Chapter 1: ACT 1: The White Room
The border of fire split open randomly for only a specific amount time and the war began as fury and rage erupted into the air, people cowered in fear as all Genesis could hear was punches and kicks being thrown. Lautaro induced by the malice of the White Room rushed in before being stopped by Jae strong hand.
"Lautaro! You have to come back to your senses. If you fall to the chaos of this place then what's going to bring you back?"
Jae said still holding the man's right shoulder.
"Look around look at people getting beaten by others if you run in recklessly you will be subdued by their overwhelming number and when the border closes again there will be no escape."
Lautaro finally calmed down as Jae's words pierced through the madness in his mind. They watched as people from both sides charged into their doom, they watched as children were getting taken, they watched as people's necks snapped with only a groan coming out of their hollow mouths, but all they did was watch.
When the barrier fell down again trapping unfortunate people in the enemy territory, Jae organized their team based on what they could do, he also asked people to stay awake incase the barrier opens again. Genesis could see the other team organizing themselves after the chaos unfolded but he could tell based on how many people were asleep that their communication was not as monumental as theirs.
It was Genesis's turn to stay awake and after 30 minutes of staying awake with another person, nothing happened, throughout the night nothing happened. It might sound crazy but there was peace in the malice inducing white room. Guess there could be peace in a place so vile, the peace was so, so alluring as if it could break in less than a second but able to hold a thousand mountains with it's presence. Genesis even let out a smile.
The night passed peacefully as people went to sleep and tried to stay warm.
Genesis was one of the first one's to wake up in the whole room, both because he had a habit of waking up early and also because he had not eaten anything in the past 42 hours. He saw the baby was still in the middle of the room untouched, unmoved and unfrightened. It seemed that the malice of the white room was overbearing their knowledge and just made them mad. Genesis looked around, then he looked at the television screen it was 5:12am and no one was awake. Genesis silently stepped through the white room and took the baby in his hands, cradling him, suddenly the baby's light shone bright, which was making the people on the other team stammer up. Genesis tried to hide the light of the baby as it was now a bright blue, maybe symbolizing the team color, but his attempt to keep the light from shining failed as the baby's bright blue light, emanated through his body making it as he was a ghost and the light could be seen from every side of the room.
People woke up from both side of the white room and Genesis sprinted, he had never been a good runner because he never had any nutrients or water to sustain his body and therefore he refrained from running and when he never tried running he became bad at it.
The television shined stopping everyone in their chase. It was 5:15am which was revealed to be breakfast time and that meant that it was time for peace but due unknown circumstances breakfast was moved to 5:30am.
"Who made this unjust, corrupt and unfair system!"
Genesis screaming his head off at the fact that he allowed a break to catch his breath. he kept running moving ever slowly and Genesis with the baby in one hand woke up Jae and as Jae realized what was happening he looked at the time and message that breakfast was moved and he fell out of his sleepy daze, he stood upright and his mere presence and appearance scred many away and as other people woke up because of the bright blue light of the baby they stood in front of the baby or beside Jae.
Genesis sighed as the chase was over as the people who woke up started to retreat. The entire of the blue team waited as breakfast started and Genesis felt so blessed at the food he was served. There was a whole table the size enough to feed a million mouths plattered with pancakes, eggs, steak and there was a choice for orange or apple juice.
If I ate this for one day I would forget the whole premise of war, but there is a reason for this either they wanted to distract the teams which was unlogical, seeing as that the creature that goes by the name Kappa killed a participant without thought or they wanted to them to grow strong and healthy so they would fight at their best, after all evolution does not bless those who are not the victor's, but there was also a flaw evolution is the essence of survival but combat is the essence of murder, if they truly wanted them to evolve then why make them fight each other?
Questions, questions, Genesis had so many questions but all were unanswered as breakfast was a blur the grace period was over the table disappeared the White Room the same way it came in bright white sparks. The war resumed, the television flashed on one more timer before it was revealed that they would be fed again at hours of 1:00pm and 5:00pm each time having different meals.
But alas the moment of peace only lasted..., well a moment as people were now getting ready to fight. Genesis saw as people from the other team's side were pulling apart metal beams from the bed frames and they were actually successful as Genesis saw various people with metal bars in hand.
'It seemed like getting better sleep made others stronger. Who would have thought.'
Genesis pondered as he was ready to defend the baby and for the first one a full stomach it felt weird like he was stronger but heavier only slightly so, Genesis tried to wait for a few minutes before engaging the opposing team to recover his agility from his skinny body but it was as if he had done a thousand pushups and no cardio as he stumbled around, he looked around for signs of weight gain in his teams but could find none. It seemed like his always hungry body had taken too much to handle, after all a person with a stomach so small can only handle so much.
The people from the opposing team arrived pipe in hand of some and some planned to use their own strength. The blue team organized together as some who had previously rushed into the battle in the night were cowering in fear under the beds. Those who were brave enough to stand were beaten brutally with pipes as Genesis tried his best to fight and with his experience from getting beaten and robbed he avoided a few blows and even caught a pipe as it was swung towards him, but the greatest person on the field was Lautaro with his speed with easily danced through the crowds of people damaging them over and over as they fought back with even more tenacity.
The battle continued as people kept getting beaten, if not by steel it was with flesh and bone. Lautaro was still a menace on the field, but even he was taking injuries not to mention Genesis, but Genesis had been robbed 19 times before and beaten 19 times before so he could take the injuries but even he stayed away from the opponent's with the pipes as more and more allies from the blue team started to join the fight the other team had no choice but to run away, but instead they retaliated, with more enemies joining the frenzy even the cowards had to come out if they wanted to live.
The battle kept going each side unwilling to give up and it was looking even, until the presence of the malice started to show up again, it was as if a starved beast had realized that there was prey. The malice influenced everyone mostly the people that hid and ran... it was almost as if the malice was targeting them, but even those that it did not target where greatly influenced, for example Lautaro who was only trying to subdue the other team had a killer's eyes. Genesis who only fought as an extra to support the people who actually know how to fight was beating people up.
In the blink of an eye the pipes turned to guns and they were now lethal weapons the most lethal weapons in the room. Genesis wondered what would happen if they all had the swords, axes and spears displayed on the armory behind them, he shivered but he had to keep fighting as the other teams was killing their members one by one, it wasn't until Jae came from the back of the room yelling at the top of his lungs that the battle shifted in their favor.
When Jae was done Genesis could see the full extent of malice in a person's mind not to mention someone who Genesis was pretty sure went to the military. Jae let the corruption get to his head he realized that if it came to it he would have to abandon his reasoning for victory. The toll on his mind was heavy he covered his head with his bloodied fists and screamed at the top of his lungs as the people who were retreating saw him break they came running back.
'Are they going to force us to battle until we are dead?'
Genesis thought question the authenticity of the malice as if they truly wanted us to evolve would they let their minds break away before it happened? Genesis was sure of one thing evolution is the essence of survival and survival only blesses those who are strong and Jae was definitely strong.
As Jae scratched his head with bloodied hands the other team was quickly approaching but just in time Noel, Lautaro and Hana showed up to defend him, by the looks on their faces he could tell that Noel and Hana were trying to protect themselves against the Miasma of Malice, but Lautaro, Lautaro was a different case as he was letting it creep into his mind but not as reckless as Jae did. Despite his personality Lautaro knew what he was doing he let it influence his mind only slowly as though he was getting used to it, if one used conditioning like that they could weaponize the malice.
As Genesis ran to help Jae he saw that Lautaro was also getting affected by the malice as if the temperature increased, after a few more minutes of punching people and narrowly avoiding pipes Genesis saw Lautaro get influenced like Jae did and he went into a frenzy kicking and punching every single enemy in his site with a deadly rage.
The way he did it looked beautiful like there was method to his madness but there was only malice. The other team saw what Jae and Lautaro did and started trying to copy them but Noel picked up a pipe and threw it so fast the unfortunate guys head almost fell off.
After a few more crazed screams from Lautaro and Jae coming back to his senses they successfully managed to make the other team run away and make a plan for another day.
The entire of the blue team came together for once now there was no threat and no drowsiness. They came together in a democratic way and they made a hierarchy they elected Jae as their king, Lautaro, Genesis and Hana became knights and Noel became the queen. Genesis didn't know why Hana didn't become the queen maybe it was based on looks and stereotypes, after all Hana isn't ugly but she sure isn't double drop dead gorgeous.
The rest of the day continued as normal as it may ever get. Jae the wise and stalwart king suggested that they train with their swords, axes, spears and bows. Genesis thought about it he didn't want do it because he had really never been physical in his life but he still obliged maybe it was the after effect of the malice but Genesis wasn't too sure himself.
The training progressed all the way until lunch were there was the table that appeared out of thin air with it's glorious white sparks. The food on the table was a different meal but it was a balanced diet and perfectly healthy it was everything Genesis had never had before.
When at the table Hana saw a young child who was walking around too scared too be done with their food. Hana looked over and she saw that Genesis saw it too and they both jumped off their chairs and walked to the afraid child.