Chapter 2: It's Just Murder
"Wake up bitch!"
I wasn't in that comforting darkness for long, my consciousness coming back as I experienced another burst of pain that made me want to scream... only for my voice to be muffled by the gag that was stuffed between my jaws.
Looming over me was a tanned, blonde haired girl with impressive breasts that would have normally dragged my eyes off her face, but now I was focused on those cold, angry blue eyes that felt like the depths of the ocean.
Her features were twisted with anger as she sneered at me, the crazy light in her eyes making those knuckledusters of hers shine even more as she rapped them against my temple, letting me feel the weight they had.
"Finally... I was worried I hit you a little too hard to start there, bitch. Taking my stud from me? Putting these whorish hands all over MY woman? Seducing her with this basic ass body? Fucking BITCH!"
She slapped me as hard as she could, the back of her weapon scoring a gash across my cheek that allowed more of my blood to flow freely, but that was clearly the least of her worries as she spat on me next.
"Don't even know what she saw in you! Were you just begging to get fucked? Did you promise her something I couldn't give her? What the FUCK did she see in YOU!"
Her shout filled the apartment, but the music she had put on ensured nothing would be heard from outside that wasn't already normal; it wasn't like I could answer anyways, and when I tried to plead with her she just punched me again, this time in the stomach.
Bile flew up my throat and tried to escape my mouth, but there was no exit for it and I began to choke, only for her to yank my head back and 'help' me prevent myself from choking, though that wasn't because she was being kind.
"I'm going to make you regret being born, slut. You stole not only my girlfriend, but my friends girls as well? You made moves on so many people you shouldn't have... you deserve this!"
Her voice wasn't completely steady, and I could see her faltering a little as she wrapped her fingers around my own, but that still didn't stop her from yanking them back and snapping them cleanly, forcing another scream from me as my vision went white, then black.
Another hit drew me from the embrace of unconsciousness, and soon enough she was toying with me like I was some kind of doll, using all sorts of things on me that ensured I was feeling every kind of pain imaginable.
I tried to plead with her, crying out and begging through the gag, but she ignored me the entire time, beating and breaking me at her leisure while injecting something into my arm at random intervals, something that kept me lucid enough to feel everything she was doing.
After who knows how long she just stopped talking, and the torture continued until she eventually, finally, after the sun had gone down and my apartment was illuminated only by her phones light, decided that she was just going to kill me, dragging me into the bathtub and stabbing me dozens of times before turning the water on, leaving me to submerge into the cold waters and pass away without an smidgen of warmth to cling to.
I didn't learn who she was dating, who I had stolen, why she had felt that my death was the only thing that was right, but... none of it mattered now that the darkness was returning, and my reprieve from the pain was coming to claim me as I floated in my bathtub, battered and broken.
Did I regret the life I had lived..?
The answer was... no, no I hadn't, even if that was what made me die like this; murdered and killed before I had even hit a quarter of a century - a quarter of a lifetime - while also completely alone and cold, taken from this world by someone else's hand.
When I slipped away completely, the darkness that was consuming me was dashed away a moment later, my eyes blinded by something brilliant while my body was wrapped in a fluffy, overwhelming heat that felt like I was being burnt alive.
That lasted for but a moment as well, and when I could finally see I was greeted by a giant of a woman looming over me with a motherly smile, her golden eyes filled with a warmth and love that made me want to cry as my heart felt soothed for the first time in... forever.
"Tuzi... What a brilliant name for a girl, hm? You know what Tuzi means, little one?"
Before I could answer the woman leaned down and showed off the gigantic fluffy white ears that sprouted off of her head, long and thin and something that I had once worn for a party to make getting laid easier.
Except these were real, and the woman was chuckling as she said "It means bunny, and it is also my name. Anything that means 'bunny' is my name; a Goddess of Bunnies named Bunny is quite the poor joke, isn't it? But it's my name, and I'm quite proud of that. You know a thing or two about it, after all."
Reaching down and ruffling my hair with both hands, the 'Goddess' leaned forwards and placed a kiss on my brow as she whispered "You watched those anime and other shows about reincarnation, didn't you? Those games that were all about someone dying and coming to a new world to fight the Demon Queen and bring about peace?"
I nodded slowly, still trying to process what was happening, only to have Bunny rest her hands atop my head before filling me with another warmth, only to giggle as she pulled them away and lifted me up into a hug.
Sinking into her absolutely absurd breasts, I was surrounded by warmth and springy goodness that for a moment I was content to not think about things, only to be brought back to reality as she said "Well, I like those things. They're quite entertaining, and for a little while now I was looking for someone to do that to. Sadly you were murdered instead of hit by the truck that was scheduled for that night, but the end result is the same!"
"W-Wait, you-!"
"Wanted you to die?"
Even with the smile that was identical to before she looked far more terrifying than that girl had been, and she leaned down and kissed my brow again and whispered "You lived a good life, but you were going to die sometime... now that I want you to live another one, you get all surprised and terrified of me?"
"B-But you-!"
"But I nothing, Tuzi. You were destined to die soon anyways; if I didn't grab you, you slip away and head for hell, your lust requiring you to suffer damnation for centuries before you have a chance of being redeemed. Instead, I give you another lease on life in a new world with new rules. A fantasy world filled with magic, new races, monsters and more! Don't tell me you aren't interested? A way to make a name for yourself instead of moving boxes in someone else's warehouse!"
It was convincing, and after a few moments I just hoped this was a nice dream and I would wake back up in my bed, aching a little from good sex and nothing else... only for Bunny to giggle again and place a mirror in front of me.