Chapter 12: Take a Day off - 4
Raven approached her office with a sense of unease. Something seemed off - the chair was not in its usual position, and the door handle was straightened. Hesitating, Raven surveyed the room more closely. On the floor near her desk, she noticed a large grey feather, far bigger than any bird she had ever seen. However, the pillow on her chair appeared undisturbed, suggesting the intruder had not sat down. Raven's gaze shifted to her computer, where she discovered her password had been locked out for over 32 hours, as if someone had repeatedly tried and failed to access her account. Clearly, an unwelcome visitor had been in her office, searching for something specific. Raven's heart raced as she took in these unsettling clues, her instincts on high alert.
Raven surveyed her bookshelves and noticed the books were no longer neatly aligned as before. Entering her office, she deduced the intruder's sole aim had been her computer, as nothing else appeared disturbed or missing, and their visit had been brief.
As Raven entered her office, Lucifer and Dom were already there, chatting about her. Raven ignored them as she bent down to retrieve the feather from the floor. With a puzzled expression, she carried the feather into the connected bathroom, its walls and countertop clad in sleek black and white marble. The bathroom was sparsely furnished - just a toilet and a plain white sink set into the marble vanity.
Raven approached the closet, its black door adorned with minimalist white glass handles. She grasped one of the handles and twisted it open, the motion smooth and silent. Inside, she gathered a pair of brown skin-tight leggings, a flannel shirt striped in shades of yellow, black, and brown, and a roll of bandages.
Lucifer asked with keen interest, "Does the Detective have any family?" Dom could hear a faint ringing in her ears as they stood in Raven's office, awaiting Raven's return from the bathroom. When Dom's gaze met Lucifer's, it was as if her body was acting against her own mind. The interaction felt comfortable, yet there was a sense of forced tension when Lucifer looked at Dom. Lucifer's expression was gentle, yet captivated by the topic.
"She hasn't told me about her past," Dom said honestly, turning her gaze toward the door they had entered. "Frankly, you probably know just as much as I do."
Emerging from the bathroom, Raven fixed them with a monotone glare. "And I plan on keeping it that way," she stated.
Raven emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed and bandaged, walking into her office with a mix of confidence and tension. Lucifer noticed the bandages wrapped around her body once more, and felt a twinge of concern in his chest. As he looked at Raven, his confusion grew. "Why?" he asked, the words slipping out before he could stop them, his tone tinged with upset and bewilderment.
Raven held a dark grey feather in her hand. "I'll assume you don't mean to imply any attitude with that question," she replied, "but my past is still none of your concern. I've told you what I felt you needed to know." Lucifer's gaze fixed on the feather, and he flinched slightly.
Raven eyed the feather with a stern expression. "So you know what this is?" she said. "If you answer some of my questions in return," Lucifer replied with a smug smirk, "I'll tell you why."
Raven rolled her eyes, ignoring his arrogant look. As she took a seat, she carefully examined the feather. "I would like to make a deduction," she said coldly. "This feather isn't from an animal - I've never seen one like it before, nor one of this length. You flinched when you saw it. A cosplay? A person perhaps?"
Lucifer's left brow twitched ever so slightly. "So it is a person?" She said. "Is this person among the metaphors you like to express?"
Raven tilted her head with annoyance, sensing she was right. Before Lucifer could ask his own questions, she continued her interrogation, determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious feather.
Lucifer sighed, "It's complicated." Raven moved her hips slightly to the right, revealing an Apple Mac computer plugged into her desk. She gently tapped the mouse, causing the screen to light up. "The person who left this feather tried getting into this computer, to the point that they locked me out of it," Raven said bluntly.
Dom looked at Raven, curious yet concerned. "Why would someone do that?" he asked.
Raven replied calmly, "I work as a detective and a therapist. Many people would like to harm me. The reason doesn't worry me - what concerns me is what they're searching for on this computer, that they'd risk so much to access it."
Dom nodded thoughtfully, placing a hand under his chin.
Lucifer appeared confused as he spoke, "I am unsure why they came to your office. That person is my brother Amenadiel. I don't know why he was here or what he wanted from your computer." He maintained eye contact with Raven, clearly uncertain about his brother's intentions. "Then that's all I need to know. You seem unsure about the reason, and I know you're telling the truth," Raven said, her tone softening as the tension in her body relaxed. Raven glanced at the feather, then turned to Dom. "Thank you for the ride, but would you please give us a moment?" she asked politely.
Dom appeared lost in thought, but she heard Raven's request and politely left her office, closing the door behind her. "Now, do you have any idea why he would look through my computer?" Raven asked, crossing her arms gently. "Don't just say you don't know - there must be something you're thinking about, some insight into your brother's motivations. You know him better than anyone."
Lucifer sighed. "Maze told my brother the reason I won't go back to hell. And it's not because of you, exactly, but you are part of the reason." He spoke honestly, rather than giving a metaphorical response, as he didn't want Raven to be upset with him.
Raven sighed as she looked at the feather. "So, your brother went through my computer, trying to find information about me? Since he couldn't get any details through his connections, he resorted to coming to my office. That makes me think I may have met him before. Could you please describe him to me?" she asked plainly, trying to make sense of this confusing mystery.
Lucifer appeared even more perplexed. "Wait, you're not going to complain or say that what I'm saying is metaphorical?" he responded, at a loss for words.
Raven said with a simple shrug, "No, I believe what you say is true, even if it is metaphorical. Trauma can make us hide the truth by expressing it through a metaphorical mask, concealing the pain going on in our minds. I can't constantly criticize you for choosing to be metaphorical - that doesn't help the healing process."
Lucifer nodded, feeling a bit relieved but also upset. "Why is it so hard to believe me, Detective?" he asked, looking into Raven's eyes.
Raven sighed, knowing full well that Lucifer would likely try to take advantage of this opportunity.
"I know it may be a lot to handle for humans, but I assure you I am not a liar," Lucifer said with a gentle nod understanding her perspective a tad more.
"I hope one day you will prove it to me," Raven said placing the feather on her wooden desk table.
"One day," Lucifer said softly looking out the window at the cloudy sky.