Ashes of Winter: The Stark Revival and the Game of Thrones

Chapter 25: Chapter 17: On This Our Wedding Day (Part 2)

As the young lady proceeded to join with Meera and the others, Howland felt that simple exchange to be very meaningful. He realized that, like Missandei, he needed the reassurance that he, or at least his people, would have a future after the upcoming war.

His feet led him to the Godswood and he was glad to feel the calmness of the place soothe his fears. Bran's isolation from this place had rendered it less eerie and he wondered if it had to do with the Three-Eyed Raven's influence or the atmosphere surrounding the lad wherever he went.

He knelt in front of a Heart Tree, praying for the wellbeing of his kings and their family. of the North in general, and hoping for a glimmer of hope regarding Meera's fate.

Listen to your dream, Son of the Marshes. Do not be afraid, you may not think it the case, but he always knows what shall be done. the flow of voices caressed his mind as a calming breeze did the same to his face.

His heart clenched, thinking about the person he had evaded for so long in his dreams.

Listen to him, as you've always done, for his spirit lives in our branches now and he has an important message for you.

"I cannot." he whispered. "I am too weak to face him…" he started and stopped at the cawing of a nearby raven.


It was a warning, a not subtle one, and rather than listening to the Raven, he decided to choose the path the Gods had asked of him.

He struggled to sleep that night. The sounds of the ravens flying near his room disturbed him greatly and he had to ask a favor of Rickon so that they left him alone. Thankfully the wolves residing in the Broken Tower didn't like the dark-winged birds and took pleasure in hunting them down.

He was back Beyond the Wall, in front of the majestic Heart Tree which was surrounded by a blinding light reflected by the snow, giving it an ethereal look.


Jojen's voice made him shiver and he finally turn around to look at his son. He couldn't keep the tears away as he rushed to his side and fell to his knees.

" Jojen… My son… I am so…"

" Father, do not blame yourself for what happened. Meera and I needed to go to the Heart Tree and I knew what would happen to me, but it needed to be done."

" Have you seen what happened to your companion? To your sister? To Bran Stark himself?"

" I know, part of the Three-Eyed Raven's message got lost in the way. This was not what was supposed to happen."

" So you died -"

" No, Father. My death was necessary. Only death can pay for life. My death was destined to open the New Raven's third eye, yet in our hurry, we left someone behind, someone who should have come with us on our journey."

" Rickon…" Howland whispered, understanding more of what happened.

" Aye. Bran and Rickon are both greenseers. They both could have been the Three-Eyed Raven. I erred in focusing my teaching only on Bran since he was the eldest, but Rickon too had been chosen by the gods."

" So this means Rickon could see…"

" He can. He needs to be trained. I need you to train him, father, for he will be needed for the wars to come."

" I… How can I train him?"

" You will know. Talk to him, and he will tell you of his dreams. Help him decipher them."

" I will."

" There is something else, Father. A wrong we should rectify before it is too late."

" What is it, Son?"

" Just as Rickon has his role to play in the Battles to come, so does Meera."

" Meera?"

" She was meant to stay at the Wall. father. She should be at the Wall right now. She is needed there."

Howland's heart clenched as panic submerged him and he shook his head, overwhelmed.

" You cannot ask this of me. I just got her back. You cannot ask me to send her to her death!"

" There is something for her there necessary for her survival, Father. For everyone's survival. Without it in her possession, all is doomed. Not only her fate but the fate of all the living. You have to send her back."

" Are you sure, son?" Howland asked shakily.

" Aye, they were never supposed to be where they are. Bran should have stayed in the cave and Meera would have defended the wall. Things have changed now, but Meera's fate is not in Winterfell. Trust me, Father."

" I… Trust you. I always did, My Son."

" I know and I thank you for this. It is time for you to wake and time for me to rest."

" Will I see you again?"

" I'm following you everywhere you go, for as long as there is a Heart Tree, then I am here with you, always. And when the time comes, your spirit will be there with me, watching over Meera and her children."

Howland woke up with a start, his eyes full of tears and his heart filled with a new resolve. He had to make yet another sacrifice, another one for the good of Westeros and his daughter most of all. He was but a servant and his Gods had bid him act to correct a wrong done, so act he would.

Starting with Rickon Stark.

Winterfell 304 AC.

Tormund Giantsbane.

He had thought that getting drunk the day before had been a great idea to celebrate his friend's return and upcoming wedding. Yet as he woke late that day, alone in his bed, he cursed his nasty habit and decide to stop drinking, at least for the day. It was a moment he wanted to enjoy, as much for Jon Snow as he did for himself.

A wedding was a joyful event and he would make sure to enjoy every moment of it, even if the Southerners' customs weren't the same as the Free Folks'.

The Dragon Queen and Jon had decided on a 'Northern' ceremony, which visibly disturbed the uptight lot that had arrived with the Queen, but greatly pleased the Lords from the North. They had felt the need to unite under the Old Gods' eyes and Tormund liked the idea also, for they were the gods he followed.

He soon arrived at Jon's room, joining Davos and Rickon in the invite for breaking their fast together.

"Sorry, I'm late." Tormund grumbled as he sat glaring at the amused sods who picked on him while serving himself a mug of water.

"Tough night, my friend?" Davos teased and he almost choked on his first sip of the cool refreshing water.

"I was starting to get worried." Jon said and he could feel that his concern was genuine.

"You should be worrying about keeping your bride happy with that little pecker of yours." Tormund retorted.

"For the last time, I was naked and cold. You cannot judge anything in those circumstances." Jon sighed and Tormund chuckled at the annoyance his words brought his truest friend. That they were spoken in fondness was the only reason he had kept the jape up this long and he knew that Jon knew that too.

"Well, I hope your death didn't break it, that's all I'm saying." he japed and realized Jon was not joining in the fun. "What? Are you scared about that? Truly?"

"No, that's not… I know it's working."

"Maybe we should leave this conversation when Rickon is not around, lads?" Davos said, visibly embarrassed.

"I know what they're talking about! Osha told me what happens when a man steals a woman! And I know about fucking!" Rickon said smugly.

"Thank you for that, Tormund." Jon rolled his eyes and sighed loudly before setting his annoyed glance at him.

"Just tell us what bothers you, brother." Rickon insisted. "Is it the wedding, or what happened when you were away?"

"I… I just want to marry Dany, but I can't help but think about what Bran said, and -"

"And fuck Bran! Don't tell me you think he's right now?" Tormund exclaimed, ready to knock some sense into his friend.

"No! But Rickon said he did try to warn us -"

"No, he didn't. He said something about something happening, but he never said what. He was playing his fucking games and I will knock you on your arse if you even think to let him win." Rickon growled.

"You're right. We've decided to proceed with the wedding and we will do just that." Jon said firmly.

"Thank the Gods for that!" Tormund sighed with relief.

"Why do you care so much about my wedding?" Jon asked, suddenly suspicious, and Tormund bit back a curse.

"Well… I would have been an idiot to miss such an occasion of celebration and besides I want to know if your pecker is still working."

"Save it. There's more to it, isn't it?" Jon pressed.

"I… Just… Oh, fuck off, will ya?"

"Are you blabbering?" Rickon teased.

"Do you want me to tell your brother how many pouches of goat's milk you and the She-Bear stole from Nessa the other night?"

"You wouldn't dare, you fucking sod!"

"I will deal with you later, Rickon." Jon said, making his little brother curse under his breath and glared at Tormund. "What is it, Tormund? You know you can tell me anything, don't you?"

"What I say here will not get away from this room, or so help me…" he said reluctantly.

"We promise. Rickon? Davos?"

They all nodded and Tormund sighed loudly before mumbling something unintelligible.

"What was that?" Rickon frowned.

"I need to be on my best behavior today so I can be rewarded tonight! There! I said it!" Tormund exploded, now really embarrassed by the situation he'd walked himself into.

"On your… What the fuck is your best behavior?" Rickon exclaimed while Davos and Jon seemed to understand.

"You slimy bastard! You did it and you never said a word!" the future husband swore as the older one chuckled and patted an embarrassed Tormund in the back.

"What? What's going on?" Rickon asked confused.

"When did it happen? You know what? Never mind. What do you need?" Jon continued, ignoring his brother.

"Can someone explain what the fuck is going on?" Rickon finally yelled, annoyed.

"Brienne, Rickon. Tormund is courting Brienne." Davos replied, smiling brightly.

"Oh… OH! How? When? Why?" Tormund could see the lad was trying not to make a disgusted face and it strangely comforted him.

"I can tell you why!" Jon butted in. "Our dear old Tormund is in love! Did you steal her already?" he smirked.

"Well…" Tormund started, coughing with embarrassment as he remembered how it happened.

"By the Gods! She was the one who did the stealing?" Davos deduced.

"It was not… We were both happy and relieved that Sansa got back and…"

"Sansa? That was fucking moons ago!" Jon said, surprised. "How the fuck did you keep this a secret all this time?"

"Brienne told me not to say anything." Tormund almost whispered, sounding very much like a child being chastised.

"Oh, this is getting better!" Davos quipped. "He is done for, my friends! He is already at her beck and call."

"So what did she tell you after she stole you? Did you fight? I cannot believe she stole you and she bested you!" Rickon excitedly asked.

"I didn't fight much. You told me to show manners, King Pup, so that's what I did."

"So that's why you're taking more baths than usual lately!" the King in the North realized.

"She said a man doesn't need to smell awful to show his better side. That the most important thing for her is what is under the pile of crass and bad manners I have, and she thinks that if I learn how to have some manners then I could show the world that I am worth way more than what people believe."

"So now you're truly courting her… Fuck me sideways."

"Rickon!" Jon exclaimed glaring at his brother.

"I owe Lyanna a ride on Ghost because of you, Tormund. She said you would be the one getting stolen."

"You bet on this?" he asked with a snort.

"Well, none of us thought it was possible, except for Lyanna. How she figured that out, I don't know, but this… She tricked me and now I will have to pay up. Thanks, Tormund."

"Of course, she figured it out, that little bear. She happens to be the only one in your lot who knows how courting truly is, King Pup!"

"What? How? Is someone courting her? Is… Is she courting someone?" Rickon asked worriedly.

"Wouldn't she be the one to be courted? Doesn't it work like that here?" he asked.

"Nah, I would know if someone dared try speaking honeyed words to her. We would all know because she would beat them bloody." Rickon chuckled.

"Unless she likes him?" Jon added.

"The only things Lyanna likes are sparring and getting on my nerves." Rickon said and Tormund smirked and ruffled Rickon's hair while the lad snorted. Some things never changed and it was a good thing, for once. "So, what do you have to do to court Brienne?"

"First, she told me to take a bath and wear fancy clothes for the wedding. And something with my beard too. Not sure what it was about."

"I think we will need more than that. Rickon, we will need both Sansa and Wylla." Jon said and the twinkle in his eye before he walked over to his wardrobe made Tormund shiver.

"Don't forget that it's your wedding, brother." Rickon grumbled and closed his eyes for a moment

"Aye, I know, but if someone else deserves to enjoy the next few days with the woman he desperately chased for moons, I think it's Tormund."

"After all the effort he's made for us, we can do that for him, don't you think?" Davos said.

"Aye, you're right. Nymeria is on her way. Sansa and Wylla were already together. I think they're planning something for Jon."

It always amazed Tormund to see how easily Rickon was able to share his gift with people around him. He wasn't afraid of this power given by the Old Gods and contrary to his brother Bran, the Free Man felt he could trust him fully. This was something new for him, as wargs were always pushed away from the tribe until they could prove their worth, and then kept at the outskirts of the clan even after doing so.

That not only his people but also the Queen and her entourage didn't fear Rickon was a testament to his character. While everyone seemed to avoid the cripple prick at all cost, they almost welcomed Rickon's help. When the Dragon Queen had to leave hurriedly a few days after Jon did, it was to Rickon that everyone turned to find out the truth of things. He had confidently said that something had required Daenerys attention in the South and that he knew nothing more, and people had believed him without reservation.

Later on, Bran tried to speak about what he had apparently seen, but he had quickly been shut down by his own family. Which effectively cut the last shreds of reliability the seer had before he had tried to stop Jon's wedding with his games. The Free Folk called Bran by what he named himself, the Raven, the bringer of dark words, and thought him cursed by his warging abilities. Rickon didn't help salvage his brother's reputation when he all but confirmed that he was the one to launch the ravens when he felt threatened. Whilst Tormund doubted he did it on purpose, remembering that the boy had also been attacked during the incident, he knew that Rickon would never forget nor forgive Bran for all he had done so far.

After they had arrived, Sansa's giddiness to help Tormund find something new to wear should have offended him, but she knew the way of the South and so did Wylla. The latter proceeded to enter the place he took his bath in without warning and pour something into the water whose flowery smell almost made him gag.

"Scrub well behind your ears, your armpits and your crotch, as well as the crook of the elbows and the knees. Don't forget to wash your hair and beard. In fact, just put your whole body in the water. Trust me, you'll thank me later." was all the woman said before leaving as suddenly as she had come, leaving him even more confused.

He however did as he was told, for once, as the idea of the Big Woman's reaction upon seeing his transformation made him almost giggle with anticipation.

Part of him felt guilty when he saw the women's attention drawn on him as they worked on his hair when it was supposed to be Jon's day, but the latter didn't seem to mind much.

"I am going to marry the woman I love in front of the Heart Tree while surrounded by my loved ones, 'tis what counts for me and nothing else." Jon said when he'd asked him why he wasn't upset at the attention he was receiving.

"You'll have to wed in the eyes of the Seven too." Sansa mentioned while working on untangling Tormund's knotted hair. "For the Lords of the South's sake."

"I know. Lady Olenna told me this. We had talked about a ceremony in the small Sept they had built in King's Landing after the explosion of the Sept of Baelor, but -"

"There's a Sept in White Harbor, brother… Should Lord Manderly send word for the Septon of the Snowy Sept and you could travel to get him…"

"You want me to fly to White Harbor on my wedding day?" Jon asked frowning.

"As if you had better things to do until tonight!" Sansa replied.

"Sansa is right, dear." Wylla added. "It will be a good way to keep yourself occupied and to be useful at the same time."

"And it will give us more time to focus on dear Tormund over here." Sansa said, smirking.

"There's more to do?" Tormund squeaked, uneasy. "Can't I… Ouch!"

"See?" Wylla chuckled.

"You pulled my hair!"

"There was a knot."

"Why do you have to do this?"

"Because your lady love is going to want to run her hands in your hair. In. Your. Hair. Not over it because she can't get through it."

"She's not like that!"

"How do you know?" Tormund tried to remember the moment she stole him and the nights after.

There had been a lot of hair-pulling and clothes ripping on his side, which made some women of his tribe scowl when they helped mend his, but he could feel the softness of Brienne's hair under his fingers and he shivered as he realized they might be right. He grumbled but nodded still, indicating they could go on their ministrations.

Staring in the looking glass, later on, he thought that all of this hadn't changed much of his appearance at the end, even though all around him complimented him about it. He scoffed and shook his head, thinking about the Southerners and their stupid rules. Courting, marriage, trueborn and bastards… All of these things made no sense and were way too complicated when life itself was already difficult enough. He hoped that Jon being their king would change some things in their way of thinking, but he knew that getting the message of change through to some of them, mostly the Vale fucks, would be hard to do.

" They think Prince Baelon a bastard still. They do not recognize Lyanna and Rhaegar's marriage." Brienne explained when they were alone.

" Didn't they wed following the Southerners' Gods rituals?"

" They did, but Rhaegar was already married so they consider Lyanna as a mistress and not a second wife, for the seven don't condone multiple unions."

" But…"

" Listen, Tormund. I know this is some complete horseshit, but this is the way of the South. They bury their heads and fight whatever doesn't suit their interests. They don't like Baelon and Daenerys marrying each other and they will try to argue with everything they can. That's how the Lords are, and I doubt it will change." Brienne said dejectedly, making Tormund realize that she didn't like this situation either.

" Jon will make it change. He is of the North and he has been taught well by us." he retorted with confidence.

" And I thought I was the naive one."

" I was like you once, Maid of Tarth. Not trusting anyone, especially not the Crows at the other side of the Wall. Jon Snow managed to prove to me more times than I can remember that what I believed about the Crows, about the Northern Southerners was completely wrong. That I and my people could have a future here and that we didn't have to change our beliefs to do so. He accepted us with our customs, even the Thenns, and we were the ones who changed thanks to him. So aye, I trust him to knock some sense into the thick heads of those fucking lords."

" I see… I must admit that he doesn't see things like the rest of them. He never judged me and he accepted I was worthy to guard his family when most people would look down on me for playing with swords."

" Why would people look down on you for that?"

" All I ever wanted since I was a little girl was to be a knight. I trained hard for it, and I am thankful my father never forbid me to, but we have been scorned and ridiculed because women have no place wielding weapons."

" Tell this to Lyanna Mormont, to Arya Stark, the Dornish snakes, and the women of my tribe." he snorted loudly.

" The North and Dorne are different, more accepting of people and things than the rest of the realm. I admire them, truly, and I admire the Free Folk for this too."

" You stole me, Maid of Tarth. You are a Free Woman too now, so fuck the rules of the South. You can be who you truly are with me. That is if you want to." he'd said, almost shyly, hoping she would accept.

She hadn't responded but her hungry kiss was all he needed at that moment to know that soon, she would truly be his .

Tormund saw his woman gape at him when she and Arya brought the gift Sansa had prepared for her brother and he couldn't help but smirk smugly at her.

You didn't think I would follow your order, huh? he thought, his smirk growing larger as she quickly averted her gaze.

"What is this?" Jon asked softly.

"I want you to see it before the ceremony. Wylla and I worked on it as soon as your betrothal was enacted. I hope you will like it." Sansa answered, seemingly anxious about her brother's reaction.

He watched as Jon unfastened the bundle and gasped at the beautiful grey cloak in front of him. It had four wolves' faces woven into it, each one of a different color. The white one was clearly Ghost, with his red eyes perfectly represented, and he could guess between the two grey wolves which one was Nymeria. The last one, a black wolf, was almost smirking and it reminded him of Rickon. When Jon turned the cloak to look at it, though, Tormund could see it was black and his dragon family sigil was woven into it while his friend was shocked to look at the grey part.

"This… This…" Jon stammered, in awe.

"We took some inspiration from your mother's wedding cloak. She was obviously married to a dragon, but she still felt as if she should represent her ancestors, her family, so she added the wolves on it." Wylla explained.

"Arya even helped on it. Well, she tried. She is still more gifted with a sword than a needle." Sansa chuckled while Arya grumbled, making all of them laugh.

"This is… The wolves… Ghost, Nymeria, Shaggydog, Lady…" Jon whispered, pointing at each one of them.

"Take it as a way to welcome Daenerys into the pack, brother. Because as much as you and her are dragons, you always will have a pack of wolves protecting you. Both of you." Sansa said.

"Sansa I… Thank you… Thank you so much. It means a lot to me." Jon replied, not hesitating once before embracing his sister who was struggling not to cry.

He did the same with Wylla, Arya, and Rickon, who were happy to see their gift accepted so wholeheartedly, and suddenly Tormund felt he was intruding. It was a moment for them, for their family to share, so he promptly exited the room and let them enjoy this joyous moment together. He had never been too close to his family. He loved his children, but things were so hard beyond the Wall that he had soon learned to detach himself from everyone so as to not get hurt if something happened to them. He had said to Rickon that he was a lone wolf, once, yet as he closed the door and his gaze fell on Brienne of Tarth, he realized that he was nothing more than a lost pup yearning for what the other wolves had.


Winterfell 304 AC.


She stood in front of the looking glass, the reflection one that she'd not ever truly hoped to see and certainly not one she expected she ever would. Unlike the day of her first wedding, the smile she wore was as true as it had ever been and the eagerness and excitement she saw in her eyes were both real. Dany had feared that when next she wed it would be to a man that she had no real choice about. That it would be just as it almost was in Meereen with Hizdahr, an arranged marriage where she felt nothing for her would-be husband. Today was anything but, the feelings she had for Baelon were even stronger than those she'd eventually found with Drogo. The thoughts of being his wife, of laying with him, of spending the future with him by her side were ones she would find herself contemplating all through the days that led to this moment and ones that were soon to be realized.

A part of her had worried that something or someone would come between them and force them apart. Something that Brandon Stark had tried to do, only for Baelon to show her that they were meant to be together. Even given what they'd seen after she'd received the message from King Rickon and followed Baelon to King's Landing, hadn't been enough to stop this day from happening. Baelon, his family, Wylla, and Missandei had all made it clear that the wedding should take place regardless and Dany herself wanted nothing more than for that to be so.

As she looked at the dress and felt the softness of the material, her eyes began to water. The tears that threatened to fall were tears of joy and not sadness and yet somehow she stopped them for now. She knew that before this night was done, however, she'd not be able to. Being on Dragonstone again had stirred up thoughts that she'd not had up to now while planning the wedding. Wishes and dreams of things that could not be and she knew that Baelon felt the same as her in this regard. Both of them wished that their mothers could be here to see them wed and that Rhaegar could lead his sister to his son and see them joined. It could never be and yet she felt that somehow they would be here with them and that they would be happy for them too.

"You look a vision, my queen." Missandei said from behind her and Dany turned to look at her closest friend, soon finding herself being hugged and not sure if it was her or Missandei who'd initiated it.

"Is Ser Jorah…"

"He's outside, my queen, shall I fetch him?" Missandei asked and Dany nodded, both happy and sad to be left alone while Missandei did as she'd asked.

She took one last look in the looking glass and then moved towards the door, not making it to it before Ser Jorah and Missandei were both by her side once more. The look on her knight's face was one that she'd never seen him wear before. It was not one of longing or jealousy and she welcomed it and the words he spoke so softly to her as he took her arm.

"I've never seen you look so very beautiful or so very happy, Khalessi. I am in his grace's debt for bringing that look to your face and it pleases me greatly that you've found such a man." he said and Dany leaned into him and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

His feelings for her were well known to her by now, though it had taken her time to know the full extent of them. It made how he'd felt about Drogo, Daario, and Hizdahr all the more clear and to hear him say he didn't feel that way about Baelon was something that she'd hoped for. For as much as it was his own wishes to be with her, something that never could be, it was his doubts about her choice of lover or husband that had influenced Jorah just as much. He'd never found any of them worthy of her and so knowing that he felt Baelon was, only made her own belief that much stronger.

Leaving the room it was to find Ghost waiting for them, the white wolf moving to stand by her side as Grey Worm and her Unsullied escort along with her two Dothraki guards all readied to lead her to the Godswood. She offered Grey Worm and Qhono both a smile and was surprised when both men returned one. Grey Worm was not really a man who showed his emotions and yet he looked as happy as Qhono was in her choice of husband or mayhap it was simply that he could see her own happiness as clearly as others could.

They walked through the keep, out into the courtyard, and across it, people stopping whatever they were doing to look at them as they did so. Men of the West, Dorne, Reach, and Riverlands. Of the North and the True North as the Free Folk named the lands beyond the Wall. Women too. All of them seemed happy that this wedding was to take place and she felt her steps grow ever firmer as she neared the Godswood and then she felt her breath hitch when she saw the lanterns as they illuminated her path to the Weirwood Tree.

"All is well, Khalessi?" Jorah asked when she stopped suddenly.

"All is well, Ser Jorah." she said as she looked to see Baelon standing by the Weirwood with Lord Davos and noticed the clothing he wore.

Baelon was wearing their house's colors. His usual black was for once joined by a red shirt and he looked every inch a dragon. When he turned to look at her, when she caught the expression on his face and saw the smile appear, her own beamed right back at him and she nodded to him that she was ready to become his wife.

"Who comes before the Old Gods this night?" Lord Davos called out.

"Daenerys of House Targaryen comes here to be wed. A queen grown, trueborn, and noble, she comes to beg the blessings of the Old Gods. Who comes to claim her?" Ser Jorah said without a hint of hesitancy or doubt.

"Baelon of House Targaryen, trueborn son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Targaryen and rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms. Who gives her?" Baelon said loudly.

"Ser Jorah of House Mormont who is her Queensguard and loyal friend."

The words had been agreed to by them both and with input from King Rickon, Lady Sansa, and Lady Wylla, as well as Lady Olenna. Baelon's claim superseded her own and while they would rule together and as equals, that claim had to be established in front of all those present here just as much as them being wed had to be seen by them all. There could be no doubt that they were together and that Baelon was who he said he was, not that there was any on either count.

Feeling Jorah squeeze her hand, she moved forward and stood next to Baelon. She felt his eyes on her as she did so, the look in them was one she had known only once before. Daario may have claimed that he loved her, but only Drogo had ever looked at her the way that Baelon now did and even his look didn't stir up the feelings that she was now experiencing.

"Queen Daenerys, do you take this man?" Lord Davos said and so lost was she in Baelon's eyes that it took her longer to answer than those watching expected and was it not for the feel of Ghost's tongue licking her hand, it may have taken even longer still.

"I take this man." she said firmly and though she felt it was loud, only she and Lord Davos heard the exhalation of air from Baelon's mouth.

She caught movement out of the corner of her eye and it confused her for a moment until she saw it was King Rickon and that he held something in his hand. Something he handed to Baelon before moving away almost immediately and then she looked down and saw the cloak and watched as Baelon moved behind her and covered her with it. The warmth of it was like nothing she'd ever felt before and as she knelt beside her new husband, it finally struck home that it wasn't the cloak itself that was the reason for that warmth. It was that she was finally wed to a man she wanted with all her heart, a man who wanted her more than anything else in the world.

As he helped her back to her feet and she heard the cheers around her, as she felt him lean into her and kiss her deeply, she felt truly happy for probably the first time in her life. She giggled when he lifted her up and cradled her in his arms. Dany smiled truly as he walked with her held there and placed small kisses on her cheeks and lips as he did so. By the time they reached the Great Hall, she was already ready for their bed, and yet she wished to enjoy the feast too. When Baelon whispered in her ear, she felt the warmth of his breath and wondered what it would be like to feel that breath on other parts of her body, something she'd know before this night was done.

"You are happy, Dany?" Baelon asked as he placed her on the chair at the High Table and took his seat beside her.

"I am, for the first time in my life I'm truly happy." she said and though he didn't say the same to her then, the kiss they shared was enough to tell her that he felt that way too.

The feast itself was one of the very best she ever remembered or was likely ever to enjoy. Though the food wasn't lavish and the wines, not the very best the realm had to offer, it mattered not to her or to those present. She smiled when Baelon drank only one mug of ale and refused to drink the goat's milk that Tormund tried to get him to or the mare's milk that Qhono did likewise. All through the meal and the drinking he never let her hand go and not once did she not feel his touch on her or hers on him, both of them almost checking to make sure this was real and not a dream.

Though she spoke to Missandei and both her new Goodsisters, mainly she sat almost silently as did Baelon and it was only when they danced together that they truly spoke. Dany was unsurprised to find that just like her, her new husband was trying to take in every aspect of the night. Baelon had told her that he wished to remember every single moment of it and that he too had never felt as happy as he did right then. When the time came for the bedding, she laughed when Baelon rose to his feet and loudly proclaimed that any man who wished to disrobe his wife need only beat him, Ghost, and Rhaegal in a fight. For all three of them would protect her modesty and no man would look upon her that was not her husband.

It made her jape that she was happy to see any woman who wished to look upon her husband, go down even better, though no one dared try to disrobe him as the look in her eye showed that it was simply that, a jape. She barely heard the cheers when Baelon reached out to take her hand and she was soon laughing once again when he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the door. The words he whispered in her ear brought a blush to her face as she felt the flush of excitement truly take hold. Then before she knew it, they were alone and facing each other and for the first time, she saw some nervousness on her husband's face. A nervousness that was soon gone and replaced by an altogether more hungry look when she began to undress in front of him and Baelon quickly did the same.

"Do you like what you see, my king?" she asked as she stood in front of him naked for the first time, her own eyes roaming his body and much appreciating the sight and that his excitement was clear and he was already erect in front of her.

"More than any other sight I've ever known, my queen." he said huskily, and then she felt his lips on her own, his arms around her, and before the night was done, she found out that he knew many things and that he was just as much of a dragon as she was.

Winterfell 304 AC.


The others may have felt the gods were conspiring to stop the wedding, she did not and so she told them so. Baelon and Daenerys both needed to know just how important it was for them to wed and so she'd left them in no doubt. She cared not about the realm, or what it meant to the lords or ladies. True she knew that once they were wed it removed a huge potential problem in terms of succession and would stop whatever plots and schemes having them both unwed would see put into place. Wylla though only cared about the prince himself, about how he felt, and about his happiness.

No one deserved to know joy more than her prince, and so anything she could do to ensure that he did so, was a task she'd willingly undertake. So when Baelon and Daenerys shared the news of what they'd seen when in the South and when questions were asked and doubts were raised about having a wedding after that, she'd quickly put them to rest. She spoke to Daenerys and left her in no doubt that having the wedding was what needed to be done and then she'd gone to speak to her prince, to tell him the same thing.

" Do you think your mother and father were wrong to wed, Baelon?" she asked.

" No, I… I don't know."

" The world went to shit after they did so and yet not once did either of them believe they were in the wrong, not about that. Love matters, Baelon, it matters more than anything else in this world, and don't let anyone tell you differently."

" People may…"

" Fuck people." she said and he looked at her oddly "I don't mean it like that, but fuck them if they are against you wedding the woman you love. Fuck them if they think this wedding shouldn't go ahead, let them sit and watch and moan and bitch or let them dare say afterward that it shouldn't take place, they matter not."

" I thought the politics matter?" Baelon asked confusedly.

" Not more than what you feel in here." she said touching his chest "Nothing matters more than that. Do you love her?"

" You know I do." Baelon said firmly.

" Do you want her to be your wife?" she asked and he nodded "Then that's all that matters is it not?"

" Thank you." he said softly as she moved to the door.

" You never need to thank me, Baelon. Seeing you happy is all I wish before my time is done."

She'd spoken to the Red Priestess and found that she just like Wylla herself was of the same mind when it came to the wedding. As was the queen's friend, Missandei telling her that she would speak to her queen and remove any doubts that she may be feeling. That none of those doubts were about Baelon and their future was yet another reason why the wedding had needed to take place and so she'd felt even more right in seeing it so.

When Ned and Princess Sarella had wished to speak to the queen and to Baelon, Wylla had intervened and it was her they had the conversation with. Her words left them in no doubt that despite what had happened, what needed to happen next was the wedding, and nothing or no one would stop that from being so. She wasn't the only one who felt that way either as when the thing that was named Brandon Stark began his proclamations about the wedding needing to be delayed, stopped, or not taking place at all, King Rickon moved swiftly to shut him up. Her prince had no firmer advocate than the cousin he named a brother.

The wedding itself was everything she wished it to be. Her prince named himself a king and she stood with his family and those closest to him while he and the queen were joined together. To see the look on both their faces once they had been wed was to prove her right once more and as she made her way to the Great Hall, she looked forward to the feast and the night to come. Once there, her eyes sought out those whose own found the happy couple. Wylla looking for any who seemed perturbed or upset and who weren't showing the same joy as she and Baelon's family and friends or the Queen's people were.

She found fewer than she feared and for that she was thankful. Even amongst those who didn't seem as happy, it was not specifically the wedding that was the reason for it. Something that the Red Priestess was keen to let her know as they sat and drank and made merry. That she was the second person that Baelon danced with was a testament to how he felt about her and she, him. The relationship that she'd always wished to have with him and that had been denied to her by Ned Stark, was now one that she was finally enjoying. His words spoken softly to her were both thankful and wistful and she felt her tears begin to fall when he whispered in her ear.

"I never knew my mother and though I'd wish her here to see my joy this day, I know that cannot be. To have you here, to know of you, you've no idea how much that means to me, Wylla. Nor how much you do, thank you for everything."

Her words wouldn't come to her, her throat was dry and her tears fell only to be wiped away by her prince's fingers. The kiss he placed on her cheek brought a shudder to her, so emotional did she feel and though he was not her son and they'd been denied so much time together, she felt it just as keenly as if they'd spent their lives by each other's sides. When she took her seat it took her a few moments to compose herself and so she turned down the offers of dances that came her way. Only moving when the other boy she considered her son walked her way and held out his hand. By the time she and Ned had sat down, the bedding had been called for and she laughed loudly at Baelon's refusal to allow one to take place and the queen's jape that she'd be willing to see her new husband disrobed forcefully.

With a nod of his head and a smile that he aimed in her direction, Baelon took his bride by the hand and led her from the room. Wylla's own smile was full as he lifted her into his arms and carried her and as the revelry took on a different tone without them both present. Once again her eyes sought out the faces of those who'd looked to Baelon and Daenerys and once again she took note of any who showed the slightest doubt or anger. Unsurprisingly it was to be Brandon Stark who spoke aloud and his brother who had him removed from the Great Hall. This time, however, it was to be different as a raven had seemingly arrived bearing dark words, and soon enough, it was the King's Solar that she found herself in and not the Great Hall and a wedding feast.

"NO!." she said firmly after the contents of the raven were made clear.

"I've been warning you all, I told you this would…"

"I told you to shut the fuck up, speak no more brother or I'll see you removed." King Rickon said while glaring at Bran and Wylla looked to the others in the room.

Ser Jorah and Missandei represented the queen, Jaime Lannister and Tormund stood for the King while Lyanna Mormont, Barbrey Dustin, and Wyman Manderly represented the Northern Council. Princess Sarella and her sister Tyene along with Ned Dayne represented Dorne and Edmure Tully and Daven Lannister stood for the Riverlands and the Westerlands respectively. Lord Davos had been newly appointed as Lord Paramount of the Stormlands and yet he stood more for Baelon and Rickon than he did for them as of yet. While both Thoros and Melisandre had been asked to attend along with all of the Starks.

"Lady Wylla?" King Rickon asked looking at her.

"I said, NO! Nothing can be done about this tonight, To speak to their graces would serve only to spoil their wedding night and it's bad enough we'll be spoiling their first day as man and wife as it is. Give them the night, your grace, give them the night, and should they find fault in you doing so then I'll gladly take their ire. But give them the night I beg of you." she said and saw both Arya and Sansa nod, others in the solar doing likewise.

"Lady Wylla is right, brother. Nothing is to be gained by disturbing our brother and Goodsister and far more is to be lost by doing so. Let at least one member of our family know a true wedding night." Sansa said almost sadly and Wylla watched as Arya reached out to take her sister's hand and squeeze it gently.

"Aye, your sister has the right of it, King Pup." Tormund said and she smiled at him for doing so.

"They need to know, we must tell them!" Bran said loudly.

"I told you to fucking shut up. Guards!" Rickon called out and within a moment the guards had arrived "See that my brother is confined to his rooms, he's to speak to no one until I tell you otherwise."

She saw the brief look of anger on Brandon Stark's face and then it was gone so suddenly that it was almost as if she'd imagined it. Though looking to Tormund, Melisandre, and Lyanna Mormont it was clear she had not.

"I'll speak to my brother and Goodsister on the morrow, no one is to disturb them before then and the night's festivities are not to be stopped. The war is upon us and this may very well be the last night we know feasting, drinking, or dancing, we may as fucking well enjoy it as not." King Rickon said to a slap on his back from Tormund and nods from the Northern and Dornish representatives.

Edmure Tully and Daven Lannister didn't seem best pleased. but they raised no argument against what was decided and as she left the solar she moved to speak Missandei and Ser Jorah.

"Your men guard the King and Queen's rooms?" she asked.

"Aye, Unsullied and Dothraki along with Grey Worm himself." Ser Jorah said.

"Mayhap you should tell them to ensure that no one comes close to those rooms, not even to pass them."

"I shall see it done, Lady Wylla, and on the morrow when you speak to his grace, I'll stand with you and speak to her grace as well. Let it be said that I too agreed that this should be kept from them this night." Missandei said and then with a nod of her head and a turn, both she and Ser Jorah walked off and Wylla had no doubt that it was to make sure that no one got close to the rooms that night.

She felt she was right in this, that she was doing as Lyanna herself would have done. The king and queen had much that depended on them, the fate of the realm and of life itself if the tales were true which she believed they were. Let them have one night where all they had to worry about was each other, it would not be something they'd know in the nights to come and so they deserved at least this small measure of peace.

"May the Old Gods and the New see that it's not but one night they know such a feeling." she said softly as she walked back to the Great Hall.

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