Chapter 20: Whiskers & Blues
Draymonte City. A place where the sun falls gloriously over the ivory-stoned homes built on the edges of tall blue mountains. The rain season was generous to these isles. Therefore, most of the yearly weather consisted of warm rays of the sun and cool passing winds. A place where the clouds and heavens felt a little closer than usual.
Belle had visited many places, and though this would actually be her first time setting foot on the cloud country, she was accustomed to the usual sights of a vibrant rural town.
Draymonte City immediately gave off similar aesthetics to some of her favourite places.
Whilst the carriage gingerly moved through the narrow cobbled streets, she could see the merchant stalls aligned on both sides. Vendors selling beautiful silks, foods, ointments, and hand-crafted items. There was also a baker's stall where the pleasant aroma of freshly made bread danced lovingly along the air. Belle's first impressions of the town were rather good, so she started to feela little excited about venturing around this place.
The carriage eventually wheeled to a standstill. Belle opened the door and hopped down from the boxed cart. She dusted her hemmed skirt and stretched her arms, yawning with a cute voice, almost like her cat usually did. Sir Minx A lot had awoken from its lengthy rest and placed its elegant steps beside Belle.
"Here, this is for you. Don't be a rascal and waste it all on wine." Belle tossed a hefty pouch filled with coins at the driver, who caught the weighted bag and wore a look which spoke of his displeasure towards the little misses scolding words.
'How dare a little brat reprimand me. Hmph'
Belle couldn't tell what the driver was thinking, but she wouldn't care even if she could. After paying him generously, she turned to face the bright face of the glorious new town. Belle, alongside her ginger-furred cat, took a stroll through the busy streets; many who passed by the duo couldn't help but sneak curious glances at them.
It was unusual to see such an eccentric hat worn by a little girl, and more so seeing such obedience from a cat, known to carry out their own desires and only bother humans when hungry. In most cases they only assumed the cute faced short girl was playing dress up. Belle enjoyed the scenery and even purchased delicious snacks, almost making her buy the entire stall. The vendors were happy to sell her as much food as she wanted, some had even wondered where on earth she stored all the foods she was eating and carrying in both of her hands.
A few hours passed, and Belle strolled to the other end of the town, where she discovered a local tavern, also known as a drinking hole. Stars flashed across Belle's azure gaze. She wasted no time and swiftly entered inside. The place was dimly lit and filled with countless fellows seated on wooden stalls either around the bar or by the circular cut tables.
Belle ignored the whispers and cold looks bearing towards her. She expertly squeezed herself between two thick-armed men, took a seat on the stall between them and ushered Sir Minx a lot to jump onto her shoulders. The feline's sudden leap seemed to frighten one of the men beside her, who exclaimed in fright and almost fell off the stall he was half seated on.
The man seated on the other side of Belle couldn't hold down his rolling laughter, much to the dismay of the previous man, who glanced at the other fellow with daggers in his eyes. Belle, of course, paid little to no attention to these two; rather, she was trying to decide what she wanted to drink. A brown-skinned lady appeared behind the counter, her dark hair was tied into a bun and she had her long plaid sleeved rolled up, she was also wearing a beige apron which had perhaps once upon a time been white. Her hazel gaze was stiff towards the others but once she noticed the cute faced little girl she couldn't help but warm slightly.
"And what shall the adorable young lady be having today?" she asked Belle, still observing the bottles marked with names behind the bar tender.
"Huh? Adorable...who me?" Belle pointed at her own face, Sir Minx a lot was by far a regular animal and could sense the meaning behind the bar tenders words. So, it meowed rather disapprovingly. Belles eyes narrowed with annoyance, but judging by the ladies smile she decided not to take it too personally.
With a slight sigh she waved her hand and spoke, "oh thanks, but I am much older than I look. And also would like one glass of pumpkin flavoured spice rum...oh and a small mug of cream please." Before the bar tender could utter a single sound Belle had already brought out another heavier bag of coins and took a few out with her fainty hands and placed it on the counter. The sight of the glistening gold made all those around her water at their mouths. The barkeep was instantly entranced by the gold coins, who wouldn't be when the usual form of currency was old silver coins. Most folk who paid using gold coins were very few and usually consisted of highborne families or people with exceptional backgrounds and talents.
The bar tender wasted no time in securing the gold coins and dutifully tending to little Belle's needs. Once she left to pour out the drinks, at that moment.
"Ah, little girl, you have a lot of wealth on you. You know an old man like myself can offer you a great service?"
The other fellow on her side, who almost fell over earlier, chimed in.
"Yes-Yes, little girly, why not let us show you around the city. I can offer you the utmost protection at a very reasonable cost and ensure those scoundrels and stragglers do not bother you. Say which noble family do you hail from? I don't recall seeing a noble house around here with Blue hair"
"You idiot! Didn't you hear about the large banquet being held at the Dukes manor? Supposed to be seeing a whole heap of highbornes arriving at the city today. I wonder if the little Miss has lost her detail?"
"If so allow us two upstanding men to guide you to the place you desire. Of course at the cost of a sizeable payment."
"Of course- of course" the two men badgered on, gesturing to one another with snide grins.
Belle took a moment to realise these fellows were talking to her again. Her blank stare curiously observed the two, she even twisted her neck to observe each of them. A few moments later, she couldn't hold herself back and started laughing with childlike innocence, alerting most of the drinking folks nearby.
Belle laughed and laughed until tears welled in her doe-shaped eyes. Her stomach even started to hurt. Meanwhile, the two men's false smiles had steadily vanished away. Their eyes were now filled with horrible intentions and anger, growing with each moment Belle continued to laugh at them. Before they could even speak the bartender appeared before Belle, carrying her order. Belle's eyes lit up again as she swiftly reached for the spiced rum and took a large swig from the tall glass. The bartender couldn't hold back her widening gaze, the two men were also surprised by how the little girl handled her drink. But shock instantly faded once they both caught sight of her cat walking on the counter whilst elegantly licking the milk from the silver bowl.
"Don't you know its rude to bring animals into this place little girl?"
"Its extremely rude-extremely! and more so to laugh at your elders who are only trying to help you"
"Hmph these highborne children are never taught how to respect others. Look at this, allowing animals to drink from the same cup as us."
"Perhaps her father has always pampered her and therefore forgot to chasten her behaviour with an iron rod!"
A devious smile creased across the two men's lips.
"Then wouldn't it be our duty to carry the punishment out ourselves? Perhaps we can demand a reward from him once we take her back."
"Ah- yes, that certainly sounds like the best plan to move forward."
The mood around the bar instantly turned cold and quiet, most of the onlookers swiftly turned their gazes away. Whilst some felt sorry for the little girl, others scorned her for venturing into this place alone. As for the bartender she wasn't pleased at all by the behaviour of these two ruffians,
"Leave it out you two fools. Shes just a kid, and owes you two nothing at all. Do not disturb her or else..."
"Else what? You going to call the Duke on us...hahahaha"
"Yeah good luck with that Elise, you should know who truly runs this city outside of those lovely built castles in the north. The dukes doesn't care about the livelihoods of us folk. one will ever know what we get up too. Isn't that right little lady."
Belle was too busy enjoying her spicy-tasting drink to really care about the conversation around her; in fact, she had already started thinking about the next place she'd be visiting once she was done here.
Although, in her own thoughts, she was quite aware that she had travelled to these isles for a particular reason, that didn't seem as important right now. Belle wanted to enjoy her fill and handle serious matters later. Amid her daydreams, she glanced up and noticed a heated discussion between the ghastly men beside her and the bartender whose eyes didn't seem so dull and nasty.
The bartender was obviously feeling anxious by the despairing look hardly concealed within her eyes, but also there was a slight reluctance from her to back down. This drew an indifferent feeling from Belle's point of view. Sir Minx a lot was growling impatiently, rubbing its furry body against Belle's arm. The blue headed girl sighed once more, her dainty hands went fishing into her robes.
"So, what you say girlie? Pay us to be your personal tour guides and we'll ensure your safety."
"Yes-yes you could even put in a good word to your rich pa-pa and help us score a few more gold coins."
Belle finally seemed to understand the situation, and she wasn't happy about it one bit. She placed her half-empty mug aside and drew out a pale wooden thing, 10 inches long with a very distinctive design and carving. To those who were versed in the world's mystics, a single glance would tell you exactly what she had drawn forth. A magic wand. Belle raised the wand above her head, twirled it around and spoke in a dark voice, "Purr-fecto-Lumis-forte!" a dazzling light appeared on the tips of the wand gradually it turned brighter until all those present within the tavern were blinded by a very pure and warm surge of light.