Attribute Farming System

Chapter 5: Time to Train!


Knox's voice rang out, loud and resolute. "That's what I want!!"

After experiencing hundreds of thousands of years watching people from all walks of life progress on their own paths, it was finally his turn!

His turn to pursue power! His turn to no longer be a spectator confined to an immobilized existence! His turn to step forward and shape his own fate!

"Hell yeah!!" Knoc bellowed, throwing his arms high into the sky. "This is the win! The win I've been so desperately searching for all my lives! The Path to Power!"

However, there was one minor problem standing in the way of his grand ambitions.

The Path to Power.

How—exactly—was it supposed to begin?

"Maybe drugs are the answer?" Knox muttered, rubbing his chin in thought.

The Falazar family members training nearby glanced his way, drawn in by his outburst, but he paid them no mind.

"Drugs… like Alchemy and stuff. Although I didn't really pay attention to anything outside Attribute Farming in this life, I do recall a number of servants mentioning the Alchemy profession. There was also something about high-level pills and an Alchemy Grandmaster staying inside the mansion."

And just like that, it was decided.

The first step on the Path to Power was to become a dopehead!

…Or maybe not.

"Eldest Young Master?" A curious voice interrupted his thoughts. It belonged to the family's Head Steward. "Why are you out here in the training grounds so shortly after your miraculous revival? Has the doctor already given you the green light to move around so vigorously?"

Knox immediately put on his best poker face and nodded.

Internally, however, he was praying to whatever lucky star was out there—praying that he wouldn't be sent back to that test table!

As someone who had lived as an alien in multiple lifetimes, Knox had been subjected to all kinds of bizarre experiences. Some of the worst involved technology straight out of whacky sci-fi movies.


Yeah, probing. The whole shoving things up the bums of different worlds' natives thing. It was a procedure he had undergone far too many times as the crippled child of a Probe Master for the Xylophorgs.

Even thinking about it was enough to make him sick.

Right now, he didn't care about anything except training.

If others could become strong, why couldn't he?

Maybe with the Attribute Farming System's help, he could become something more than just a joke!

Coincidentally, the Head Steward spoke the very words Knox had been yearning to hear:

"Are you wanting to train, Young Master Knox??"

The man's corpulent belly jiggled slightly as he reeled back in shock. Beads of sweat ran down his fat-filled cheeks as his mind swirled with thoughts. He imagined how the Count would react if he knew—if he knew that his eldest son, the bane of his family name, was actually aiming to train…

He might just die from happiness.

'No, no, I'm getting ahead of myself,' the Head Steward thought, evening out his expression. 'Knowing the Eldest Young Master's personality, it's very likely that he's just out here to crack a joke or something.'

After all, he himself had been the victim of many of Knox's jokes before…

A shiver ran down his spine just recalling those memories.

Snapping him out of his reverie was Knox's elated voice.

"Training!? Damn straight I'm here to train!" Knox declared, lifting his nose high. "Tell me, good sir, where can I train in—secret—? To properly unleash my overwhelming barrage of punches, none should be in my vicinity. I fear for their safety, not mine."

"U… Uhmm, yes, of course," the Head Steward stammered, his sweat glands working overtime.

Gently, he wiped his forehead with an elegantly embroidered handkerchief before motioning toward an isolated forest beside the primary training field.

"Right over there will be your best bet if you desire privacy. No one goes there at this time of the day."

"Thanks, chap!" Knox said before spinning on his heel and sauntering toward the indicated spot. "Time to go test out my body! Hwa! Hwa!"

As he watched Knox karate chop the air while approaching the forest, the Head Steward suddenly remembered something. However, aside from a slight raise of his brow, he didn't act on the thought.

"In my distraction, I completely overlooked the fact that Young Miss Yennefer has been seen visiting that particular forest quite often," he mused. "Though, surely she won't be there today of all days… Surely…"

Despite his supposed certainty, his confidence quickly plummeted.

Meanwhile, Knox continued his merry way toward the forest, swinging his arms back and forth like an elementary schooler on his way to recess.

"I wonder how strong I am," he mused, flexing his well-defined biceps. "I look and feel pretty strong, but seeing as this is a world of cultivation, one can never be too certain."

Just then—

*Splish, Splash!*

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