Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Weasley Problems
Chapter 24: Weasley Problems
Two weeks later
Harry was sitting on the couch in the common room, classes had ended for the day and he decided to relax a bit, reading in front of the fireplace in peace. Hermione was beside him, also reading. Neville was chatting with Dean and Seamus, while other Gryffindor students were doing different things inside the common room.
But, while Harry wanted to have a moment of peace, two people seemed to not notice this, or they just wanted to ruin the people's day. These two people were watching from a table, the first with a more lonely and envious look. The second, on the other hand, seemed to contain more jealousy and hatred than anything else.
These two people were Ginny Weasley and her brother, Ronald.
Ginny really wasn't a girl who was obsessed with Harry Potter, as her brothers or a small handful of people seemed to think. She had only hoped to meet him, ever since her mother read her the Harry Potter books. But, when she really got to know him, she realized that the books were just fantasy, Harry Potter seemed much less like the fantasy. But, somehow, when she got to know him a little deeper, he seemed much, much more. She wanted to be his friend, especially after what happened in the Chamber of Secrets.
She felt a little envious of the friendship that Hermione had with Harry. However, the current somewhat strained relationship with the rest of her siblings, prevented her from getting close to him. The twins didn't really have problems with Harry, but they stayed a little away because of their brother, Ron. Ronald Weasley was angry with Harry, creating a tense situation between the two and the rest of the siblings. She and the twins were a little hesitant about whether or not to get close to Harry Potter. If they did that, their brother would become worse, and all three of them were sure that she would say something like: Of course, despite being my family, they choose that idiot Potter!
Ronald Weasley was... a person with problems. His siblings knew that. No, in fact, the entire Weasley family knew about it. Ron always seemed jealous of everything others had. Even if he received a powerful wand or an amazing and fast broom, he would still look at the same things from other people with jealousy and envy. The reason for this was money more than the rest. His family had little money, so buying many things was not a possibility, they even had to use books from their older brothers, so seeing how others got things so easily, made him think that he should have the same, and with the same ease.
This year, Harry entered the Triwizard Tournament without wanting to. At this point, everyone knew it by seeing his new way of acting and how he entered and left the tasks without any enthusiasm or enthusiasm. However, Ron still thought that Harry had done this on purpose and that he was not sharing the glory and popularity with Ronald.
Ginny sighed in annoyance at seeing her brother frowning while cursing under his breath. He had gotten even worse than before when he saw Hermione with Harry in Hogsmeade. She didn't know the reason, but from what her brother told her, Harry had started laughing and kissed Hermione's cheek. Ginny knew that Hermione had said something that triggered Harry's happiness, and not that she was flirting, as Ron put it.
At this point, Ron would never admit it, but the twins and Ginny herself knew that Ron was attracted and even a little in love with Hermione, which was why he was even more angry with Harry.
So, when Harry left the common room after reading a book, she quickly followed him. When they were outside, she immediately called out to him.
"Harry, wait!"
"Mm?" Harry looked back, a little surprised that Ginny spoke to him. "Is something wrong?"
"Yeah... Well... I wanted to apologize for Ron's attitude," Ginny sighed a little before speaking.
Harry bowed his head a little, taken aback by the sudden apology.
"You don't have to apologize, Ginny. Your brother's attitude is his own. If Ronald has a problem, he has to fix it himself, don't apologize for him."
Ginny made a small face before nodding.
"Also... I think you should keep an eye on him. He seems to think you're taking Hermione away from him and I really don't doubt he'll do something suddenly."
Harry blinked, more than surprised.
"So... Ronald is in love with Hermione?... that's a bit surprising."
"The worst thing is that he doesn't even realize it," Ginny said with a grunt and an annoyed expression. "He thinks she should just belong to him, like a lot of other things in his head. Honestly, with Fred and George we don't know what to do right now."
Harry looked at Ginny who slumped her shoulders with a tired and slightly defeated look. In the end, she could only sigh at the problems Ronald caused, even to her own family.
"Why don't you write a letter to your parents?" Harry asked.
"They probably don't want to cause any trouble," said Harry, when he saw that Ginny was about to retort. "But I think it's necessary. While your parents may be nice, I don't think they'll let this kind of attitude pass on to their children. And if they don't do anything, eventually the problem will continue and, usually with this kind of thing, it will escalate until it even becomes dangerous."
"I think the best thing you can do is tell your parents about what's going on with Ronald."
Ginny looked at Harry for a few moments before feeling: "Maybe... you're right. We've never complained to our parents about what's going on at Hogwarts. We all know that they try hard and we don't want them to find out about some things. Hell, even with the twins' pranks, they try not to make things too dangerous in any prank."
Harry nodded, he knew that, even if the twins might seem a bit like bullies with their pranks, they had never crossed the line from being pranksters to bullies. They never bullied anyone, and when they saw that they perhaps went too far, they apologized to that person's face, no matter who it was.
"Thank you for bringing this up... you know, I don't think other people would even deign to care," Ginny lowered her gaze slightly.
"Your family helped me when I had no one. I'm just trying to say thank you," Harry replied.
"Harry... do you think we can be friends?" she asked with a bit of hope in her eyes. Harry felt a small chill at the question. He already knew who the Harry Potter of the books ended up with. And while he had nothing against Ginny, he didn't know her well enough, and he didn't know if they were even slightly compatible.
"I... think so... we could be friends. But I don't give my trust easily, Ginny. Keep that in mind, please."
Ginny nodded vigorously with a happy expression.
Harry let out a breath of air before walking away, leaving Ginny outside the common room much happier. He headed towards the library, to hand over the book he had been reading. There was still time left until curfew, so he could wander around the castle a bit more. Honestly, he was a bit bored with classes, he had read so many books this year and learned a lot of things, which caused a lot of boredom for classes. Hell, he could even use all his chat points to buy the necessary knowledge he needed for all the tests and graduate from Hogwarts early.
Voldemort didn't even seem like a problem right now. In fact, he was almost tempted to destroy Voldemort the moment he created his new body! He was so dissatisfied and bored that the importance and idea of people gaining value from Voldemort was fading away!
However, if he did everything as quickly as possible, he would have little to do. And while he could travel the world, he would have no friends to accompany him or things to spend his time on. He could research many things, but eventually he would become bored once again.
Having to wait over a year to travel to another world again and have a bigger mission was a hassle.
"Well... it's settled... I'll play a little with Voldemort," Harry smiled as he remembered the raid on the Department of Mysteries that appeared in the books Rias sent him.
However, as he thought about how to play with Voldemort, he frowned and jumped to the side, dodging a very light green beam. He knew it was the Slug-Vomiting Charm, especially when he saw the person responsible for casting the charm, Ronald Weasley.
Harry glanced lightly at Ron, who had an annoyed, angry, and even slightly hateful look on his face.
"I'm not even going to ask your reasons, nor do I care to know them," Harry said coldly, slowly drawing his wand.
"You're a nuisance, Potter!" Ron exclaimed, drawing the attention of two Slytherin students who had arrived in the hallway.
"Ever since you entered the tournament, you haven't stopped strutting around in front of everyone!"
Harry rolled his eyes before firing expelliarmus from his wand and raising his left hand to catch Ron's wand.
"Your complaints make no sense to me," Harry commented before casting petrificus totallus, causing Ron to fall to the ground, completely frozen.
"I'll hand your wand over to McGonagall," Harry said, walking to the side of the two students, completely ignoring them.