Chapter 9: What's with this email?
That same day, during the break, Kei heard his phone's message tone. Strange, he usually didn't receive messages during morning. At most it could be his mother if he forgot something, but that was all. It wasn't a message though. It was an email. And a very suspicious one. The name was practically screaming 'dangerous'. Infact, instead of the usual '[email protected]/it' and such, there was written 'private, anonymous, if you want your life to be safe, don't look for the owner'. Kei immediately though to ignore it. It much likely contained a virus. But Alex was next to him. "What's that?" Alex asked, having noticed the email. "I don't know""Why don't you open it?""It's not safe""Then give your phone to me""Why should I?!""Just do it. If I do it, it won't affect you""This doesn't make sense at all! You would be using my phone!""With my fingers""It still doesn't make sense. In this case it would be even creepier if this mail's owner would know that fact. And as more, I would be taking the virus""No, not if you give me your password and I would use that on my phone""The hacked account would still be mine!""No, maybe there's a way to prevent it. I'm too curious""So you are saying you are willing to sacrifice my or your privacy, or even more, just for your curiosity?! Are you okay?!""Wow, you're taking it too badly". Kei decided to calm down and said "Enough, I'll simply ignore you". Alex seemed to have calmed down too, but in reality he was just waiting for a chance to see that mail. That chance came when Kei went to the bathroom. He was used to leave the phone in the classroom. Not that the teacher would have allowed to bring a device in the bathroom during lesson. When Kei came back, the email had been opened. Kei seated, keeping following the lesson, then he felt something touching his jacket. Alex's hand. "Look" Alex whispered. Kei noticed Alex was holding his phone. Not only that, it was opened on the mail. Alex noticed Kei's peach pink mouth becoming thinner and thinner and his usual milky pink face turning red. Kei was holding his anger. He took his phone from Alex's hand and said "We'll talk about this later. I don't want another note because of you". Only at that moment Alex understood the weight of what he had done. But then he thought 'Later he'll surely be grateful. If I wouldn't have read it, who knows what might have happened'. When the lessons finished, Alex and Kei went out of the classroom, then Kei dragged Alex in a place where they could have privacy. "So?" Kei asked. He was calmer than usual. Alex thought 'So he is the tipe who stays calm when angry and maintain a cold mind. This is not good. I know how stubborn he can be'. While Kei's piercing gaze could be felt even from under his hair, Alex was sweating cold. He never thought somebody could make such pressure just because of anger. Alex answered with a trembling voice "Sorry""That's not what I asked. I asked you to explain why you did that" said Kei in a cold voice. Alex's heart was racing. "I-I took your 'no' as a challenge a-and acted instinctively. As I said, sorry, please, forgive me!". A little more pressure, and he would have begged at Kei's feet. Kei, out of the anger, was feeling a bit astonished. He had never seen Alex acting like that. 'Ah, I see, he is just pretending, thinking I'll forgive him if he looks so pitiful. Well, I'm not good at holding grudges, I guess I'll just scold him a little'. Kei had misunderstood a little, but that's not the problem now. "Well, I see you are really sorry, I think I'll forgive you, but you'll have to gain my trust again. You disappointed me, I thought you were less stupid". Now, to all of you readers, Kei's behaviour might look like the one of an arrogant monarch, although I guess that out of anger there are people who would do worse, and maybe you think that in Alex's situation you would have talked back, or thought things like 'who does he think he is' and such, but would you really do that? Under such pressure? To your best friend? If you are not an extremely strong, stubborn and proud person, I don't think so. Alex, meanwhile, almost forgot the most important thing: the email. Kei seemed to have come back to normal, although he was still a bit cold. Alex said "The email contains a threat".