Chapter 313
Hayden wakes up with a smile on his face, leaning over to kiss a still sleeping Virgil, it's barely light yet he's already skidding across the room as quietly as he can so he can get cleaned up for the big day ahead.
He had finally mustered up enough courage the night before after dinner to inquire if he could join the members of the Pack to cook and their reaction had to been a tad overwhelming - he still couldn't understand their excitement.
They had told him that he wouldn't need to come in to help cook breakfast because of how early it would be but he had been quick to refuse that, insisting that he didn't mind.
Just for the fun of it, he just might help cook all the meals of the day and if possible drag Virgil over to eat with the Pack.
He knew Virgil wasn't a big fan of crowds even if said crowd was his own Pack members.
A thought just hit him then, that they could even make it a routine so that Pack runs would feel even more special.
Everyday of the full moon which happened roughly once a month, he would help them cooka md also drag Virgil to eat with he Pack.
From their reactions to his offer, it was clear that they hadn't been giving their Pack the proper attention needed.
This meant a lot to Hayden considering that he had never had much of a big family.
Also Yanis had hit it off with Jennie the day before and was excited to return to Hayden's bookstore, apparently to pick up where they left off from some complex argument they had been on.
Hayden hadn't even even known that Jennie liked philosophy that much, well, the things you learnt everyday.
He was just relieved that Yanis was having fun, he had been worried that he would neglect his friend but apparently Yanis had not only hit it off with Jennie who was quite picky with her friends but also Mae who didn't like a lot of people and even her daughter, Ruby who couldn't even stand humans.
So he could say that Yanis was actually doing quite well for himself.
He cleaned up quickly, pumped for the day ahead of him, after their run yesterday, he found out that running in wolf form was just as natural as breathing and quite therapeutic too.
He might have to advise Yanis to get himself ear muffs because their howling would be easily heard from the Pack House, he should know, he had stayed up late watching from the balcony if he could catch a glimpse of them running and wishing he could be a part of that.
Although Virgil had offered for him to come with them that he would let Hayden, ride on his back, Hayden had been quick to refuse but not anymore.
He pulled on comfy jeans and a sweatshirt, trying his best to be as quiet as possible because he knew Virgil was a light sleeper and he didn't want to disrupt the others sleep.
He made sure to close the door properly before going down the hallways, if he listened intently at the time he got to the stairs he could hear the soft him of conversation coming from the kitchens.
He still wondered why the fourth floor was made sound proof but it helped to keep the noise of the Pack away from the work going up in the top floor.
He peeked in shyly, going straight to the kitchen, it was brightly lit, a sharp contrast to the world outside the windows that was still splashed in soft blue hues that were gradually getting warmer.
A young Werewolf is the first to notice him, he thinks he has bumped into her a couple time while going up to the fourth floor or leaving the Pack House, she just got mated recently if the fresh bite on her neck is any indication and was already well on her way into her first trimester.
"Good morning, Luna!" She calls cheerily inviting Hayden in, they weren't much yet and Hayden was relieved that he managed to come early enough. "The rest are on their way." She's quick to reassure.
"That's fine." Hayden waves away, coming in.
Greetings are exchanged and they all look genuinely happy to see him, Mrs. Bobby, a dark skinned energetic woman whose humor didn't miss was quick to walk him through the procedures.
Hayden was grateful for this thoughtful action, he wouldn't feel out of place when the cooking proper began.
In no time the place was filled and Hayden's initial worry about the stress they must go through to prepare meals were long gone, straight out the windows.
There weren't just females but males as well pitched in to help, apparently there were shifts so he would most likely meet a different set of people when he came in the afternoon.
The bond between the Werewolves was viable, healthy and strong and they pulled Hayden into their circle of warmth.
The highlight of the cooking though was when someone's child sneaked in, took one look at Hayden and went around announcing that he was going to save the Luna from the evil fourth floor and marry him.
This made Hayden laugh so hard that he nearly fell over because the adorable child was so serious, he really meant it.
In no time, a big meal comprising of almost anything one would want to eat for breakfast was spread out.
There was toast, bacon, all kinds of ends, different kinds of sandwiches, hash browns and fruit salad, then the drinks.
Hayden wasn't even the least bit winded out because everyone always pitched in to help, there was no avenue to get exhausted.
He leaves quickly though, he still had to somehow manage to convince Virgil and… this would be a really long shot - but perhaps he could convince the others as well, Yanis too.
He practically skips back to their apartment, his face glowing with warmth and exertion, what had he been so miserable about only a couple days ago again?
He's not surprised to find Virgil up, walking around shirtless with a coffee mug in hand, hair sleep tousled.
"Baby, you're back." He notes in a low voice, his voice scratchy with sleep. "How was the cooking?" He asks, reaching out a hand for Hayden to come close for a kiss on his cheek.
"Awesome!" Hayden beams up at his still sleepy fiance, proceeding to tell him all about it while biding his time to break his request to Virgil.
Virgil's sharp eyes catches onto this immediately but he pretends to not notice, casually sipping away at his steaming mug, seated on the couch while Hayden paces the length of the living room, enthusiastic about his explanation.
"So…" Hayden drawls when he has run out of things to say, twiddling his fingers a little nervously.
"Hmm?" Virgil hums, perking up like he hasn't been waiting for this moment.
"I was maybe thinking… you know since it's the full moon, that we could maybe eat with the Pack?" Hayden finally gets his request out, Virgil's eyes going wide as his cup freezes on its way to his mouth.
Hayden noticed this and misinterprets it for a negative response so he launches into a heartfelt speech of how important this would be to the Pack and how it would make Pack runs all the more special to them.
Virgil quietly listens with a poker face, watching as his mate enthusiastically waves his hands around trying to convince him, he also noticed that although Hayden was saying quite a lot he hadn't stuttered even once.
"Okay." Virgil agrees immediately Hayden runs out of steam.
Hayden's eyes go saucer wide at this. "W-What? R-really?"
Virgil shrugs. "Yeah…." He's not about to mention that Hayden didn't need that elaborate speech to change his mind because his mind had already been made up when he found out that Hayden had something to ask, watching him fret over it though was something he wasn't about to miss.
"You should get to asking the others before they eat breakfast." He tags on, getting up. "I'll go clean up." Virgil says, coming over to place a kiss on Hayden's hair before turning around to make his way to their room.
Hayden's brain works a little slowly so Virgil is almost to the hallway before he realizes. "W-Wait! Were you going to agree anyway?"
"Hmm?" Virgil hums again, pretending to be confused but his twinkling blue eyes give him away.
Hayden doesn't hesitate before throwing a couch pillow at his head, the small, hard pillow easily sailing across the room.
Virgil escapes by hopping into the hallway, laughing hard.
Hayden just scoffs, a smile breaking out on his face as he turns around to go get started on inviting everyone to breakfast.
He makes for the apartment Yanis is staying at first because, why not?