Chapter 41: 41 - Grievous Sets the End in Motion
Jedi Temple
"Master Kenobi has left on a diplomatic mission," Ki-Adi-Mundi informed the pair of non-Temple Jedi in Kyle and Nejaa. "He has left me in charge of his duties and responsibilities while he is away."
"As, sithspit," Kyle swore under his breath. There went the easy way.
"We wished to inform Master Kenobi of our itinerary," Nejaa covered. The Green Jedi bowed slightly. "Would you be willing to hear us, and pass along the message should we return after Master Kenobi has?"
"I see nothing wrong with that."
"The last group of potential recruits," Nejaa said, "it the potentially the most problematic one." His green robes made Ki-Adi-Mundi think of plant life when standing next to Katarn's earth colored shirt and pants. "They are called the Jensaarai, and from the information that Kyle has provided, they would be more willing to fall into the camp of Count Dooku than the Temple Order."
"Of course." Ki-Adi-Mundi did not miss the implications there.
"And because the two of us are the senior most non-Temple Jedi, we should have a better chance of negotiating with them than others would." Nejaa finished. "If they are unwilling to aid the Republic, then we can at least try to talk them into staying neutral in the conflict."
The High Council member really didn't miss the implications. "And where would the two of you be headed?"
"Susevfi, the fifth moon of Subari 7," Kyle said, "Quence Sector, on the Outer Rim."
"You sound certain of that."
Kyle wasn't. But that wasn't going to be a problem. "It's the best lead I have right now, and it's worth following up on."
Ki-Adi-Mundi nodded in understanding. "Thank you for the update. I look forward to hearing your report. May the Force be with you both."
"And with you," the two humans finished the benediction.
Ventress dropped her shuttle out of Hyperspace far enough out from the planet so that she didn't look like she was in a hurry, and that she was just a normal arrival. She would not sneak, and she would not announce her presence. It was odd for a Sith, to be so ... plain, but she felt that it was right. It wasn't suspicious, and that's what she was certain would work.
"This is Mandalore Control to Shuttle Nebula-0451, please respond."
"This is Shuttle N-0451," Ventress replied.
"Shuttle Nebula-0451, please transmit your flight plan." The voice was bored. Ventress could deal with that.
"Transmitting now," she replied as she flicked the necessary switch.
"Thank you, Shuttle Nebula-0451. Please be advised that there is a small delay due to a diplomatic transport taking priority. We will have you on the ground as soon as possible."
"Thank you, Mandalore Control. I will be patient." Ventress cut the line of communications. A diplomatic mission? No, that was outside her mission parameters. She needed to focus on the here and now. Setting her shuttle on auto-pilot, Ventress leaned back in her chair and meditated a bit more on her mission. Once she landed, went through the inspection (taking care of any untoward questions naturally), and headed into the city, she would have to make contact with her contact in Confederacy Intelligence and from there...?
Well, she was Sith. She would find something to do.
And why did she feel like someone approved of her decisions?
The Naboo Diplomatic shuttle arrived at the bio-dome that was Mandalore's capital. Airspace had been cleared out, and the shimmering chrome ship gently landed on the designated landing pad before it was retracted inside the walls of the city.
"We have arrived," Jan announced. Obi-wan and Padme were standing in the cockpit as she made their approach, but left to the rear of the ship once they were safely landed and being pulled into the city. "I'll secure the ship."
"Thank you," Obi-wan said. "It appears as though the Duchess has arrived to greet you personally, Senator."
Padme checked her dress one last time, making sure that it wasn't too ostentatious. C-3PO was in her quarters, readying her things and therefore wasn't going to be around to make any of his usual mistakes.
The ship shook slightly as the landing pad finished moving. Obi-wan waited for the signal that it was safe to open the rear ramp of the ship to light, and when it did, he toggled it. The ramp smoothly descended, and he let Senator Amidala take the lead as they had discussed on the trip.
The Senator stepped down and headed for the Duchess. Standing in front of her, she bowed slightly. "Thank you for agreeing to see me, Duchess Satine Kryze. I am Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo, representing the Galactic Republic."
"You are welcome, Senator." The Duchess returned the bow. "This is my Prime Minister, Almec." She indicated the man standing to her left. "I see you brought a Jedi with you."
"Yes, Duchess."
"Hello, Duchess," Obi-wan said as formally as he could. "It is a pleasure to see you well."
"And you, Master Kenobi." Satine was just as stiff and formal. "I presume you are here to petition Mandalore to join the Republic?"
"No, Your Grace." Padme rose and met Satine's look with one of her own. "The Republic has recognized that such tactics would only serve to be a loss to both Mandalore and the Republic. I am here to normalize diplomatic relations and to establish a working relationship going forward before the deployment of a proper embassy."
"Curious," Satine said, "it is unusual behaviour from a representative of the Republic."
"These are unusual times, Duchess." Padme assured her. "But perhaps we should take this discussion to more comfortable locales?"
"Of course!" Satine agreed with a smile. "Will Master Kenobi be joining us?"
"I shall, with your leave," Obi-wan agreed diplomatically.
The high profile people left the platform, leaving Jan alone with a few support staff from the port, as well as an aide of the Duchess'. "Hello," he said, the shaved head and plain clothes typical of the local styles. "Do you need any help unloading? We have droids to act as porters."
"That would be wonderful," Jan said with a demure smile, reinforcing her cover. "I'm Jan Strange."
"Karyl," the Madalorian replied as he gestured for a couple protocol droids to enter into the ship and help C-3PO unload the necessities. "Is this your first time to Mandalore?"
"Yes," she lied.
"Well, let me be the first to welcome you!" Karyl said with an open smile. "It is not as beautiful as she was in the past, but we are working to restore her to her former glory."
Considering that Jan's expectations of the Mandalorian people began and ended with people named Boba Fett and those who followed him, this 'pacifist' was something that she didn't really have a previous basis for interacting with. Which suited her just fine as it meant that she could come into this without previous expectations clouding her judgment.
And while he may look like a normal member of the government of Mandalore, no matter how low ranking he may appear to be, that meant nothing when she herself was dressing and acting the part of a Naboo Handmaiden.
"Thank you," Jan replied before turning back to the interior of the ship. "3PO? There are going to be a couple droids coming aboard to collect the Senator's things. Make sure they arrive properly."
"Of course," the golden protocol droid said as he walked into view. "I will make sure of it personally!"
"Forgive him," Jan turned back to Karyl. "C-3PO is an old protocol droid that the Senator keeps for sentimental reasons. He is loyal, but quirky in his own manner, something that not even a wipe can get rid of."
"I've heard of those," the Mandalorian said. "Never thought I would meet one."
"Well, you have now." Jan offered her arm, which he took politely. "So, shall we do our thing while the Senator and the Duchess do theirs?"
Count Dooku's Office
"I am surprised to see you again so soon," the Count said to General Grevious.
"There is no use or sense in delaying," the cyborg said from his kneeling position. "One failure does not constitute a loss, and there are other battles that will still need to be fought."
Dooku huffed, a sign that if it were possible, he would replace the General. Or at least threaten too. "And what do you propose?"
"The Republic is fortifying their strategic installations." Grevious did not rise. "I wish to offer a plan that would allow us to strike at a more ... ceremonial location. One that the Republic would not think to garrison, but whose fall would be important to the people of the Republic."
Dooku considered this. "Jedah?" he suggested.
Grevious shook his head. "No, the Jedi do not depend on that place." The only reason he knew about that world was because Dooku insisted that he prepare for the Jedi by first knowing everything about them. In fact, the suggestion lacked any merit at all as the Kyber crystals mined from that world were found in other, easier and better locations.
Unless, of course, Dooku was so desperate for them he was willing to scrounge through scraps for them?
That was ... irrelevant.
"No," he said, his thoughts taking but the blink of an eye. "A world more immediate to the Republic, more ... soft."
Dooku liked soft targets. "And what, pray tell, did you have in mind?"
Grevious told him.
Dooku felt fear.
Unknown Location
Dooku knelt in supplication before his master. He had relayed the information to Sidious regarding Grevious' plan. "My lord, I could find no reason to immediately deny him his request. Instead I told him I would think it over, a ploy to contact you for guidance."
Sidious had already made up his mind. But it would not do to seem like he hadn't considered things fully. "A curious plan of Grevious'. Certainly audacious. Did he not have other targets?"
"I asked, my Lord." Dooku kept his head down. "There were other targets, but none had the same combination of public awareness, lack of defensibility and proximity to our forces."
Sidious said nothing. Did nothing. He could arrange a response from the Republic with ease. "Give Grevious permission," he said. "But tell him to take a month before attacking. His goal is not to hold, but to bring ruin to that world, so that I may consolidate the people of the Republic around the ... tragedy."
"Very well, Master." Dooku did not question the decision. He would pass along the message to Grevious, even as he began to see what his Master saw. "By your command, Naboo will burn."
Tarkin carefully set himself down into the copilot's seat of the shuttle that would take him down to his world. The remains of the fleet were in orbit, already being repaired and resupplied. But still, there were things that needed to be done before they could depart for Coruscant.
"You don't have to be up here," Anakin said from the pilot's chair. Tarkin had chosen him to fly him to his meetings this day, with Skywalker's squadron in escort. Even here, there would be no chances. "No offence, but you're still injured, and getting into the seat looked painful."
"It was, but worth it." Tarkin's grim and narrow visage helped him hide the occasional jolt of pain. "It is important for a leader to be seen to lead, rather than taking advantage of irresponsible opportunities."
"And flying up here with me is irresponsible?" Anakin reflexively joked back.
The look Tarkin gave him was enough to get him to turn to face forward. "No. Sitting in the back would be irresponsible. Flying with you is a sign of trust in your proven skills."
"Not because I'm a Jedi." Anakin wanted to make it a question, but found he couldn't. "Sathanas-control, this is Blue Four," he gave the non-indicative call sign that was completely ordinary. "We are ready to depart."
"I think that you have sufficiently proven that your heritage is no obstacle to your skills." Tarkin paused while Anakin lifted the shuttle off the flight deck and gently pushed out of the hanger. Two fighters fell into a loose escort position.
"Yet I cannot simply stop being a Jedi simply because I am a good pilot," Anakin retorted as he angled the shuttle up and locked onto the designated beacon. "It is part of who I am."
"I understand your point, Skywalker." Tarkin said as he kept his eyes fixed forward. "You can not stop being where you are from. Nor can I. But we must not let our past selves limit and bind us to what we could be. This is war, something that you have no experience in, and I find even my lessons woefully inadequate to the task."
Anakin was surprised by this confession. "Yet people followed you?"
"As you are well aware, Jedi," Tarkin emphasized the word deliberately, "the perception of you is just as critical as the actual you that you are. I am perceived to be a man of leadership and strength and so I must appear to be that before those who think of me that way."
Anakin considered that. "And what does that make me?"
"Not worth deceiving."
"That's a very interesting way to put it. Either you would consider me so irrelevant that my opinion of you doesn't matter, or you have come to trust me enough that you know that putting on a show would be futile."
"Or perhaps I feel that the effort would be wasted on you."
Susevfi, Moon of the Subari system
"Not exactly the most welcoming of places," Nejaa said as they orbited the moon of Subari 7. "I can see why they would come here."
"I'm not getting any feelings," Kyle crossed his arms with a frown. "You'd expect some darksiders to make a mark."
"Perhaps they are not here?" Nejaa suggested from Kyle's right. The Moldy Crow was upside down relative to the moon, placing it above them. "Your information was admittedly of sketchy providence."
"True," Kyle agreed. "But still, it's the disappointment." He didn't finish his sentence. He didn't need to.
"I would be more worried if all your information was correct, Kyle." The Corellian said jovially to try and raise his spirits. "That you are wrong simply means that there is more to learn!"
What a very Luke thing to say, Kyle thought. "Maybe. But in this line of work? Wrong intel can get people killed. And I don't want that on my shoulders."
"A very laudable position. But sometimes we have to act without all the information we could have. Perfection is the opponent of Completion."
"Never heard that one before." Kyle looked up at the moon. Was his information that out of date? They would be there, he knew it. But when did they arrive? "Another couple orbits," he said. "You're right though. They may not be here now, but they'll return."
Padme and Obi-wan returned to their quarters far after dark.
"How were the discussions?" Jan asked as she greeted them near the front door. The Handmaiden may be a disguise to her, but she still new how to cook, and laid out a late night snack for the two of them with the help of the golden protocol droid.
"Simple," Obi-wan admitted to the spy. "There was nothing to discuss. It was mostly the political equivalent of 'Hello, how are you, how is the weather'." He took off his outer robe and set it aside before picking up a piece of fruit from the platter. "Your day?"
"Quiet. Mostly keeping up my cover, checking for listening devices. Found three by the way, so I probably missed at least two more with the equipment I have."
"You found what?" Padme turned on her, aghast.
Jan tossed the three devices over to the Senator. "Here you go. They're not top of the line," she said, having more experience with the later technologies and refinements that came from the Empire and the Rebellion.
Obi-wan frowned. "We must speak of this with the Duchess."
"Not right now," Jan put her foot down without actually moving. "Whoever put them there knows I found them, so raising a fuss will only be seen as ... impolite. I mean, the first one I found was such an amateur job, that it had to have been deliberate. A way to greet us, or rather me."
"Perhaps then you will have your own contacts to establish?"
Jan shrugged. "Couldn't hurt getting to know someone in the Madalorian Intelligence service, or whatever they call themselves."
Padme passed the devices to Obi-wan, who gave them a cursory inspection. "While this sort of thing would be frowned upon in diplomatic circles, I can see why they would be here. There were some questions at dinner from some of the lesser dignitaries that could be seen as thinking we were some precursor to a hostile takeover of Mandalore and affiliated systems."
The Senator shook her head. "They do not understand that the Republic did not start this war, and if they do not wish to join, we will not force them into it."
"Perhaps it is their job to think about the worst cases?" the Jedi Master suggested. "Jan," he was mindful that she was not 'Ors' here, but 'Strange', "would you be willing to establish some under-the-table dialogue for us?"
"I'll see what I can do," Jan agreed. She was used to this, especially once her and Kyle's more active days were considered behind them. "Until then, how about we all turn in for the night?"
"That sounds like a wonderful idea!" C-3PO chimed in. "Come, mistress. You should sleep early and wake up early for the meetings tomorrow!"
"And I should turn in as well," Obi-wan said. "Though I suspect there is a pile of messages for me waiting at the ship." He shook his head. "A Master's work is never done."
"You get on that," Jan replied. "I'm going to turn in early myself."
"Good night."
Sundari Streets
Ventress' hood was not unique in the dark streets she walked. It was of local make and style, which suited her just fine. Her eyes were closed as she sunk herself into the Force. She didn't know where she needed to go, not yet. But the reports she had from Confederacy spies indicated that this was the place to start.