Am I the only one normal in this family?

Chapter 6: Starting the investigations

"Do you even have to ask?" both Daisuke and Alex answered. At that moment Kei couldn't help but think about which great friends he owned. Then they started to discuss. "Anyway, what made you change your mind? You didn't seem convinced at all before""It only seems strange to me to be starred at and now that I've reflected about it, it's simply too strange how they all changed their attitude (you included Alex). I mean, how couldn't this look suspicious? And I wanna prove that my sister is innocent too""You can't prove that. From what you said, she is from every evidence guilty""If you would have known her, you wouldn't be saying this""You sure you're not a siscon?""Stop it please!". Meanwhile, Kei was blushing. If you ask this to me, he was a siscon, or rather, I think that for him, his sister was an untouchable goddess, although you will never be able to make him admit it. Anyway, at that point, the conversation was taking a fold that Kei didn't want. Infact, the next question (that if you are interested was made by Daisuke) was about Kei's taboo topic. "Now that I think about it, you never talked us about your family, out of these vague hints. We never even saw your mother, nor did we go to your house""Do you want me to invite you at my house?""Yeah, why not?""You are self-inviting yourself now! I didn't even say yes!""But it is a yes, right? I've invited you hundreds of times""I have to plan it though. And you invited me at most thirty times!""Does it seems few for you?""Weeell... Let's quit the subject""You won't escape this so simply! Just wait. Oh, anyway, what do you have to plan exactly?""I have to wait for a day when my mother is not at home. We would disturb her""Yeeah, that's an excuse, I know you well enough to understand it. So, why?""That's not an excuse!""I challenge you to the best excuse". As Alex said that, both Daisuke and Kei turned their heads to Alew and said "Does this seem the moment to you?". And then, maybe you forgot, just like them, but they were in class waiting for the teacher, and meanwhile the teacher had entered the classroom. And those three were making quite an evident fuss, so what do teachers do when they can see who's making a fuss? Obviously the three of them went home with a disciplinary note. Daisuke and Kei had a really sad face, while Alex's competitive spirit was having the better on him and he was now bragging about having the biggest quantity of notes in their year. Kei and Daisuke were now thinking from where Alex's sharpness that he shows sometimes came from. Alex even arrived first at the entrance exams, which was a true mystery. Now Kei and Daisuke were exchanging a promise with their eyes. They would have digged into that too. Dear listeners, yes, for them, others' privacy was something futile. And yes, Daisuke and Alex wanted to know Kei's secrets too (as you might have guessed).

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