Chapter 22: Hyacinth's 12th Birthday
Hyacinth POV
Things were shaping up and for once I was looking forward to my birthday. For the first time I wouldn't have to spend it alone locked in that stupid cupboard. I would get to spend it with my new family and I was so happy I almost couldn't sleep last night just thinking about it. I was woken up by Dad, Uncle Moony, Daddy and Mum singing happy birthday to me it was defiantly a new experience... the only one that could carry a tune was Mum but even with the off tune serenade I couldn't stop the smile from spreading on my face. It took a while to get them out of my room so that I could get dressed once they were out I was finally able to get ready. Tilley popped in with a gift that Mum had instructed her to get for me it was a cute jumper with a floral embroidery and a skirt that was flowy and had a nice feel to it. I decided to wear the outfit for today as Mum had them picked out for me.
I walked into the dining room to see everyone already seated and a small stack of presents at the opposite end of the table where no one was sitting. Dad gave me a hug and led me to the seat next to him and we started breakfast. There was a bit of talk about preparations for our expedition and Uncle Newt let us know that he invited Jacob and Queenie Kowalski and their son Quentin to join us due to them being Aunt Tina's only sister and her family. What I thought was cool was the Mrs. Kowalski is a natural born magical empath and legilimency master which means she knows peoples innermost feeling and thoughts.
It wasn't long before everyone had finished their meal and the talking started to die down. Dad stood up and gave a very sweet unlike him toast all about me and I cried because I have never felt so loved in my life. It took me a while before I was calm enough to actually get to the mountain of presents that my new family has prepared for me. Dad was first he got me a new hair charm that had a protection charm on it as well as a new broom care kit which I loved. Uncle Remus got me an ancient tome on runes. Gran Augusta got me new formal dress robes and matching shoes. Aunt Alice and Uncle Frank got me new casual clothes with a matching bag and a wand holster for my arm made of dragon hide it also has a disillusionment and an anti summoning spell on it. Nev got me a new plant he has been working on it will hopefully turn into a singing daffodil, I am so excited to help him with this project. Grandpa Nicolas gave me a new set of dragonhide gloves for my potions work and Grandma Perenelle gave me a book on potions focusing mostly on healing. Uncle Newt gave me a promise to go with me to the phoenix sanctuary that he found to see if any of them would like to bond with me. Aunt Tina gave me a outfit that is good for dueling or chasing down magical creatures as she put it. I also got muggle book from Hermione and sweets from Ron the twins got me prank supplies which made Dad laugh I also got some cosmetics from the girls in the dorm. All things considered I feel like I have been truly spoiled this year.
The rest of my day was peaceful we mostly just sat around and enjoyed ourselves. Nev and I spent a good chunk of it in the greenhouses while the adults did other things like research and planning for our expedition. Tilly checked on us from time to time and Pokey taught us about caring for different types of plants.
It was a few days later when our letters for Hogwarts showed up with the list for books that we would be needing this coming year. Dad was excited and apprehensive about me returning to Hogwarts because this time we didn't trust Albus Dumbledore. Ron sent an owl asking if I wanted to join him and his family for shopping in Diagon and after talking with Dad we decided we would join the Weasley's on their shopping trip. Nev also wanted to join us with his parents which had me excited because Aunt Alice promised to take me to get a new set of casual robes. I have never been shopping with a mother figure before so I was practically bouncing with excitement. I was so excited that I almost forgot to invite Hermione, luckily I didn't otherwise the train ride would have been awkward at best.
Finally we made it to the Leaky Cauldron after a hectic morning. Getting Dad out of the house took hours he kept fussing with his hair, muttering about public appearance and how he needs to leave a good impression so as not to give them ammunition. Uncle Remus just shook his head while Aunt Alice and Uncle Frank just chuckled at him. It was crowded today apparently there is a book signing at Flourish and Blotts so we decided to head there last but first to find the Weasley's in front of Gringotts. It was taxing fighting our way through the crowds but we made it to just outside of Gringotts right as the group of red heads made their way over to us. Ron was the first one to run up to me to give me an awkward side hug before he said, "Hey mate, how has your summer been. I read the papers and blimey is that crazy." I nodded and said, "It is crazy but a good crazy because now I have a Dad who loves me." Ron looked puzzled and said, "What do you mean Dad isn't Sirius Black your Godfather? How did he become you Dad?"
It was at this moment that Mrs. Weasley finally came over to us and crushed me into a hug that almost suffocated me. Mr. Weasley just walked over to Dad and shook his hand before he said, "It never seemed likely that you would betray James. I'm glad that the record has been set straight and your name cleared." Dad smiled and returned the gesture with a pat on Mr. Weasley's shoulder before he said, "I would have never betrayed James and Lily much less Cinthy she was as good as mine even back then and even more so now." Mr. Weasley had a shocked look cross his face before he said, "So the rumors I have heard in the ministry are true then. You did a blood adoption with her." Dad chuckled and with a grave expression said, "Well I couldn't have anyone use my time in Azkaban as a reason to take her from me again now could I." He got really quiet to where only Mr. Weasley and I could hear him and said, "I mean no offense when I say this Arthur but I don't trust Dumbledore after some recent evidence has come to light, I will explain more after the children go back to school so that we have more time to talk without being overheard."