Akame Ga Kill - Garou

Chapter 6: Troubles

As the two children led Garou toward the orphanage silently. During the journey, no one spoke. The aura exuded by Garou frightened all who were nearby enough to feel it.

"Is he really that strong?" a fat man wearing expensive clothes asked inquisitively.

"Yes, sir. He is one of the strongest and fastest people I have ever seen. I'm sure General Esdeath will like such a person in her army," Ogre said.

"Very well, Ogre. I shall nominate him to General Esdeath when she is back from the north. If he is really that good ,I will not forget to reward you handsomely." the man said.

Ogre smiled and left. He headed back toward the police station, thinking about the possible reward he would receive soon. He knew he would not be receiving the whole prize despite being the one who provided the information. He could only blame himself for being low in the ranks. Besides, a small reward was better than nothing.

A few minutes later, he reached the police station. Upon entering it, he saw Seryu walking out of her office. He called for her and said, "Did you finish the report on our mission?"

Seryu nodded and said, "Yes, sir."

Ogre smiled and said, "Good job," earning a smile from Seryu.

"Captain!!!" a soldier came running behind Ogre. Ogre turned around to look.

"The vice-captain took a group of soldiers and went out," the soldier continued.

"So?" Ogre said. He didn't feel like wasting time with these idiots.

"His two brothers were beaten to the brink of death by someone, and he went out for revenge," the soldier added.

"Very well," Ogre dismissed casually, while Seryu, from behind, frowned and said, "Those two bastards deserve whatever happened to them. They are evil!! They, at least, might change their ways."

"I'm afraid it is too late. The attacker tied their limbs into knots, destroyed their faces, castrated them," the soldier added as he shivered, remembering the scene.

"What?!" Seryu screamed. Even Ogre at her side was surprised by this. What did these two idiots do to earn such treatment?

"They were not the only ones assaulted," the soldier added.

"…" Seryu and Ogre didn't speak but stared on in horror. The injuries of these two alone were enough to make people shiver, and they weren't the only ones?

The soldier continued, "Other than the two, there were at least thirty citizens injured—not on the same level or even as crippling. But they all had broken bones and twisted limbs. It would take months for them to recover."

By this point, Ogre had a bad feeling about this, while Seryu's face turned sinister as she said in a menacing voice, "Who did this??!!!"

The soldier gulped, seeing the change in her expression, but he still answered, "According to eyewitnesses, it was a man bandaged like a mummy."

Seryu got angrier as she screamed, "GAROU!!! WHERE IS HE NOW??!!"

The soldier shivered as he replied with fear, "He appears to be heading toward the orphanage in the east district."

Seryu rushed out, leaving everyone behind her. On the other hand, Ogre knew the situation was terrible. He had to fix it fast before it became worse. He roared, "Get your weapons, we are leaving!"


"This is the place," the blonde boy told Garou.

Garou looked at the building before him. It felt like it was going to fall at any moment. He looked at the kids and said, "Walk in."

The boy and the girl looked at each other before a look of determination appeared in their eyes. They walked inside with Garou right behind them. Just as they entered the building, they met a skinny man in regular clothes pointing at a young woman who was crying, with a group of children hiding behind her.

Behind the skinny man was a group of fat men, each wearing expensive clothes and gold-plated accessories while laughing at what they were watching.

"I'll assume you are the orphanage manager," Garou spoke, earning the attention of the people inside.

The skinny man looked toward Garou. His eyes didn't linger on him as they shifted toward the little girl. The thin man smiled and said, "Ari, you finally came back."

The skinny man rubbed his hands together as he said, "Gentlemen, this is Ari. I hope she is to your liking."

The fat men eyed her lustfully as they smirked, imagining what they were going to do to her. Seeing their actions, the boy stood in front of his sister and screamed, "I won't let you touch my sister."

The boy's protective action and the girl's teary, scared eyes aroused the men further. Garou remained silent, but he started walking toward the men. The skinny man noticed his approach and said, "Who are you? Scram before I make you regret it."

Garou didn't reply. He kept walking toward the group, causing them to feel uneasy. The skinny man continued to give more threats, but all were ignored by Garou. And once he was a foot away from them, he finally stopped and said, "You people disgust me to no end. I will make an example out of you."

The next instant, Garou threw all of them outside in a very fast and swift movement that none managed to register. He threw them toward the entrance where he and the children had just come through. Garou made sure to throw them far enough so they wouldn't hit the children. He then started walking after them.

The two kids walked to the side as Garou passed them. Once he was outside, he saw them groaning in pain due to the impact. He narrowed his eyes as he walked toward them.

The young woman in the orphanage decided to go out and see what was happening when a sudden scream from the outside stopped her. She recognized the sound—it belonged to the manager. The manager's screams were followed by the cries of the rest of the group. Their cries and wails made the young woman shiver in fear and stop in her tracks. She didn't dare to go outside.

Ari and her brother hugged each other as they heard the voices outside, screaming in pain.

Outside, Garou was looking coldly at the people screaming on the ground. He made sure not to kill any of them. He wanted them to suffer. Their injuries were as bad as the two bastards from earlier.

"You are the one who did that to my brothers!!"

Garou looked at the one who spoke. He wore similar clothes to Seryu and her group. Garou instantly realized he was another soldier. He also noted that its features bore an unmistakable resemblance to the two Garou had crippled earlier. Behind the man was a group of men in the same attire, pointing their weapons at him.

Garou replied, "So you are the brother of those two bastards from earlier."

The man seemed to get angrier as he heard Garou. He replied, "That's correct, and I'm going to kill you for what you have done."

Garou didn't feel any pressure from the man. He casually replied, "So you are going to fight me with your men for two degenerates who…"

The man interrupted Garou. "I don't care about your reasons. And for the record, I know what those two have been doing, and I don't care. You will be killed regardless of your reasons. Men, open fire!!"

All the soldiers opened fire at Garou, who stayed in his place seemingly unmoving except for an unrecognizable blur of movements. The soldiers kept shooting nonstop as they saw Garou still standing in his place without falling. Once the guns' magazines were out of ammo, they stopped. To their horror, Garou didn't receive so much as a small scratch, and near his feet lay hundreds of bullets on the ground. They didn't understand how he did it.

Garou smirked as he said, "My turn!!"

He kicked the ground, causing all the bullets to fly into the air. Next, in an extremely precise and fast movement, Garou hit the bullets, sending them back to the soldiers, taking them all down in one go.

The only one left standing was the vice-captain, who was shaking in fear after seeing Garou's display. Garou walked closer to him as he said, "Since you knew everything about them and didn't care, you will receive the same treatment."

The vice-captain followed the example of his predecessors, screaming out in pain as Garou broke him like the rest.

Garou looked at the man on the ground with disdain and disgust when he heard Seryu's voice.


Garou looked at Seryu, who had a crazed look on her face, burning with rage.

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