A Timekeeper’s Awakening

Chapter 8: Awakening

Derk charged Cron. Cron felt the three beats in his body, and now he would use them. Cron knew Derk had the ability Slow; to counter this, Cron needed Speed. Without knowing what he was doing, Cron forced out an invisible pressure.

Cron felt it; he had been in this state before. Derk charged him, but to Cron, he looked slow. But Cron knew it wasn't the time ability Slow, it was Speed. With a slight grin, Cron rushed to Derek. Cron didn't know how to punch, so he instead tripped Derk.

Cron then zipped to Trey next; Trey had the ability of Stop, the direct counter to Speed. Cron still felt beats around his skin, but only two this time. Cron let go of the fast intensity that was the Speed Orgone. With that, he forced out the pressure again.

Trey stood still, probably activating his Stop Orgone. Cron hoped he did the right thing because Trey looked surprised when the pressure left his body.

Trey was watching Cron and him move in slow motion. It was like Trey's Orgone was shattered by Cron's. This happened: Slow beats Stop, and Cron took advantage of the surprise. Cron, while slow, shoved Trey away from him. Trey fell back in slow motion, still in shock while it was happening.

Cron then set his sights on Rom. Rom was in mid-swing but stopped when he saw his two friends on the ground. Cron didn't let Rom get a second to think. Cron rushed Rom; Cron knew Rom's Orgone was Speed. The direct counter, Stop.

Cron had to time his casting just right. Once more, he felt a beat beneath his skin. It was one last Orgone; he just knew it was. Cron ran at Rom, cocking his hand back. With one last push of the pressure from inside him, he let it out in the open.

Rom activated his Orgone to strike Cron fast. But to Rom's shock, he stopped and felt his Orgone shattered. Rom was still unable to move and react to anything. But that goes equally to Cron.

Cron had his fist cocked back, ready to strike, but when activating his Stop Orgone, everything within his area stopped. Cron wanted to move and hit Rom for everything he had done to him and this student.

"Crap, I can't believe I forgot about this," Cron thought. "If only I knew how to move while my Orgone is active!"

Then, in what felt like a punch to the gut, Cron lost focus. Cron was stumbling around as his vision started to fade. As he did, Cron dropped to his knees and blacked out.

Trey and Derk stood after their fall with Cron. They looked down at Cron in utter confusion. They weren't sure what happened; it was like he used all three abilities.

"He was using Speed the whole time, right?!" Derk asked.

"No, he had to use slow; it only makes sense if he did! That's how he got around me," Trey said.

"No, you're probably too slow for him," Derk argued.

"No, I felt it!" Trey argued back. "My Orgone was gone when he was close to me. He had to use Slow!"

"But he used Stop," Rom said, but then he looked down at the student he was beating. The student's blue robe had blood everywhere. The first-year's face was also buried and bleeding. He glared at the first-year. "It was you! You used your Orgone again!"

With wide eyes and a desperate plea in his voice, "No, please, I didn't do it this time! I swear to you!"

Rom was stomping to the kid, but he could hear another voice. "Hey, who's out there? It's curfew!"

"Crap, we're busted!" Rom said. He then ran to his friends. "Hold on to my robes!"

Trey and Derk held on to Rom's robe sleeves. Rom activated his Orgone and zipped out of the area in a second.

"Go get those students," someone yelled. Then, a few staff members followed the trio with their Speed Orgone.

The first-year student looked at Cron's body. He hoped Cron was okay. Then, the boy slowly started to stand up in pain. He looked down at Cron. "Thank you," he whispered.

Then, the student limped away. After the trio of bullies left them, the staff members didn't know two more students were out past their time. The student dragged himself away from the scene, not wanting to get involved more than he already was.

Cron was left alone behind the bush. Blood rushed down from his head. Only the people on the patrol will spot Cron lying there, almost lifelessly. But there was one fact: Cron has an Orgone.

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