A PokéTransmigration Adventure

Chapter 15: Ch 15. Ripple in Time

Chapter 15: Ripple in Time

The Pokémon Center was a mess. Shards of glass crunched underfoot, mingling with spilled potions and scattered papers. The air, usually thick with the comforting scent of antiseptic and healing herbs, now carried a sharp, acrid tang of ozone and burnt plastic. Trainers huddled together, murmuring anxiously, their Pokémon whimpering softly in their arms or nestled securely in Poké Balls. Even Nurse Joy's normally unflappable demeanor was strained, her smile tight as she directed the cleanup efforts.

Alex stood near the recovery beds, the familiar weight of Ace's Poké Ball a small comfort in his hand. He watched Ash, still looking shaken, hovering anxiously over Pikachu. The little Electric-type was breathing steadily now, but its fur was singed in places, and a faint tremor ran through its body.


[System Notification]:

Minor Timeline Deviation Detected. Canon event disrupted. Proceed with caution.

The words flashed in his mind, a stark blue against the backdrop of the chaotic scene. He hadn't imagined it. The System, whatever it was, had confirmed it: he'd changed something.

A cold knot tightened in his stomach. He glanced around, trying to pinpoint the difference, the *deviation*. Everything *looked* normal enough. Ash was here, Pikachu was injured, Team Rocket had attacked… But the *way* it had happened… that was different. He'd interfered. He'd used Tactical Insight, guided Misty, anticipated their moves… He'd made the battle *too easy*.

His hand tightened around Ace's Poké Ball. He'd known, intellectually, that his presence here could alter things. But seeing the notification, the explicit confirmation… it made the abstract real. This wasn't a game anymore. He couldn't just reload a save if things went wrong.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm the frantic beat of his heart. Panic wouldn't help. He needed to think, to analyze. What had he changed? And what were the potential consequences? He ran through the battle again in his mind, focusing on the key moments, the points where his intervention had been most decisive. The Sand Attack timing. The prediction of Ekans's Wrap. The coordinated attacks with Misty…

A flicker of unease. Was it *too* coordinated? Had he inadvertently revealed too much of his… abilities? He glanced at Misty, who was checking on her Starmie, her expression a mix of relief and lingering annoyance (presumably still about the bike). She hadn't seemed to notice anything *too* unusual, had she? Just that he was… surprisingly skilled.

He needed to be more careful. He couldn't just blunder through this world, relying on his game knowledge and the System's advantages. He needed to be subtle, strategic. He needed to… blend in.

But… could he? Could he really stand by and watch events unfold exactly as he remembered them, knowing the potential dangers, the potential tragedies? Could he resist the urge to help, to make things *better*?

A wave of doubt washed over him. He wasn't a hero. He wasn't even a particularly *good* person, by his own admission. He was just… Alex. A guy who'd played too many video games and somehow ended up inside one.

But… he *was* here. And he *did* have knowledge. And he *did* have the System. He couldn't just ignore that. He couldn't just pretend he was a normal trainer.

He closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing, trying to find a balance between caution and action. He needed a plan. A strategy. He needed to figure out how to navigate this world, how to use his knowledge without causing further deviations, how to… survive.

And he needed to find Emma. That, at least, hadn't changed.

"Hey, Alex."

Misty's voice startled him, pulling him out of his internal turmoil. He opened his eyes, forcing a smile.


"You okay? You seem… spaced out." She was looking at him with a curious expression, her head tilted slightly.

"Yeah, fine," he lied, automatically. "Just… thinking."


He hesitated. He couldn't tell her about the timeline, about the System, about his fears. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

"About… what's next," he said, choosing his words carefully. "Viridian City. Getting my Pokémon registered. Finding a sponsor… all that."

Misty nodded, seemingly accepting his explanation. "Right. Well, Nurse Joy said Pikachu will be fine. So… we should probably get going." She paused, then added, with a pointed look, "Unless you've got another bike you want to… borrow."

Alex winced. "Sorry about that. Again. Ash… he gets a little carried away sometimes."

Misty snorted. "Tell me about it." She glanced towards Ash, who was still fussing over Pikachu, oblivious to their conversation. "He owes me big time."

"He will pay you back, I am sure of it." Alex said with force.

Just then, Nurse Joy approached them, her expression a mixture of relief and exhaustion. "Pikachu is resting comfortably now," she said, addressing Ash directly. "He'll need a good night's sleep, but he should make a full recovery."

Ash sagged with relief, a visible weight lifting from his shoulders. "Thank you, Nurse Joy. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, dear," Nurse Joy replied, her smile returning, though it still held a hint of strain. She turned to Alex and Misty. "And thank you both for your help with… that." She gestured vaguely towards the shattered ceiling, a clear understatement of the Team Rocket attack. "Given the… circumstances," she continued, "and the late hour… I'd recommend you all stay here for the night. We have rooms available, and it's… safer than being out on the streets right now, especially with those… troublemakers on the loose."

Misty immediately nodded. "Sounds good to me. I'm exhausted, and I'm not going anywhere until I get my bike situation sorted out." She shot a pointed look at Ash, who winced.

Alex hesitated for a moment, his mind racing. Staying here… it made sense. It was safer, and it would give him time to think, to plan. But it also meant delaying his journey, delaying his search for… He glanced at the Poké Balls on his belt, then at Misty, then at Ash.

"Okay," he said, finally. "Staying here sounds like the best option." He needed to register his Pokémon anyway. And… maybe spending a little more time with Misty and Ash wouldn't be so bad. He could learn more about this world, about the real Pokémon world, not just the game version. And… maybe he could even start to figure out how to navigate this timeline deviation without causing further chaos. He opened his system interface.


[System Interface V1.0]


[User Profile]

[Name]: Alex Trent

[Age]: 16

[Level]: 4 (EXP: 24/750)

[Hometown]: Not selected

[Trainer Class]: Beginner

[Title(s)]: None

[₽]: 1500

[Badges]: Nil



[HP]: 115/115

[MP]: N/A

[STR]: 9

[END]: 11

[DEX]: 10

[INT]: 14

[CHA]: 12

[LCK]: 27

Bonus Stat Points Available: 30



1. Observe (Passive) Lv. 2/15

* Effect:

a. Lv. 1 - Basic Information:

* For Pokémon: Provides name, species, and level.

* For Humans: Displays name, age, and profession.

b. Lv. 2 - Status Effects:

* For Pokémon: Can identify current status effects (e.g., poisoned). Can also identify gender.

* For Humans: Indicates emotional state (e.g., nervous, confident) and any current physical conditions (e.g., injured).

* Identifies potentially important findings/objects, guided by an 'unknown entity'.

2. Tactical Insight (Active) Lv. 1

* Effect:

- Gain a general understanding of the battlefield, including terrain advantages and disadvantages.



* Poké Balls: 15

* Potion: 11



* Poké Balls: 5

* Potions: 6

* Antidotes: 6

* Paralyze Heals: 6

* Food Supplies: Enough for both Alex and Ace until reaching Viridian City.

* Phone:

~ Installed Modules on Phone:

1. Map

2. Trainer ID

3. Calls and Contacts

4. Camera

5. Pokédex

6. Pokémon Status




1. Visit Viridian City:

a. Clerk's Gift

* Meet the PokéMart clerk. They'll give you an item that will help on your journey.


- Map of Kanto

- 100 EXP

b. Checking In

* Visit the Pokémon Center.

Reward: ???


1. Unlock System Interface.

2. Open Map App.

3. Open Trainer ID App.

4. Choose Your Starter Pokémon.

5. Defeat Your First Wild Pokémon



1. ★ First Step Into The Pokémon World ★

2. ★ Meeting The World Protagonist ★

3. ★ First of Many ★

4. ★ First Challenge ★

5. ★ Double Trouble ★

6. ★ Survive Team Rocket's First Attack ★

7. ★ First Legendary Pokémon Sighting (Ho-Oh) ★



1. Kanto Region:

~ Pokémon Seen: 5

~ Pokémon Registered at the Pokémon Center: 1

~ Last Pokémon Registered in Pokédex: Pidgey (#0016)



• City/Town Reputation

Pallet Town

- Reputation Tier: Newcomer

- RP: 0

- Discount: 0%

- Bond Bonus: 0%

Viridian City

- Reputation Tier: Newcomer

- RP: 100

- Discount: 0%

- Bond Bonus: 0%

• Kanto Reputation

Total RP: 100

Average Reputation Tier: Newcomer

• Current Reputation Benefits



*(Misty's Internal Monologue)*

*Beginner trainer, huh? He was calling the shots back there like a seasoned pro. That Sand Attack timing… predicting Ekans's Wrap… pure instinct, or something else? And "Tactical Insight"? What was *that* all about? He's got way more skill than he lets on. Guess staying here for the night isn't the worst thing. Gives me a chance to figure him out… and keep an eye on Ketchum and my bike.*


End of Chapter 15

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