A Timekeeper’s Awakening

Chapter 16: Master of Time

Ether crossed his arms, looking at the group. "What did she get you guys into?"

"Me? You act like I'm a troublemaker." Lia said.

"You are. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a lot of work to do." Ether said as he was about to shut the door.

"Wait," Cron called. "How were you able to expand Orgone?"

"And why did you have your Orgone active, anyway?" Lia asked, crossing her arms.

Ether's eyebrow raised. "Oh, that. I do it as a security system. Are you satisfied now?"

"No, this is something serious," Lia said.

Ether looked at Lia neutrally, then sighed and gave up. "Okay, okay. You and your friends can come in. But I'm kicking you out of here if it's about homework."
 "Deal," Lia said as she zipped through the door.

Cron and Omar looked at each other for a moment. Then they looked back at Ether. Ether gestured for them to walk in. They both nodded as they stepped into Ether's house.

Ether's house was spectacular. Everything felt spacious, including a beautiful marble kitchen, a living room with a lush red chair and couch, and a rug to match in front of a fireplace. 

Ether walked to his kitchen, grabbed a few cups, and poured water from a jug in his refrigerator. He handed the cups to the teens and then took a sip himself. He pounders at their intrusion; why would they bug him?

"Okay, explain yourself," Ether said to Lia.

"Well, you remember Cron, don't you?" Lia said, pointing out Cron. Cron shyly waved.

There was a flicker of familiarity about Cron. Ether thought he'd seen the face before, but now he remembers that fateful night of the Burning Skies. "Ah, yes, I remember now. If I'm not mistaken, kids bullied you, nicknamed you Timeless."

Cron still didn't like the name. Even though he wasn't Timeless anymore, mentioning that name was still a slight sting. "Uh, yeah," Cron said.

"And that's just it; he's no longer Timeless," Lia chirped. 

Ether nodded. "Congratulations, Cron. Which Orgone did you receive."

Cron scratches the back of his head in nervousness. "Well, that's the thing." Cron hesitated to tell him the truth but figured the secret would be kept with him. "I have all three Orgones."

Ether didn't react to the news. He studied Cron for a moment or two, then looked at Lia. "Were you really trying to prank me?"

Lia looked offended. "What? No, he actually has all three of them!"

Ether chuckled. "No, that's not possible. There is no such thing as someone having all three."

"But he does," Lia argued.
 "Dual wielders, sure, but he wouldn't be here if he was a dual wielder."

"What?!" Cron asked. "Dual wielders exist? Like people who have two time abilities?"

"Ah, right, I shouldn't be saying that out loud," Ether said. "Keep that to yourself, please. I don't want the Council of Time coming after me."

Cron was shocked, but he understood why Ether would say that. But now he could use it as blackmail if he needed to. But Cron wasn't one to blackmail people.

"So, that means you can keep my secret?" Cron asked.

Ether shrugged. "Sure, but I doubt it entirely." Cron stood there, ready to activate all his Orgones. But before he did anything, Ether stopped him. "Hold on, I have those endless bounce balls. We'll use those. So, follow me upstairs."

Ether gestured for the group to follow him. Near the kitchen was a staircase. As they walked up to the second floor, the teens were shocked at what they saw. There was one big room mirror on one side of the wall, a desk at the far end, and a space after that.

"What the?" Lia asked. "Why so much space? Does a giant live here?"

Ether laughed. "No, this is where I could teach students after class. Most don't take the offer, but I'm glad about that. And no, it's only for upper students, not first-years."
 "I wasn't even going to ask," Lia said.

"No, but your friends might," Ether said, pointing at Cron and Omar.

Cron felt a little defeated after those words but understood. Ether walked to his desk. Then, reaching into a drawer, he found the ball. He then gestured for the group to come close.

"Okay, Cron, please step closer to me," Ether said. Cron did as he was asked. "Now, the ball will drop, and I need you to use the Stop Orgone. I know you didn't use the Slow; that must be your friend there."

"Actually, sir," Omar said. "He did, I was trapped."

Ether shrugged. "Okay, in that case, still use the Stop Orgone."

Ether dropped the ball. In that instant, Cron thought about the feeling with the Stop Orgone. As it falls, Cron casts his Orgone, and it stops mid-air. Then, he allowed the Orgone to dissipate.

Ether looked impressed. "Okay, that's good now. Since your friend over there said you used the Slow Orgone, please do."

Cron nods. Then, doing the same thing as the Stop Orgone, he casts the Slow Orgone, and the ball moves in slow motion. Then Cron let go of the Orgone. When Cron looked at Ether, there was a shock to his face.

Ether was about to say something, but Cron acted quickly, using his Speed Orgone. The ball rapidly bounced in front of them, and then, just as quickly, Cron released the Orgone and looked at Ether.

Ether instantly grabbed the ball and ran around his desk. He sat on the chair behind his desk. With a hand on his mouth in utter surprise, no one said a word. No one was sure if they should say anything.

But it looked like Ether needed time to process what he witnessed. Soon, he looked back at Cron. "When did you discover this?"

"Just yesterday," Cron answered.

"Good, does anyone else know?"
 "Uh, there are my bullies. Rom, Trey, Derk. But they believe I have Imbude Items."

"Keep it that way. Because if you don't, they will hunt you."

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