Chapter 12: Dramatic Meeting

***(Alex' s Home)

Isabelle knelt down beside Alex and so did Levi. Alex couldn't kneel because of his condition. Charlotte slowly drank the water she had been given while her assistant, Olivia stood beside her. 'So, my dear son. You decided to get married without your mother's knowledge, wow! I am really amazed '. Alex sighed, he knew that all hell would let loose if his mother found out he got married secretly but what could he do? He had to. 'I am so sorry mother, I had to at that moment and it you knew about it, you would have informed everyone and delayed the wedding'. Charlotte sighed, her son still didn't realize his mistake. She turned to her new daughter in-law instead and scrutinized her from head to toe. ' I can't accept her yet until I know her origin. I don't want a girl that wants to marry my son only for his money ', Charlotte thought to herself. 'Hey, girl. Why didn't you think to ask about your husband's family for once from him?', Isabelle looked up at her and answered honestly. 'He didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it so I didn't ask him '. Charlotte was silent, 'she is brutally honest '. Charlotte stood up and asked Isabelle to stand up as well. 'I will like to talk to you alone '. Isabelle nodded and got up to follow her, Charlotte suddenly stopped in her tracks. 'Levi, you. I didn't expect this from you at all! As a punishment, I want you to go to Africa for two weeks!! Do you get it? I have work there, take care of it for me '. Charlotte left with Isabelle. Levi turned to face Alex,' why am I always being sent to Africa? I mean, you are the one in the wrong here so why am I getting punished?'. Alex turned to look at Levi, 'are you complaining?'. Levi shook his head, 'i don't dare to sir. I will leave now '.

Charlotte slowly tapped on the chair she was sitting on and Isabelle peeked at her face . 'She is so elegant '.

'So dear, I won't be polite. Tell me now, why did you marry my son? Is it for money?'. Isabelle looked up at her and spoke, 'yes, I married your son for money'. Charlotte was surprised, 'You.....why are you being so honest?'. Isabelle sighed,'well you asked me a question and you deserve to know the truth '. Charlotte was furious, 'that's enough. I won't hear a thing more, go and pack your bags and prepare to leave '. Charlotte didn't give Isabelle a chance to speak. Isabelle stood up and went to do as she said. Levi came to meet Charlotte, 'before you send miss Rhea away , let me explain everything '.

Isabelle was done packing her bags and was prepared to leave when Alex came in. 'Where are you going?', Isabelle sighed. 'Your mom asked me to leave ', Alex was confused , 'Why? Let me guess, she asked you if you married me for money and you said yes didn't you?'. Isabelle nodded, 'i just told the truth that's all. What should I have said '. Alex felt like facepalming himself , ' I guess you did marry me for money but I also needed you as well so you shouldn't have said yes. Don't worry, I will go and talk to her. You are not going anywhere '.

Alex left the room to go and talk to Charlotte but she came inside with Levi. 'Mom, listen Rhea is not...'. Alex was just about to explain to his mom when.. she hugged Isabelle, 'my dear. I had no idea of what you've been through '. Isabelle was confused, 'uhm, mother in-law.. I'. Charlotte hugged her again, 'no more my dear. Say no more, Levi told me everything. I am so sorry, from now on my dear your battle is now my battle. No daughter in-law of mine will be bullied '. Isabelle guessed Levi must have told Charlotte about everything that has happened. 'Thank you mother in-law '.

'What! Mother in-law? No no no my dear, call me mother from now on okay? I am not saying that I have accepted you but I will try my best, I promise '. Isabelle nodded. 'I guess Levi didn't tell her about the contract so I shouldn't tell her just yet ', Isabelle thought to herself. 'Now daughter in-law, we will have a grand wedding ceremony but there's no rush okay?'. Alex just watched the scene before him and sighed, he was just worried for nothing. 'Okay, okay enough hugging. Let's have our food now ', Alex said and everyone finally went to eat.

Later at night, Charlotte was drinking wine in her room and Olivia came in. 'Madam, are you really just going to accept Rhea even though she married the young master for money?', Charlotte slowly sipped her wine, 'Like I said, I haven't accepted her yet but I had to pity her after all I also have a daughter. I couldn't bear to send her back to her horrible family. Besides, I like her personality, I just don't like the fact that she doesn't love my son. Listen Olivia, I will be leaving in a few days but you will stay behind and watch her character for me, make sure she takes good care of my son and ensure she doesn't belittle him for his condition. I don't care if she doesn't have a job but I will also love it if she is hardworking '. Olivia nodded and promised to do as she was told. 'Honestly madam, I don't think anyone could do such a thing to their own daughter, even her sister wanted to kill her. Something is wrong here', Charlotte agreed to what Olivia said. 'They shouldn't have done that to their own relative unless.... Olivia, I want you to find out everything about Rhea for me. Don't let Alex find out about all these. He wouldn't have bothered to find out about her since she is his wife now. He would want to respect her decision and privacy, my son is too nice, I know it'. Olivia nodded in understanding.


'Hmmn, Olivia do you smell that? Let's go and have a look ', Charlotte has just woken up and a nice aroma had made her mouth water. 'Hey there girl, is it the chefs of this house that is cooking? Wow my son has hired impressive people '. Charlotte has called a maid to enquire about the source of the mouth watering aroma. 'No Madame, it's the last boss that's cooking. She had taken charge of cooking for everyone including us the maids ', the maid Charlotte had called answered her. 'Wow Olivia, did you hear that? The daughter in-law is cooking. Let's go and check it out ', Olivia and Charlotte hurried to the dining table and indeed, Isabelle was serving breakfast. 'Good morning mother, I hope you had a pleasant night '. Charlotte was too distracted by the food that she didn't hear Isabelle greetings. She immediately took a bite of everything, 'hmmnn daughter in-law, you've outdone yourself. I give you a hundred points for this food. Now, I am relieved that my son is eating healthy '. Isabelle chuckled ,' don't worry too much about Alex mother in-law, he is my husband after all's. Isabelle replied and Charlotte could've sweared she saw Alex smiled.

After the breakfast, Isabelle, Levi, Charlotte and Olivia sat down together to discuss about the plan to sabotage Sofia's party. 'So, what's the plan?'.

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