Angel of Death Named Moriarty

Chapter 3: Meeting the Handsome Devil - 3

Raven admired the club's aesthetic from the top of the stairs. A bar offered an array of expensive drinks, while poles and a dance floor surrounded the room. The lounge area could accommodate over 200 guests. The lights enhanced the dark ambiance. "Such a beautiful design, Mr. Morningstar," she said while descending the stairs, noticing a handsome man at the piano, mourning the loss of his friend. "Such an elegant taste in decoration," she added as she approached Lucifer.
The club was empty, suggesting the police had removed all guests for questioning, leaving only the officers, herself, and Lucifer Morningstar at the piano on the dance floor.

Lucifer glanced up from his piano as a woman entered the room. Raven's silky black hair was in a messy bun, and she wore a long beige trench coat that reached past her knees, paired with combat boots that added to her height. The thin fabric of the coat revealed bandages wrapped around her wrists and forearms. Lucifer noticed medical supplies peeking out from the collar of her black turtleneck.

He furrowed his brow at Raven's unusual attire as she approached. "Don't you ever get hot in that?" he asked with a curious smile, standing up from the piano stool and walking to the bar.

"My body can handle it," Raven replied flatly. "I'm here to ask you about Delilah." She paused, making direct eye contact with his dark amber eyes. "You're Lucifer Morningstar, correct?"

Lucifer's British accent became more pronounced as he answered, "Yes, that's me. Are you a detective?"

"The best in the world," Raven said with a cheeky smile, but it instantly faded as she refocused on the matter at hand. "Did you talk to the man who shot Delilah?" Raven's question was blunt, with no attempt to sugarcoat it.

Lucifer's interest piqued at the mysterious woman before him, as if she were a puzzle he had never solved. Raven looked at Lucifer and furrowed her brow, unable to comprehend what he was for the first time. Her instincts told her Lucifer was innocent, but he harbored many secrets. Lucifer had mastered the art of self-isolation and camouflage.

"Yes. I asked him why he did it," Lucifer said, avoiding eye contact as he poured the right amount of liquid into his shot glass. His accent was smooth and sophisticated, but Raven knew he was not the professional type. The shot glass, made of transparent quartz, appeared slightly twisted at the top.

"What are your relations with the victim?" Raven asked flatly, noting that Lucifer had adjusted Eddie's collar.

Lucifer turned around, beverage in his right hand and bottle of bourbon in the other. "Well, she used to work here a few years back. I would occasionally accompany her while she sang," he said, walking back toward his piano and taking a seat on the stool. Raven kept analyzing him, not out of desire but as if trying to understand a new mystery. 

"She became a big star, and someone wanted to end her life," Lucifer said softly. Raven noticed the careful phrasing - Lucifer knew that Eddie Deacon was the one who pulled the trigger on Delilah, acting on orders like "a wounded dog following orders from its owner."

"Seems you're not a goldfish after all," Raven said, hopping up to sit on the piano, putting some distance between them. She sat cross-legged, getting comfortable. "You have some experience in this line of work. I've never met anyone so genuine and honest, yet with such a delectable mystery behind your mask."

Raven appeared entirely fascinated by how Lucifer could isolate his genuine emotions, forcing her to read between the lines.

Raven said as she laid out her deductions about Lucifer's attire, "What irks me is how Delilah was riddled with bullets, yet you emerged unscathed with a fresh change of clothes. After all, you admitted to speaking with Eddie after Delilah's death. This proves you were close enough to her to catch her as the shots hit. And the lingering scent of cologne and clean water suggests you cleaned yourself up before the police arrived." Lucifer noticed the calculated mind game Raven was playing, as she held her head high and shifted her entire persona just to ensnare him in her trap. Lucifer remained silent, impressed by the woman's keen intellect and the smooth, well-articulated way she presented her deductions, lacing them with a touch of excitement. The aura of sophistication and confidence radiated from her like the heat of a burning flame. "Perks of being immortal," Lucifer said, taking another sip of his drink.

Raven covered her mouth, stifling a smile. "You're joking," she said with a small laugh. As she studied Lucifer, her amusement faded when she realized, "Oh, you're serious." Raven rolled her eyes, her smile vanishing. 

Lucifer took another swig, emptying his shot glass. He raised a brow in a silent affirmation as he swallowed. "What will your corrupt little organization do about this?" he said, regarding Raven with a curious yet mocking smile. "Will they be punished? Is this a priority for you? Because it is for me," Lucifer said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. His anger was evident, but he seemed curious about Raven's response.

"Ah, I see. I understand your concern, but do you have any connections to drug dealers? I can smell the drugs in this room - heroin, to be precise. It has a distinct sour vinegar scent, you know. Depending on your contacts, I may be able to trace the drug and link it back to the person who hired Eddie Deacon to murder your friend," Raven said matter-of-factly.

Lucifer chuckled as he poured another glass of bourbon, remaining silent about his drug dealers. "I see you're a loyal man. Your silence has answered my question, so I won't press you further. However, I'll need the contacts of your dealers. I can assure your name will be kept out of the interrogation, if you'd like." Raven said, obtaining the information she sought.

Lucifer abruptly changed the subject, asking, "How have we not had sex?" with a curious fascination. Raven's reaction was not one of embarrassment, but rather a mixture of distaste and apathy towards his comment.

Raven hopped off the piano, landing softly on her feet. "Visit the LAPD once you have the list of contacts," she said, no longer interested, and headed towards the staircase to leave

Lucifer grasped Raven's wrist, his hold firm yet gentle. "Detective, wait!" he said, frustration edging his voice. "Someone out there needs to be punished. We're not done."

Raven's eyes narrowed. "You don't know who you're talking to, Lucifer. I wasn't lying - I am the best in the world. Remember that as I work on your case." With a light jerk, she pulled her arm free from his grip. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

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