Chapter 22: The little sister
Then it came the time of their other school, that I might start calling cram school for laziness... ehem, I meant, this way it should be simpler for listeners and readers. Ok, so they arrived there and worked for three hours as usual. After the first hour and a half, they ate some snacks in a bar inside the school during the usual thirty minutes break. That morning Aikawa didn't hear the whole story, but just a brief summary, so Kei and Alex started talking, saying it in a more detailed manner. Ahh, by the way, Aikawa was making a difficult to decipher expression. She knew things that they didn't, but she didn't intend on telling them. Dear audience, I know those things too, but I can't tell you, she didn't want to, so I'd be going against her wishes. It's definitely not because I find it enjoyable leaving suspense... nope. Oh, anyway meanwhile Daisuke was at his karate lesson (he started doing it again), totally clueless about the conversation his friends were having. Well, you already know that he understood something was happening, but he wasn't able to find out anything, except for the fact Kei's mother looked like a famous musician (but still believing it a coincidence. After all he is the only one in their usual group who never had any interaction with big shots, if we don't count Aikawa, who is unfairly underestimated because of way more important people, and Kei himself, who didn't tell him). And if by a very low chance there's somebody out there thinking that he'll know soon, well, you are mistaken. Even I don't know if he'll discover this. Although I hope so. Ah, that just now, I said it that way not because I see the future (seriously, I can't do something like that), but because the story I'm telling you has happened a bit of time ago, maybe around a year, no, wait, less. Anyway, I guess this means we'll get to know if it happens together (if you stay). Coming back to Kei, Alex and Aikawa, well, as they almost finished talking, they were approached by a small figure. It was a little girl with two pink (or more like fuchsia) eyes and hair, kept in two braids. She was definitely eye-catching, like a small idol (she wasn't, not in the entertainment industry), and weirdly enough she had a mischievous smile on her face. Then she spoke. "Hi~, second onii~chan!".