A New Jedi in an Old Republic

Chapter 4: 04 - Kyle and Jan go to Coruscant

Republic Cruiser Astute

With the battle winding down, Captain Corvell turned his attentions to his ship. Casualty reports were already coming in, as were more damage control updates. He was thankful that the Jedi had chosen to stay back, away from anything sensitive, and he wasn't going to try and 'help' any.

"MedBay has the final report," Grigh said sadly. "89 dead, including 42 Marines." That was a third of their security forces, but they had destroyed five times that many Droids in the process. Lieutenant Hirjko would have his hands full in the coming days. "178 wounded, 14 still in critical condition."

They had won their first battle, but the cost was high. Or was it low? This was thte first real war the Republic had fought in living history. Who knew how the numbers would play out in the long run?

"And the ship?" He asked of his XO.

"Minimal hull damage. If it wasn't for the Boarding Pods, we may have come through nearly unscathed." Yes. The Pods. They were launched so close to his ship that they didn't have time to properly react. And once again, he had to thank the Force that a Jedi was travelling with them, even if he had tried to do so in secret.

"Captain, Admiral Wason wishes to speak with you." The officer at the Communications console announced, giving Corvell another issue to deal with.

"Is it urgent?" Perhaps it was just another status report? The Admiral was something of a micro-manager he had heard, but whether this was the case was not something he had yet experienced for himself.

"If you don't mind," the Jedi, Kyle spoke up, "I don't think there's much I can do around here. Can I take my ship and go?"

He had been quite insistent that he leave. And while the Captain could understand why, there were still protocols and procedures to follow. No one had decided to put the Jedi in charge of everything. "Your ship has permission to leave, Master Kyle. I do ask your forbearance and patience though before you disembark." It was the best he could do, and he could see that the Jedi understood that, even if he didn't agree with it. "Please, put the Admiral on."

"Aye, sir."

"Captain Jox Corvell speaking, Admiral." He spoke clearly at the short-ranged holocom unit as soon as the image of the Admiral appeared in the flickering blue light.

The hologram smiled. It wasn't a happy gesture on the near-human. "First, I want to offer my congratulations to you and your crew for your timely arrival and well-fought battle. I am told you suffered casualties, and for that you have my sympathies and regards."

"Thank you, Admiral. It was our duty."

"Fall in with the fleet," the Admiral ordered. "You still have those two pods stuck in your side, so I will detail engineers from the Shatterhorn to assist you once they are done their repairs. They were lightly damaged, and should be completed before the hour is done."

"Thank you again, Admiral." Removing the pods would be tricky business at the best of times, they would need to isolate whole sections of the ship to do so safely. "Any and all help is welcome. I do have injured that need treatment as well."

"The starliner Cloudy White is being converted to a hospital ship as we speak. I will have my men communicate with yours and theirs to arrange transport."

"Yes, Admiral. Thank you Admiral."

"On to more pressing matters," the Admiral said, glancing down to a datapad in his hand that appeared in the holo for a second. "Several ships haven't reported in yet, and we suspect that the damned Seperatists have been setting up ambushes throughout the sector."

Corvell didn't speak, knowing that the Admiral wasn't asking for his opinion.

"Once we have repaired our ships sufficiently, I will designate taskforces to search out our missing ships. Based on performance and seniority, I believe I will be placing you in charge of one of them."

"Sir!" Corvell wasn't sure how to respond, except that the words of the Jedi were now prophetic more than anything else. And he knew he had to accept. Orders were orders. "Yes sir. However, my ship may need a couple days to be properly repaired."

"I understand. Yours and a few others. I'm sending you a list of six ships that will be in your task force, all damaged as well. Once you are satisfied that they are combat worthy, brief me and I will assign you a ship to locate, or location to search."

"I understand, Admiral." He looked over to Grigh who was now looking over the information coming to their ship.

"Is there anything else you wish to report, Captain?" The Admiral asked, obviously prepared to accept the information and adjust his plans as needed. Corvell looked over his shoulder at the, who shook his head in the negative. Very well, he couldn't order him anyways.

"No, Admiral. I will have a formal report filed within a day." The Captain saluted, and the Admiral cut the connection.

"Master Jedi, will you meet with me in the Wardroom for a quick meeting?" Corvell asked Katarn. "Then I can see you off."

"Very well," the Jedi wasn't pleased with the delays, but wasn't going to fight it. "Lead the way."

"Commander, you have the bridge." Corvell nodded to his XO.

"Aye sir. I have the bridge."

As the captain stepped out, he saw that two Marines were shadowing them. It looked like another of the Jedi's observations had come true, though he noted they were quite relaxed around the Jedi. It was only natural, given what he had done for them. Things could have been so much worse.

He stepped into the room, now badly disorganized by the manoeuvres in the battle. "A simple question, Master Katarn, if I may."

"Go ahead."

"Why are you so interested in not being recognized?"

"What's the question? I'm just a retired Merc. Not someone special."

That answered the question then. He was on a secret mission and wanted to keep his cover. And there was little he could do about that. "The record will show that the crew of a civilian shuttle we had aboard for repairs when the rally call came out assisted in repelling the boarding droids." He didn't bother to sit. "There will be no official mention of your rank."

"I'm sorry to put you through all that." Kyle was honestly apologetic. "But there are things, you know...."

"Yes, secrets and lies." Corvell sighed. "I cannot keep your help secret, though I will impress on the crew the need to keep the full extent of your contribution a secret."

"That's all I can ask," Kyle said. "Thank you."

"No, thank you Master Katarn" Corvell stumbled, "Kyle. Thank you Kyle. And may the Force be with you."

"And also with you, Captain."

Raven's Claw

"Raven's Claw, this is Astute Control, you are clear to depart at your discretion."

"It's about time!" Jan wanted to yell back, but professionalism held her back. That, and Kyle wasn't back yet. "Thank you, Astute."

"No, thank you, Raven's Claw. You're welcome back on this ship any time." That was definitely not professional.

"Hey Jan!" Kyle called out through the comlink. "You there?"

"Yes, I'm here." She slightly hissed. "What kept you?"

"Oh, this and that. Look, I'll buy you an extra bouquet of flowers when we get to Coruscant. We're clear to leave, and I'm headed for you now."

Jan looked out the cockpit window and saw one of the doors further up the ship open to reveal Kyle. He waved. "I see you." She switched frequencies at the same time she hit the button to open the loading ramp. "Astute Control, this is Raven's Claw. We will be departing in two minutes, please."

"Understood Raven's Claw. We will open the doors in 90 seconds."

"Thank you, Astute. Thank you for the service." Out the window, she could see Chief Saew's deck crews working to remove the magnetic clamps that held her ship in place.

"At least he made some friends," she muttered to herself as Kyle reached the ship and climbed in.

"Hey Jan, you missed me?" He said jovially as he stopped by the armory to return his weapons, shield belt and spare power cells to be recharged. He took the droid head off his belt and set it down on her workbench. "I got you that droid head, to look at."

"Thanks." She replied, giving him the cold shoulder for leaving her behind like that. She couldn't keep it up, but it would be enough to know that he needed to be extra nice to her for a while. "Where too?"

"Coruscant," Kyle said. "But take the scenic route out of the fleet," he added. "I want to see if there are any modern ships around."

"Don't tell me you're buying the time travel theory!" Jan exclaimed. "Even I think it's stupid!"

"That's why I want to look," Kyle repeated calmly. "Any further problems with the engine?"

"No," she said. "No problems. Once I set the course, we'll be at Coruscant within a day."

"Good to hear," Kyle said as Jan expertly pulled the Claw out of the Astute's shuttle bay and into the void. "Now, what do we have here?" He looked over the sensor returns as the ship navigated through the rapidly crowding space lanes between the ships. Shuttles moved people and supplies, debris still sometimes flashed by, all the detritus of battle surrounding them. "Sithspit, ain't no way this is all fake."

"And I'm not seeing anything newer than a... Venator?" Jan pointed out the proto Star Destroyer as it passed them by. "I thought they were all scrapped!"

"I heard a few got sold to local governors, those whom the Empire found trustworthy enough when they were replaced with the Imperial class," Kyle said as he looked around for anything himself. "No X-Wings. No Headhunters. Not even a frell'n TIE!"

"This is scaring me, Kyle."

"I can feel it, Jan." Kyle knew he needed to be the calm one here. "Let's go to Coruscant and away from this madness."

"Are you sure the Force is alright?"

"What? Yes." The Jedi had been keeping an inner sense on his connection to the Force, and while something did seem a little off, it wasn't anything really worth bringing to Jan's attention. "Let's just get out of here."

"I hear you." Jan set the NavComp, most of the calculations done already aboard the Astute. "Next stop, Coruscant!"

Couruscant System

The Raven's Claw reverted to realspace well inside the Coruscant arrival zone, the appearance of one small shuttle not going unnoticed with all the other traffic coming and going from the capital world of the Galactic Republic.

They were hailed very quickly by Coruscant orbital control, Kyle picking up the Comlink while Jan focused on flying the ship. "This is the Raven's Claw," he read out the ship's registry, "We're on our way to the deliver a package to Mon Mothma at the Senate."

"Raven's Claw, the airspace around the Senate building is closed off due to the declaration of War. You will be directed to a nearby starport where your ship will be inspected before we can allow you go further."

"Wow, someone's paranoid. Wonder if there was a bomb threat," Kyle wondered aloud as he and Jan cast worried looks at each other. He turned the Com back on. "Understood, Coruscant Control. Our package isn't vital, or perishable. Raven's Claw out."

The navigational computer beeped as it received an automated flight plan to a port a dozen kilometers from the seat of government. "You heard the nice man," Kyle said. "Nice and easy."

"I know how to fly the ship, Kyle. You can stop telling me what to do." Jan teased back at him.

"I know, I know." Kyle got up. "I'm going to check our cargo and get ready for the inspection." Thankfully as a member of the New Jedi Order, there wouldn't be any problems with the guns on his ship as long as they were properly secured and unarmed. Announcing they were going to see the former head of state of the Republic meant that they could be sure they would receive a proper inspection.

The small crate was still safely locked, and he was sure that Mon Mothma knew the code. Although if he used the Force, he was sure he could crack it open.

Or use his lightsaber to cut it. That was always an option. He had that still clipped to his belt, while his jacket and the holster for his pistol were where he left them, in his bunk. Luke was right, he reflected, as usual. A lightsaber was a natural extension of his status as a Jedi. After making one last sweep to make sure everything was tidy – Jan still hadn't sliced the droid's brain, but after everything they had seen it didn't seem necessary, so he tossed it in a bin of other spare parts.

Back up in the cockpit, he sat down. "Ship's secure, nothing out of place."

"Thank's Kyle. We'll be down in about an hour or so."

"Nice. I think I'll check the news broadcasts." Kyle dreaded what he would find, as unless he and Jan were caught in an illusion of some impossible-to-conceive-of degree, there was no way to fake Coruscant, or what came from it.

"Kyle?" Jan said, a little bit of fear in her voice. "What do we do if it really is the past?"

"I don't know, Jan. I really don't know."

Senate Building Starport 5

They soon set down on the indicated landing pad, one of nearly a hundred shuttles that lined the vertical portion of the port. Jan swung the Claw around so they faced outwards, pointing the landing hatch toward the waiting inspection team. Kyle waited for Jan to give the all-clear before hitting the button to lower the ramp.

He raised an eyebrow at what waited for them. Four guards and two scanning crew. Two to wait outside the ship, two to be on the inside, though that would make the Crow very crowded. "Hello," he said as he stepped down the hatch, lightsaber bumping his hip. "Before you guys begin, I do want to declare that I have weapons on my ship. They are currently powered down and in a locker, so if you want to have a look at them, I'll need to open it up for you."

"I am Officer Pezzel, Master Jedi." the lead guard said as he lowered his weapon and offered his hand in greeting. "I am sorry, we were not aware that you were on this ship as we were told to be ready to inspect a suspicious ship."

Kyle had read the news. There was no getting around it, too much evidence had piled up. "That's alright. With the war, you can't be too careful. And I didn't want to use my rank just because a friend asked me to make this delivery for him."

"Quite understandable sir, but we can expedite the process now," Pezzel offered.

But Kyle dismissed it. "No, you guys were sent to inspect the ship, so do so. Don't skip out on your jobs simply because I have a lightsaber." He stepped aside to allow them access to the ship, Jan still in the cockpit. "My pilot, Jan, isn't feeling too well. It's the events, you know. She's worried about her family, so please don't make a mess."

"I understand, Master Jedi." Pezzel said, the civilian trying not to mess up in front of the Jedi. "Begin the inspection, and make it quick!" He gave the order and stepped to be beside Kyle. "If I may, Master Jedi...?"

"Kyle, please. Call me Kyle." It was getting to be routine by now, so he didn't mind.

"So, um, Master Kyle", Pezzel looked nervous. "With the war on now, do you think we'll win?"

Kyle remembered the answer. Three years of fighting, the Republic replaced by the Empire.... He and Jan really needed to sit down somewhere private and talk things out, but they were committed to certain courses of action thanks to incomplete information. He had no idea how to explain his delivery to Senator Mon Mothma, rather than the older her who was in Republic Intelligence, and gave him orders on occasion.

Jan had left that in his hands, given that he wasn't shaking at the enormity of it all.

The Raven's Claw wasn't that big, so the inspection was over in minutes. With only his weapons that could be considered contraband, Kyle was given a pass thanks to his status as a 'Jedi'. Once that was done, Officer Pezzel ordered his men to move on to the next ship. "Master Kyle, there is a transport waiting on level two for people headed to the Senate Building. Were you going to head there, or return to the Temple first.

Kyle swore internally. The Temple! The kriffing Jedi Temple! How could he have been so blind! If there were any answers, the Great Library there would have them! "I'll make the delivery first," he said politely, not showing his inner turmoil. "Then we'll hop over to the Temple. Can you contact the flight controllers to let them know that?"

Pezzel was glad to be of assistance to the Jedi. "Of course, Master Kyle!"

"And please drop the 'Master' part!" Kyle said one last time, knowing it was useless. The people of this time really liked the Jedi, which was a far cry from when he was raised up, in the future. The Empire....

So many things to talk over with Jan. "Jan?"

"Yes Kyle?"

"I'm going to make the delivery, talk to Mon Mothma. Then we're going to go over to the Jedi Temple here on Coruscant." He yelled into the ship. "Do some research in the Library there about our thing, then we can make some plans. Is that alright by you?"

"I... Yes. That makes sense. Are you sure you want to talk to Mon Mothma?" He could hear her, but he couldn't see her.

"Yes. It'll give us some time to think. And knowing a Senator isn't all that bad." He put on a jovial voice for Pezzel, who was on his own Comlink, making arrangements for the Claw to relocate later. Jan's concern was definitely one to think about. They had announced that they had a delivery for the Senator when they arrived without knowing what was going on, and now they had to see it through, lest there be bigger problems.

Of course, problems were bound to arise when the Senator tried to open the crate, and either couldn't, or could and was confused by the contents. And this wasn't a problem that could be solved by violence.

He picked up the delivery crate, and followed Pezzel to a waiting passenger and cargo cart. He set it down and climbed into an empty seat beside a Rodian who only gave him the most cursory of looks before ignoring the human. The cart drove under the guidance of a droid to a larger terminal where Kyle was to transfer to the direct line to the Senate building.

And apparently Pezzel had called ahead to let people know he was coming, because some orderly was waiting for him to arrive to escort him to his next flight. "We do apologize for the inconvenience, Master Jedi" the completely non-descript orderly said as he tried to take Kyle's cargo away from him, only to be driven back by a sharp glare. "If I can be of assistance in any way?"

"You can stop getting in my way for starters," Kyle growled, putting just a little bit of the Force into . The orderly finally took the hint, and left him to his own devices.

Once he and his container were secured, he turned on his comlink. "Jan?"

"Kyle." Her response indicated she was still in the cockpit. "Is there a problem?"

"Nah, I'm just waiting, and I wanted to talk to you."

"Thanks," he could hear her wipe away some tears. "You alright?"

"I'll survive. I've got you, remember?"

"That's sweet." Jan replied. "So, you promised flowers?"

"Damn straight I did," Kyle grinned warmly, even though she couldn't see it. "You got any preference, or should I just get some from the Senate Building?"

"Whatever you can do," she said. "Something from home, maybe?"

Kyle remembered that Jan was from Alderaan, one of the many who were away from the planet when the Empire blew it up with the Death Star. "Done. I'll swing by the office of that Senator, use my amazing Jedi powers to convince him or her to tell me where I can get some, then come right back to you!"

Jan laughed. "You don't have to go that far Kyle."

"Yes, yes I do." He said softly. "We'll get through this."

"I know Kyle. So, um, I got a flight plan to go over to the Temple. Are you sure that's the right thing to do? I mean, it'll be full of Jedi, right?"

"What's one more Jedi, Jan? I'll be lost in the crowd, and no one will notice you. We can walk right in, see what the library has to say about Hyperspace Time Travel, and work from there."

"I hope so."

"So do I, Jan. But, uh, hey. I got to cut this short. I'm almost here."

"I'll watch out for the explosions," Jan joked. "That way I'll know you're on your way back."

"Come on Jan! Once!"

"I've followed the explosions and fire to where you are far more times than that."

"Name them." Kyle challenged, glad that Jan was back to joking with him.

"It would be easier to list the places you didn't blow up on your way out."

"Sorry Jan, really got to go. About to pull up."

"See you, Kyle." Jan cut the connection, and Kyle stood up from his seat. The captain of the passenger ship announced the Senate Building, and Kyle collected the delivery for Mon Mothma. Now for the hard part.

Office of Senator Mon Mothma

That there was an unscheduled delivery wasn't something that would normally come to the young Senator's attention, especially with the newly declared war. But when follow-up enquiries from her staff had shown that it was a Jedi making the delivery in person, that changed. The Senator had been told, and appointments altered to accommodate the Jedi and his mysterious package.

All that was left was to wait, although Senator Mothma kept herself busy with reports and the usual busywork of her office. She just had to wait there, rather than go out for now.

Within an hour of the first alert, Senate Security reported that the delivery was coming up one of the lifts and the office was put into order. Everything was put into place, and the Senator was ready to receive their guest.

A muscled farmer walked in, carrying a case over his shoulder. The sheer improbability of his appearance stunned many of the people in the room, as they were expecting... well... not that. He locked eyes with the Senator and walked over to her. "Senator Mothma. Kyle Katarn." He lowered the case to the floor, and she saw the lightsaber at his hip. "Sorry for all the fuss, but you wouldn't believe the paranoia everyone has right now." He looked around, seeing for the first time how everyone reacted to him. "Yes, I'm a Jedi! You can pick your mouths up off the floor now!"

"I'm sorry, Katarn," he didn't use a title, so she didn't use one either. "But when we were told to expect a Jedi, were were not expecting a..."

"Bantha Herder?" He replied with a grin. "I don't do the robes thing, well, I try not to anyways. So don't worry, I get a lot of that." He looked at the case. "Master Sky... Master Luke said to give this to you. It's locked, and I don't know the code. I'm sorry."

"Oh, don't be." She didn't remember meeting any Luke Sky in the Jedi order, but that didn't mean that it was impossible either. Or that they hadn't and this was being sent to her because she was a known figure in the Senate. "Please, thank Master Sky for me when you see him next."

"I will," Kyle said. "Actually, if I may impose?"


"Could you direct me to the Senator from Alderaan? I'm supposed to pick up some flowers, and the request was for some from that world." To the Senator's eyes, the Jedi almost looked... embarrassed?

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