Am I the only one normal in this family?

Chapter 3: New crazy schoolmate

Let's go back from when the two of them got off the bus. They found themselves near their school. "Good morning ", "Hello", "In which class are you?". They heard greetings between senior students and newcomers. There truly was a fuss. The school was kinda typical, and the students were gathered in the courtyard. Kei started walking to the board where there were written the classes. He walked ahead hoping with his whole self that the guy he met in the bus would have been in a different class. He gave a stare, still not brave enough to stare at the board for too long. Then he took all his braveness and... obviously that guy was in class with him. Yeah, Kei has ever felt a bit unlucky. He sighed. Well, he could at least stay away from him. After that, he hurried going to the class, but then a hand stopped him. Alex was looking into his eyes, or I should say that he would have looked into his eyes if Kei wouldn't have had that haircut. Kei started to fear that Alex understood that he was running away. He was sweating cold. But Alex was smiling. You might be wondering why. Well, Alex didn't understand what Kei was doing, he is a lot like a child, in particular, he can be extremely naive about other's feelings towards him. He asked "Would you like to challeng me in something?". Kei was perplexed, but simply said "No, thanks""Why?""I'm not interested. More importantly, why are you asking me that?""Because challenges are funny. I ever liked them. Just this once, can you at least tell me something extreme to do?""Reach the class before the bell. It's quite extreme, it'll ring in 5 minutes""That's not extreme". Kei sighed again. Alex was becoming even more annoying, and, if he wouldn't have hurried, he would have been late in his first day of school."Fine, I'll tell you something extreme". He looked around himself and found a flyer about first day of school's celebration with fireworks. Although he didn't know why they had to party such a day, he though that maybe something like that could suit well. "Convince the other students to let you make the fireworks explode at today's party" There was no way that he would have convinced them. "I'll do even better". Kei wasn't sure about what that boy meant, but let going because he had much more important business. Only two minutes to the bell. More or less half of the courtyard was already empty. Kei started running at his best, but stopped when he saw a beautiful third year girl with purple hair kept in a ponytail. No way. The girl was surrounded by admiring students of all the years. When she saw the boy's gaze, she smiled. But, Kei was sure that she was in another school, if he would have known, he wouldn't have surely come to this school, because, if there was her, then there was him too. And that's exactly what he wanted to avoid. "Kishimoto-san, please, give me an autograph""Have you ever seen such a competent and beautiful girl?" That's what people around her were saying. And Kei could totally understand. Infact, she was the only one, between his siblings, who treated him with kindness. She was Chiyo Iwai-Kishimoto. Kei, when he transferred to his mother's house, changed surname because of the divorce and because he didn't want to be compared to his siblings, so his true surname should be Kishimoto. Looking at a clock, he came back to his senses. The bell would have rung in a minute. Arrived into the class, he saw that almost everybody had taken his seat, but Daisuke kept the one behind him empty. Then, he noticed with horror that the only other place left was next to him, and that there was only one person who had to come. He sighed. It was as if fate had it with him. At the end, he simply seated and greeted Daisuke. He saw some people looking at him and he wondered the reason of the gazes. However, he didn't care too much. The bell finally rang, and a boy with beige hair entered the class running. He noticed the free place and smiled at Kei. "Do you know him?" asked Daisuke. "I met him this morning. Please, help me ignoring him.""What? Why?""Long story". "I've done it! It was, and it will be, pretty exiting ". Kei gave him an unnoticeable questioning gaze, and asked "What have you done?""I took the fireworks as you said. They will explode soon""What?". Kei was shocked. "I suppose that you said something to him just to push him away" said Daisuke. Kei starred at him in a way like as if he was saying 'you know me too well', and then, thinking again about what Alex said, he opened again his mouth, holding a scream. When he became able to talk again, he said "You were just kidding me, right? You can't have so few common sense". Alex shook his head. The teacher entered the class. She started to check the presents. Then, a sound of an explosion could be heard. There was water in the sky, followed by many colourful lights. Everybody fell in silence, except from Alex, who was smiling from eye to eye saying "I won!". The headmaster was sleeping this whole time, and didn't even wake up. His work was practically held by the school council. Somebody discovered that the one who did this chaos was Alex and told that to the headmaster and the council. The headmaster was so bad on his role that he didn't even punish Alex, while the student council took measures. That's how in the school site it has been created a space for 'challenges' complaints' and they even created an alarm for those absurd challenges. Alex was happy to be popular though.

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