Chapter 59 - A Small Prophecy
After being invited by Independent Demon Wi Ji-young and returning from her mansion, my daily life became a bit busier.
“Ahem, would you like to go for a drive together, Han-ul? I’ll escort you!”
“Teacher~! Want to go fishing at the river together? It’ll be atmospheric!”
“…Um, well. I heard there’s a new aquarium nearby… Would you like to go together?”
“Teacher!! W-would you perhaps like to watch a movie together…?”
“Hmm, do you have time? If you have time, maybe we could have a meal together…”
…Did they sense some crisis or something? They all started clinging to me more actively than before…!
Did the meeting with Independent Demon become some kind of trigger? I feel like they’ve started revealing their desires more shamelessly compared to before.
…If you ask if it’s bad, it’s not bad… but it’s an extremely strange feeling.
It feels burdensome, and like I’ve become trash… Aish, anyway, it’s just damn strange.
“…Wi Ji-young also said she’d come visit later with some gift… That’s giving me a headache too…”
Actually, if you think about it, the most active person has always been the ever-expressionless Wi Ji-young…
“I’m really dizzy, seriously…”
Moreover, the number of people coming to have their fortunes told is also increasing a lot.
…Why is this increasing? Damn…
As if it wasn’t dizzying enough, the number of customers is also increasing…! It’s really terrible.
I mean, I’m earning a lot of money from it, but now that can’t solve my mental issues…!
I’ve already earned enough money to live on for a lifetime and more, and money keeps copying itself, so how can financial therapy work now?! I’m even scared to count the money I have now…!!
Rather, now that it’s come to this, I’ve reached the point where I’m scared to look at the money I have…!! How did my life change like this from an ordinary citizen?!
Kugh…! At the beginning of my amateur fortune-teller life, financial therapy was a support, but now there’s no way except hoping my mentality grows…!!
“Ah… Isn’t there some artifact that strengthens mentality…?”
…I did ask Ricone, but I got a quite desperate answer that such artifacts might not work properly on me.
Still, when I asked if there wasn’t any way, she said she’d try looking… I hope a positive answer comes back.
Ricone, how should I put it, she doesn’t show excessive affection towards me like the other guys, so she’s been feeling very reliable these days, and it seemed perfect to entrust these kinds of tasks to her.
I wondered what’s different about her, so I looked into it briefly, and what I saw was that she doesn’t even look at trees she can’t climb.
…And she also had the thought that she didn’t want to see blood by messing with the man her boss had set her eyes on…
Come to think of it, this is scary too. What if Hati Eri is added here?? It seems like it would be a mess like no other mess…! But it’s already a mess, so I wonder if it would change much if it became a bit more of a mess…? No! No matter what, it can’t be good for more incidents to occur…!!
Aoh, I’ve experienced so many dizzying things outside the common sense of me, Dam Han-ul the ordinary citizen, that my mind feels a bit dizzy too…!!
It feels like I’d be comfortable if I let go of something, but can that be done at will? Come to think of it again, it seemed like nothing would change even if I let go.
“Oh my, I’m dying… How did I end up in this situation…”
Right, if we trace back, it was all because of that damn friend who asked me to watch his tarot shop…
…Come to think of it, it seems like it was largely my fault too for carelessly giving my phone number to Team Leader Kang Min-ji without much thought, but since I’m just going to lament anyway, I should quietly erase my responsibility from my mind and think again…
Anyway, that guy who ran the tarot shop…! He’s the cause…!!
Of course, he just entrusted it without much thought. Because it was more profitable for him to receive reservation customers and have me do a few tarot card readings later than to use me as a part-timer and pay me.
That guy’s tarot card shop was unexpectedly popular. Of course, it wasn’t popular because he was good.
It was famous for always interpreting positively and giving good predictions to make people feel good, no matter what came out in the tarot cards. It was perfect since that guy’s voice was good too.
Now I hear he’s closed the tarot card shop and is doing other business, and that’s going well too. Anyway, he’s a guy with some good skills, right?
Ah, and when that guy said he was getting married last time, I made an excuse that the part-time wages I received then had won the lottery, and gave him a suitable house as a gift. With both gratitude and resentment, with something moderate.
…Damn it, come to think of it, I was originally going to just buy him a refrigerator, how did I end up buying a house?! It seems like my scale is gradually growing as I live as an amateur fortune-teller who keeps meeting amazing people…!?
Moreover, the scale was growing only in strange areas! That’s why it’s more bewildering! If it had grown all at once, I could be on guard, but because it’s growing only in some areas, it feels natural so I can’t be on guard…!!
Come to think of it, when I went on a trip with my friends last time, I think I booked an expensive hotel with my own money and played… I think we also went on a gourmet tour and ate at expensive places to our heart’s content…!!
…Hmm, but come to think of it, isn’t that not bad?? Wasn’t it enjoyable then? If it was enjoyable, that’s fine… I think my mental state recovered quite a bit then too.
Aish, anyway, let’s put aside all these complicated issues!!
“…I’m tired…”
Old Man Hoseo from the neighboring mountain said he had 100-year-old wild ginseng liquor and told me to come have a drink, so after drinking with weasel Old Man Hoseo and eating dinner after a long time, I was lying down on something like a makeshift bench that the old man made on the spot, covered with a wooden pillow and leaf blanket, as it had gotten late and he told me to stay the night.
He said a roof would appear naturally when I fell asleep and it would become a perfect temporary lodging for one night… Is this the power of a mountain god? I don’t know what it is, but anyway, it’s amazing…!
“I’m going to spend a really unique night today.”
While living as an amateur fortune-teller, I’ve experienced all sorts of events that I wouldn’t have experienced in a lifetime if I had lived as an ordinary person, but this was the first time experiencing something like this.
Drinking 100-year-old wild ginseng liquor with a mountain god and sleeping with nature as my home… This might be quite romantic?
“Hmm, by the way, the stars are really visible.”
Although stars are quite visible at night from our house too because it’s a bit far from the city center and the nearby city isn’t a very populated neighborhood, there was still a big difference from the night sky seen from a mountaintop that’s just high and in its natural state.
“It’s beautiful…”
I saw the stars at night when Independent Demon invited me too.
I really had a good experience then, but after that day, something else started to appear.
Like tarot card reading, physiognomy, or crystal ball fortune-telling, when I look at the night sky full of bright stars, something starts to appear.
To add a bit more detailed description, suddenly among the countless stars floating in the night sky, some star or constellation appears intensely and its meaning becomes visible… Something like that.
…I can’t express it well, but anyway, that’s how it is. Anyway, it’s really amazing…?
Hmm, is this what they call astrology? Of course, I don’t know constellations well and constellations don’t just appear when I look at the night sky… but still, when I look at the stars in the sky, I can definitely see something.
Moreover, it was different from things like tarot card reading, physiognomy, or crystal ball fortune-telling. Should I say it feels like a prophecy rather than a ‘fortune’…?
If fortune-telling reads what I want from past to future, the sea of stars in the night sky shows quite a broad area?
Hmm… For example… What I saw blankly looking at the night sky last time was stocks and coins that would soar tomorrow, and when it would be good to cash out. Things I wasn’t particularly thinking about and weren’t particularly related.
It was bothersome and I have enough money so I didn’t try it, but when I checked, it was accurate.
Hmm, but what should I call this if I name it? Amateur astrology? Amateur constellation reading? Amateur star reading?
Anyway, why am I talking about this now… Because it’s starting to appear now too.
“…I should be able to turn this on and off too, I can’t just blankly appreciate it…”
Ah, of course, this is after seeing everything I saw today.
Anyway, there are roughly two things I see today.
One is a crisis for someone other than me, and the other is about me.
“Hmm, the first one is…”
A star burning brightly but dangerously with holes punctured all over it.
Such a star showed a fate of being torn apart by touching a huge star that exudes an enormous and overwhelming presence while shining quietly and ominously.
“…Whew, I don’t know who it is, but they die terribly. Did some superhuman get on the wrong side of an EX-rank superhuman??”
Well, it’s unfortunate but… There’s nothing I can do for someone whose face I don’t even know, so I’ll pass on this for now.
“Anyway, next is…”
It’s about me.
I don’t know if it’s because I’m the one seeing the fortune, but my star seems to be the most noticeable. It’s the brightest and most lustrous, standing at the center, and gives a feeling of being above everything else. Ah, but that light also feels a bit obscured.
Anyway, that star… meets some new star.
A new star that burns more ominously and inauspiciously than anything else, but hasn’t reached its peak yet, but is rising with a terrifying momentum.
“Wow… What kind of star is so terrifying?”
If the giant star that tore apart the first star I saw feels like it’s hiding its scariness, this one seems to just openly reveal it brightly. The one I saw first still feels more chilling, but it feels like they might be similar as time passes?
Anyway, I looked more closely at that red star.
“Hmm… Star of Heaven’s Killing… Star of Earth’s Killing… and Star of Piled Corpses…?? What’s with these terrifyingly scary stars gathered together…”
Killing heaven and killing earth… and piling up corpses terribly?? Cutting the necks of living things to set their lifespans??
“No, what… Is this the fate of some murderous spirit that will wipe out all living things on Earth?!”
That’s a really scary star… No, what on earth is going to happen in the future for me to meet such a terrible person?!
And what kind of person is that first giant star that could be superior to such a star?? That’s chilling too…
“Ha… The future is dark, so dark…”
It seems like ever since I started this amateur fortune-teller life, something keeps happening as if some blocked energy point has opened… I’m really dizzy, so dizzy…
Well, looking more closely, it didn’t seem like a fate of death, so I just grumbled and fell asleep with a bunch of worries and concerns.
Whatever happens will happen…