Attack on titan:a new path

Chapter 1: Prologue

Edit:idk if someone Will read this but,i just kinda overdone myself with the intro, bcz this shit was too long to read almost 4k words.but if you don't have a problem with that, continue your reading then.

Warning:the character in this story might disgust some of you,because apparently he is a massive pervert,and might get worse as the story goes don't complained to me later on.

Somewhere in japan.

Inside a dimly lit bedroom filled with food and drink wastes beside an untidy bed.

there's a full dedicated bookshelf that are filled with shounen and seinen genre mangas,mostly the fantasy theme,while the wall surrounding it are full of anime poster, ranging from a mild one,to a full blown lewd and borderline porn pictures,and the most prominent ones is Attack on titan.there is even some action figures of said franchise,mostly the sexy female one.

And right now,inside of this hot and dingy room,there was some fapping noises coming from an unsightly man with a slightly chubby body appearance wearing glasses,sitting in front of his PC monitor while grinning like a perv.

This man, beside being a NEET,is also what a japanese people called a "lost geberation", that means an unfortunate peoples that have no choise but to drop from their education degree,because of japanese economy crisis back in the 90s.and when japan do recover from said crisis,it was already too late,added with his growing age,he is just simply too old to start over his education.

and because of that,he have a hard time looking for a job,outside of helping his father sometimes that is,but slowly and steadily gave up on improving himself,and becoming an outcast of society,wasting his life as a shut-in person while his mentality pretty much stuck.making him an awkward person,even behave like a teenager most of the times.

worse yet,because of his face and appearance feels and looked like a creep,he is having a hard time looking for a part time job that required a social interaction,making him a dead weight for his only parent.

[Image of the character here]

Present time.

Fap Fap Fap Fap

"Ooohhh take my thunder cock Mika-chan!!" said the man,even thought his dick size are average at best just like his asian brethreen.

But that doesn't matter,because right now, he is playing a hentai visual novel game on some site called 'nutakuxxx' and that game name is 'Shingeki no manko' or roughly translated to 'attack on pussies' as it is was a doujin hentai game from a widely popular Anime Attack on titan,

His most obsessed and favorite franchise.

The man is grinning and fapping like crazy, looking at an animated mikasa on all fours, getting mounted from behind from a third person POV.

but then an in-game character dialog along with choises popped up in his monitor showing:


Mikasa: aahhh💕,seiiiki-kun!,not here pleas-nghh!!💕ere-eck💓eren was just start sleeping not too long ag-ooooh💕💕

(Seiiiki is his game nickname wich translated to Semen/jizz)

Where do you wanna cum?

A: cum inside(risk of pregnancy 28%)

B: cum on her back

C: pull out and leave(NTR ending!)


"What kind of stupid question was that?",he said in his mind,while clicking his mouse choosing option A without thingking too much,and then begun cursing asking why the fuck getting cucked even an option,when his character are the one that cucking others.

after choosing his option,the game played the next erotic scene.


Inside the game,despite it's rediculous situation.the scene showing a sleeping figure of eren on his side, blissfully unaware by the scandalous situation.

snoring on top of his bed while facing the wall the other way,while behind him, mikasa's left hand holding her mouth to block her sweet mewling and moaning that threatened to come out.and the other hand are holding eren's bed,making his bed slightly fibrating and creaking.

her wet and loud squelching and steamy pink pussy are getting fucked mercilessly from behind,making a loud meat on meat slapping sound,by a fat and infamous ugly bastard with a disgusting fat lips,while wearing glasses.

Or by a fat and ugly NTR hentai antagonist,

that apparently is the main character of the game,freshly created straight from a custom creation of hell. do you like that Mikasa!. i'm about to put a child under those juicy abs!.(grunt) shit!!,i'm about to cuuuuhh!

Mikasa:ngh💓 nooooouuugh💕💕💕

A copious amount of cum suddenly gushing inside her vagina wall,filling her womb to the brim!.and then ended with picture of sperm piercing her egg,fertilizing it💘(X-RAY style).

Mikasa's eyes suddenly rolled up showing pink hearts,while her cheeks was being grabbed by the protagonist or antagonist?right hand from behind.making her lips wide open forming an obscene O shape,and her tongue coming out of her mouth spilling saliva while squeeling adorably.



"Ngh..ohhhhhh mika-chaan!"


The picture of mikasa's cheeks being grabbed,and her fingers making piece sign, while making an ahegao face suddenly covered with disgusting cum.

almost the whole monitor was covered with jizz along with the man's pants on the floor.while the person responsible for it are sitting and leaning on his chair,panting breathlessly,while both of his hands is hanging toward the ground,tired by the amount of wangking at the moment.


"How was it?,mika-chan❤️,i'm simply better than Eren right?,kekekeke...look mika-chan,

the bastard are still sleeping peacefully,

probably obsessed with his freedom thingy".

he said while grinning maliciously.satisfied

after taking his revenge on a fictional character,that is being Eren,the sole reason why he played this particular hentai game in the first that he can let out his frustation after watching SNK final season part one.


After a few minutes,he stand up on his feet tries to reach a bunch of tissues on top of his keyboard,then proceed tp wipe the cumstain out of his legs and chair and his pc monitor.

before it become dried up and stuck to the things.leaving a disgusting smell on it's wake.


While he was bussy cleaning his mess,his phone on top of his bed,suddenly buzzing nonstop,interupting his cleaning streak.

Staring at his phone fibrating on his bed,he decided to ignore it.because most likely it's one of those salesman/woman that offering a shady and questionable product.he then proceed to wipe his jizz before it become sticky and leaving marks everywhere.

After turning his pc off,and picking all of the dirty and smelly tissues,he then throw it inside a garbage bin that full of disgusting used tissues and snack plastics and bottles.

He then pulled his pants back on,dragging his ass across the room to open the closed window,so that the smell would not be too unbearable.when suddenly his phone goes buzzing again after a few minutes.


"This mothe-...yeah yeah relax im coming!".

After reaching it with impatient,and tried to tell the other side a piece of his mind,he suddenly hessitated.because the caller was non other than his father.after calming himself down,he then click the answer button.


He then heard his father tsk-ing and grumbling and cursing at a low voice saying useless bastard,almost akin to whispering before answering back.

"Toshihisa!...get your big lazy ass over here, and make yourself usefull will ya?!".

" moving things at the store,or...?" he asked nervously.

He then heard his dad sighing,probably calming himself,before calmly answering again.

"Not at the store,at the moment my usual porter yamada, telling me he feels sick and asking a few days off.and my hands are kinda tied at the moment, because the store are more bustling than usual. so i need you to deliver a few order of televisions and a full set of PC into the costumer locations.".

"Uhh...okay...but you do know that i can't drive a car right?".

" tsk...i don't care if you have to going back and forth using your bike,at least i can send you to the closest costumer locations from my store,so that the farthest one can be done by myself before the closing hour".

"Do i make myself clear?",

" yes....", "good...and toshihisa....",

" uhhh...hai?", "if i go back and find out my house looked like a garbage disposal,i will burn your entire manga collection and whatever weeb shit i could find inside, along with your PC.and i would throw your ass on the street so you can sleep outside whle naked,you hear me?!",his father said growling,wich usually means his father is serious right now.making toshihisa trembling and shivering while sweating.

" hiiiikkkk.....i understood!!"he said while squeeling. "(Sigh),just do it quickly",after saying that his father calling off the phone.

After he put away the phone,he hastily start cleaning his nasty room seriously,while wiping his sweat on his forehead.

"Shit..he is not messing around this time!"

After he was done doing those,he picked up and hugging an action figure of historia reiss using full ODM gear laying on the floor,then putting her on his desk so that she can join the others.

"Don't worry my pure historia-chan!,i will protect you from an evil titan that is my father....muuaach❤️" ,after smooching it with his disgusting mouth,he notice the other action figures looking at him,as if they are jealously waiting for his attension on them.

"Chehehe....don't be jealous of her mika-chan❤️,you are precious to me too.same as you annie-chan❤️,you don't have to beat me so that i can notice you,hahaha!".

After he was done smooching each female action figgures,and an action figgure of Armin dressing as historia for some reason, like a complete creep.

He then glared at the last collection of his,

That is the action figure of Eren from the earlier seasons,placed at the corner of his room,while facing the wall,as if he's a child being punished by his parents for doing some naughty things.

" tch,you are being lucky that i don't bite your head off like a titan".

he said while gritting his teeth.

"like seriously!,how the fuck could you waste a perfect and adorable yandere Mikasa, something that is absolutely worth killing for,

just so that i can be with someone like her!".

"and my poor and holy historia-chan...ohhh my pure and kind historia-chan...what have you done....".he said with a blank eyes behind his glasses with a single tear rolling down on his right cheek.

He then start shouting while pointing his fingers at the figurine of eren in the corner,saying of how dissapointed he was while ranting at it,along with a shower of saliva coming out of his mouth.

Tought he realized he is being unbelievable, and the one who being pathetic here,mad at some fiction someone else created,and at something that is not even real,while whining and throwing tantrum like a child.

But he just can't help it,because he likes to enjoy asserting himself,while imagining himself as the main character he watch,no matter if it's an anime,hentai,even a game,to cope with his loneliness and escapism.

Plus the fact that this show was his first actual anime that he watch back in 2013,where he unintendedly Saw it on ytube recommendation by accident,back when he was about to search a video for the least pain possible for commiting a suicide.

So in another word,this anime changed him,

Althought he doesn't know which one is better,weather being dead ,or living on as a burden and pathetic manchild otaku.

A few minutes later...

After he was done throwing tantrum and acting like a child,he decide to take a quick shower in his bathroom,to get rid of his ungodly combination of fishy smell of cum and the sour smell of sweat,after beating his meat to oblivion,and moving his body a lot after cleaning his room skipping of taking a bath for full three days.

When he is finished his bathing along with his usual ritual,that is being contemplating why his life are so meaningless,while dreading the fact that he is probably will be a virgin for life,and died without bitches.

Toshihisa then grab his matic bike and ride it to his father's electronic shop,after wearing his cloths and a hoodie,beside that,he is also using a face mask below his glasses to cover his round face with plump lips and big nose,so that at least he doesn't looked too ugly.

Time skip one hour later.

Toshihisa then arrived at his father's shop,it was just a humble one story shop,but full of electronic devices,ranging from television,Gaming consoles,PC,even some AC and smartphones that filled their designated shelves.

"Maeda's electronics huh...this must be it then.."

After parking his ride,and preparing himself for a little bit,he start walking to the entrance of the shop to get in.

but before he could do just that,his father walking out behind a costumers and sending them off enthusiasly while bowing,and expressing his thanks and gratitude for their patronage.

After sending the costumer off,his father then notice toshihisa stending there on the side awkwardly.

"(Sigh),what's took you so long?,you know what?,i don't care,follow me,we are getting overwhelmed by the amount of orders from the costumers that we need to send immidiately,before they complaining too much and hurting our shop's reputation". His old father then start explaining what ordered goods he need to carry, and to whom he need to deliver,and where the costumer address he needs to go.

His father also ordering Toshihisa saying that he need to changed his clothes,into one of his father cloths with a store's brand on the back that designed for his employees,so that he doesn't looked like a complete stalker and a lecherous creep.

But after finding out there is not even a single formal clothes that fit for his fat body,

his father then gave up with a heavy sigh,

sending him as it is,even if he doesnt wanted to.

Few minutes later ..

After those useless endavour,

toshihisa then putting every electronic packages he could carry on his bike,using a special holder at the back,and slipping a slim television at the front step of his matic bike.

While he was cheking the list in his hands and the package for one last time,

while also making sure that everything is according to the instruction,so that every package is actually what they ordered.

Then his father,noticing toshihisa's serious face outside his store while holding the paper in his hands,decides to walk towards him to check,and to make sure everything's fine.

"what's wrong?,can't even do a simple job?", his father's deep voice said behind toshihisa's nape,sending a goosebump towards his body,making him yelp loudly.

Toshihisa then looked at his father making a smug face behind him,

he expressed his displeasure and groaned loudly while rubbing his nape and fixing his crooked glass because of his frantic movement.

"'s not that okay...i'm just making sure everything's according to the paper!"

"(Sighing),alright then,be carefull on the road,i knew i have told you to be quick while delivering those packages,but that doesn't mean i want you to be reckless on the road either.and make sure to be cautious of everything's around you and~ know what i mean".his father said calmly with a serious and conserned?....face.

" ah?...thanks....i guess...".he said unsured,

while averting his gaze to the side and scratching the back of his head.

After a few seconds of awkward silent his father then turn his back towards him.

"go on your way then" he said while walking to go inside his store.

Toshihisa nod towards old his father's back,

even thought he couldn't see him.

After that he wear his delivery helmet and decide to hit the road,with a complicated face.

On the road,three hours and a half later,evening of the local time...

Toshihisa feels exausted after those grueling work of going back and forth from his father's electronic shop,and delivered every package his father demands him.

He finally sighed in reliefed that it was finally done.

Althougt he feels unconfortable by the amount of suspicious and wary gaze he got from those costumers,hell...some of them even questioning him throughly,asking what's his name,intension,and even demanded him to showed his ID through the door camera etc.after they see him outside their doors from the cctv in front of the door,standing there suspiciously.

Well.... there is nothing he can do about it anyway,after all he looked like someone who Would do some perverted things toward their wife and daughters.


Still on the way home,he start accelerating

his bike noticing it was about to get dark real quick.

Quickly arrived at some random crossroad, he have to stop when the red light is on.

Bored of seeing pedestrians crossing the road in front of him,while waiting for the green light,he suddenly remembered that tonight is the night SNK season four part two start airing.but then his expression suddenly getting soured,when he remembered that he was getting spoiled in the comment section a few days ago,after watching some SNK theory video on YouTube.saying that isheyama's ninja's way that is,to hurt his fans feelings,probably gonna kicked in,altering all people's expectation,

and make a bad ending,just to spite his followers.

"Fuck...i hope to God that isheyama sensei doesn't making that fan theory a reality".his face becoming gloomy while thinking hard,

"but...knowing his peculiar kink of pissing his fans off,it doesnt look very promissing at all",

"And not to mention the historia and her bully,that infamous farmer-kun's reveal by the devil isheyama pure historia,how dare he make my historia sufferd.she doesn't deserve that sad fate,

damn it!!!".

He then tried to predict the anime's ending in Hajime isheyama style,plus his own experience after following his work for a long time.

"Tch....if i had to guess how it's going to end,

the ending is probably showing the scene of Mikasa carrying her child,while making a sad face,visiting Eren's grave on the hill beside a tree,where he sleeps in the episode one.meanwhile her husband,finally being revealed as Jean the horse face....fuck".

His internal monologue come to an abrupt end,when he looked up seeing the traffic light about to go green.

"Sigh...what a shitty way to end my beloved franchise man....if i was somehow living inside that cruel yet beautiful universe,at least i will ensure that all of my cherised characters get the happiness they rightfully deserved".

[if you have the option to live inside that world,Will you take that chance then?},

"Hell yeah i do!,hahaha!...besides,why the fuck i would Miss the chance to see my favorite badass midget Levi in action?,and not to mention the chance to get a herem full of attractive characters that can kick your ass!,sigh...and imagine the possibility to save the fate of some of my-

{alright then,your contract have been succesfully signed,please prepare yourself.}

favorite characters that tragically di-ehh?..."

After a moment of confussion,he finally realized that someone has just wishper something on his first he thought that it was just his mere wishfull thinking,that playing tricks on him,but when that wispers come for the second time while he was still talking,he is finally convinced that someone have just talking to him,saying something about ehh...contract?.

Looking at his surrounding,trying to find the person that just talk to him,only to find no one,but a single car with a blonde yankee looking ahh person driving it,while flirting with his girlfriend beside him.

Noticing toshihisha's confused gaze,the yankee suddenly growled dangerously,

"What the fuck are you looking at fatso?,

you wanna go straight to the hospital after i beat your ugly ass or som?".

the yankee said.

"Hiiekk...its nothing!!!".he imediately averted

his face to the front,trying to avoid the bastard's angry face.

"If it's not that bastard,then who the fuck are the one talking to me earlier?",he said in his mind still confused.

But soon he abandoned his musing,when he sees the traffic light turned green few seconds ago,noticing that,he then twist his hand to accelerate his motorbike while sighing.

"Sigh...maybe my mind is just too tired, after today's hard work and needed some rest immidiately",but before he can get far,he suddenly notice something speeding at the corner of his eyes,and when he tried to look at the speeding object aproaching on his right side,his eyes suddenly goes wide while his panicked face forming a terrified look.

It was,it was...


A mother fucking truck!.

"What the fuh-",boooomm....


His whole body was being squashed like a bug by a speeding truck,leaving nothing but destroyed body and crushed head like watermelon behind,and his wrecked bike there burning.

Even though the truck causing all of this, it just keep going like nothing happened,leavin

a bloody trail on the asphalt below.

causing the walking pedestarian beside the road panicked and get histeric.

But unknown to anyone,the guilty truck is making a turn into a deserted road,at some pecefull neighborhood.

Sensing that no one are watching,suddenly a portal Made of light manifested in front of it making the truck dissapeared,only leaving a dry bloodstain on the road behind.

To be continued....

Note:i think i overdone the chapter too much

,making it bloated with information that would be useless after he reincarnated anyway.

Rip broken English....:⁠-⁠)

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