A Timekeeper’s Awakening

Chapter 12: Imbued Items

Imbued Items were no joke. They can be anything and any size. The item itself contains an Orgone. It can range from projecting an Orgone at a distance to having a permanent Orgone around you. 

The problem with Imbued Items is how they are made. For an item to have an Orgone, a person must sacrifice themself to give it an Orgone. This is because a person, Orgone, is connected to the individual's soul. So if someone has an Orgone, they sacrificed someone to gain an Imbued Item.

Imbued Items are considered taboo and illegal to carry. Accusing someone of obtaining one is a serious offense, which is why Cron started to look pale at Rom's accusation.

The gathered students were also shocked. The idea of a student smuggling one of those into the academy is unheard of. Some students started to leave after hearing the word "Imbued Item." Lia even looked back at Cron with a worried expression.

"You didn't?" She asked with tension in her tone.

Cron shook his head rapidly. "No, no, of course I wouldn't!"

"Yeah, he would!" Rom argued. "He is probably so tired of not having an Orgone, so he got himself all three. He used all three of those items on me and my boys last night!"

"He didn't!" Omar tried to defend Cron. "I was there, but he didn't use those things!"

"Shut up, rat!" Rom barked. "Or we'll have another chat like last night."

With that threat, Omar quickly shut his mouth. Rom, now satisfied, looked back at Cron. "Back to business. Timeless, give me those Imbued Items, and you won't have to deal with me anymore."

"But I don't have any," Cron answered.

"Timeless," Rom growled. "Stop playing around!"

"How about you stop!" Lia said, stepping in front of Rom's sight.

Rom grinned. "Or what?"

"You know exactly what," Lia smirked. "Or should I remind you of what happened to you last year?"

"Oooooh," some of the students said.

Rom glared at those people. They instantly made no noise. Annoyed, Rom tried to gain his confidence back. "What makes you think you'll do that again?"

"Because you're dumb," Lia answered.

A few students snickered at the jab. Rom didn't look back at them this time, but he just glared at Lia. "How about we make a bet?"

"I'm all ears," Lia said.

"Whoever gets the first hit gets to check Cron for Imbued Items?"

Cron was about to stand up for himself. "Now, wait a minute, I don't-"

"Three, two, one go!" Lia said fast.

She cast her Orgone, zipping to Rom. Rom reactively summoned his Orgone. When both their Speed Orgones collided, an invisible force pushed them back. They skidded to a stop to look at each other.

Lia grinned. "Gotta say, I wasn't expecting you to be that fast."

"Shut up, girl! I'm not as slow as you think I am," Rom said.

Then, they charged each other but did not activate their Orgones. Once they were close to each other, they tried again, but once more, their Orgones collided and pushed them back.

Speed has been praised as one of the most useful Time abilities for construction, healing, and cooking. Fighting was one of its strongest utilizations. Zipping around enemies, attacking them when you don't expect.

When people using the same Orgone battle it out to see who can cast their Orgone first. If one pinky touches the opponent's Orgone before casting, the person who casts it first wins the match.

Cron looked around for teachers. He didn't find any! He looked at the people serving the food, and they were ignoring the fight. Cron was shocked to see this. He turned to ask Omar about it.

"Why aren't the teachers stopping this?" Cron asked.

Omar jumped; he didn't expect Cron to ask anything. But once Omar calmed his nerves, he answered. "Um, from my understanding, the teachers don't stop fights unless someone might die or it's past curfew."

"That's a stupid rule," Cron said.

Omar shrugged. "I know, but I guess it's because they want students to use their abilities freely here. I'm not sure why, but then again, you don't see people like this in public, do you?"

Cron thought about that. He doesn't see fights like these in public, and he wonders why. If kids were so reckless and used their abilities freely, wouldn't that create chaos? But Cron guessed it might be because everyone gets out of their system during the academy.

Everyone heard a loud thud. When Cron looked back, Lia had Rom in an armbar. Rom tapped her leg, letting her know that he had given up. Lia let go and then got to her feet.

She smirked, looking down at Rom. "Different school, same result, huh buddy?"

Rom stayed on his knees; he knew he was defeated, but he grunted. "Yeah, well, I still think Timeless has Imbued Items."

"And I will check on that," Lia said as she approached Cron. Cron seemed a little nervous about her approach, but he understood why she did. "So, do you have one?"

Cron shook his head. "No, I would never have one of those!"

Lia nodded, then turned to face Rom. "There you have it, he doesn't have one."

Rom's friends help him. Once he was on his feet, he glared at the group. "Next time, you guys won't be so lucky."

"Yeah, yeah, get over it," Lia said.

Then, the trio left as the cafeteria got back to normal. Lia looked back at Cron. "So, after classes, right?"

Cron nodded. "Is there a practice field or something?"

"Uh, yeah, we'll use the track field. Does that sound good?" Lia asked. Cron nodded. "Good, now, I'm going to get some food."

Lia walked to the line. Cron then asked Omar if he could take him to the track field since he had no idea where it was. Omar agrees to accompany Cron on the way there.

Later in the day, the bell rang for one last time—the students exited their classes to mingle, go to their dorms, or go outside the academy to explore. Soon enough, Cron and Omar found themselves on the track field.

The track field was simple in design. It consisted of a regular-sized ring for running on and a big grass field in the middle. Cron noticed someone running on the track. He thought he had to return later when the field was empty, but he recognized the red blurry hair. It was Lia.

It took her no time at all to see Cron and Omar. She used her Speed Orgone to approach them. She stood there with her arms crossed, a bit sweaty, and breathing heavily. But clearly, her curiosity about Cron was on her mind.

"Okay," Lia started. "Show me."

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