Chapter 11: First Spar:
Ryuusei and Kanoko both went in inside the fighting hall.
Kanoko: This is quite big, I hope no one comes here though.
Ryuusei: " this is my first time even seeing this place, I never came here?"
Ryuusei thought to himself.
Kanoko: Shall we get started?
Ryuusei: ..yes..
Kanoko: Yes but before that what are yours abilities?
Ryuusei: " Abilities?..... What are my abilities? I never thought about that. I never used anything like that."
Ryuusei thought to himself for few seconds.
Kanoko : it's okay, if you don't want do tell me, I was asking. Pay no mind to it.
Ryuusei: No..... It's just.... " I don't know."
Kanoko: well you ask mine, my ability is that it can manipulate ice.
Kanoko snaps her finger. And made few shape with ice.
Kanoko: see, mine are very obvious, that's why I was asking but it's okay, people have their reason.
Kanoko: well anyways, let's do it.
Ryuusei: ..okay.
Kanoko: but what do we do?
Ryuusei: I'll be on the defense, and you can attack.... something like that.
Kanoko: are you sure, okay then.
Ryuusei and Kanoko gets in the position. Kanoko first makes a bow out of ice and shoot and arrow towards Ryuusei, without any trouble he dodges it. Kanoko then makes a spears and rans towards Ryuusei and gets in a close combat.
Ryuusei: " Tbh , her speed is very slow but her control on her abilities is very good. Also It's my first time, being in combat with someone."
Ryuusei thought to himself while keep dodging kanoko's attack.
Kanoko: wow, your good but you can you can also attack.
Kanoko gets back and throws the spear towards Ryuusei with strength and creates a sword a big hammer, the size of the hammer was a just that much that it could fit in the room. She makes the hammer falls towards Ryuusei. Ryuusei catches the spear and throw it towards the hammer , the spear goes through the big hammer, destroying it. Parts of the big hammer starts falling, with these parts Kanoko makes spikes and aim them towards Ryuusei. Ryuusei ran and jumps towards the spikes, catching one and deflecting other with it and then throwing it towards kanoko. Kanoko then makes a wall of ice but with the strength that spike was thrown, it goes through the walls and barely touching the shoulder of Kanoko.
Ryuusei then gets down again and saw that the piece hits Kanoko.
Ryuusei: are you okay?
Kanoko: yes, yes , this is nothing but wow I seriously never expected you to be this good. I never saw in training in the school, where did you train...
Ryuusei: ....yeah... I my house...
Kanoko: your house?
Kanoko: well anyways that was good warm-up. Do you want to go again?
Ryuusei: .... If you want...
Kanoko: okay then, let's start again.
Ryuusei and Kanoko both keep sparring until it was evening. They took many breaks in between and hardly with trained but they did something for the first day.
Ryuusei: " it's time for work, I have to go but how do I tell her."
Kanoko: fwooo.... I'm done for today, it was fun. Thanks for training with me .
Kanoko said with a tired express.
Ryuusei: No, it's okay...
Kanoko: are you gonna go home now , why don't I treat for some meal?
Ryuusei: I have work today...
Kanoko: oh I see, well okay then, I'll see you tomorrow and good work.
Ryuusei: Yes..
Ryuusei walked out first in hurry to reach to the reach.
Ryuusei: That was my time training with someone, I don't know how to feel about that. But it was something, something else. Even though it was first time, it felt like I've seen the abilities she uses before. I can't really recall, someone from the temple?.... But I don't think anyone had ice abilities there...
Ryuusei suddenly stopped and had a thoughtful expression on his face.
Ryuusei: I see, so that's where I saw those powers.
Ryuusei looks back and then went for work.
In work , everything was the same, ryuusei was always thinking to himself. Ryuusei used to talk to himself a lot. If someone were to saw him alone talking to himself, they will think that he has mental issues.
Ryuusei: hmmmm... should I go to the factory today. I don't want and want to... I also did train a bit today but.... It was a bit .... But still did it..... Man, what a pain... I guess I'll just do it.... I have nothing else to do it either.
His shift ended and Ryuusei went to the factory again and did his training like usually but today his kind was filled with what he was going to tomorrow. Maybe he was happy to be with someone or train with someone or that someone talked to him in the first place but there was no denying it that he was infact looking forward to tomorrow.