A New Jedi in an Old Republic

Chapter 31: 31 - Tarkin Presents a Plan

Raven's Claw

With the ship refueled after their trip to and from Garamost, Jan moved it further back into the landing bay of the Temple, away from the more daily comings and goings of the Jedi. It wasn't that hard to arrange a more permanent spot, being non-Force Sensitive meant that she had a way to connect with a lot of the support staff for the Temple that the normal Jedi seemed to miss.

She also didn't need the Force to know when Kyle came up to the ship. She would know his stride anywhere. "How's she doing?" he asked as he boarded and started to unload his weapons.

"Good," Jan said. "If there's another trip, we're ready for it. How was the Council meeting?"

"Which one?" Kyle asked. "There was the one where Master Windu and I were debriefed, or the one right after where one of the groups I had the Corellians find came to Coruscant."

"Oh? Who?"

"The Altisians."

"They the ones with that ship? That Luke found on Dathomir?"

"Yep! They brought their ship, and they agreed to the whole non-combat thing, they were more than willing to take the lead on dealing with the aftermaths of battles on planets, as well as planetary disasters."

"That's good!" Jan was proud of the work Kyle did. "Anything else?"

Kyle shook his head. "Nah. How about you?"

"I'm well."

Kyle sat down across from her in the narrow confines of the ship. "No, you're not, Jan. I can tell. Is the wound hurting?" He reached out to put a hand on her.

She flinched.

"Jan?" Kyle tried to comfort her, "what's wrong?"

She knew she could trust him. They had been through too much for either of them to fail the other. "I keep telling myself that this is just a long-term mission. That we're not really stuck in the past like some bad holovid, that we can go home."

Kyle knew what she was going though. "I have the same thoughts," he said. "I miss the regularity of our lives, the people we know – even Luke," he grinned to try and set her at ease. "But above all that, I have you. And I know that as long as we're together, I can bear it."

Jan sniffed, and wiped away a tear. "You're lousy at this, you know that, right?"

"I am!" Kyle laughed in agreement. "But Jan, you don't have to bottle it up. I'm here for you."

"I wanted to go on vacation," Jan muttered.

"So do I," Kyle agreed. "But we had that option, and we both chose to help out."

"We did, didn't we?" Jan leaned in to him, resting on his broad shoulders. "I still want that vacation. Think the Jedi can live without you for a couple weeks?"

"Weeks?" Kyle scoffed. "Try months."

Jan laughed. "You wouldn't."

"No," Kyle agreed with some seriousness. "I wouldn't. But that's just all the more reason to help them through this."

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the access hatch. "Just a minute!" Kyle yelled out as Jan sat up and tried to make herself presentable. Not bothering to throw on a jacket he opened it up, using his bulk to shield Jan from whomever was out there.

"Obi-wan?" He was surprised at the presence of the Master. "Uh, Anakin's not here," he said, taking a guess at the most likely reason why Kenobi would come down here.

"Ah," Obi-wan replied with understanding, "that is not why I am here. I know where Anakin is, he is currently escorting a guest of the Council. They have summoned you to attend as well, and ask that you wear your formal robes for this."

"Uh..." Kyle was at a loss for words momentarily, "I just left."

"I am aware," Obi-wan shared his slight annoyance at the back-and-forth to and from the Council chambers. "But something has arisen that your input has been requested regarding."

"Alright," Kyle turned around to find Jan already holding the folded Master's Robes up to him. "Give me a minute to change."

"Of course."

Council Chamber

Kyle and Obi-wan entered, Kyle still making last minute adjustments. "Masters," he said in greeting.

"Knight-Errant Katarn, Master Kenobi," Mace greeted them as they entered. "Please, have a seat," he gestured to two of the open chairs in the circle.

Kyle hesitated. "What is going on?"

Obi-wan took one of the seats and reclined in it. "I would like to know that myself, Master Windu."

There was a tenseness in the air, Kyle could feel it. Something had gone on here after he had left, and the way the Masters were holding themselves spoke that there was still sore spots that he was deliberately being kept out of. Him, and Obi-wan, he revised his estimation.

"We have received a petition from a representative of the Republic Navy," Windu said. "Master Kenobi, you are here because we will be formalizing your appointment to the High Council within two weeks, and there is no reason to keep you out of that seat in the meantime, not with so much going on."

The proclamation caught Kenobi off guard. "I.." his mouth gaped. "I am honored!"

"As for you, Katarn," Windu turned to him. "There is precedent for special advisers, experts to sit on this council as non-voting members. You are here to offer a viewpoint we don't have."

That made sense to Kyle, as much as he wished he could have been told that sooner. "Thank you," he said. "I will try to live up to your expectations." It also explained why he was asked to be in his robes. It was a solidarity thing, to show to whomever was coming to them that they were united, even as he was apparently expected to show them the ropes.

He took the seat beside Obi-wan. "Congratulations on your promotion," he said.

"Thank you. Now Anakin will be even more insufferable. Being the Padawan of a High Council member is something."

"Good luck with that," Kyle grinned as he settled into place. He much preferred the style of meetings back on Yavin. They held an air of professionalism to them given that they were in actual meeting rooms, and not this open-chamber. And people wore their work clothes. Even Grand Master Luke had to be cajoled to get out of his flight suit, and only for formal occasions.

At some hidden signal, the entryway to Council chamber opened, and in walked....

It took everything Kyle had not to jump up, whip out his blaster and shoot Wilhuff Tarkin dead. The sharp nose, the hollowed cheeks, and piercing gaze of the man who destroyed Alderaan, but he refrained. That man was twenty years in the future, after decades of serving the Emperor. And he died. This man? He was younger, and not deserving of his hostility.

Behind him, as an afterthought, was Anakin.

"Thank you all for seeing me," Tarkin spoke curtly. "For those of you who do not know who I am, I am Captain Wilhuff Tarkin, of the Seswenna Sector." He reached out and pressed a button on a controller he had in his hand. In the middle of the room, a hologram projected from the ceiling showed the Galaxy, then his home sector in yellow, with the Republic in Green and the Separatists in Red.

There was a lot of red around the yellow bastion. "As you can see, my sector is of importance to the developing war effort due to its position as a forward base against the rebellion." Kyle almost winced at the word choice, but while he tried to hide it, Obi-wan saw it out of the corner of his eye.

"I have petitioned the Senate for a deployment of ships and troops from the Grand Army to launch a probing counter offensive against the Separatists from this Sector. We can hold out against them, but being on the defensive will not win us anything."

"Then why come to us?" Kyle spoke up before anyone else could.

"Master Katarn, is it?" Captain Tarkin turned to face him directly, and for a moment Kyle had the horrific sensation that he was being praised by Wilhuff. It was something he figured would take a long soak in lava to get out.

"Captain Wilhuff Tarkin," Kyle recited from memory what he had learned back in Storm Trooper Officer Training regarding one of the most important men in the Empire. "Served as Lieutenant Governor of your sector, holding a naval rank of Lieutenant. Part of a large military family, you've been pushing for a unified military for some time now." To play games, he made a false confession, "I wasn't aware that you had been promoted to Captain."

The corner of Tarkin's mouth twitched. "Your information sources do you well, Master Katarn. I have heard about your operation on Garamost."

Kyle shrugged. "That wasn't my plan. I just did some heavy lifting."

Tarkin nodded, apparently pleased with Kyle's presence. "My proposal for a punitive expedition was approved, and now I am here to ask for your aid," he turned back to the Council at large. "I am not expecting ground operations, so I am looking for Jedi who can learn to operate or command a space ship. I am aware of your... difficulties in finding suitable people, so I am offering this opportunity to gain experience."

"That is certainly a welcome offer," Obi-wan said, knowing that despite the assurances of Master Windu, he was still on probation with the High Council. "Why now? Why not wait until you have a well developed training regimen, then incorporate the Jedi into it?"

"To put it simply," Tarkin said, "I feel that it is a mistake to let you continue with your failings as an Order, and the sooner you can productively aid the Republic as a whole, the better. Therefore, we must begin your training immediately."

Kyle was unsurprised that Tarkin of all people would have the gumption to come into the Jedi Temple, and deliver that sort of insult to their faces. The rest of the Council, not so much. He saw it in the way they reacted, even he hadn't dared go that far.

Oh, sithspit, he cursed to himself. He was starting to approve of Tarkin.

That lava bath was looking really good.

To head off a possible confrontation, Kyle spoke up. "What are your tactical and strategic goals? What forces do you have? What is your plan?"

"Yes," Tarkin changed the hologram with a tap of a button. "I have been assigned to my squadron the Dreadnaught-class Cruiser Eriadu as my Flag, for it was seen to be proper for my sector to supply the flagship. In addition, two of the new Acclamator-class Assault Cruisers have been detached to my command. Two Venator-class Destroyers will provide the majority of our fighter support, plus additional support craft." As he spoke, he shifted the hologram to show off basic schematics for each of the classes.

"My plan is in response to observed fleet movements by the Separatists. They have mostly been pacifying and consolidating their worlds and nearby systems, but one fleet in particular is taking the offensive." Back to the hologram of the galaxy, this time it zoomed in closer to Tarkin's home sector. "Republic Intelligence has predicted the course of this fleet, and we shall be attempting to intercept it. I am not looking for a full fleet engagement, to the death, but rather to engage the enemy and see what their mettle is. We have some idea of what ships they are using, but there are things that can only be known through combat."

"A simple recon in force then," Kyle traced the projected plots with his eyes. "And having a battle in Confederate space instead of Republic space is always good planning."

"True," Tarkin agreed. "I wish I could draw this fleet into a trap, but there is too much confusion in our ranks to organize that, nor do we know anything about their strategic goals. Just the direction this attack is moving in."

"Line of retreat?"

"Back into Seswenna. The garrison fleets will be able to repulse a minor incursion, especially if they have already been bloodied by my task group."

"Additional objectives?"

"We would like to destroy or cripple one of their Munificent-class frigates. Projections show that this is their majority fleet element at this time, with the possibility of a Lucrehulk Battleship as the flag. We want the Friagte to help determine its actual capacities, strengths and weaknesses, as well as attempting to recover its data core for intelligence purposes."

"Your fleet can't handle a Battleship," Kyle stated, remembering vague information about the size and firepower of the Trade Federation ship.

"That is correct," Tarkin admitted with no shame or pride. "Such an encounter would require a larger or more optimized fleet. This is a raider squadron, not a main line element."

Kyle nodded. "Duration of the mission?"

"Four to six weeks, once the ships and crews are mustered in the Sector," Tarkin replied. "Due to the relative inexperience of the ships and their cloned crews, I will be taking overall command, and we will be taking each battle as they come. If I deem the squadron in danger, or if we have achieved our objectives, then we will fall back to safe harbor and review what happened, both on a fleet and ship level to refine our training and tactics."

"Were do you propose the Jedi enter into this?" Windu asked, finally managing to get a word into the quick question-and-answer between Tarkin and Katarn.

"At most, a ship's executive officer," Tarkin said, turning just his head to face Windu. "They will not be in command of a ship, but will be learning under an officer with actual combat experience. I've drawn in several captains and commanders who have done well in combat against the Separatists so far in isolated combat, and they are all eager for the posting."

"The Jedi have starfighters of our own, usually meant for single person missions, or against local pirates. Will you be deploying them with your fighter wing?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asked.

Tarkin seemed offended. "The fleet is being stockpiled with Z-95 superiority fighters and NBT-630 bombers configured for anti-capital ship work. They are established designs, and while we are fielding a squadron of V-19s for testing purposes, I do not want to burden our logistics with another class of fighter." His distaste for 'field testing' was obvious. "No offense."

"None taken," Ki-Adi-Mundi accepted. "It seems that a lot of things could go wrong."

"Which is why we are operating close to a secure base, against limited objectives," Tarkin said with an air of disdain at the suggestion that he was overreaching himself.

"From what I've seen so far," Kyle said, "Your plan looks good. I'm not Navy, but this has all the hallmarks of a typical hit and run raid."

"Of course!" Wilhuff smiled, a thin gesture that seemed malicious somehow.

Kyle looked around at the Council. "Would you be willing to leave a copy of your plans with us to review and learn from?"

"I can see to that," Tarkin nodded. "Will you be taking time to deliberate?"

"We shall," Yoda said for the first time all meeting. "Thank you, we do. Skywalker shall attend you."

"Thank you for your time," Tarkin said, bowing politely before turning on his heel and walked out, followed by Skywalker.

Once they were gone, Obi-wan turned to Kyle. "You hate him," he said, not quite accusing, but the tone was there.

Kyle released a deep breath to calm himself. "I know him," he admitted. "Know of him. That was my first time coming face to face with him. He has a reputation in my circles. Ruthless. Pragmatic. The kind of man you send in when you not only want the enemy destroyed, but made an example of."

"Can we trust him?" Mace asked, worry on his face plain for all to see.

Kyle could sabotage everything with a single word. But he didn't. There was too much at stake, and getting Tarkin of all people to value the Jedi could do wonders. "Yes. But only because he sees you as parts of his plans. He won't tolerate the more... individual members of your order, he's military through and through and that means following orders. I couldn't work with him, but there's nothing stopping any of you from doing so."

The other members of the Council who were present pondered his words. "We should ask for volunteers first, see if anyone from the Exploration Corps is willing to assist him," Obi-wan eventually said what they were all thinking.

"If you looked over his plans," Mace asked Kyle, "would you be able to give a more informed opinion about them? We know it is not your field of expertise, but there are things there I see, but do not understand."

"I can try," Kyle said. "But I can't guarantee anything."

* * *

Outside, Tarkin and Skywalker stood, waiting for the Council to debate. Skywalker's mind was a ablaze with what he had heard, the opportunities presented. And he had to take them. "I volunteer," he said to Tarkin. "I'm one of the best fighter pilots in the Order."

"As I understand the structure of the Jedi Order," Tarkin replied coolly, "You are a Padawan. Still a trainee. Should you be making that sort of decision without the assent of your Master?"

"As part of our elevation to Knighthood," Anakin replied firmly, "we are expected to show our ability to take the initiative. Our successes and failures will be taken into account when we test for Knighthood."

"And you think that serving under me will help you?" Tarkin almost sneered at the childish desires of the boy beside him, but did not while in the Temple.

Anakin spun on him. "Yes," he said, and Tarkin saw a fire in those eyes. A fire that burned very deeply. "I cannot live in Obi-wan's shadow forever, and I am good as a pilot. You want Jedi? You will find no one better for that position than me."

Tarkin liked what he saw. Someone old enough to understand that decisions had consequences, but still young enough to mold into a proper servant of the Republic. He could work with that....

"Very well," Tarkin returned his gaze forward, relaxing to parade rest. "If you are as good as you claim you are, I can find a spot for you on one of the Venators. I just hope you can take orders."

Anakin stiffened into a facsimile of Tarkin's pose. "I can," he promised.

"What's your name then?"

"Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker."

"Well then, Skywalker, perhaps I will see good things from you."

And Anakin smiled.

Outside the Temple

Tarkin walked away from the Jedi Temple, having won and lost in his meeting with the ruling Council. He had an ally there in Katarn, whom he was glad to see present. He had read the mission reports forwarded to him by Palpatine's office due to his relation with the good Chancellor, and he was impressed by the unusual acumen displayed by the Jedi. There were still irregularities, but those could be attributed to Republic Intelligence playing their games.

The Council informed him that they could not order any of their members to aid him, but they would put out the call and see who volunteered. The boy, Skywalker, held his peace at that, and Tarkin concluded that he was simply waiting for a more opportune time to make his decision known.

He reached his adjunct, who saluted. "Get me what flight reports we have on Anakin Skywalker," he ordered the young Lieutenant. "I wish to review his file."

"Yes sir. Anything else, sir?"

"Not at this time. We will launch on schedule, with or without the Jedi."

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