A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 1053: Vitoria's Genius, or?

The woman smiled at the flabbergasted Agamemas. "Just trust me, child?"

Her name was Vitoria, and she was one of the Ryu. The apex of all living things in ANW. A being far surpassing dragons and Legends alike. The Ryu are so powerful that the gods had to physical interfere when they tried to join the great wars.

Even more shocking, a single Ryu could match several AI. Besting many of the non-combat gods with ease. Only the war gods could stand against them as equals. And GAIA, though They couldn't interfere directly even if it is to stop other near divine (basically divine) beings from interfering with Their (Miracle's) experiments.

Despite his confusion, Agamemas was far too worried about Ceph to try to argue or understand Vitoria's logic. He relented easily, deciding to trust in her. While he understood little of Vitoria's goals, he understood her nature. Despite her young and almost childlike appearance, she was a grandmother at heart. Though she often enjoyed pranking others and acting like a young brat. Which was worrying.

Like all the other Ryu, she hated war and refrained from interfering. And while, occasionally, the Ryu will offer sanctuary to those who seek it, they wouldn't extend that help outside of their own domain.

At times, Agamemas had resented her kind of their stance on non-interference. Wishing they would help. But he also understood that this wasn't completely in their control. While they do accept their stance of non-interference, some amongst them had tried to actively stop the previous wars. Believing the entire thing to be nonsensical.

But, as a result, the gods had gotten involved. And far more deaths had happened than would have happened in a normal war. Heck, half of the world had been ruined in that one instance (instead of just a small percentage as planned by Miracle for the original war).

Since then, they had never left their homes. And that was multiple generations of Alicorn and Elven lives ago.

Naturally, Agamemas wanted to know what had drawn her to leave. A thing that went against everything he knew of the Ryu's. Normally, she would tell Agamemas to bring Ceph to her. That much she was willing to help.

"Oh, your so obvious child. The gods are currently occupied with their own matter. Thus we are all allowed far more freedom for a while. I came to help. The others either went to investigate, or to gather some things." She smiled, deciding that this was enough to sate Agamemas' curiosity.

"Now, as for little Ceph, the task itself won't be too difficult. He will lose about half of his levels, but that's all."

The cost was rather steep, but considering Ceph's inflated level, it wasn't too damaging. It would bring his level back down to what is expected of a child (teen) his age. Yet, that wasn't necessarily good. Ceph's advanced leveling had led to his aging progressing abnormally fast.

"Worry not. He'll only feel tired for a few weeks. Once he has acclimated to the change within his soul, he will recover his energy. And he can always go out to gain XP again."

Getting a nod of understanding, she asked, "Shall I start?"

"What do we need to do?" Zamia asked in place of her husband, who was too busy trying to understand Vitoria's plan.

"Not much. Just keep him calm." Vitoria said, kneeling next to Ceph and suddenly disappearing.

"Oh my!" Athtar exclaimed, his eyes wide in shock. Rushing next to Ceph, he searched for any traced of magic. Yet, he found none. It was like Vitoria had simply disappeared. But obviously it wasn't so simple.

Her technique simply surpassed what he was capable of. It wasn't manipulation of lifeforce but something beyond. The concept that had remained out of Athtar's hands for eons.


Inside a small ruined forest, Vitoria gently strolled through the wreckage.

Like a storm had blown through, all the trees were uprooted or snapped in half. The ground gouged out and all the undergrowth were gone. Like they had never existed, only a scant few roots were left to indicate their previous existence.

It was a total disaster.

Yet she walked with ease. Easily jumping over the debris and closing on the center of Ceph's soul. Halfway to it, a barrier of typhoon winds stopped her. Decently strong for his Tier and Level, but nothing but a small breeze to her. Vitoria walked through the winds, her hair fluttering in the air.

"Surprisingly realistic for one so young." She giggled. Pleasantly surprised by how strong Ceph's talent was. The myths of him being the harbinger of doom weren't far placed. He could certainly become one. Become more powerful than his father.

But that wasn't what the original prophecy had declared. His birth had simply coincided with the change in the world.

"There you are." Soon, she found Ceph's consciousness. Unconscious, as weird as that might sound. But even souls can be bereft of conscious thought. Most, in fact, were just that.

Yet, as soon as she approached his Elven form, Ceph's eyes snapped open. Staring at Vitoria with caution.

"Oh my, this sure is surprising. You're still awake?"

Ceph didn't reply, too tired to achieve the task. All his energy was being spent on keeping his mind from dissipating. Thanks to his efforts, he had yet to lose any parts of himself to the void that had appeared within his soul.

"Relax Cephaphyr. I'm your great-great... Umm, let's just shorten it to great-aunt, alright?" She smiled cutely and bent down to look Ceph in his eyes. "I can help."


"But it will come at a cost."


"The cost will be twofold. Since you are aware of your own soul, and even have a decently established soul world, it might be dearer than I had thought it would be for you." She paused. She had told Agamemas that Ceph would lose half his levels. This was a harsh cost, but not something unbearable.

However, if someone had a soul world, the cost became far more expensive to pay. Since Ceph had somewhat developed his soul (whether knowingly or not), losing it would be painful. Luckily, she could ensure it would not damage his mind like Eldrian was presently experiencing. But the pain of having his soul consumed would be there.

"Most your soul will be consumed. Around half your levels." She looked around. "In the end, I think only the area surrounded by that wind barrier will remain. About a sixth."


"This means you will experience a rather large amount of pain. Less if you work with me, but you can also lose conciousness. That might be for the best, but I will leave the decision to you."


"Oh, and I'm answering your questions since I can read your thoughts. It's especially easy when I'm in your soul." She smirked, enjoying the look of surprise on Ceph's face.


"Oh, don't give me that. Were would be the fun in telling you earlier? And yes, I do look good for my age. Don't I? You wouldn't guess I'm a day past a million years old." Giggling, she enjoyed watching Eldrian's frustrated bewilderment.

"Beside, you can use telepathy. It shouldn't be a shock that someone can read your thoughts if their magic is good enough. Now, let's get back to the matter at hand."

"The void that appeared inside you is from your soul bond with a player. That person is dying to the same phenomena. Once it has consumed his soul, it will consume all those in contact with him. Then those near him, then the world around him. Soon, it would consume the entire dimension of his existence."


"Relax, no more shouting, please!" Vitoria covered her ears, although Ceph hadn't uttered a word.


"That's better. Now, that isn't the only outcome possible. It is possible that Eldrian overcomes this. But I hardly think a human can accomplish that. Especially one who hasn't reached enlightenment."


"Right, that's why I'm here. Our world, while of a separate dimension, is still connected to the one your friend is in."


"Yup, if their dimension gets consumed, so does ours. See, I can't just leave this to chance. As your Great-aunt I want you to help me, help save us all. But if you don't accept the costs, I will have to do this by force."


"Great! Now, I'm sure you already suspect this... ah, you do. Good. Yes, the other cost is your connection with Eldrian. And, sadly, neither of you will ever be able to soul bound with anyone again."


"True, it is generally considered a once off deal. But there were some who had formed multiple soul bonds. This won't be happening for you or your friend. Do you accept?"


"Good. Right, so the help I need from you is to keep your soul from automatically defending itself. Sound bazar, well that wind barrier is a defense. You didn't create it, did you?"


"Right. So let's start there. Stop the wind."

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