Babysitting Whitebeard’s Crew:How I Accidentally Became a Teen Emperor

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Double Sword Style - Katen Kyōkotsu

Dillock Island, eastern cliffs. 

The division commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates stood in awe before a massive bookshelf stretching toward the horizon, its shelves brimming with countless comics. 

"Holy crap! Are these all the comics Marco mentioned?" Blamenco's voice trembled with disbelief. 

"No way! How could one person draw this many comics?!" Fossa exclaimed, running his fingers along the rows of colourful spines. 

"Lucas has been part of our crew for years, but he's never appeared before us," Haruta noted, his tone filled with reverence. "If not for the old man mentioning him occasionally, we might not even know he exists. It seems he's spent all this time drawing these masterpieces."

"And if all of these comics has powers as Marco described, Lucas's strength is unimaginable!"

The division commanders marvelled at the shelves, their voices rising with excitement. 

Standing nearby, Marco, now serving as the impromptu librarian and disciplinarian, raised his hand for silence. 

"Now, listen carefully," Marco began. "These comics are the life's work of Lucas. He has poured years of effort into creating them. Treat them with the utmost care. If even one comic is damaged, I promise you'll answer directly to me!" 

The room went quiet. 

Jozu, standing beside Marco, nodded in agreement. "Marco is right. These comics are priceless. Lucas has trusted us with them, and we must honour that trust." 

"Don't worry, Marco!" Fossa grinned. "Anyone who damages one of Lucas's comics will get more than just your wrath—they'll get a visit from the old man himself!" 

The division commanders erupted into laughter but nodded in agreement. 

The group quickly turned back to the bookshelf, excitement bubbling over them as they began browsing the colourful spines. 

"Yo," Jozu called out, "as someone who has gained abilities from these comics, let me give you some advice. Choose a comic that resonates with you—something that aligns with your own skills and personality. It'll make it easier for you to draw out the power hidden within." 

"That's right!" Marco added. "Remember, it's not just about picking a comic. The comic has to choose you as well." 

"What does that even mean?" Blamenco asked, scratching his head. 

"It means every comic here contains powerful abilities," Haruta explained. "But you won't be able to gain them unless the comic and you are a good match." 

Among the group, Vista and Atmos, both swordsmen, focused their search on comics featuring protagonists who wielded blades. 

"There are so many!" Atmos exclaimed, crouching to scan the lower shelves. "All these feature characters using swords!" 

Vista joined him, grinning. "This is perfect. If we can find a comic featuring dual-sword techniques, it could be exactly what we need to take our skills to the next level." 

Blenheim, Haruta, and Fossa—also swordsmen—quickly crowded around the lower shelves. 

"Look at this one!" Haruta shouted, holding up a comic titled Sōgyo no Kotowari. "The protagonist uses dual swords!" 

Atmos snatched it eagerly. "Finally! Let's see what kind of abilities this has." 

Sitting side by side, Atmos and Vista flipped through the pages. 

Moments later, they both groaned in disappointment. 

"This is way too delicate," Atmos muttered, shaking his head. "It's all precision strikes and elegant movements. This isn't my style at all!" 

"Yeah, same here," Vista agreed, setting the comic aside. "I need something more… powerful." 

Jozu chuckled from nearby. "You two are missing the point. The comic chooses you, not the other way around. If it doesn't resonate, you're better off moving on." 

Vista nodded. "Fair enough. Let's keep looking." 

After a few minutes, the pair stumbled across another comic: Katen Kyōkotsu. 

The cover featured a mysterious figure holding two blades, exuding an air of deadly charisma. 

"Now this looks promising!" Atmos exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. 

Vista leaned in, studying the cover. "Yeah, this feels more like it. Strong, bold, and straightforward." 

The two exchanged a glance. 

"Let's read it together," Atmos suggested. "Whoever it chooses, it chooses." 

Vista nodded. "Agreed." 

Sitting down once more, the two dived into Katen Kyōkotsu, their excitement growing with every page. 

Meanwhile, the other division commanders were deep in their own searches. 

Blenheim picked up a comic featuring a hulking swordsman clad in heavy armour, its title promising unstoppable brute strength. 

Haruta, drawn to agility and precision, selected a comic showcasing a nimble assassin wielding a single blade. 

Fossa found a comic featuring a fiery swordsman whose attacks scorched the battlefield. 

As the captains settled down with their chosen comics, the scene was almost surreal. The most fearsome division commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates sat cross-legged, engrossed in reading like children discovering their first treasure trove of stories. 

If someone had walked in at that moment and seen the infamous Whitebeard Pirates captivated by a collection of comics, they would have thought it was a joke. 

But this was no ordinary day. 

The captains weren't just reading—they were on the brink of unlocking powers that could reshape the seas. 

And at the centre of it, all was Lucas, whose decades of work were now about to change the course of history. 

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