Ashes of Winter: The Stark Revival and the Game of Thrones

Chapter 22: Chapter 16: A Dragon's Truth, A Raven's Lies (Part 1)

Winterfell 304 AC.

Lyanna Mormont.

She was one of the last ones to leave the Godswood after Rickon insisted on making an offering to the Old Gods after Lord Glover's sentencing. She could see he was doubting himself after the Lords of the Vale had all but called him a butcher, yet she knew it had to be done. Not only because the severity of Glover's crime toward him had demanded it, but also as a show of strength towards all who had pestered him for days on end about Jon.

" There will be a meeting when Lord Glover's family will come to renew their oaths to my family. There you will have all the answers to your questions, my Lords, my Ladies. I want you to take this time and think about what my family and the North mean to you. What we all accomplished together as one Kingdom and what this means to you. For your reaction to the revelation, I will make will not be forgotten. The Old Gods be my witness, as much as the North remembers, so do I." he had spat before kneeling in front of the Heart Tree, the threat of what he was willing to do should they not fall into the ranks clear to everyone.

Lyanna had to admit that Rickon's attitude ever since his brother had left on the dragon had scared her. He had once again closed himself off to the world, only this time she had known the reason why. No thanks to him.

That Jon Snow had come to speak to her had been a surprise. That he told her his secret before anyone else was an even bigger one, and when the shock of the reveal had passed, she had greatly appreciated the gesture and had understood why it wasn't Rickon's secret to share.

" I pray you will not hold it against my brother, my Lady. I feel he has become a little too protective of me when it was I who was supposed to be the protective one. Moreover, I owed it to you to share it personally with you."

" How so?"

" You and your House have shown unwavering support to House Stark in our time of need, and you've helped Rickon through his own moments of doubts. As for me, I'd not be here were it not for your uncle Jeor and so I do not think I'll be able to repay you the debt I owe you, but I wanted you to know that you have my respect for all you've done for our family, my brother, myself and the North."

" He will bend the knee to you, you know that right?" she asked, not wanting to show how touched she was by his words.

" That is not something I've asked him, my Lady." Jon said and she could see he was sincere.

" But he will nonetheless. You will make him Warden?"

" Dany wants to make the North a principality as Dorne is. If he agrees, Rickon would become a prince. If not, there should always be a Stark to rule the North."

" You're right. And as long as you do not forget that you are also a Stark, whatever your name, then I will have no problem following you either."

" I swear that I will never forget where I come from and that I will never betray my pack. I… Thank you, my Lady. "

" Do not thank me. Thank Rickon. Knowing what I know about him, the last thing I want is to get on his wrong side." she snorted.

" I doubt that would ever be possible, Lady Lyanna." Jon said, his sly smirk getting on her nerves. "My brother likes you too much for that."

" For the Old Gods sake, I swear…" she had growled and Jon Snow lifted his hands in mock defense, reminding her of his younger cousin, no, brother.

She had given Rickon some harsh words afterward but she'd let him know that she was not angry at him, more worried about what was to come. The truth of Jon's identity could blow up like wildfire and she didn't know if the North was ready to accept that they had been lied to for two decades. Lyanna, like Rickon, had hoped they would be able to deliver the news calmly, but the Gods had decided otherwise and Rickon, as his sisters, was not taking it well.

" What's wrong with him? Are we under attack?" he'd asked Jon in hushed tones while the rest of the lords were looking warily at the golden dragon.

" I do not know brother, but I have to go now."

" Jon, you can't -" Sansa intervened, her worry clear in her voice.

" I have to. I'm sorry."

" Rickon, say something! You cannot let him do this!" Sansa insisted.

" I have to, brother. They need me. They might be in danger." Jon pleaded and Lyanna could see the desperation in his eyes.

" What if it has to do with the Night King? With the Army of the Dead?" Arya said.

" More the reason to go, then. Rickon, you said Dany will become Pack soon, I have to help her! I would do the same for each and every one of you!"

" Be careful." was all Rickon responded, his words somber as Jon's relieved nod thanked him before he ran to climb on the dragon's back.

" I told you, Rickon. I told you he would choose her over us." Bran said tiredly whilst everyone was looking at Jon flying away to join the dragons.

" Fuck off, Bran. Now is not the time to mess with my head." Rickon retorted with a bite.

They'd gathered the council and finally told Tormund, Lord Manderly, and Lady Dustin about Jon's true name and him being a Dragonrider, though the last was pretty obvious now to any with eyes to see. She feared Lady Dustin would explode in anger when she heard of the news, only for the lady to be stopped in mid-rant by Rickon.

" I know what happened to your husband, my Lady, and nothing I could say and do would bring him back to you. I understand your need to vent because of my father's deception, because of the unnecessary war that cost us all so much. You may want to curse my father, my grandfather, or even my aunt for what happened, but Jon is as innocent in this as your husband was. He has been lied to as we all were. Sent to the Wall when he deserved much better. If it hadn't been for the dragon seeking him out then he might have never known of his true name and birth."

" Yet there were people who knew and said nothing. Like you." Barbrey replied angrily.

" Jon is my brother and my family will protect him until our dying breath, Lady Barbrey."

" He's a Targaryen."

" He's Brandon Stark's nephew. He could have been yours if the circumstances had allowed it. Had Brandon not been promised to Catelyn Tully and you to your husband." Lord Manderly intervened to Barbrey's shock.

" You have every right to be angry. I just want you to try to think about Jon as a person and not as his parents' son. He has helped the North prepare for the fight to come. He has given us alliances with the South and is about to wed Daenerys Targaryen, making him the first king of Northern blood to rule the South." Rickon declared. "With all the boons he has brought the North so far, don't you think we can cut him some slack for now?"

The lady seemed to hesitate again and she felt the need to say more, only to be beaten once again by Lord Manderly's words

" He is a Dragonrider, Barbrey. A fucking Dragonrider! This could be a blessing for the North if we accept him or the end of us if we shun him." Wyman said.

" Jon Snow would never threaten us with his dragon," Lyanna retorted fiercely.

" But what would Baelon Targaryen do?" Barbrey asked curtly.

" The same as he always does. Protect the North and his family. His brothers and sisters. He is a Targaryen, aye. But he is still my brother and he still has wolf's blood in his veins. His name may have changed but he hasn't, and I dare you to look at me and prove me wrong." Rickon challenged, snarling.

Lady Dustin quickly looked away, sealing Rickon's point and making him sigh loudly.

" This is exactly what he warned me about. We still have a war to prepare for, and if the dragons are headed to the Wall it may be an indication of the time we have left, I would say it will come to us soon. So we don't have time to squabble over whether or not a fucking name matters in order to follow a person to fight that war. It didn't matter when he was a Snow. All of you were willing to follow him regardless. It shouldn't matter now either." Rickon stated.

" The truth will hurt people, your Grace." Davos said softly. "To learn that the Rebellion started over a lie will be painful to hear. It cost everyone greatly."

" None more so than to the Starks and the Targaryens." Rickon said. "But that is not the point. We can't let the past and the old grudges deprive us of our only chance of survival. Don't you agree, Lady Dustin?"

" As much as I want to curse at your Father right now, I believe you're right, Your Grace."

" I curse my Father every night before going to bed, ever since the day he left me at Winterfell, Lady Dustin. Feel free to curse him at your heart's desire, but don't let his memory get the best of you." Rickon concluded, smirking as the Lady of Barrowtown responded in kind.

It didn't surprise Lyanna to hear her friend's confession, but she could see the dismayed looks of Sansa and Arya Stark and she realized that there were still things unsaid between the siblings. Part of her felt proud that he would feel comfortable enough to confide in her, knowing that Jon was the only other person Rickon would have no trouble telling what was on his mind. Yet at times she wondered why they were so close. Were the others right in teasing them about their friendship?

"Lyanna?" Rickon's voice bought her back to the moment.

He was exhausted, she could tell, ever since he helped his brother in warging into the dragon the day before, Rickon had yet to recover from the whole ordeal. He staggered to his feet and Ghost helped him steady himself once he was up. He was covered in blood and the view would probably have disturbed her if it weren't for his worried gaze on her.

"Are you… Did I -"

"You did well." she said, feeling he needed the reassurance. "You made the message clear that treason will not be tolerated. 'Tis a good thing, Your Grace." she said with a nod of her head.

"Thank you. For having my back."

Always . she thought, but would never say it out loud, else he would never stop teasing her.

"Is the Dragon feeling better?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

"Aye. They will be back in a day or two." Rickon said a little more happily.

"The Wall?"

"Fortunately, the Night King didn't succeed in breaching it, but it was a close call. Jon was right, if they hadn't flown to stop Viserion, then we would have been in even deeper trouble."

"Won't the Night King try again? To get into his head I mean." she asked worriedly.

"Mayhap, but now that we know it can happen, we will be on our guard."

She walked with him to his quarters, looking warily at the hostile gaze of the Southerners that they crossed paths with. Lyanna knew she couldn't trust the Valemen, but the Dornish and those in service of Queen Daenerys were still a mystery to her. They seemed to respect Rickon and she hoped the display of that day would put enough fear in their heart to stay their hands should they feel the need to do something against her King. Some of the Dothraki even bowed their heads in deference to the lad, which filled her with pride both on his and her behalf.

Her hope for some peace, however, was soon crushed by the news of the upcoming arrival of the southern reinforcements, led by Edmure Tully and Daven Lannister. Rickon, too exhausted to play the part of a host, had tasked Arya to welcome their uncle to Winterfell, and Lyanna of watching over his sister in case her manners were lacking. She cringed when she arrived in the courtyard to find the traitor was there acting as an emissary for his queen.

He was the last of her kin, the last member of House Mormont beside her and she wished he wasn't there. She wouldn't hesitate to trade him for her mother or one of her sisters, even her uncle, anyone who hadn't tarnished their name with their behavior, yet she couldn't forget that they were the last of their lineage. She could feel the same longing from him, the thoughts of belonging again in a family, as she had felt when he'd protected her while she had faced Lord Glover. Missandei had been quick to tell her that he had atoned for his sins by freeing the slaves in Mereen along with Daenerys, but she couldn't find the strength in herself to forgive him in the name of her family. Rickon had suggested a spar between her and Jorah, so she could lash out and deck him if she could manage it before settling things, and she was seriously considering it.

"Uncle. Lord Devan. Be welcome in Winterfell as well as your men." Arya said curtly, showing no warmth toward the man in question, while Lyanna served them bread and salt, not without sending a glare to the Lion Lord.

"On behalf of Queen Daenerys, I welcome you and thank you both for fulfilling your oath." Missandei added, only to be snubbed by Edmure.

"I haven't been able to thank you properly, Niece." the Lord of Riverrun said, seemingly choking on his words. "You know, after…"

"Do not mention it, Uncle. I am glad to see you in good health."

"Where are your brothers and sister?" Edmure asked looking behind them.

"My brother King Rickon is resting. He formally invites you both to dine with him tonight. You will see Bran and Sansa later on. As for Jon…" Arya stopped as soon as she saw the scrunching on her uncle's nose. "Is something the matter, Uncle? Is the salt too salty for your southern taste buds?"

"No, Arya. All is well. I just didn't expect you to talk freely about your… Bas… half-brother." Edmure said almost spitting out the last part.

"Seeing he is the one we have to thank for both Sansa and Rickon still being alive, I do not see why I would not talk to you about my brother. Lady Mormont will show your men where they can settle now that you're under House Stark protection." Arya said somehow holding in what Lyanna was sure were far harsher words.

"Not that it means a lot nowadays." Lord Daven spat.

"Nothing does, Lord Lannister. Not after the atrocities committed by your kin." Arya retorted.

"What about the ones committed in your father's name?" Daven retorted.

"You do not get to claim to have the higher sense of morality here, Lannister." Lyanna intervened. "But it doesn't matter anyway. Whether we like it or not, we will be fighting together against something that wants all of us dead."

"Yes, Grumpkins and Snarks." Daven snorted.

"Why are you here if you do not believe in it?" Lyanna asked annoyedly.

"Queen Daenerys bid it of us."

"That's right, so be a good boy and run along to do your queen's bidding, will you?" she mocked him.

"Why you little -"

"That's enough, Lord Daven." Lyanna's cousin said warningly, shielding her from the Lord's view. "This is the North here, and your name isn't well appreciated. If you cannot control yourself then I suggest you say nothing until the Queen's return."

Daven closed his fist and nodded, glaring at the smug face she now wore. The attitude of the men of the South needed a readjustment and she hoped that Baelon Targaryen would be the man to knock them off the pedestal they had created for themselves. In the meantime, she would make sure to place them as far away from her king's sight as she could.

Winterfell 304 AC.

Baelon Targaryen.

The flight back to Winterfell should have been one that he worried about and yet it was very much not. Hearing Viserion as he flew beside them, watching him as he almost showed off in front of them, seeing the smile on Dany's face, all of it made him forget what it was he was flying back to. It was only when they flew over lands that he recognized and had once ridden over as a boy that his thoughts turned to what it was he was to face. There would be angered words and there was a time when he'd have allowed them to be spoken, sat quietly while they were, and only made his feelings clear once they had been. No more would that be the case. He'd take them when aimed at him, but people had best speak of his father and mother respectfully or they'd find his inner dragon unleashed.

It was Dany who noticed the extra tents and the forces who'd joined with their own. Men of the Riverlands and the West and he found he welcomed them being here for what needed to be said. Best it was said in front of as many as possible and once the words were spoken then, ravens would be sent and the realm itself would be told, and so it was that rather than having those men here already before the war had truly begun that he concentrated on. As they landed, he took note of the numbers and it brought a smile to his face when he did so. They'd come in strength as they'd been bid and though it was not their full strength, they weren't playing them false or just performing a mummery.

"Are you ready for this, Baelon?" Dany asked after they'd dismounted and upon seeing the horses come their way.

"Aye, as ready as I need to be." he said welcoming the kiss she gave him and trying not to think of those soon to come.

It was Jorah and Tormund who along with some others came to them, Baelon laughing as Tormund smacked his back and told him that he knew that they'd bring back the queen's mighty beast.

"I told them all Jon Snow, they worried but I did not, for not even might beasts are a match for my little crow, Har."

"I only played a part, Tormund, in truth it was the queen's beauty that soothed the mighty beast." he said winking over his shoulder at Dany.

"Of course it was, it certainly was an ugly fucker like you." Tormund said moving to Dany who was soon laughing loudly at whatever he was saying to her.

"All went well, your grace." Ser Jorah asked and Baelon nodded.

"The North?" he asked softly.

"Have concerns, King Rickon was just about to address them, he'll be relieved to see your return."

"As will I to see my brother again." he said and they moved to the horses and mounted up, the ride to the keep taking them no time at all.

He didn't need to look behind him to see the dragons were back in the sky nor to see them head off to the caves they'd taken for their lairs. Rhaegal he knew had wished to stay because he felt his own concerns, but he'd told the Green Dragon to go eat and rest. Should he have need of him then he'd call and as they entered in through the gates to see his brother and sisters, it was his other bonded that was soon by his side.

"Aye, I missed you too, Ghost. Thank you for all you did." he said rubbing the white wolf behind his ears.

They moved to Rickon who looked at him with a small amount of worry on his features, one that he soon removed. As they then walked into the keep he saw the eyes of the Lords of the North, Vale, Riverlands, West, and Dorne all looking his way, and then Wylla and Melisandre walking towards him.

"All went well, my prince?" Melisandre asked worriedly.

"As well as can be expected, Lady Melisandre, we'll talk later you and I, for now I believe it's time a truth was told." he said looking to Wylla.

"Long after it should have been, your grace." Wylla said and Baelon moved to her and kissed her cheek as he then whispered in her ear.

"I'm glad you're here for this, truly." he whispered.

"As am I your grace."

They all walked together to the Great Hall which was fuller than he'd ever seen it before. He reached out to take Dany's hand in his and with a nod to Rickon and to his sisters, they entered it together. Rarely had he seen such a hush come over a place as did right then and it unnerved him a little. As did, looking out and seeing that every single eye in the Great Hall was on him and him alone. So it was to faces he knew that he looked and to encouraging whispers from Dany that he took his seat.

Lord Reed sat with his daughter and Lyanna Mormont. While at the High Table the seats for once were empty and when he looked to Rickon he saw his brother motion to where the Council of the North now sat. Lord Wyman, Barbrey Dustin, Lady Flynt, and others were all staring at him with far different eyes than they had before he left. There was suspicion and doubt there where there had been none before and he knew that would only grow when he spoke. He looked to the Dornish to see Princess Sarella and her sister watching him with eyes so reminiscent of snakes that they could only be their father's children. The Red Viper of Dorne was a man that he was both happy was not here and saddened he'd not had the chance to meet before he had died all in the same breath.

Ned Dayne looked at him with eager eyes and he cursed himself for not speaking to the young lord sooner. He promised that he would once this meeting was done. though he'd mayhap need many more hours in the day to speak to all who'd wish to once his truth was known. Looking to the men of the West, he saw a man who looked as much a lion as the sigil he wore. The blond bearded man almost wore a mane such was the length of his hair and while he'd not be certain he was right, he'd name him as Ser Daven Lannister the new Warden of the West. That he'd come North himself was a boon and not at the same time. His brother had killed the man's father in the battle of Oxcross and while Robb may not have swung the blade himself, that dubious honor falling to Rickard Karstark, he may blame his kin regardless.

The Knights of the Vale glared at him for some reason, Lord Royce probably still blaming him for Littlefinger's death and for the lack of so-called justice they'd received for it. That they actually sought it for a man such as the Mockingbird was beyond him, but then some of those in the South confused him greatly. He found friends and allies among the Free Folk as always, Tormund wiggling his eyebrows and bringing a smile to his face. There were fewer among the Lords of the Riverlands and one, in particular, looked at him with disdain. Baelon didn't need an introduction to know that this was Lady Catelyn's brother and so he ignored the looks and waited for Rickon to begin.

"My lords and ladies, I called you all here today to speak on things that have raised your concerns. Key amongst them is my brother's ability to ride atop a dragon. I had intended to speak a truth that was not mine to speak, a truth kept hidden for far too long. Thankfully the man who that truth affects more than any is now here to do so for himself. I give you my brother, my lords, and remind you that you are all guests of House Stark and are here at her grace's behest I would bid you remember that before you let your tongues free." Rickon said and sat down allowing Baelon to stand up and look out at the sea of faces, none watching him more keenly than Jaime Lannister

"Firstly, I'd welcome those from the West and Riverlands to Winterfell on her grace's behalf and bid them patience in regards to what words are now to be spoken. Those who were here when her grace and I left have two questions that need answering, so I'll answer the first before moving to the second since that'll take more time. The Golden Dragon is well, my lords and ladies, what ailed him does so no more and you've naught to fear from him."

"And what of the Green Dragon, Lord Snow, Are we to fear him or his rider?" Lord Wyman asked.

"No more than you did a week ago, Lord Manderly. Or am I more fearful now that I can call upon a dragon?"

"You're not fearful at all, I saw your pecker Jon Snow, smaller than a babe's it were." Tormund shouted out to loud laughs, Baelon's own included.

"In my defense, it was a cold day and I'd just been brought back from the dead." he said to even more laughs.

"Not to mention that Tormund is a lying cunt, King Crow, for I was there that day and it was a mighty member that I saw." one of the Spearwives shouted out to louder laughs.

"I thank you for the vote of confidence, I'm sure my betrothed will be most pleased to hear it." he said winking at Dany who shook her head and pretended to blush.

He waited until the laughs had died down, then reached down and took up what he was glad to find was a mug of ale which he drank down quickly.

"When I went to treat with her grace, I found myself drawn to one of her dragons and he to me. I thought little of it at the time, I'm no stranger to a mythical beast wishing to be my friend." he said rubbing Ghost's fur when the white wolf raised his head above the table "During my stay on Dragonstone, Rhaegal showed more and more interest in me and during the events of the parley at King's Landing when Cersei Lannister broke the peace and tried to kill her grace, me and those with us, this only became even more clear."

"How Jon?" Davos asked and he welcomed him not naming him as lord if not the name he used.

"I fought against a man that somehow was the Mountain that Rides." he said and held up his hand when the men of the West went to deny him "His head is in the Red Keep my lords and was it nor for Rhaegal then he'd have added me to his far too long list. Then later as I stood on the cliffs of Dragonstone, a man tried to bring about my end and would have succeeded were it not for my protector once again. I was pushed and fell from a great height my lords, any who know the island I speak of can attest to the distance from the cliffs to the sea below. It was Rhaegal who fished me out of the sea and to who I owe my life to once again." he said and gave that time to sink in.

Looking out he could see people speaking to each other, words he couldn't hear but expressions and shaking of heads that he could.

"A dragon showing an interest is one thing, my lords and ladies. One going out of their way to save someone who's not their rider or who they've not been directed to, that's quite another and so I believed, rightly as it turns out, that Rhaegal was my mount and later I found out it was true. It was Rhaegal that allowed me to reach Winterfell so quickly after King's Landing had fallen, who allowed me to be there when my sister killed the man who tried to rape her and stopped his lackeys from seeking to do her harm." he said looking to Sansa who smiled back at him "Yet to find yourself bonded to a dragon is no simple thing and so I too had the same questions that each of you've asked yourselves since I flew to the Wall. It's time now for those answers to be told."

He looked out and saw Tormund look at him with eager eyes, as did Jaime Lannister. Melisandre offered him a warm smile and he saw her whisper to Thoros once she did so. Howland Reed gave him a nod and Baelon offered up his own smile to Wylla who almost seemed eager to hear how he'd speak his truth. Turning he looked to Rickon, Arya, and Sansa, all of them nodding, and to Bran who sat in the corner and who he'd not noticed up to then, who very much did not. Then with a touch of his hand to Dany's, he spoke once more.

"My name is not Jon Snow, nor was Ned Stark my father. I am Baelon Targaryen, trueborn son of Prince Rhaegar and Lyanna Targaryen, and the lies that were once spoken to protect or hinder me, to save me or curse me, end here today."

It wasn't the sound of the lords arguing that he heard, though he readied for the raised voices, nor was it the shuffling of feet or the moving of chairs. Instead, it was the loud roar of a dragon as it flew over the keep, Rhaegal speaking his truth just as clearly as he did and as messages go, it was a powerful one. There were words soon to come and he waited for them, he waited for them eagerly, for he was done hiding who he was and he'd never apologize for it, dragons had no need to.

After Rhaegal had made his own feelings clear, Baelon waited for others to do likewise. Looking out on the sea of faces, he'd have expected it to be Royce or one of the Dornish to speak first or for some voices to name his father a rapist and kidnapper and him the spawn of such and yet he'd be wrong. Be it because of fear of him, Ghost, or Rhaegal, those voices were quiet for now and it was a Northern one that was to be the first heard. Barbrey Dustin rose to her feet and Baelon wondered what she was to say. He knew she and Lord Wyman and some others had been told the truth of him, Lyanna Mormont he'd spoken to himself, feeling that a house that he owed so much to had a right to know before others.

"We were told the Lady Lyanna was kidnapped, Lord Snow, that she was raped and died in a tower in Dorne and now you say you're her son and that she and your father were wed. What are we to make of such?" Barbrey began.

"You name me a liar, my lady?" he asked to a shake of her head.

"Not you, no."

"There is proof of my birth, some papers and journal entries of my mother that name it true. As for what happened at that tower, Lord Reed was there and I'm sure he'll name me a liar if I speak untrue, though he was not the only one present." he said looking to Wylla "I was nursed by a woman in this very hall, a woman that some here may have believed to have been my mother, and though she was not, she was mayhap as close as I ever got to having one who lived."

"The words the prince speaks are true. Prince Rhaegar loved his princess and their son is a result of that love." Wylla said after she'd risen to her feet.

"Rhaegar Targaryen was a fool who caused a war that cost us all blood." Lord Royce said loudly and Baelon looked on as Wylla glared at him "And if it's true that the Lady Lyanna wasn't raped, then she was a…" he never got to finish his words, the slap sounding out loud around the room and Wylla's words were even louder.

"Speak not of people who were unknown to you and dare not speak such a way of my prince and princess in my presence lest you feel more of my hand." Wylla said and as Lord Royce seemed to raise his hand, Baelon moved.

He jumped over the table and sprinted across the floor, Ghost for once being left in his wake. Longclaw was out before he even knew it and he held it inches from where Royce had stopped his hand and the blow he had aimed to give Wylla in return for her own.

"Think carefully before you make another move, Lord Royce, and who you're making that move against." Baelon said and he heard the crash behind him as one of the other Knights of the Vale had tried to move to him only to find Ghost more than ready for him.

"To bear steal is to break guest right, you'd curse yourself for such a woman?" Royce said angrily.

"I've seen what waits for me when I die, Lord Royce, curses matter not and that woman you dare threaten, aye for her I'd risk damning my soul without thought or reservation. So take your seat and mind your tongue."

He sheathed his sword and helped Wylla back to her seat, and with a nod to Ghost, the white wolf took up a place in front of her and Baelon placed a soft kiss on her cheek before moving back to his own. He'd no sooner gotten there than Barbrey Dustin spoke again.

"Lord Royce may have spoken out of turn, but his words were not as ill-informed as you may think them. Your mother and father's actions led to the deaths of many men of the North and other lands, Valemen, Riverlords, Dornish, and Reachmen lost their lives because of what they set in motion. And because of your grandfather the Mad King."

When Dany went to rise, he bid her not to and turned to look at the woman who spoke. The anger she felt was one that she was deserved to, he believed, given she'd lost much in that war and because of him and his parents most of all.

"I'll not stand here and say that Aerys was not a mad king and that I don't have his blood in my veins, Lady Dustin. I'll not defend his actions, but I'll remind you that his actions cost me a grandfather and uncle and that while my mother and father were the sparks mayhap, they were an excuse and not the cause. The North didn't rise for my mother's honor, though there are some of you who may name it as such. The North rose because of Aerys' actions and those actions would have happened in some form at some time regardless of what my mother and father did." he said to some nods, some shakes of heads, and thankfully quiet instead of loud angered words.

"Yet we're to follow you in the battles to come. To follow a man that was raised a bastard and has been proved to be a lie, then afterward we're to name you our king and kneel to you and you see no wrong in this?" Edmure Tully said and Baelon was surprised when Sansa rose to her feet.

"Are you not at fault for things, uncle? Have you not done wrong? Yet you ask men to follow you despite this and say there is a reason we should not follow Jon. My brother and make no mistake my lords and ladies, that he is my brother, is a far better man than any of those in this room. Jon lost his grandfather and uncle at the hands of his other grandfather. He has lost two brothers and a sister, his grandmother and his father and mother. Time and time again he has shown us that people shouldn't blame someone for the sins of their family, so I think we should extend the same courtesy to him. Or perhaps I should look to you more closely uncle and blame you for some of your sins." Sansa said to some loud banging of mugs and Baelon looked at her and nodded his thanks.

There was silence for a moment and then once again it was Barbrey who began to speak, Baelon stopping her before she could.

"I lost…"

"I know what you lost, my lady. I know all about the five good men of the North who lost their lives at the Tower of Joy. I know all about the three good and true knights of the Kingsguard who gave their lives so I could be safe." he said looking to Ned Dayne who stared at him intently as he spoke "You think I believe myself worthy of any of their losses? Or that I've not spent each day since finding out the truth mourning them and thinking of the world we'd be in had they known the truth of things and changed their actions appropriately."

"My husband…."

"William Dustin was a great man, my lady, and one I wish were here this day. For we find ourselves in need of great men to face what comes for us. Men like Ethan Glover, who may have been able to hold his brother's idiocy in check. Men like Martin Cassel, who had he been alive may have seen his House suffer a better fate than it did" he said with a sad look to Beth Cassel who wiped her eyes "Men like Ser Mark Ryswell, who was as true a Knight, as the North has ever known and men like Theo Wull, who was as fierce as any man of the Mountains can ever dream of being. I wish them here, my lady and it pains me that they're not." he said softly as Barbrey looked at him and then took her seat.

He waited a moment before he spoke once more.

"Had things turned out differently that day then who knows the world we would have known, all of us and me in particular. I'd have known Ser Gerold Hightower the White Bull, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and though he found himself on opposite sides to the men of the North, Riverlands, and Vale, I dare you to name him anything but good and true. I'd have known Ser Oswell Whent, the Black Bat of Harrenhal, a man who was kin to my brothers and sisters and who was much missed by his house and I'd have known Ser Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning." he said and didn't notice the tear that fell from his eyes.

Ned Dayne moved in his chair and around him men and women of Dorne looked on as Baelon took a breath.

"The Sword of the Morning, the greatest and most true of all knights and a man my father named his brother by choice. Is there a man or woman here who did not dream of Ser Arthur Dayne in some fashion? Of being like him, of meeting him, of seeing him wield Dawn? His nephew sits in this very hall, ask him if he'd not wish him here and yet it's not for Lord Dayne that I'd wish him alive. Not even is it for the tales he could tell me about my mother and especially my father, nor is it for the thoughts of what my life may have been had he but lived. It's because was he here then the Night King himself would shit his britches at the thoughts of having to face his famed blade." he said to loud laughs "I mourn him, my lords and ladies, I mourn him and his brothers of the Kingsguard and I mourn the five others who fell at a Tower that cost me more than any."

The room quietened and then somehow even more so when Princess Sarella Martell rose to her feet. She was dark of skin and looked younger than she probably was, her clothing would be something that Arya would not look out of place in and was not the typical lady or princess' attire.

"And what of Elia Martell, What of Rhaenys Targaryen, what of Aegon Targaryen, do you mourn them, Jon Snow or Baelon Targaryen or whatever name you wish us to name you."

"I mourn my mother and father, princess, for I knew them not. I mourn my grandmother both for mine own reasons and for my betrothed too." he said looking to Dany who smiled sadly back at him "I mourn my brother Robb Stark because I was not there to fight and save or die beside him. I mourn friends I lost, and a family who I never got to say goodbye to or answers from" he said looking to Rickon, Arya, and Sansa.

"And what of my aunt and cousins, were they not your family too?" Sarella asked.

"Aye that they are. But it's more than mourning that fills my heart when I think of them, my princess. More than regret or anger over their loss and more than simple cursing of those who took them from the world that fills my heart. I don't just wish they were here, Princess Sarella, nor would I not gladly swap places with any of them or take a knife and put it through mine own heart if I believed it would bring them back. I'm angered at the very gods themselves who for their own reasons decided that it's me who needs to be here on this day and not my brother or my sister. I hate them for denying me the chance to know Rhaenys' smile or to cross blades with Aegon. For stealing from me the chance to watch my sister wed and my brother be named king.

Each day I've woken since I found out my truth, I've found my anger rising that it's fallen to me and not to them to fight this fight and yet each day the same thought always comes back to mind. It is to me to fight the fight, to me, to Queen Daenerys, to King Rickon and my sisters, to Lady Lyanna Mormont and Lord Wyman Manderly, to Lord Ned Dayne The Sword of the Morning and Lord Daven Lannister. It's to Lord Edmure Tully and Lord Yohn Royce, to Lady Dustin and Lady Flint, to Tormund Giantsbane and Munda, Qhono and Karharo, to Grey Worm and the Unsullied. I mourn the losses Princess Sarella, more than any words I can speak or declarations I can make, I mourn the losses. The only way to honor them that I know is to do all I can to ensure there are fewer losses to come.

Once we win and beat the army that marches against us, then should I fall and find myself face to face with those I've lost, then and only then will I stop cursing the gods from what they've taken from me." Baelon said before he took his seat again to different looks then were there when he'd risen to speak.

Winterfell 304 AC.

Edric "Ned" Dayne.

Ever since he'd heard Baelon's truth come out and the reaction to it, Ned felt a huge weight on his shoulders. He had heard the story of the Tower of Joy, of his uncle Arthur slaying men of the North and being slain by the Crannogman who had come to ask for forgiveness for what he'd done. The man had come to him at Wylla's demand and had relayed everything that had happened that day. Howland Reed, flanked by his fierce daughter, had told him how formidable Arthur had been, slaying the men he now understood he had thought was a danger to their king. It had made no sense at first for Ned that so much blood had been shed for Lyanna Stark, and Wylla always told him there was more to it that people knew about, so Ned, as a dutiful son, had trusted his adoptive mother.

"So many things could have been prevented had we just simply talked about it." Howland had said. "Had the Kingsguard sworn to Ned Stark that his sister had been unharmed, sworn that we could see her should we just put our weapons away. Had they given us bread and salt and guest rights in the tower, we would have left without bloodshed. Had I known then what I know now, I would have never lifted a hand against your Uncle. I have borne this regret with me ever since and I am so sorry that I didn't get to tell you of this before now Lord Dayne."

He remembered the words that Wylla had said to him when he'd asked her what had happened that day.

"A lot of things went wrong that day. A lot of things indeed." Wylla added. "Your Uncle Arthur didn't trust Eddard Stark to be there for Lyanna's sake. For he'd let Rhaegar die to Arthur's mind and served a kinslaying king. And Eddard Stark himself believed your Uncle held his sister hostage because Rhaegar bid him to."

"But they were in love were they? Uncle Arthur would never have supported Prince Rhaegar abducting a woman?" Ned said affronted.

"That I can say it with absolute certainty, Ned. Arthur Dayne was one of the best men if not the best knight there ever was. He couldn't disobey his king and so he would do his best to find ways not to be present when he committed atrocious crimes, for he would have been forced to act against him. The duty he had to Aerys and to the Realm was tearing him apart, but he never left Rhaegar's side until Rhaegar asked it of him. And only because he had to protect Lyanna."

"From what? Wouldn't he be better suited to protect his brother by choice?" he asked curiously.

"One day you'll be told something that will have everything make sense to you. For now, you just have to trust me on this. Your Uncle was an example of what a true knight was, and I am so proud of you for choosing to follow in his steps." Wylla said kissing his forehead.

Now that he knew, he finally understood his milk mother's words, as well as the Crannogman's. Arthur was defending Jon, Baelon's life, from those he didn't believe to have his dead friend's son's best interests in mind. Rhaegar was dead and Arthur must have been heartbroken by this, as well as Elia's and her children's fate. He didn't trust Ned Stark. for his brother by choice had killed his own, and while he'd understood the need to rise against Aerys because of Brandon and Rickard Stark's death, he hated the way they had kept depicting Rhaegar as they had For he was sure word had been sent to inform them of Lyanna's marriage to the prince. Ned Stark didn't seem to know about the wedding nor of the child. While Wylla swore that Princess Lyanna had received a letter from Ellia Martel confirming that she knew about their situation and had thanked her for the signed letter she'd sent to confirm that none of Lyanna's children would usurp Aegon and Rhaenys or come before them in the lines of succession. They would be true kin to each other, Rhaenys, Aegon, and Baelon, three heads of the dragon, and Princess Lyanna had named them as a pack, or so Wylla had said.

The more unveiling of the truth that Ned heard, the more lost he felt. Wylla had known so much. He couldn't understand why she would speak about Jon all his life, while knowing about his real name and status, and yet say nothing to either of them.

"So you mean to tell us our aunt was set aside willingly?" Sarella's question to Wylla brought Ned back from his thoughts.

"From what I knew, yes. Princess Elia was supposed to stay at Dragonstone, away from the chaos of Westeros. Both Princess Lyanna and Princess Elia corresponded until the Mad King ordered Elia to come to the Red Keep. At first, the plan was to have Lyanna travel to Dragonstone, but your Aunt was the one to make the suggestion that they hide in Dorne until the end of Lyanna's pregnancy. She feared Aerys knowing Lyanna was there and taking her as a hostage to have Ned Stark come and be executed." Wylla's words explained and yet raised questions too.

"She and our cousins ended up being the ones taken instead." Tyene said bitterly.

"Lyanna told her many times to come with them or to send the children at least, but Elia didn't want to put any attention on Dorne by moving there so suddenly. Aerys would declare war on your family as soon as she would have set a foot in Dorne, so paranoid as he was by then. Ser Arthur and Princess Lyanna always said that people tended to underestimate Princess Elia because she was frail, but she was as strong and stubborn as an auroch. She had a mind for political moves and she was trying to prevent Dorne from getting involved in the war." Wylla explained.

"Well it didn't work well for her, did it?" Sarella spat.

"War was inevitable, Princess. The Mad King was uncontrollable and he had already started to burn people at court. We could blame Prince Rhaegar for a lot of things, but he and Princess Lyanna tried their hardest with Princess Elia. They did all they could to make their family as secure as they were able. It was actually because of Elia being made hostage at Court that Rhaegar left Lyanna. Because he cared for her and their children more than he did his father's bidding."

"It doesn't matter." he finally said, drawing the attention onto him which made him uncomfortable for a moment. "Rhaegar, Elia, Lyanna, Aegon, and Rhaenys, they're all dead. We could stay here and argue that Elia had it worse than Lyanna and that she had been treated badly, but what good will it do?"

"That's my family you're talking about!" Tyene almost shouted.

"They weren't yours only." Wylla retorted, making Tyene gasp. "Did you not hear what Baelon said? Can you imagine hoping your mother to still be alive only to realize that not only she isn't, but your entire family that you had known nothing about are dead as well?"

There was naught but silence at Wylla's outburst and Ned's heart broke for his milk brother. It was almost impossible for him to see him as anything other than that. They both had been saved from starvation by someone that he considered his second mother, and he had always seen how Wylla longed for Jon and prayed for his wellbeing. So he instinctively followed, finding himself drawn to a man he had never seen and excited to meet him one day should he have the chance. It was why he'd so wished to come North and had planned to do so, though he had hoped the circumstances would be different when he did.

Now that he knew all the things that Baelon had been through before he had found out about his true name, Edric was amazed by the man's strength. Baelon was determined to share his truth and to defend his family's honor while acknowledging his kin's flaws and the grief that was coming from the people around him. That he had mourned Arthur's sacrifice and had stated how he'd wish to have him by his side almost made Ned cry, but not as much as being acknowledged as the new Sword of the Morning by the Future King of Westeros.

"Sarella, Ned is right." he was surprised to hear Tyene say. "Baelon sent his Priestess to save our lives, despite the way that Mama had dismissed his council before. I still don't know how she knew what we needed, but she saved us on his behalf. He could have let us die and yet Dorne would have still followed Daenerys, and yet he didn't. That's all I need, sister. All I need to know is that and that he speaks the truth and is indeed a good man."

"So you'll follow him because he saved your life?" Sarella asked, her voice full of recrimination.

"No, I would do so because this is the right thing to do. Moreover, we are about to face a freaking army of dead men and I'd rather follow him than someone else because he actually survived their last encounter." Tyene answered matter-of-factly.

Edric nodded, smiling proudly at the Sand Snakes for not putting too much of a fight and thinking things through. Sarella's new status as Princess of Dorne, as well as Tyene's experiences as Cersei's prisoner, had made them grow and act less rashly, which was a good thing for Dorne as a whole. He had only been a Lord for a short time but had always been advised to think of all possibilities before reaching a decision.

" Dawn is a formidable sword, Edric. It can be used to protect and serve as a knight should the weak and defenseless, yet it can also bring death and destruction. The Sword of the Morning must choose wisely how to use its potential. I hope you could one day be the kind of man Arthur was, my son." his father had told him before passing away.

He hoped they were proud of him, both his parents and Arthur, that they were proud of the person he had become and of what he was about to do.

"I need to see him, Wylla. I need to talk to him." he said after a few moments of silence.

"I knew you would say this, child. I will see what can be done." she said and left the room immediately, but not without kissing his forehead in a motherly way.

"Do you think she could get him to come?" Tyene asked.

"Have you seen how protective he is of Wylla?" Sarella said. "Of course, she will."

"That poor knight soiled himself so much when the wolf jumped over him!" Tyene said with a chuckle.

"She's the closes to a mother that he had. Baelon would let no harm come to her." Ned added knowingly.

"Well, he behaved like a proper Dornishman. That's one good point for him." Sarella said.

"And I wager he will garner more points in the days to come." Ned smirked.

"Oh, interesting… How much would you bet on that?" Sarella challenged.

"The question is how much would you bet on that, my Princess?" Ned goaded her, knowing full well she hated the moniker.

"How about we talk about your price, Lord Dayne? Would you wager Dawn in support of your future king?" she replied and made him tense.

"Oh, no-no-no. Don't go there, Sarella. You can't ask that of him. He earned it." Tyene chastised her sister. "Keep it friendly."

"Very well. Ten golden dragons."

"Deal." Ned replied, extending his hand to seal the deal.

Sarella hesitated before shaking it, as if judging if he would have taken the less friendly bet, and she seemed to realize that he definitely would have, for the relieved sigh she let out when they separated to let him figure out that she knew she had already lost.

It didn't take long for Wylla to come back and lead him to Baelon. He was starting to feel anxious about the meeting and a look at Wylla made him ask something he was dying to know.

"Why didn't you tell me? Did you not trust me to keep the truth about him?"

"I trust you with my life, Ned, and I love you as a son. This has nothing to do with how I feel about you."

"Then why?"

"He needed to know first. I would have told you about it, truly I would have, but I needed to talk to him first. This was his life, Ned. His name, his truth, and I would have felt horrible to talk about it when he knew nothing about it."

"Why didn't you try sooner to talk to him?" he asked more curiously now.

"His uncle was the Warden of the North and as far as I know, he was not set on telling his nephew the truth about his parents. Who knows what he would have done to preserve the secret."

"You think he would have killed you?" he asked in shock.

"No, but mayhaps he would have sent Baelon to the Wall sooner. Ned Stark wanted to protect him in his way and he thought not knowing was the best option to keep Baelon alive." Wylla said while shaking her head.

"You don't agree."

"No. Though when I see how close he is with his cousins, as much as it hurts me to say it, I would say he raised him well regarding the circumstances." she said and he nodded, understanding his adoptive mother's position.

He had been surprised that Wylla brought him to Baelon's room and to hear him bid them enter as soon as they got there. Ned didn't know why he thought they would meet somewhere more formal and less intimate, and so he hadn't been ready for the hug he'd received from the future King either when Wylla introduced them.

"I'm sorry for not speaking to you sooner." Baelon said regretfully.


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