Chapter 15: Afternoon school with Alex?!
Again, in class, Kei heard the message tone ringing (not loudly enough to be heard by the teacher, but those who were 'neighbours' perfectly heard it, including his two best friends). Alex immediately turned towards Kei, while Daisuke said "Did you forget to turn off your phone again?". He heard no answer. That was unusual. He too looked at Kei, and noticed that he was losing colour. 'Just what is he looking at?' Daisuke kept thinking, both curious and worried. Dear readers, I bet you already know. Well, Daisuke was totally in the dark about this all and Kei didn't plan to enlighten him either. He wanted to keep him safe from strange pasts or menacing hackers. When the ring of the break rang, Kei immediately took Alex from a sleeve and looked for a place with privacy, and, although his behaviour was indeed found suspicious and caught quite a bit of eyes, he found a safe spot, where Daisuke wouldn't have surely looked for them (and most likely nobody else either). Yes, a totally inhabited, not recommendable place. An almost surely overly dirty basement, possibly forbidden to students. When they arrived there, Kei said "Why always at school?!" while Alex was still startled by the sudden run (also forbidden, not that he didn't already break that rule many times). Then Alex said "I thought you wanted to do this things alone""Yeah, I'd like to, but first, tell me, where do you take those evening extra courses?""Why?""For now answer, then I'll tell. And don't even think to try to annoy me. Now I really need to calm down". Alex decided to collaborate, afraid of the possible risen of Dark Kei (you know that Dark Kei was not another personality, he simply wasn't aware of how scary he became). So he said "I don't exactly remember the name, but it is done as if it was another school, kinda. Well, anyway it has a building". Kei looked at him as if what he said was totally useless (if not more), then said "Is it possible that it may look like this?" and showed a picture. It was exactly Alex's school. Then, when Alex answered with a 'yes', Kei looked at the floor, demoralised. Then said "It seems I'll have to come there too. Do you remember that strange email? The first 'request' arrived". In the email was written "From now on you will have to go to this school. 🖼
You'll surely meet some acquaintances. Go there with your true surname and look presentable, otherwise you already know (Those useless bangs are prohibited). Don't look for me, I'm not there
Are you sure your friends are people good enough?".
In class, Kei used the lesson to calm down, although he was overly annoyed. The worst thing was the last sentence. Truly hateful. Alex looked at Kei, asking "Did you discover who this person is?", and then Kei looked at him like saying 'Would I be doing this if that was the case?'. Then Alex said "Anybody in mind then?""There's only one person who could use this sort of email between the people that I know. Or at least Mom said that she did things with this sort of style. But it doesn't make sense""Who?""That would be my little sister, bur I don't really know her, I actually lived with her for maybe not even a year. And as more, she would need my little brother's help, who is totally against family quarrels. I mean, when somebody at home does something against another family member, he closes himself in his room until they make peace. It's possible that they were trying to frame her, but that would have to be a person who knows her. She doesn't show that part of her in front of crowds or the camera". Alex looked at Kei with a blank, confused face, to which Kei answered "At home, my sister teached me a bit about how to read through conspiracies. But I'm not at her level. She is way better, sometimes you almost feel like she took part to them" which left another blank look on Alex's face, thinking about that Kishimoto-san. Then Alex asked another last thing "What about your bangs, now that I think about it, they are totally suspicious""Oh, it's simple, my brother bullied me with children-like jokes when I was little, particularly about my eyes, I grew these, then, when I understood that those where jokes of awful taste, I was already too accustomed to the bangs, which became something that calmed me down. You know, this way if someone look at me angrily I don't become insecure and such things""You become insecure when someone stares at you angrily?""Well, at least I become over sensitive, so they have become some sort of psychological protection""I feel like you should get over this, because maybe it's a bit counterproductive. It might be the biggest nonsense you've ever said""I don't expect you to understand! And you've done worse!". And then the conversation ended. Just like that. With nobody commenting the ambiguous sentence about the perpetrator not being in the school.