Chapter 23: Back At Camp, Making 'Trades'
"Alright. This is the important part of this entire operation of ours, so listen closely. This right here is Ash Copper, and it's one of the cornerstones of the Blacksmith industry. Almost everything they make needs Regia's Bronze, which is made using Ash Copper. Therefore it is a very valuable material that everyone wants to get their hands on.
It is also very common, but any Blacksmith needs a large supply of this so that they can maintain a large supply of Regia's Bronze. So what we have in these bags is a part of every Blacksmith's basic needs, and therefore people are going to always want to have it.
We're going to offer to trade this to people for either C Rank monster bones - two chunks for one bone - or for these three ores here. I have it written down so you can remember, alright? Announce that you're trading Ash Copper away for these four things, and then see who wants to trade. If there are multiple, try to be amicable to all of them, but if someone offers a better deal, take it.
And finally, this last part is optional. When you are preparing to make the final trade, you can offer yourself to them for some extra coin or materials. If it's a handjob, blowjob, tittyfuck or anal is all up to you. Just remember, don't let them cum inside you unless you want to get pregnant, and don't take your eyes off of the ore. Got that?"
Izzy was looking between Ulya and I as she gave us our orders, and after receiving a nod she handed me a little card that gave me the ratios I was looking for, helping me make this entire trading thing very easy.
With that out of the way and with me repeating to her what she said, Izzy took her bag and walked towards one side of the camp, with Ulya taking hers and doing the same, leaving me with two bags as they said that this was the primary way I was repaying them.
They had made it abundantly clear that they weren't whoring me out, so I was quite thankful, but as I began to walk towards a large group of adventures I realized just how easy it was for me to get horny; they were all muscular, dangerous looking people, covered in sweat in grime from their foray into the mines, and that was just...
And after I had been through some rather stressful 'first' kills in the mines myself, I was suddenly finding my loins ablaze with need as I approached them, my mind drifting towards the various musings I had about these adventurers.
I was still sound of mind though, so I approached the group and stopped just shy of their encampment as I said "Um, excuse me?", catching some of the adventurers attention and finding myself the focus of their group.
"Yeah, little bunny?"
A tall, burly green skinned warrior loomed over me, and I blinked a few times as I realized that she was absolutely massive, standing at at least six and a half feet tall, maybe even taller, and her arms were about as thick as my waist...
"Um... I wanted to know if you would be willing to trade for Ash Copper..? C Rank monster bones, Stygian Silver, Helin Iron or Fanged Cobalt preferably?"
Crossing her arms, the Orc stared at me for a few seconds before glancing at the two others who walked over; a cloaked, fuzzy eared pale woman with a bow on her back and then a dagger wielding blonde who had a thin scar traveling over her plump lips.
"A trader? Ash Copper you said? Yeah, we could do that. We got a good haul of Stygian Silver and Fanged Cobalt today, but we could always use some Ash Copper. Hey Sylun! We got a trader here!"
The blonde shouted back at the group, and another towering, muscle bound Orc stood up, but this one was riddled with scars and had a tribal tattoo climbing her neck onto her cheeks, giving her a more primal look.
Listening to what the blonde said, the Orc - Sylun - nodded slowly before looking down at me, gesturing for the others to return to what they were doing, eventually asking "How much of what for those bags?", her gruff, raspy tone making my knees tremble a little.
"These are twenty and twenty three chunks respectively, and I was hoping to get either one chunk of the silver for three chunks each or one chunk of the cobalt for four chunks each? Is that doable?"
Stroking her scarred chin, Sylun narrowed her eyes and stared at me for a few more seconds, those piercing green eyes sticking to my face before she said "I could do five chunks of the cobalt for that bag, but I can only afford to give away five chunks of the silver. We need it... that leaves you with... eight chunks? You said something about monster bones too, yeah? Got some of those..."
I nodded, and she beckoned for me to follow her into her encampment, specifically leading me towards a tent where she said "Sit and wait, I'll get the stuff ready." before leaving me there; I didn't have to wait long, and soon there was another two bags sitting on the table with me, with a third resting in Sylun's hands.
"Say, little bunny..."
Her raspy voice made me shiver, and when I stared up at her and noticed that her eyes were a little hotter than before, I realized that I wasn't going to need to be the one to ask about getting a more 'fair' deal; she was doing it for me, and her massive bulge made that abundantly clear.
"I got a good amount of bones I don't need right here... more than enough to cover those eight chunks... even got a rare tooth filled with some venom, something I wouldn't mind 'selling'. You interested..?"
When I nodded she just set that bag on the table beside the other two and undid her belt, whipping out almost a foot of thick green cockmeat and rubbing it against my face as she bathed me in her scent, getting even harder as her sweaty balls brushed against my lips.
"Suck me dry and clean me up, you little slut... Fuck my balls are so full... haven't cum in ages, and those whores outside keep up charging me for some good pussy..."