Chapter 21: Chapter 20:
Chapter 20:
-May 12, 1996
Four weeks after landing the role of Beaver and three weeks after the official announcement, it was finally time to start filming Leave It to Beaver.
The set lights cast a warm glow over the reconstructed facade of the Cleaver house on Colonial Street Backlot.... the iconic Universal Studios location where countless films and TV series had been shot. The house, sitting right across from The Munsters' residence, had been carefully designed to capture the essence of a classic 1950s American suburban home. The production team had paid attention to every detail, from the pastel tones of the kitchen to the vintage furniture that evoked the spirit of the original series.
This was the first day of filming Leave It to Beaver, and Adam White was about to start shooting his second movie as the lead actor.
The set was buzzing with activity. Technicians adjusted lights, the art department added finishing touches to the set, and production assistants hurried back and forth, ensuring everything was in place. Amidst all the commotion, Adam walked toward his dressing room with a steady stride, exuding a calmness that contrasted with the frantic energy surrounding him.
It was hard to believe how quickly his life had changed in the past few months. From being just another ordinary kid in New Jersey, he had gone on to star in two movies before even turning ten. And the best part? This was only the beginning.
"Well, movie star, ready for today?" Andrew asked in his usual teasing tone as he followed him to the dressing room.
Adam smirked, feigning arrogance.
"Of course. Although, to be honest, I don't even feel the slightest bit nervous this time"
Estelle, walking alongside them, chuckled.
"That's the spirit. A little confidence never hurt anyone. Besides, today is important.... not just anyone gets their second lead role this quickly. Just remember, this character is iconic, so make it your own while still staying true to the original"
Adam nodded. He knew that playing Beaver Cleaver wasn't just another role. For many, he would be the face of a new version of a beloved character, one that had been part of American pop culture for decades.
Yes, this was a big deal.
But he wasn't nervous. Thanks to his Perfect Acting skill, performing was as natural as breathing.
When he arrived at his dressing room, he saw his name on the door:
"Adam White… Theodore 'Beaver' Cleaver"
Seeing that sign sent a thrill of excitement through him.
He was Beaver Cleaver.
And he had his damn own dressing room.
Yup. This was amazing.
Moments later, at the heart of the set, director Andy Cadiff reviewed the script with a few assistants while the technical crew finalized the lighting and sound adjustments. Adam, now dressed in Beaver Cleaver's signature plaid shirt and shorts, stood next to his brother Andrew and his manager Estelle, both of whom had accompanied him since early morning. One as the assigned tutor throughout the whole shooting, and the other only temporarily to verify that all the conditions set out in the signed contract are properly fulfilled.
A production assistant with a headset and clipboard approached them.
"Adam, the director wants to do a quick run-through before the first take"
Adam nodded and walked to the center of the set, where Chris McDonald (Ward Cleaver) and Janine Turner (June Cleaver) were already in position.
"Alright, everyone. We're starting with a simple scene today," Andy Cadiff announced as he flipped through the script.
"It's the dinner scene," he explained. "Beaver is excited about a bike race, but his parents are more concerned about his grades. We want to capture that perfect balance between his innocence and mischief"
Chris McDonald and Janine Turner smiled warmly at Adam.
"Ready to become a TV icon on the big screen, Adam?" Chris asked, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder.
Adam grinned.
"Totally. Are you?"
The actors laughed.
"I think you're gonna make us look good, kid," Turner said with a maternal smile.
Adam quickly took his seat at the set's dining table, completely slipping into character. As soon as Andy gave the cue, the camera started rolling.
"Lights, camera… action!" called the assistant director.
"Beaver, sweetheart, are you sure you finished your homework before going out to practice on your bike?" Janine Turner asked in that classic, gentle June Cleaver tone.
Adam furrowed his brows, adopting the perfect mischievous-child expression.
"Yes, Mom! Well… sort of. Almost finished…"
Chris McDonald, as Ward Cleaver, raised an eyebrow.
"Sort of?"
Adam shrugged with an innocent smile.
"Well, I thought a little break for practice wouldn't hurt."
Andy watched the scene intently from the monitor, nodding in approval.
The chemistry between them was natural, and when the scene wrapped up, Andy couldn't hide his excitement.
"Cut! That was perfect! Great job, everyone! And Adam..... fantastic, that's exactly the attitude we need"
The crew applauded, and Adam felt a wave of satisfaction and quiet pride.
The first day had started perfectly.
-May 19, 1996
A week into filming, the press continued to cover Leave It to Beaver extensively.
And Adam's role as Beaver Cleaver kept making headlines in newspapers and magazines.
One of the most recent articles read:
{ With The Flintstones, The Brady Bunch, and The Jetsons coming up, could Leave It to Beaver be far behind? No such luck. The Beaver will be back, only this time on the big screen, with Janine Turner (Northern Exposure) as the ever-composed June, and Chris McDonald (Quiz Show) as honey-I'm-home Ward.
Nine-year-old newcomer Adam White plays the Beav. Filming started last week, and with a little bit of irony, part of it will be filmed on the backlot at Universal—where the original series was shot. }
Adam read the article while relaxing in his own dressing room at Universal Studios.
He loved reminding himself that it was His dressing room. With His name on the door.
"Your name keeps popping up everywhere, little brother," Andrew commented as he flipped through another newspaper.
Adam shrugged with fake modesty.
"What can I say? It's hard not to talk about me. People just can't help themselves. When you're incredible, people talk."
Andrew snorted, but Estelle nodded seriously.... though there was a small smirk on her lips.
"Honestly, he's not exaggerating that much. Hollywood is always looking for young talent with the potential to become long-term stars. And you, Adam, have that potential"
Adam raised an eyebrow.
"One of them? No, no, no, Estelle. THE young talent."
Andrew lightly smacked the back of his head.
"Get your head out of the clouds"
Estelle just laughed.
"Well, as long as you keep acting the way you have so far, no one will be able to ignore you"
Adam grinned. He knew that with his perfect acting skill, he'd never lack talent.... but he also understood that in Hollywood, fame could disappear as quickly as it arrived.
Welll.... At least, that's what everyone kept telling him.
So maybe it was true.
But he wasn't going to let that happen.
"And there's still plenty ahead. Universal has big plans for the movie's promotion, and you are a key part of it all"
Adam nodded.
He knew the media attention was only going to keep growing.
-June 5, 1990
The afternoon sun shone softly over the sprawling grounds of Malfoy Manor, reflecting off the grand marble fountain at the centre of the garden. The mansion was decorated with silver, gold, green, and black garlands—unsurprisingly, the only colours ever used in Malfoy Manor. Nothing new there.
However, unlike what one might expect from a family as wealthy and influential as the Malfoys, Draco's tenth birthday was not a grand affair. In the wizarding world, birthdays were not particularly significant unless they marked a milestone.... like one's eleventh birthday, when a child would receive their first wand. That was when they were formally introduced into wizarding society as young witches and wizards.
But Narcissa Malfoy was not one to let her son's tenth birthday pass without at least a proper celebration, even if it was a small one.
Although Adam hadn't been particularly excited about the idea of a party, Narcissa had ensured that his tenth birthday was celebrated appropriately for a Malfoy heir.... albeit with a very limited guest list.
Only close acquaintances and family friends were invited, ensuring an exclusive and refined gathering.
Among the attendees was Severus Snape, who had a notably close relationship with Draco since childhood, largely due to Lucius having practically made him Draco's godfather. Lord Paris Parkinson and his daughter Pansy were also present—much to Adam's dismay—as well as the Crabbe and Goyle families, whose sons were Draco's most frequent companions in both play and early studies.
And, by Adam's own request, the Zabinis had been invited as well. Lately, Blaise had become a real friend to him. He and Adam spent a lot of time together, especially whenever Crabbe and Goyle visited Malfoy Manor at Narcissa's insistence that Draco needed "proper companions" to "enjoy himself as a child his age should."
Yes, Narcissa could be a bit overprotective…
Anyway, Zabini had soon become part of Adam's regular company, and since he was now often around Crabbe and Goyle, the four of them had formed a sort of group. Though, to put it bluntly, two were the heads of the group, and the other two were extremely loyal followers.
The celebration took place in the grand hall of Malfoy Manor, where floating chandeliers cast a warm golden light over the gathering. Ancient Black and Malfoy family tapestries hung with stately grandeur, a reminder of the pureblood legacy that the Malfoys upheld so fiercely.
Adam, dressed in an elegant black formal robe with silver embroidery that perfectly complemented his platinum-blond hair, moved gracefully through the hall, maintaining an air of impeccable courtesy as he greeted each guest with the poised refinement his father expected of him. Thanks to Perfect Acting, he could effortlessly maintain the facade of an aristocratic, noble, and distinguished young heir—though internally, he was already counting down the minutes until this damn thing was over.
Being surrounded by pompous adults droning on about wizarding politics bored him to death.
One of the most notable guests was none other than Severus Snape.
Although he always maintained his signature severe expression, he never missed Draco's birthdays or Christmas gatherings. Over the years, he had assumed a role that could almost be described as that of a distant godfather, ensuring that Draco received proper guidance in the art of Potions.
Upon arrival, Snape gave Lucius and Narcissa a polite nod before turning his attention to Draco.
"Draco," he greeted in his low, monotone voice, extending a package wrapped in dark paper.
Adam took the package curiously.
"Thank you, Professor Snape."
"I am not your professor yet," Snape corrected with the faintest raise of his brow. "Nevertheless, I trust you will appreciate a good book and find it useful."
Adam allowed himself a small smile and carefully unwrapped the package, revealing an extensive and unlimited copy of Advanced Potions for Young Minds by Damocles Belby.
Although he still wasn't allowed to use a wand, he could study and practise potion-making as much as he liked.... within reason, of course. Narcissa never let him experiment with anything dangerous, but basic brewing under supervision wasn't an issue. And, more often than not, that supervision was provided by Dobby—who, at this point, Adam had practically claimed as his personal elf.
Adam had grown quite fond of the odd little creature. Though, in his defence, most house-elves were rather strange.
As he flipped through the book, he noticed something else inside.... handwritten notes.
Snape's notes.
"I have added a few additional instructions to help you start understanding the properties of certain ingredients before your first year at Hogwarts," Snape explained with his usual indifference, though Adam could detect a faint glint of expectation in his dark eyes.
"I will study it carefully," Adam responded, genuinely grateful. He knew that, for all the man's bastard-like tendencies in the books, Snape had been the complete opposite when it came to Draco.
"And thank you. This will be very useful," he added sincerely, which seemed to please Snape.
After that, Adam greeted the other guests—including Lord Paris Parkinson, his wife, and their daughter Pansy, who were all received with polite courtesy.
Though, naturally, Adam was already bracing himself for some irritating remark from Pansy.
He also greeted the Crabbe and Goyle families and Blaise's mother, who, as always, was dazzling.
Though, for Adam, it was probably best to stop thinking about just how gorgeous his friend's mother was.
Sometimes, he seriously wondered what the hell was going on in his head.... certain thoughts, certain… reactions were extremely annoying and erratic.