Chapter 26: Ch 26. Prof. Oak's Call
Chapter 26: Prof. Oak's Call
"Viridian City Pokémon Center, Alex speaking," Alex answered, trying to sound official, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
The screen flickered to life, displaying the back of a man's head, the silver hair neatly framing his neck instantly recognizable.
"Oh, hello. Is Nurse Joy available?" a familiar voice asked.
Alex blinked, then a grin spread across his face. "Professor Oak? I can't quite see you, sir. I think your camera might be facing the wrong way." He chuckled, unable to resist the slight tease.
There was a moment of silence on the other end, followed by a muffled, "Oh, dear… technology these days…" and some rustling sounds. Then, Professor Oak's face finally appeared on the screen, his kind eyes peering at Alex with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. "Ah, there we go. My apologies. I'm still getting used to these newfangled video transceivers." He chuckled, a warm, slightly self-deprecating sound. "Wait? Alex? Is that you?"
"Yes, sir. Nurse Joy asked me to help out at the reception desk for a bit."
"I see," Oak said, his smile widening. "Well, it seems you're adapting to life in Viridian City quite quickly. Nurse Joy already mentioned your… assistance during the incident earlier."
"It was nothing, Professor," Alex said, shrugging slightly. "Just happened to be in the right place at the right time."
"Modest too," Oak chuckled. "I was actually calling to speak with Nurse Joy about your sponsorship, Alex. I wanted to make sure she'd had a chance to discuss it with you."
"She did, sir. And I've accepted. I appreciate the offer, Professor."
"Excellent. I believe it will be mutually beneficial. I have a feeling you'll go far, Alex." Oak paused, his expression turning a bit more serious. "Speaking of which, are you planning on heading through Viridian Forest soon?"
"Yes, sir. That's the next step, I believe."
"Then be careful, Alex," Oak said, his voice firm. "It's not as peaceful as it used to be. There have been reports of increased Pokémon aggression, and… other disturbances. Keep an eye out, and don't take unnecessary risks."
"I understand, Professor. I've already heard some… unsettling things. I'll be cautious," Alex replied, nodding. He paused, then added, as if struck by a sudden thought, "Speaking of disturbances… we saw something strange on the way here. A huge, beautiful bird, with… rainbow-colored wings. It was flying over us just after a sudden storm, near Route 1." He gestured vaguely, as if pointing back towards the forest. "It looked similar to the bird shown on this mural here at the Viridian City Pokémon Center."
Professor Oak's eyes narrowed slightly. "A rainbow-colored bird, you say?" He paused, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. "Don't talk such nonsense. You couldn't have seen this Pokémon. Trainers have searched their whole lives and have never seen it."
"It sure looked like it. And for the record Misty saw it too," Alex pointed out, matter-of-factly.
Oak sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Look, Alex, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but… well, there are many rare and wonderful Pokémon in this world. Some that trainers search for their entire lives and never find. It's likely you saw something unusual, perhaps a regional variant of a known species, but…" He trailed off, shaking his head slightly. "Just… be careful about jumping to conclusions. And if you do see anything like that again, try to get a picture, or at least a clear description. Cold, hard evidence, that's what we need."
Alex nodded, taking the old man's words to heart. "I will, Professor."
"And… Officer Jenny mentioned something about 'suspicious activity' near your lab. Is everything alright?" Alex asked, trying to sound casually concerned.
Professor Oak hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering slightly. "It's… a complicated matter, Alex," he said finally, his voice evasive. He paused, seeming to consider something for a moment, then added, "Nothing for you to worry about right now. Just focus on your training."
Alex wanted to press further, but he knew it was pointless. Professor Oak was clearly not going to reveal anything over the video transceiver.
"Understood, Professor," Alex said, nodding.
Professor Oak gave a small, almost imperceptible sigh. "Look after yourself, Alex," he said, his tone softening. "And… if you do happen to come across anything… unusual… in your travels, don't hesitate to contact me. Discreetly, of course."
"I will, Professor. Thank you. By the way, how's Pallet Town?" Alex asked, eager for some lighter news.
Oak chuckled, "Gary and I have this ongoing bet for a million pokedollars about whether Ash would catch a Pokémon before reaching Viridian City."
Alex laughed nervously, "Well, money isn't everything, right?"
"Oh. Why did I even bother," Oak replied dejectedly.
"Now, I should let you get back to your… duties," Oak said, a hint of amusement returning to his voice. "And tell Nurse Joy I called, will you?"
"Of course, Professor. Good night."
"Good night, Alex."
The screen went blank, leaving Alex staring at his own reflection for a moment.
Just then, Nurse Joy returned, her usual cheerful smile slightly strained with fatigue. "Thank you so much for your help, Alex. I will credit the payment for your work in a little while." she said, approaching the reception desk. "I really appreciate the help. You can head to your room now. It's the first door on the left, upstairs. I've already had Chansey prepare it for you."
"Thanks, Nurse Joy," Alex replied, standing up from the chair. "It was no problem at all." He paused, then added, "Oh, and Professor Oak called. He wanted to speak with you, but I told him you were busy."
Nurse Joy's eyebrows rose slightly. "Professor Oak? I wonder what that was about." She first eyed him, and then seemingly remembering something, smiled at Alex. "Well, I can guess what he called about. Don't worry. I'll give him a call back later. In the meantime, get some rest. And don't forget to collect your Pokémon in the morning before you head out. And also, we need to have a discussion regarding your sponsorship in the morning."
"I will, Nurse Joy. Good night."
"Good night, Alex."
Alex headed towards the stairs and to his room, ready for some much-needed rest after a long and eventful day.