Chapter 1: Who is that guy?
Darkness. Deep like the ocean, broken only by some white lights that flashed cowardly into the black. That's what you can find in the room where a person dressed in black is grinning, looking at a desk. Its smile is creepy, and, because of the mask, you can't understand only by looking if it's a boy or a girl. The only thing you can get from the appearance is that it's young, because its skin is still extremely clear and healthy, even though, seen through some evil-looking lights like the lone thing that illuminate, flashing, the small room, that skin might look pale like the one of a dead. On the desk, there was a photo of a family. There were the parents, a man with brightly silver hair and a huge smile on his mouth and a woman with short, brown hair, who was keeping in her hands two babies, a boy, probably around a year, with short blue hair, and a girl, who seemed to have just born, and had big magenta eyes and only a few pink hair. At their feet, there was a good-looking eleven years old girl, with long, purple hair kept back with a ponytail and eyes of the same colour, holding her hand with a boy who seemed a bit younger, who had carrot-like hair which covered his eyes and a shy smile to the camera, and, on the other side of the girl, there was a blond-haired boy with amber eyes and an arrogant gaze, who seemed ten years old. The person was looking at the family with a lost gaze. Then, it looked at its diary and took a pen. It was sure that soon, there would happen something truly funny. Its plan was gonna come in action.