Avatar the Last Airbender(ATLA): The Jade Dragon

Chapter 3: Ch3:Escape Pt.II

[Po POV]

Warden: "Escape from my prison is impossible! Men! Take aim!" The soldiers got ready.

Po: I got myself ready, above me, two floors up, is the jailer box. I can release the other prisoners and they'll buy me time. "This is gonna be fun." I smiled down at the soldiers.

Warden: "Fire!" 

Every firebender blasted fire right towards me. All I could see was a wave of fire coming at me so I blasted out some of own.

I didn't use my hands, I blew fire out of my mouth. Not just any normal fire, my fire was a different color. This is how I earned my name, this is why I'm so well known. My fire was green!

I don't know why my fire is green. Its been like that even before the tail. It's only slightly hotter than regular fire but I doubt it's as hot as Azula's blue fire. I mean, I haven't experienced her fire but I'm pretty sure blue would be hotter than green, like I said, it was only slightly hotter than regular fire. I also liked to breathe it out, I was inspired by a certain anime about ninjas and their ninjutsu's. If you could breathe fire, Hell Yea was I gonna say 'Firestyle: Fireball jutsu!' Its been a while since I've said it out loud but now isn't really the time or place.

I could hear murmuring building up from the prisoners. No one here has seen my green fire so they all must be curious about it.

Green fire met regular fire right in between us and my fire broke through theirs easily. I thought I held back so it could only dispel theirs in the middle of the air but it went straight through and caused the soldiers to jump out of the way.

Po: "Oops... Whoa!" From my right I saw a fireball heading towards me and I jumped forward. In midair I used fire under my feet to make me fly. I was dodging more fireballs aimed at me before I went straight to the jail box. 

There was only one guard in the box and before he could throw a punch or use fire I used chi blocking to immobilize him and he flopped to the ground.

Po: "Good fight."

Jailbox Guard: He just whimpered out, "No it wasn't."

Po: I smirked and went to the control panel and I looked out, prison guards rushing up the stairs to get to me, I yelled out to the prisoners, "Hey! Everyone! RIOT!" I pulled the lever and all the cell doors opened.

Prisoners: """"YEEEAAA!!!!!"""" """RUUUHHH!!!"""

It was spectacular. The prisoners pushed the guards back down and everyone scattered. From both sides people were throwing fireballs and everyone was kicking, punching, and yelling. I went to another lever and pulled it, at the bottom I could see a giant metal door opening and some prisoners and guards went out. I could see the sunlight from the box.

I lost sight of the Warden, it seems he must have gotten-

Warden: "Don't. You. Move. A muscle."

He's gotten behind me. He must have his hands ready to fire. 

Warden: "I see you like your chains... Good. We'll get you more when we get you back in your hole! Guards! Restrain him!"

I can hear them, two extra pairs of feet walking to me. I felt a hand on my left shoulder and I reacted quickly. I turned and shoved his hand off and quickly palm struck him in the chest and sent him flying to the Warden, who let out an "Oof" before they fell. The second guard let out a right hook but I grabbed it, turned, and threw him out the window, letting him fall to the floor.

Only three floors up so he'll live... with some bruises... I'm sure he's fine. (A/N: He landed on another guard, they both went sleepy time.)

I looked back at the Warden as he was barely recovering, I dashed to him and hit his chi points making him fall again.

Warden: "No! Don't you dare leave! No one has ever escaped! My record-"

Po: "Listen grumpy. It's fine. Not like you'll die if only one prisoner escapes."

Warden: "I'd rather die then let you ruin my perfect reputa-"

Po: I grabbed him by the collar, "Alright, that's enough out you. Why don't you sleep it off." I then knocked him out with a simple punch and dropped him. 

Po: "Ok. The wardens office should be on the floor above this one. But just in case..." I looked at the guard who I chi blocked earlier. He was still conscious but immobilized so I went over to him and picked him up by the back of his collar, his feet dragged on the floor. "Hey buddy. You're gonna lead me to the Wardens office, okay?"

Jailbox Guard: He just nodded his head fast.

Po: "Cool. Oh, and um.. my stuff. Where are they placed?"

Jailbox Guard: Without missing a beat he answered, "They're in a room in a chest. Aside from the Warden's office."

Po: I smiled at him, "Great! On the way do you want a drink or something?" I started heading towards the office.

JB Guard: "N-n-no. I'm fine."

Po: I just shrugged, "Alright then. Let's go."

I held the guard over my shoulder with his head forward and I jogged up the stairs. He guided me to the Warden's office with little to no issues. When we reached the office I set him aside the door.

Po: "I'll just be a moment." I smirked and then told him, "You stay put... Excellent."

He didn't say anything, he just nodded and I went in. The office was decently sized and very... bare. There was only a desk in front of the window and to the right was a door, no doubt it leads to his room so I'll check that too.

I went to the desk and I could see out the window the riot was still going on, then I looked towards the end where the gondola is. Its the only way in and out of this prison. I then took a closer look and I could see... its moving towards the prison? It took a minute to process why but then it hit me!

Po: "Prisoner transfer!" I needed to hurry!

I was planning on taking one of the small boats but if there's a navy ship I could release any prisoners inside and we could take over the ship and sail out with it. If they're not cooperative well then I'll go with the first plan.

I looked through the drawers rapidly. I found nothing but simple paperwork, a small bag filled with gold coins, and another bag with jerky. I took the jerky and gold bag. When I tugged the last drawer it was locked. I tugged harder and broke the lock. Inside I saw letters, I skimmed through one and it was just a letter from Mai. 

Po: "Ha. I guess they're closer than I gave credit for. It seems they just barely keep in touch though." I ruffled around the papers and at the bottom I found a rolled up paper.

I opened it and it was exactly what I was hoping to find! A map of the Fire Nation! I rolled it back up to carry it. I looked at the Warden's room but it was just as bare as the office, one bed and one small drawer. Talk about simple life,... geez.

I went out and entered the room next door. The room had a few chests inside and a mirror on the wall.

I opened a few chests, none of which had anything valuable and on the 4th chest I finally found my belongings. I broke the cuffs off my wrist, took out the clothes and put them on. It was the outfit given to me by the group I used to be in. It was a black long vest that went down to the knees that was outlined with grey decals and had the chinese symbol for 'beast' on the back, there was a black shirt, black gi pants (which I had to poke a hole because of my tail), a grey waist band, grey socks, and black shin high boots. 

I looked inside and I saw the bandage wrappings rolled up, my mother's Earth symbol pendant, and the silver coins I had before.

Po: "Hm. They threw away my travel bag and sleeping bag."

I wrapped the pendant on my right wrist and then I wrapped the gauze over it to keep it in place and did the same with my other arm.

When I was done I grabbed the chains from before and wrapped them around my arms. These are gonna be my primary weapons for now. I could see why Kai from Kung Fu Panda really liked these, they're very useful and have a good range. I wish I could see myself when I use them, I hope I don't look ridiculous when using them...

No way! I bet I look like a badass when using them!

*Ahem* I digress though.

I was prepared and then I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't lose much muscle since I was training my body even while I was completely still and I also kept my caramel tan skin color. I had a few scars around my body but the biggest were the scars on my arms and one on the top left of my chest making an "x". Both arms had one big scar on the inside of my biceps. My hair has grown long, a little past my shoulders, it was a spiky mess. If I had a goatee I probably could have pulled off the John Wick look with this hair. Thoughts for the future.

I was ready. I have my outfit, a map, money, and some food... Hmm?

Po: "Hehe. It's like a RPG survival starter set."

This isn't a game, tho, its my new life. The god that sent me said I was free to live how I pleased in this world. He even said that it was my choice to interfere with the story of the ATLA or not. I contemplated about that and figured my very presence has created some sort of butterfly effect. I wanted Aang and his friends to do what they were supposed to do and I would help from the sidelines but... Me being here is a big change, the spirit fusion experiment the FN did is unheard of from the show, and the group I was with, the members had names that made me wonder if this is some amalgam universe, so I want to join the Avatar to help him face any new threats that might come his way.

Plus, I was a fan of the show. Its been so long since I've last seen it tho so my memory of it is a bit iffy and I wish I read the comics too, I never got the chance. So there might be a few surprises if I'm with them.

Po: "Alright. It's time to go."

Now prepared, I went out into the hall and I was about to head to the warden's room but across the hall were two guards heading towards me. 

Fireguards: "Hey! Stop right there!" "There's nowhere to go!"

I threw both chains towards them and once it restrained around both of them I pulled them both at the same time towards me. They both screamed, ""Aaahh!"" When they reached me I simply clotheslined them both and they were out for the count.

I ran through the wardens office and jumped out the window. I used fire to fly over the riot in the courtyard and landed on the gondola platform. There were no guards stationed here, they must have gone to help contain the riot. I jumped up on the cable and started running, it didn't take long for me to cross over the lake, since the warden was knocked out the line wasn't cut and I didn't have to fly. 

I was on the rim of the volcano and I ran to the edge. Down below on the docks I saw a Fire Navy ship with some soldiers on deck. My escape is secure and I took a moment to appreciate this view.

Two years... I haven't felt the sun or the wind for two years. I haven't seen the clear blue skies and deep blue sea for two years... It was beautiful.

The world is bigger and more beautiful than the show gave credit for. The world is grand... THIS world is grand... My new world is grand! I can't wait to see it all!

Po: I smiled, "Its time to go on an adventure!"

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