Chapter 24: Aikawa's past
In the next few days, Aikawa kept following Yuki. She was extremely suspicious of her. Let's say that Alex and Daisuke passed (because they didn't seem to be hiding anything). In the case her trust in them was equal to the twenty-fifth percent of her trust in Kei, then the one she would have had in Yuki would have been less than one percent. It wouldn't have been zero because she still revealed some informations (to make it clear, not because Yuki was her friend's sister, nor anything like that). Aikawa has had a serious mistrust problem since her childhood. Between the people she trusted there were her family and her closest friends made in childhood. She didn't even trust the friends she made in highschool. Since she was little, she was approached by people who wanted to use her as a means to obtain her family's money. At first she wasn't aware, but at a party she discovered it. She was around four years old and her parents brought her to one of those gala of the high society (if you wanna ask me, she wasn't ready. They could have waited a bit more. Even the children were at least ten years old, well, except for two of them, but those two were having normal conversations with adults, so that's a case by itself. I get that they wanted her to learn, but she was a four years old!). There, she was approached by two men in a suit. She thought 'They look like kind people' so when they asked her if she wanted some tickets for an amusement park, she didn't think about it twice and said "Yes!! Thank you!". Her parents told her not to talk to strangers, but given that the people there weren't much, she thought it was a given that they were all her parents' friends. They gave her the tickets, but later on she overheard a conversation of theirs, and they were saying that they gave them to her to bring her not to an amusement park, but to a base of a criminal organisation. Infact, they knew that she wasn't usually with her parents, but a bodyguard, so they also offered her a taxi service. Their plan was to take her while bringing down the bodyguard. In short, a full-fledged kidnapping. Obviously, the two men weren't invited. They were from a pretty famous organisation, the 'Dark Sunrise'(some people might say cool name, I say it's cringe), known for a rumor about their chiefs having all read eyes. They weren't anything much, just some of the many, surely not the masterminds (the plan was theirs, but the idea of the mission wasn't), but they were given this chance and so, well, they brought knives, hidden well enough not to be discovered. They made a miscalculation anyway (as you'd expect from some simple henchmen). And a big one at that. They didn't consider that Aikawa's parents wouldn't have sent their daughter anywhere without knowing who sent the invite. They were still her parents after all. The little girl told her parents, in a confused voice, crying, "There were some good men... hic, they... invented me to play...hic, but they weren't... hic... good...hic, maybe". Her parents understood after a bit, so they told that to the security. The two men weren't really used to handling knives, so they were captured without any big problems, but since that day Aikawa started distrusting adults, and it wouldn't have been much later that she would have started distrusting children too. Her family started acquiring fame quite recently, so occurrences like the previously mentioned one didn't happen often, but that still left the mark.