Akame Ga Kill - Garou

Chapter 1: Garou Vs Saitama - epilogue


The story starts after Garou was defeated by Saitama at the end of the whole monster association arc.

Enjoy :)


Garou was retreating fast toward the outskirts of Z City; he wanted to find a peaceful place to rest and recover. Despite being heavily wounded and in immense pain, he moved at a speed that the average human eye couldn't register.

He was running as fast as he could. With each step, he felt the pain coursing through his body. That bald bastard had done damage to the point where every inch of his body had either a wound or a bruise, not to mention the internal damage and broken bones.

In a mere few minutes, which seemed like hours for the weakened Garou, he reached the woods near Z City. He stopped near a lake and sat down tiredly. He thought about everything he had done, the efforts he had put into becoming the ultimate monster—his rampage and hunt for the heroes, his battles against various demon- and dragon-level monsters, his struggles against the top S-ranked heroes. He had forged his path in blood and effort to stand at the peak. Yet, in the end, after defeating everyone he considered worthy prey, he was miserably defeated by some unknown baldy. And to add salt to his wounds, the bald man didn't even seem to be trying—he crushed him casually.

Garou walked slowly closer to the lake and looked at his reflection in the water. His hair was still stained blood red, messy and short instead of being in two spiky prongs. His eyes were now like those of his previous human state, with his right sclera matching his hair color, like when he first began to transform. His upper body was bare, covered with cuts and bruises—wounds that would make ordinary people cringe upon seeing them. But to Garou, that didn't matter. He had put so much effort into becoming a monster, and just after achieving his monsterized state and becoming terror incarnate, he had reverted back to being a miserable, weak human.

Back there, before making his escape, Garou had nearly given up on life, almost allowing himself to get killed before his will ignited again. He clenched his fist hard as his reflection was replaced by Bang's sorrowful look and then by Saitama's impassive face. He was not willing to admit defeat like this. So what if he lost? Hadn't he lost before? Hadn't he had to run for his life many times over?

Garou took a deep breath as he looked at the night sky. He wasn't done yet! As long as he breathed, he would stand up again, over and over, as many times as it took. His will to fight ignited again—he wanted to beat the bald hero. Not as a monster hunting a hero, but as a proud martial artist. Garou raised his clenched fist in the air before striking the imaginary image of Saitama in the lake. This punch held the last bit of power Garou had left. His blow caused the water to explode upward as if a ton had dropped from dozens of meters above.

Garou dropped to his knees tiredly, struggling to keep his eyes open. He was too exhausted and in too much pain to remain standing. And just before his lights went out completely, he saw a purple light coming from the lake. Garou lost consciousness.


Garou woke up slowly. He was still tired and in too much pain. He didn't know how long he had slept, but he knew it must have been a few hours since it was already morning. Garou looked around, his vision still hazy, but he could make out his surroundings. He was still near the lake. Luckily, no hero had come after him.

Garou stood up slowly. His first thought was to find something to eat—he needed food to recover. At first, he looked toward the lake. He wanted to get some fish for breakfast. But when he got closer, he was disappointed to find the lake had no fish. He wondered what kind of lake didn't have fish.

He decided to walk into the forest to find an animal or fruit to eat. His search didn't take long, as he found a weird mutant boar the size of a bear growling viciously at him.

Garou blinked, seeing the bizarre animal. He said, "This is the first time I've seen such a damned ugly boar. Is this some kind of monster? Maybe someone experimented on it? Well, whatever, it'll have to do. Beggars can't be choosers."

Garou gathered what strength he had left and charged toward the boar, which didn't have time to react before Garou punched its head off. Garou smirked and mumbled to himself, "I do prefer my meat well-cooked, but I'm too hungry and weak to bother." Garou crouched down and began devouring the boar, unaware that the boar had hit a tripwire right before Garou found it.


At the same time, 2 km away from Garou's location, a group of assassins was eating their lunch when one of them suddenly stopped and said to the rest, "An intruder just walked into my wires in the east. From the weight, it seems heavier than average. They seem to be alone."

The group stopped eating. They looked toward their green-haired friend who had just spoken, then toward a silver-haired woman at the side.

She nodded and said, "Good job, Lubbock. The intruder might just be a Danger Beast, but better safe than sorry. Leone, Bulat, and Sheele, go with Lubbock to check. If it's a human, kill on sight."

"Oh, man!!! It has to be now, when we're eating? I'm killing the bastard regardless of what it is!" the blonde woman, Leone, said as she stood up.

"I will do my best," Sheele, a purple-haired girl with glasses, said before standing up as well.

"Roger, Boss!!" Bulat and Lubbock said at the same time.

The four of them went out toward the east as fast as they could. A raven-haired girl who was devouring her meat stopped and asked, "Boss, should I go with them?"

The silver-haired woman shook her head and said, "No need, Akame. It is only a single target. The four of them are more than capable of dealing with anything coming their way. In the end, the four of them together are nearly as powerful as a small army."


An hour later, the remaining assassins were at the training ground, training their new recruit after lunch.

"Tatsumi, raise your sword higher when you are blocking," Akame said as she struck with her wooden sword.

"Got it!!" Tatsumi said as he blocked Akame's strike.

On the side, Najenda, the silver-haired boss, along with a pink-haired girl, were watching the training session when a voice rang out.

"We are back," Bulat said.

"What took you so lo—" Najenda started to say as she looked in Bulat's direction, only to freeze midway at the sight. The other assassins looked shocked as well when they saw their friends' state.

There stood Bulat with his head and right shoulder bleeding, a broken jaw, and carrying an unconscious Lubbock on his back. Behind him, Sheele—with broken glasses and covered in cuts and bruises—was supporting Leone, who seemed to have a broken leg. The four looked as if they had fought an army.

"What the hell happened?" Najenda asked in a shocked tone.

"Sorry, Boss, but we failed," Leone said in a despairing tone, shocking the rest of Night Raid.

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