Avatar the Last Airbender(ATLA): The Jade Dragon

Chapter 5: Ch5:Preperations and Workout

[Po POV]

The village was lively, children running around, people dancing, stalls with food were busy, and everyone was enjoying the festival.

I asked around for a bit of info. There was two more days until the festival ended and I found the direction to an inn.

Any other time I would enjoy the festival but I was tired and hungry.

After stopping by a stall that had kebabs I went straight to the inn. Tomorrow will be a busy day. I need to look around shops for clothes, travel gear, and I need a haircut.

Hopefully by cutting my hair nobody will be able to find out my identity.

Guess I should count myself lucky that after all these years I don't have a very recognizable scar on my face. It would be pretty tragic if I had a big scar on my face.

I'll also need to visit a blacksmith so I can hang my chains by the waist.

I found the inn and I entered, there was only one innkeeper and I asked for a room for the night. When I paid for the night she led me to my room and I thanked her.

I looked out the window and I could see the people enjoying themselves. 

*Low Growl*

It made me a little mad, I didn't even notice that I growled, but I let it go. I closed the window and I ignored my anger and went to bed. As soon as I touched the bed I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning I left the inn and had a quick breakfast. 

I first got my haircut, a nice lady was able to cut it to the way I had it before, mid-length and spiky. I then went to a clothing store and was able to find a simple, black and white long-sleeve shirt, black pants, white socks, and slip on black shoes. I really loved this outfit, it actually looks similar to Bruce Lee's martial arts outfit so I bought an extra set. What's even better is that these clothes are tough yet comfortable and it's fire resistance. (My tail is wrapped around my waist and my shirt is long enough to cover it. Its hidden.)

People weren't batting an eye at me, not even the soldiers, so my new look was working or... I'm not as infamous as I thought I was. *Sniff* That's fine.

Anyways, I went to buy my travel supplies and a travel bag since my hands were full carrying my clothes and my chains.

I found a nice travel bag and my hands were free, I also found a water bag that can hold a good amount of water. My bag was also filled with a few necessities for traveling.

Next, I went to visit a blacksmith. He had exactly what I needed and more. Not only did he have a belt that could hold my chains he also had weapons that could go on the end of my chains.

Blacksmith: "Those chains of yours are more durable than most weapon chains. If you like I could customize some weapons that can attach to the end of them for ya."

I looked around the shop and could not believe what I found!

Two thick short swords each with a black sheathe cover. They weren't green, they were a dark grey steel color... I'm Kai motherf*^*ers!!!

Po: I grabbed the two swords and handed them to the smithy, "Hey can you make the hoops at the end so that I can attach and detach them when I can?"

Blacksmith: He stroked his beard, "Hmm. Actually, yea. I can do that easily. I can have them ready for you by tomorrow. If you leave your chains I can also do the same for the end of your chains."

Po: "That's great!" I looked in my money pouch, "Here, I think this should be enough."

I handed him some gold coins and he was more than happy to take them. We both said our farewells and I left his shop.

I had planned on leaving today but I guess I have one more day to chill.

So... What to do, what to do. 

I looked south of the village and I could see a giant tent. I was short on money now, though.

I can visit the circus tonight but it was barely past midday. I had to find something to do so I went to the one place I might be able to make money.

The village's tavern!

There should be some news, rumors, gossips, and maybe work. I asked a passerby and he directed me to a tavern.

I made my way to the tavern and when I entered, well... It's cliche, but, everyone stopped and looked at me.

I smiled wryly and went to the bar stand, ignoring the stares. I sat on a stool and was about to order but the barkeep interrupted. He was a lean and skinny bald man with a thin mustache, his hair graying. 

Barkeep: "Aren't you a little young to be in a bar."

Po: I just nodded, "Yes. Yes, I am."

Barkeep: "Hmm." He furrowed his brows at me but then he just shrugged it off, "Alright. So what do you what."

Po: "Actually, I was wondering if any of you have heard any rumors lately." I looked near me, there was a big muscular bald man wearing leather armor a few seats to my left. He had a scar cut diagonally on his face and it seems he heard me.

Barkeep: He contemplated a bit, "Well, there's some bandits causing trouble a few miles southeast of here. I heard there is a bounty for the leader, they've been raiding the roads that lead to this town."

Big Muscular Man: "Hey kid," I looked at him, "If you're going after those bandits, then don't. They're mine." He somehow had a bit of a Spanish accent, didn't think that was possible but somehow it is.

Po: "Me? I'm just a kid, I wasn't going to go after them."

Big Muscular Man: "Hmph. I recognize a warrior when I see one."

Po: "Okay. Then how about this." I hopped off my stool and sat on the one next to him, "You and me go fight these bandits. You can collect the bounty and we split whatever we find in their camp."

Big MM: He squinted, he continued looking forward, "Hmm... Fine, just don't get in my way. We'll be going now." He briskly got up with a loud thud of his boots. He started walking away before I could answer.

Po: "Whoa, hey! Wait up!" I turned to the barkeep, "Can you fill this with water please?" I gave him money and he quickly filled my water bag. I ran and caught up to the big guy.

Po: "So big guy, I'm Po. What's your name?" I drank some water while walking beside him.

Big Muscular Man: "I have long forgotten my real name so I go by another. Just call me... Bane."

*Cough!* *Cough!*

That caught me by surprise. I choked and spilled my water.

Po: "*Cough* I drank too fast. *Cough* ... Anyways... That's a lovely name."

Bane just raised an eyebrow at me but shrugged it off. We both continued walking in silence. I was freaking out a little internally. I was geeking out a little but mostly the freaking out thing. 

Was he an Avatar world equivalent of Bane? Is the name just a coincidence? Was he the same Bane from DC? If he's Bane from DC are other villains from DC here as well? Am I gonna have to fight a Joker?

God Dammit!!!



You know what... I'm just gonna ignore that.

It's a problem for future Po to figure out. If I'm lucky, his name just so happens to be a coincidence.

Po: After walking a bit further and diverging from the path, I broke the silence, "So... Are you a firebender?"

Bane: "No."

Po: "Yea, me neither... Do you have any weapons?"

Bane: "My fists."

Po: "Cool, cool. I usually have chains but they're under maintenance right now."

Bane: "..."

Po: "So I'm guessing you're good at hand to hand martial arts too?"

Bane: "Yes."

Po: "Me too." I kicked a rock, "... So are you lik-"

Bane: "Quiet. We're here." We both looked in a certain direction and beyond the tree lines we saw a small bandit camp.

We both crouched down and proceeded slowly. I counted the number of bandits and signaled it to Bane. Only 14 bandits including the leader, but I don't know which were firebenders. 

Bane just signaled me to go left and he went to the right. 

I guess he wants to do this head on... I can work with that. I just waited for his signal to attack.

We waited... And waited, and now...

Bane: "RAHHH!!!" Bane ran up to two bandits, grabbed their heads, and slammed them to the ground. They were knocked out instantly, he then lifted them and threw them towards three other thugs. All the bandits were alerted now.

Po: "YEA!!!" I jumped out and landed on one bandit, knocking him out, three others with swords came at me but swiftly dodged their attacks and I knocked them out instantly.

Both me and Bane were in our element. This was our element; fighting. We were warriors, I don't know his story but he was enjoying himself, as was I. We made short work of the bandits, none of whom were firebenders. 

My guess is because the Fire Nation drafted the firebenders to fight in the war. I don't know why these guys became bandits but it didn't matter. I only beat them and knocked them out, Bane, though, he broke some of them but at least he didn't kill them.


We made short work of the bandits and now it was just the leader left. I let Bane take him since I did tell him he can have the bounty that he has.

Bandit Leader: "Well, well, well. You made short work of my friends, but don't thi- *hnk!*"

Bane just straight up walked up to him and punched him straight in the face. He dropped faster than a bag of rocks in water.

Po: "Hehe. Good fight." We both started rummaging through the bandits supplies.

Bane: "It was quite... Underwhelming. But still fun nonetheless." He turned to me, "You have the makings of a great warrior." He found a small vial and a small box filled with coins.

Po: "You're pretty cool yourself. Maybe one day you and I can fight it out one day. You're much stronger than the average warrior. Even stronger than a firebender." I found a bag filled with silver and gold coins and some copper ones too.

Bane: "Hmm. One day... When we do fight, it'll be to the death. It would be a great battle." He found a red cloak big enough to actually fit him. Now that I have a good look at him, he has the same height and build of Bane from Batman: Arkham Origins without the venom. I should count myself lucky he doesn't have it because I saw the way he fought and I could tell I would have a hard time fighting him even if I used my firebending.

Po: "Don't have to make it so dark, geez. I mean a friendly spar would be satisfactory... Ooo, nice staff!" I found a black metal staff with a strap holder and some jewelry. The staff was beautifully well made and the jewelry came in silver and gold.

Bane: "Hmm. Either way today we will not fight. If we fight it will be because someone hired me to take your life." He put the bandit Leader over his shoulders.

Po: I muttered to myself, "Maybe you are from DC." He didn't notice and we both started to head back to the village, there was nothing else in the camp.

We were both silent on the way back to the village. When we arrived I waved off goodbye to him and we went our separate ways. The sun is almost set, making the sky orange. Stalls were opening up again and people were starting the festival again.

Po: "I wonder if I'll see him again?" All in all, fighting the bandits was a good workout. 

I had the staff on my back with my travel bag over it. It was really light, didn't add much weight with the bag. I walked through the village looking for a place to sell the jewelry.

I found a nice little shop who took the jewelry for gold coins. My funds were secure for a while now. I don't need to buy much anymore now that I had supplies. While traveling through this nation I'll only need to buy water and maybe food if I can't find any.

The day was a bit more fun than I anticipated and I wasn't tired yet. So I have a bit of time to kill.

I looked around and looming a little over the village and I could see the top of a dark pink tent.

Po: "Right, the circus! That should be fun... I just hope they don't have clowns." I made my way to the circus, not aware of what I would find there.

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