Archer Empress

Chapter 5: Fifth


" Wait whose that woman with your maiden Alucard?" Ask Kaja which got a shrug from the cold crown prince.

" Hahaha you think Alu knows her? think again Kaja if you ask Valir you might get an answer" Roger said.

" hey what's that supposed to mean? " Valir said.

" Right you know her? " Ask Kaja to the frowning Valir.

" Tsk maybe she's the one with the Emperor. They mentioned a princess come with him right?" he said .

" See now you got an answer" Roger said.

" Whatever lets just go and ask " Valir said.

" Tss whatever your ass. You just want to see her face that's why " murmured Roger and Kaja at the same time knowing their friend like the back of their hands.

" What the hell man of course I'm just curious you know. " Valir said while smirking. The two just shake their heads while the crown Prince just watch them without care.

As they approach the two ladies only the maiden talks to them and the other lady which is Lady Miya keeps her back at them until she decided to face them.

As she turns around and bow to greet them with a bit smile Kaja seems to drop his jaw so as Valir while both Roger and Even Alucard can't take their eyes off the bowing beauty specially when she raise her head and smiled at them even more. The four prince's got captivated by the Ladies alluring beauty.

" hmmmm Prince's may I ask who pull an arrow a while ago?" Lady Miya ask just to get their attention . She already feel uncomfortable of their stare since they keep having the same look much longer than necessary. However she never get responses to any of them.

" hmmm nevermind then. please excuse us anyway its nice to meet his highness's " She did another bow to excuse herself and didn't wait for the prince's to response they are still not back in reality. She grabbed Helda , the maiden , on her arms to leave which cause the maiden to almost stumble on her feet because of the ladies grasp .

" My Lady.... wait. " She said but Lady Miya didn't listen to her.

" aaaahhh my Lady why did you do that? We left just like that. I didn't even do proper respect before leaving I'm dead My Lady . Master Alucard might tell his majesty or My Lady Selena" she keep on rumbling . When Lady Miya knows that they're already far from the Prince's she finally let go of Helda .

" Helda you worry too much. " she said.

" But Lady...." Before she can go on talking the Lady raise her hand to stop her from doing so even if she wants to talk she close her lips and bite it instead to contain herself from speaking.

" I'm with you so you don't have to worry. You didn't do anything wrong I'm the one who grabs you so you really don't have to worry" Lady Miya said.

" Now bring me to his majesty now we lost track of time back there" the lady said in commanding tone which takes Helda by surprise even the lady seem to realize her reaction .

" I mean I have to see majesty so.. yeah... would you take me to him already?" she said this time in a more ladylike tone.

" y...yes of course my Lady. Please follow me!" Helda said with a smile forgetting the ladies weird action in a blink of an eye.

" Thank you" the Lady said and follows the maidens lead.

As they pass some other maidens of the South palace the Lady can't help but hear some of their murmurings about her.

" The Lady is indeed a beauty" one said.

" Right, how I wish to be her" the other replied that gets her attention. " Oh you wish you won't , If you know the real Me " The Lady speaks on her mind.

" She'll be a great pair of the prince" another said which almost made her loss her footings but luckily she has great balance.

" They really think crazily" She mumbled.

" Are you alright my Lady ?" Helda suddenly turns to look at her.

" yes Helda I'm good. " she answers and the maiden nods and looks right in front to continue leading the Lady to the emperors study.

" We're here My Lady " Helda said .

" Greetings Lady Miya" the two warriors guarding the Emperors study greets her they are also from her troupe that's why they know exactly what to call her.

" You're working well. Please tell his majesty of my presence" she said almost in commanding tone which made the two guards to straighten their posture even more as respect.

" My Lady you seem to be really commanding most of the time" Helda laughs at her which she laugh a bit back uncomfortably if only she knew.

"Pretending not to be commanding when it comes to the guards sure is not easy task" Lady Miya's can only thought to herself.

" She's really our commander" both the guards thought if only they can smile with pride of their commander they already did.

"Your Majesty !Lady Miya is here !" One of the guard announce.

" Let her in" answers the emperor from inside .

" Helda please wait here for me " she ask the maiden .

"You don't need to ask my Lady I'm more than happy to do wait and serve you" Hearing this the Lady smiled Even the guards seems to give their commander more respect .

Once lady enters the study the guards closed the door.

"Greetings your Majesty and My Lady " she bows to the emperor and lady Selena.

" oh please raise your head Lady Miya. Its such an honor to see the lovely lady who holds an entire army" Lady Selena said.

" please Lady Selena I'm just really happy to serve his majesty and our kingdom" Lady Miya said.

" I'm more than glad to have you as the Emperors' protector and also a daughter figure" she said which made the Lady Miya seems to feel a bit uncomfortable.

" My Lady please contain yourself" the emperor said while laughing which made the lady flustered.

" Im sorry, My bad , please don't mind me Lady Miya " the lady seems to have a liking on her like the emperor.

" I just hope my son comes back early" the lady added.

" hmmm actually I already have an encounter with Prince Alucard along with the others, I mean the other prince's" she mumbled not wanting to be heard but somehow the Emperor and the Lady heard it.

" Ohh really so how was our prince?" the lady ask.

" I think his fine with the other" except they almost got one of us killed she added the latter on her head not wanting to scare the two royal in front of her.

The two laughs at her response .

" That's not what we mean though I'm glad he is" The emperor said.

" what we mean is if there's a chance for the two of you?" that's what the both of them think as they look at the young lady in front of them.

" hmmm something's wrong with the both of them. This might take a while huh" Lady Miya's thought to herself as she observe the two infront of her.

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