Afterlife Games

Chapter 10: Alliance

I woke up in yet another unfamiliar room.

I was lying inside a vertically placed cylindrical glass chamber, the interior was lined with cushions and it was far cleaner than the last world I was in.

Aside from that, there was nothing else in the room, it was small and painted all white, with a door right in front of me.

"Rewards for clearing campaign stage 1-1:

- Points ×1000

- Iron sword ×1

Your class has been randomly assigned, you are a Fighter (starting weapon: Iron sword)"

This isn't real life, this is what the earpiece called 'game lobby'. I reached for my right ear with my hand to confirm the earpiece was still intact, and indeed it was.

Characters from inside the world I was in previously seems to have been oblivious to it's existence, but the unusually sized earpiece that's screwed into my skull definitely exists.

I think the earpiece did mention that it's a chance back into life, it isn't a guaranteed pass, that's my mistake for getting ahead of myself, I was fully anticipating the real world to be waiting for me when I woke up.

"Where am I?" I thought in my head.

"The game lobby."

My left hand felt heavy, I looked down and found myself wielding a 40-inch long greatsword.

It was on the floor, my left hand was simply supporting it vertically, yet I can already feel the sheer weight of this weapon.

I will go for the revolver any day than this, not only is it a disadvantageous melee weapon, it's also so heavy that it's inconvenient to use for combat.

"Would you like to place your 'Iron sword' into your inventory?" The telepathic earpiece noticed my doubts.

"What happens if I do place it into my inventory?" I thought in my head.

"It will disappear temporarily. You need not bear the weight of items inside your inventory. To recall certain items in your inventory, simply imagine wielding it."

"Put it in my inventory then."

Just like how the earpiece described it, it disappeared from my hand like magic, I was unfazed however, enough unbelievable events has occured to me already.

With simply thoughts in my head, I was able to summon my sword and return it to the inventory in the blink of an eye.

Still, very dissatisfied with my weapon, what's a heavy ass sword gonna do against actual firearms?

I understood quite well what the earpiece meant by my class, I've played enough games to understand that, a Fighter is lame though, there's nothing in particular that a Fighter excels in.

"What other classes are there?"

"Fighter, Tank, Marksman, Mage, Support."

Marksman is my thing, Mage sounds really cool too, yet I ended up with the stupid Fighter, my rotten luck.

"So I'm gonna guess I walk out of this room now?"


What awaits me outside the door was just...more doors. It's a very dull and wide corridor outside, all walls and doors were painted white, just from looking around, there's at least 50 doors placed equidistant from eachother in this corridor alone.

On my right is an LED green light sign that says 'EXIT' attached on the ceiling, so I thought it makes sense that that should be where I head towards.

I followed exit signs through multiple identical corridors, all fully lined with identical white doors, they were all locked too. Inside the few doors that wasn't locked, it's the exact same interior as the one I came out of.

I walked down around three floors worth of stairs following the exit signs, then walked through a couple more similar corridors before finally seeing another human, who had the same earpiece and was walking the opposite direction as I was.

I didn't ask him anything, it was unnecessary, I could make a guess myself, he's here to enter the games, there's rewards to it after all.

The further I walk, the more people I start seeing, all with the same earpiece too.

Eventually I reached the entrance, or the exit for me, a sliding glass door. Oh am I glad that the game lobby doesn't follow the theme of a dystopian future where everything is corroding, that place stinks.

When I stepped out of the building, the scenery lies ahead of me had my jaw dropped.

"Am I...really dead?"

"Yes, yes you are."

It really didn't feel like I'm dead, what lies ahead of me was an idyllic countryside teeming with life.

The red brick pavements with pedestrians traversing it, the rustic houses with humble stores set up outside, the blue sky with the sun shining brighter than ever and the luxuriant foliages all made me forget everyone in sight is already dead, including myself.

Now this is more like a place I can accept as the afterlife, this scenery looks heavenly.

"Sean Anthony, is it?"

Is that someone calling my real name? I swiftly averted my gaze from the picturesque scenery to the direction where the voice came from.

"Who are you?" I don't recognise the person who called out to me, he was wearing the earpiece, a formal three piece suit and a pair of glasses.

All respectable attire, but with an unevenly dyed hair, it's an ugly hue of red too, that and a very creepy smile on his face made him look obnoxious.

"Ah sorry, I'm a recruiter from the association Living Cemetery, my name is Isaac Tan and we would like to invite you into our alliance."

That's quick.

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