Chapter 3: Chapter 2
7th Moon 97 A. C.
On this very day, princess Aemma Arryn is again giving birth to the child of prince Viserys Targaryen. At that time, their first child was with his great-grandparents and his grandfather. They are sitting in the Kings Hall and discussing a dream Baelon the younger recently had about his still-not-hatching egg.
"But father, we cannot just let my grandson do some Valyrian ritual to hatch his egg; what if it doesn't work? What if it goes wrong and he dies trying to hatch an egg that you brought? Imagine what the people will say about us."
"What will they say? The old king killed his great-grandson. And even if they do, it wouldn't matter because it wouldn't happen. I had a dream about this egg, and if Baelon has a dream about it, it has to be a sign if two people had a vision in a dream about the same egg. My dream was the existence of the egg so that I could search and find it, and his dream is about a small ritual that doesn't even require a living sacrifice. I imagine that it will not only cause the dragon to hatch but also to form a stronger bond with Baelon than yours with Vhager or mine with Vermithor."
As the two adults discussed the possibility of the dream being a vision or a trap, Baelon the younger paced in front of his great-grandfather's desk, which in itself was a feat that didn't belong to a three-year-old. But this three-year-old wasn't a normal three-year-old; no, it was Baelon Targaryen. He was no ordinary child; he was taller and stronger than any child his age or even 2 years older, but the most important quality of his was his intellect. He was even smarter than some squiers in the royal court, which in itself shouldn't be possible at that age, but what most people didn't know was that Baelon Targaryen had not only been tutored by Maesters since he was two years old, but his intelligence began to be noticed by his family.
He had also been tutored by someone who calls himself Arrax and his brothers, Tyraxes and Vermax. They teach him law and order, as well as justice, languages, and writing. They say that they have other things to teach as well, but only when he is older to not make his head explode. On the night of his second birthday, he dreamed of Arrax like every other night before in his life, but that night he asked him a question that would lead to answers that he should not have sought out.
3rd Moon 96 A. C.
"Why do I understand everything you teach me about instantly and can remember it perfectly? It just doesn't make sense. I mean, grandsire must look things up every now and then, but it's always the same things. Things he should have learned already.
I mean, even I remember most, if not all, of the things he looked up at in front of me."
"I knew he would find out before his fifth birthday. What do you say, brother? Am I right, or am I right?"
"Of course you are right, Tessarion," Arrax said to the new being standing there by his side in front of Baelon. On his other side stood another being that was already known to Baelon from his early moons of life, as he had been learning languages and writing, as well as standing up and running and all the other important skills to live.
But in high insight, everyone of those skills shouldn't be learned at that age, especially not by sleeping and just knowing them in the morning, because some men in robes taught you in your sleep and you cannot even forget anything of it.
"Well, child, we are three of the Valyrian Gods, and we chose you to be our voice in the world.
To do that, you need to understand our culture and even our magic to some extent, but the most important thing is that you live and that you rule after your father. We wouldn't find it necessary to bind ourselves to a human once more, but to fight the coming darkness, we need you and your descendants to be a strong and united front against all evil. But in the future, without our interference, you would not have achieved those heights and would be forgotten by your fame, and later, when the darkness comes, no one will remember the name Targaryen with fondness or joy. It wouldn't even be put in cotext with the word dragon as it is today. But they would speak of a house that ruled and later destroyed themselves and their power over this right to rule."
"And so with those futures nearly set in stone, you came to me because I could change it all if I had enough power and influence?"
"And I can learn and remember all those things you teach me because you are bound to me."
"Yes, as bound to the gods, you get a boon or two from every one of us in times of need, or even in general if you need it, like my brother Tyraxes, who has given you the intelligence, wisdom, and skill needed to learn and remember as you do now. This boon will always stay with you. Even your superior strength comes from us or from me specifically, it will also stay with you until your end. My other brother Tessarion gave you a skill that allows you to communicate with us in your sleep in the form of prophecies, but those will end when you are strong and knowledgeable enough. Another brother of mine gave you the skill to surpass any boundaries set by age for your body so that you can walk, write, or even swing a sword if you learn how to; his name is Vermax. Other skills and blessings will be revealed to you in time by my siblings or me."
"You said that you bound yourself again to a human, so that means you already did it once to whomever, if I may ask."
"Well, we bound ourselves to your ancestors, Daenys, the dreamer, and to Aegon, the conqueror, but both of them only got one or two of us bound to them, and only from the time we needed them on. Never have we all bonded with the same human, or at such an early age. But there has also never been such a great opportunity or such a huge problem in the same timeframe. For example, Daenys only needed one vision of a prophecy to lead to your family's self-exile from Valyria.
The same was true of Aegon; he was already a strong man with ambition for a large territory. We just gave him a vision of the coming darkness and which territory he should use to safeguard the realm of men and life. But the most important thing is that you, as a child, possess a spirit capable of bonding with all of us, while a grown man or a woman between the ages of 3 and 10 will have the mindscape and spirit capable of dealing with all our emotions at the same time."
"Will I then not just lose you at that age and be alone again and just make mistakes with the power you give me?"
"No, you shall grow intothe strength needed to hold onto us for as long as we and you need."
Flashback ends