Chapter 7: The Truth Behind the Lies
Mia looked at her phone, her heart pounding. Olivia's number. But was it really her?
The key. What key was the message talking about?
Then it hit her. The small brass key she'd kept all these years, hanging from a chain around her neck. The key to the basement where everything had fallen apart.
Rain began to fall as Mia stepped out of her car, the gala site glowing like a giant jewel against the dark sky. Women in sparkly dresses hurried inside, guys in tuxedos holding umbrellas over them.
Mia's fingers touched the key beneath her dress. She should go inside. Pretend everything was normal. Find Derek and Olivia and smile like nothing was wrong.
Instead, she turned away from the door and walked to the back of the parking lot, where her phone map showed the quickest route to the old warehouse.
"Miss Chen?" A servant appeared beside her. "Can I help you?"
"Just getting some air," Mia lied. "I'll be right in."
As the valet walked away, Mia felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Going somewhere?"
She whirled around. Derek stood there, handsome in his tuxedo, his smile not reaching his eyes.
"Derek! You scared me."
"Did I?" He looked down at her phone. "Planning a little trip to the old neighborhood?"
Mia's blood turned cold. "How do you—"
"Know about the warehouse?" Derek's smile grew bigger. "I know a lot of things, Mia. Like what happened there ten years ago."
Mia felt off balance and wanted to go inside to meet Olivia. Derek took her phone and showed her a text message from Olivia. He knew about Ethan and the secrets surrounding them. They walked away from the dinner as rain poured down. Derek revealed he was aware of various truths, including the suspicious merger being announced and its connection to Ethan's sister, Lily, who had found corruption involving Olivia's father. Derek's determination came from personal loss, as Lily was his cousin.
He pressured Mia to help him get proof by planting a device on Olivia's father's computer, threatening to reveal Mia and Olivia's past if she refused. Mia felt conflicted about whether to believe Derek but agreed to help for the sake of finding the truth. Derek instructed her on the plan to sneak into Mr. Chen's office at the gala before the reveal.
Unexpectedly, Olivia questioned Mia about her trust in Derek and revealed that she got similar texts from Ethan's old number. As the announcement approached, Mia felt the pressure of her choice and slipped away to find the office, realizing she had limited time to uncover the truth.
Mia hesitated, understanding she couldn't turn back. As she stood there, a guy stepped out of the shadows and introduced himself as Mason, Ethan's twin brother. He explained he had been watching Mia for a long time and was involved in the texts. Mason admitted Derek had been working with him for a while, planning to take down Mr. Chen tonight.
Mason offered Mia a choice: plant a device that would reveal Mr. Chen or walk away into more lies. Mia was worried about Olivia's safety, and Mason dismissed her worries, saying Olivia was collateral damage. Mia felt a wave of emotion, thinking of their youth. Just as Mason urged Mia to decide, she got a new message asking, "Truth or lies, Mia? The choice was always yours. "
Mia made her decision and reentered the crowded ballroom, where the crowd was cheering for Derek and Mr. Chen. Olivia asked Mia about whether she had followed Derek's instructions. Just then, the lights dimmed, and Mr. Chen started his announcement.
Feeling pressure, Mia told Olivia they needed to leave. Olivia admitted she had always known about Mia's bracelet, and as they discussed their worries, the crowd gasped at the revelation of papers displayed on the screen. Panic followed, and security rushed the stage. Olivia pulled Mia toward a side exit, urging her they needed to get to the basement where real proof still existed.
They hurried to Mia's car after the rain stopped, and Mia questioned Derek's decision. Olivia explained Derek chose anger over love, and when Mia mentioned Mason, Olivia realized they had little time. They reached a crumbling building, where Olivia revealed she helped Ethan escape the fire all those years ago. As they descended into the dark basement, Olivia shared what happened, and they soon found a warped metal cabinet where Olivia had hidden something important before the fire. Just then, they heard footsteps approaching them from the stairs.
"How sweet. A reunion." Derek stood in the doorway, Mason beside him. "Finding what you're looking for, sweetheart?"
"Derek." Olivia didn't look shocked. "I wondered when you'd show up."
"The announcement didn't go quite as planned," Derek said coldly. "Someone switched my files. I wonder who."
"Maybe someone who knew your plan all along." Olivia stood slowly. "Did you really think I didn't know who you were? Why you sought me out?"
Derek's confidence weakened. "You couldn't have known."
"That you're Lily's cousin? That you've been planning revenge for years?" Olivia's laugh was bitter. "I knew the day you asked me out. I've been waiting for you to make your move."
Mason stepped forward. "Where's the file, Olivia? The real one. With Lily's original report."
"Right where Ethan left it." Olivia turned to the cabinet, unlocking it with shaky hands. "He didn't take the money and run. He left proof. Insurance."
From the closet, she pulled a waterproof case. Inside lay a USB drive and a handmade letter.
"Everything Lily found. Everything that happened. The truth." Olivia held it out. "But not the truth you think."
Derek snatched the case. "What does that mean?"
"Read it," Olivia said quietly. "Lily's last letter. To you."
As Derek opened the letter, Mia moved closer to Olivia. Something wasn't right. Olivia was too calm, too prepared.
"This is impossible," Derek whispered, reading the letter. "She can't have—"
"Been working with my father all along?" Olivia finished. "A double agent? Read it again."
Mason grabbed the letter, his face darkening as he read. "No. This is a fake. Lily would never—"
"Betray Phoenix Investments? Help cover up crimes?" Olivia shook her head. "We all make choices we regret, Mason."
"So that's it?" Mia broke in. "Lily was crooked too? Everyone's guilty?"
"Not everyone." Olivia reached into her bag. "Just those who choose revenge over truth."
The gun in Olivia's hand gleamed in the flashlight beam. Derek stepped back, hands raised.
"Olivia, think about this—"
"I've thought about nothing else for ten years." Olivia's voice was ice. "You came into my life claiming to love me. Used me to get to my father. Threatened my best friend."
"You left Ethan to die!" Mason shouted.
"Did we?" Olivia's gaze never left Derek. "Show them the last page, Derek. Tell them who Ethan really was."
With shaking hands, Derek turned the final page of the letter. His face went white.
"Ethan was working for your father," he whispered. "He set Lily up. Led her into a trap."
"And then used her death to manipulate two sixteen-year-old girls." Olivia's hand steady on the gun. "He wasn't a victim, Derek. He was the monster."
Mia's world spun. "Then the fire—"
"Was an accident. But Ethan's death was no great loss." Olivia's voice cracked slightly. "I thought I'd killed him. Carried that guilt for years."
"Where is he now?" Mason demanded.
"Dead. For real this time." Olivia dropped the gun slightly. "My father made sure of it once he got what he wanted."
The basement fell silent except for the dripping water. Four people trapped in a web of lies, anger, and misplaced loyalty.
"What happens now?" Mia finally asked.
Before Olivia could answer, footsteps sounded on the stairs again. Heavy. Multiple sets.
"Ms. Chen?" A police officer appeared in the doorway. "We got your emergency signal. Are you alright?"
Behind the officer, more police flooded the stairs.
"Perfect timing." Olivia slipped the gun back into her bag. "Officers, these men are linked to the evidence currently being displayed at the Chen-Phoenix gala. Corporate spying, blackmail, and harassment."
As the cops moved forward, Derek locked eyes with Olivia. "You planned this all along."
"I learned from the best." Olivia's smile was sad. "Goodbye, Derek."
As the cops led Derek and Mason away, Mia and Olivia stood alone in the ruined basement.
"Was any of it real?" Mia asked quietly.
"Our friendship was." Olivia touched the charred band on Mia's wrist. "Everything else... I don't know anymore."
Above them, sirens screamed. News vans would arrive soon. The Chen-Phoenix deal was becoming the scandal of the decade.
"What will you do now?" Mia asked as they climbed the stairs, leaving the basement behind—hopefully for the last time.
"Start over. Tell the truth. Face the consequences." Olivia looked up at the stars rising from behind the clouds. "What about you?"
Mia thought about the device she had placed in Mr. Chen's laptop. Not Derek's device—she'd thrown that away. Her own. The one that had transmitted everything to the police instead of to Derek.
She thought about the key around her neck, and the weight it had carried for ten years.
"I think," Mia said slowly, "it's time to take off this bracelet."
As they reached Mia's car, her phone buzzed with a new message. Unknown number:
"The game isn't over. Some fires never die. See you soon."
Attached was a photo—three purple bands laid out on a wooden table.
One belonged to Mia. One to Olivia.
The third was new.
Mia showed the message to Olivia, whose face drained of color.
"Impossible," she whispered. "Unless..."
"Unless what?"
Olivia's eyes met Mia's, fear mirrored in them. "Unless Ethan really did have a twin brother. And the one I helped escape... wasn't Mason."
In the distance, thunder rumbled again. The storm wasn't over yet.
Neither was their story.