Baelon King of all Dragons

Chapter 1: What If

Just as Balerion was picking up the soul of the Last Dragon on Planetos to join her in the line of her ancestors in the underworld and accompany her to her family, Arrax turned away from the man who, through his fear of dragons, not only gave up these but also the traditions of Valyria and its gods.

And so began the final fall of the House of the Dragon.

This would later lead to the fall of the House of Targaryen from the Dragonlords of the Iron Throne to bastards and beggars without family who of course could not stop the Long Night and thus became soldiers for the Night King's army like everyone else.

All of this only happened because the House of the Dragon itself fought over the succession to the throne and later led to its own destruction. Only because the last king before the dance did not have a son and heir with his first wife Aemma.

But what if the gods had not separated themselves from the blood of old Valyria but had seen the conflict coming?

What if they had intervened?

What if the gods had taken a different life than that of one of Aemma's stillbirths?

What if in 94 A.C. it was not Laenor Velaryon who was born but Aemma Arryn and Viserys Targaryen's first child, Bealon Targaryen?

What if they had given this child a gift that was similar but so different to that of Daenys the Dreamer?

This is the story of Baelon Targaryen, first of his name, lord of the Seven Kingdoms and king of the Rhoyners, Andals and the First Men, king of all dragons.

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