intruders. If they're droids, then I will let you handle them as you see fit. If they're Confederacy Special Forces, then you'll have to handle them differently. Master Windu and I will stay in the command center where we can provide over-watch, and Windu can be dispatched as reinforcements."

"When you say 'Special Forces'?" Boss prodded for more information.

Jan knew this was coming. "The Confederacy has an organization that mirrors the Jedi in terms of operational parameters called the Sith. They are, to put it bluntly, better than you. Kyle and Master Windu are here to counter them. If you encounter them, there are two ways to preserve yourself. First is sheer volume of fire. In enclosed spaces, the four of you should be able to fire enough shots to get past their defenses if you use your fastest firing weapons. The other primary method is explosives. Indirect attacks, things they can't avoid or block."

Sev thought about that. "You sound like we're going to be in trouble."

Jan sighed. "I think about the worst, and when it doesn't come to pass, I am relieved."

"You heard the agent," Boss said. "Load up with grenades, rocket launchers and make sure your -17s are set to suppression mode."

"Yes Sir." "Yes Sir. "Yes Sir", the clones replied.

"Agent Ors, what else can you tell us?"

Jan shook her head. "We've baited the trap. All that's left is to see who or what gets caught in it."

"Question!" Fixer spoke up. "What kind of weapons are being built here? I mean, we've already got our standard firearms, so what's so important?"

"Man portable EMP weapons," Kyle said. "One shot, takes out a tank or a squad of droids. Minimal damage to organics except at point-blank range."

The Clones were thoughtful about that. "We need every advantage we can get," Scorch pointed out. "Something like that could mean that more of our brothers will survive."

That sentiment was something the clones could all agree on.

Confederate Shuttle

Garamost Orbit

The shuttle hung in orbit as the six Sith discussed their plans, all the while wondering who among them would fail this test. "Here," Saato said, "is where the factory is located." She pointed to an empty quarter of a certain continent, well away from civilian populations.

"Why is it not closer to the cities?" Bulq questioned. "It would provide cover."

"It would be easier to deploy a theater shield," Quinlan Vos said. "As well as acting as a trap for a large force."

"How are we to get in?" Ventress asked. "Being below ground means easily controlled access points."

"There are locations here," Saato pointed at a magnified portion of the hologram, "here and here," which are designed to open up for ships to land in and be loaded up. They will have personnel hatches close by."

"And when we get in, where are we to start bringing the place down?" Vos wondered aloud.

"Look for the power plant," Saato stated. "Failing that, advanced machinery. Bring back a sample of the new weapon for our Master, as he will be pleased." Those weren't in their orders, but Saato knew from experience that exceeding the directives given to them rarely backfired. "And of course," She smiled at the twins, brutes that they were, "kill anyone you come across."

They enjoyed that order.


Private Chambers of the Chancellor

Palpatine sat in the dark and meditated. To all outward appearances, he was simply asleep, the frail old man with the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders.

But inwards, he was thinking, and plotting. That this vagrant Jedi knew so much about the Sith under Dooku was troubling, and all this thoughts regarding how he knew these things were confused and full of impossible scenarios.

For the man who had risen to control of the Galaxy, directly or indirectly, this was not acceptable. New factors were to be expected, of course. He would be a fool – a dead one as well – if he thought that the Galaxy was a static thing.

But this was an annoyance. A whole group of Force users who do not stand out, acting as partisans? They would be an incredible annoyance to his plans for a monolithic Sith Galaxy. And naturally, such an insurgency would have to be burned out. Perhaps a few false-flag operations could be in order once he had a better idea of what symbols to use...

And of course, he still had access to Katarn. Perhaps he could subvert the Knight-Errant, and bring his organization with him?

Yes, that was a good plan. And it worked so well with a few others, including Anakin Skywalker.

Setting the two against each other would be very entertaining.


The Separatist shuttle landed on the outskirts of the indicated landing zone, a series of concentric blast baffles to protect the surrounding area from the engine wash of ships, or any unfortunate explosions. There was no radar, or other detectable scanners, which told the Sith that this place was unprepared for them.

Or simply not complete yet. Either worked in their favour.

The six of them disembarked, Saato in the lead. "We split up into pairs here," she indicated the twins first. "You two of course," then to Vos and Bulq, "You two," then to Ventress, "and you're with me."

No one had any objections to this organization, and the twins were eager to begin. "Let us go, brother!" Karoc said to his brother. "Much better than guard duty!"

The two humans eagerly separated from the rest of the Sith, headed for the nearest access hatch.

Once they were out of hearing range, Ventress shook her head. "Please tell me their part of the plan is to be a distraction?"

"Jealous they might get to the goal ahead of you?" Vos fired back. It was an unusual thing coming from him, but Ventress could feel that he was slowly gaining energy with the mission in front of him. A certain purity of action that would give him some much needed focus.

"Only a fool would seek such a thing," Ventress snapped back, hoping to see how he would respond to the challenge. "We were assigned this mission as a team by Count Dooku, and we will succeed or fail as a team."

Bulq laughed at her. "Did you not hear our Master say there was a traitor among us?"

"I heard," Ventress turned on him, "that he knew there was a traitor in the Acolytes. Not among us. Or do you think that we are the be-all-end all under out Master?"

"Enough!" Saato brought order to the argument. "Bulq, Vos, secure the ship, and make sure that no Republicans get the bright of idea of blocking off our escape. Ventress, you and I will find the core to this place and destroy it."

"Of course," Ventress gave the team leader a shallow bow. "As you command."

Command Center

In front of the ad-hoc security cameras, the seven defenders of the empty trap watched as the first two intruders made their presence known.

"That's supposed to be Special Forces?" Fixer was aghast at the entrance they had made, two red blades carving with no subtlety into the access hatch nearest their landing location, then charging through the open hole, slashing at anything that looked important.

"They're the distraction," Kyle stated flatly. "Well, time to go get distracted." He checked his weapons one more time then headed for the door. "Jan, guide me to them."

"On it," Jan replied. "It looks like the rest of their team is at the door as well."

Delta and Windu got closer to the indicated security screen as the last four Sith entered through the hole the first two had made. They were more cautious, but still ready to fight. They split into two more teams, each heading in different directions.

"I know those two," Mace said, pointing at the two males that headed for the nearest access elevator. "I thought Sola Bulq died on Geonosis." He stood up straight. "I'll go talk to them."

"Talk-talk, or weapon talk?" Sev grunted.

"I don't know yet," Mace frowned. "There is much here now that confuses me."

"I guess we get the other two," Boss noted as he hefted his heavy weapon. "Agent Ors, can you guide us to a good interception point?"

"Will do," Jan said. "Be careful. What about you, Master Windu?"

The Jedi shook his head. "No, I will use the Force to find them. They are not hiding themselves."


Kyle followed Jan's directions, heading for where the Force told him the two Sith were. It was easy for him to locate them, but the actual path was convoluted thanks to the design of this place. On another day, he mused with a chuckle, he would be searching for access hatches, key cards, or other sundry items to get to his objective.

It was a nice change of pace to have the doors opened for him ahead of time.

Ahead, he could sense a change in the two whom he was chasing. They had felt his approach and turned to meet him. "Jan, they're on to me," he said into his comlink.

"Understood," Jan replied in his ear. "Be careful."

"I always am," Kyle smiled.

Advancing to find a good ground to fight from, Kyle opened the next door to find himself entering a smelting plant. Large cauldrons of molten metal were slowly being stirred to deal with impurities, while the machinery hummed away under him.

In complete defiance of all expectations, the bridge over this death trap of a room was wide and well-anchored, capable of handling heavy loads with no loss of strength. "At least it's not some rickety thing," he said to himself as the doors across form him were opened.

Twin human males walked out onto the open walkway, sabers already ignited. Kyle put on a smile and waved. "Hello! Are you guys lost?"

"Foolish Jedi!" The one on the right with the paint on his face loudly proclaimed in response.

"We shall kill you for the glory of our Master!" The other one said.

Kyle ignited his lightsabre. "Really? No chance for a civil discussion?"

The two turned to look at each other, sharing a private joke. "No, Jedi. You shall die," they said as one and charged.

"Oh come on," Kyle readied himself for the fight. "Can't I ever talk someone down?"

* * *

"We take no chances," Boss said to his squad. "Scorch, you've got the detonators. Use them as you see fit. Don't wait for my order to bury these scum, but do make sure none of us are in the blast zone."

"Got it Boss," Scorch nodded as he held the activation device in his hand. "A little bit of unrestricted demolitions never hurt us."

"As long as it hurts just them," Sev retorted. "I don't care to be buried under a million tons of rock.

"Neither do I," Fixer agreed.

"Stow it!" Boss hushed up his squad. "They're almost here."

The squad had set up at an intersection with Fixer and Boss laying down, poking the points of their weapons around the corners to provide them with maximal coverage. Sev stood over Fixer, the sniper modification to his weapon in place. He would make precise shots to take advantage of the massed fire from his two brothers while Scorch held more explosives at the ready to cause even more mayhem.

In other words, they were as prepared as they could be given the situation at hand.

Their first indication that the enemy had arrived was the long crimson lightsaber in the hands of the first Dathomir Witch to rurn the corner. Then the second one came behind her, this time with two in hand.

"Now!" Boss commanded, pulling the trigger. The four of them fired as one, sending a hail of deadly blue bolts down the length of the corridor, the single RPG round flying far slower than everything else.

True to the instructions laid down by Jan Ors, the Clones didn't let go of their triggers as the two Witches whipped their crimson blades around in a defensive stance. Many bolts were deflected, and the rest dodged as they had to focus on not being harmed.

Sev fired once, his higher power shot racing down the hall with the bolts of his brothers, only to miss as the preternatural reflexes of the two Sith allowed them to avoid the most dangerous shot.

Then the RPG exploded.

* * *

Mace Windu approached the two Force users that he knew personally. His thoughts were in some turmoil. Sola was alive? And with Quinlan? Was this some sort of rescue operation, hidden under the guise of a raid?

He hoped for the best, but the Force spoke differently.

With a wave of his hand, Mace opened the door ahead, behind which the others waited. It was a large room, tables and chairs roughly pushed to the side with the Force to make room for everyone.

"Greetings, Master Windu." Sola said with an ornate bow as Windu entered the room. "Surprised?"

"I am," Mace said, looking at Vos as well for some hint as to what was going on. "The reports said you were dead."

"To you, yes." Sola said gleefully. "But now I am alive with the Force!" With dramatic flair, he raised his arms over his head. "My Master has set me free! Shown me the way! Though the Force, I gain power and Victory!"

With that proclamation, Sola ignited his lightsaber. The blue beam shimmered into existence. "Stay back, Vos," he spat. "I will show you how a true Sith fights!"

With no further words, Mace saw that words could not yet reach his fallen friend. But there was still good in him, he knew. He just had to reach out and save him. But he couldn't do it while they were fighting with their blades.

At least he could depend on Vos if things were about to go wrong.

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